The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

Its 2011 s0ns.........and the left owns the mess!!!:2up:

not winning..........


Nobody gives a rats ass about Ronald Reagan.

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Its 2011 s0ns.........and the left owns the mess!!!:2up:

not winning..........


Nobody gives a rats ass about Ronald Reagan.

Except the only people to blame the other side are partisans. Fact is most people blame both sides and their partisanships for the mess we're in!
The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

"Three hundred and fifty thousand: That's a conservative estimate for the number of offenders with mental illness confined in America's prisons and jails.

More Americans receive mental health treatment in prisons and jails than in hospitals or treatment centers. In fact, the three largest inpatient psychiatric facilities in the country are jails: Los Angeles County Jail, Rikers Island Jail in New York City and Cook County Jail in Illinois.

"We have a criminal justice system which has a very clear purpose: You get arrested. We want justice. We try you, and justice hopefully prevails. It was never built to handle people that were very, very ill, at least with mental illness," Judge Steve Leifman tells Laura Sullivan, guest host of weekends on All Things Considered.

When the government began closing state-run hospitals in the 1980s, people with mental illness had nowhere to turn; many ended up in jail."

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

"Three hundred and fifty thousand: That's a conservative estimate for the number of offenders with mental illness confined in America's prisons and jails.

More Americans receive mental health treatment in prisons and jails than in hospitals or treatment centers. In fact, the three largest inpatient psychiatric facilities in the country are jails: Los Angeles County Jail, Rikers Island Jail in New York City and Cook County Jail in Illinois.

"We have a criminal justice system which has a very clear purpose: You get arrested. We want justice. We try you, and justice hopefully prevails. It was never built to handle people that were very, very ill, at least with mental illness," Judge Steve Leifman tells Laura Sullivan, guest host of weekends on All Things Considered.

When the government began closing state-run hospitals in the 1980s, people with mental illness had nowhere to turn; many ended up in jail."


Reagan never met with the Taliban. :cuckoo:
The OP is yet another idiot take on the Reagan era, which simply dumps out raw numbers without analyzing the horrendous foreign and domestic situations Reagan inherited from the disastrous Carter administration. Noithing to see here, folks, move along.
The article in the OP is not simply raw numbers. You are absolutely right on the disastrous foreign and domestic situations. But Reagan did not cut spending, lower taxes by any significant amount, or reduce the size of government. In fact, he did most the opposite. He truly was the Great Communicator, for he was able to have the widest policy-rhetoric gap of any politician in the history of the United States.

I am a Republican. It is important to face reality if you want to overcome big government. Reagan's legacy is sad because it offered hope for reducing government, but ultimately the opposite happened. We can't make the same mistake in 2012.

Gorby ended the Soviet Union. We're just lucky all Reagan's bluster and covert BS didn't bring the hardliners back in...

Reagan stopped his bluster and idiocy late in his admin .. it is how he got close to Gorby. after he left office, Reagan was called a Soviet Dupe by leading conservatives because he dropped his aggressive stance and blustering
Sad legacy because Dems are sad that Reagan defeated the USSR.

Solidarity (Polish Union) and the Pope both contributed mightily to the weakening of Soviet influence in Warsaw Pact politics. Leading American conservatives were at first hostile to Solidarity.

yet Reagan, ever the slight of hand artist, came out (how soon?) in favor of the commie union: FLASHBACK: Ronald Reagan Called Union Membership 'One Of The Most Elemental Human Rights' | ThinkProgress
The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

From the crazy libertarian types over at right wing mises institute ...

Increases in the National Debt Chart

How come you jokers always cut this chart off at Bush? Because if you had bar charts for Obama's deficits, they'd be a lot worse.

Here's the underlying problem, that everyone ignores. The real problem isn't spending or taxes as so much as it is trade.

Up until 1976, the entire national debt was all of 600 billion. That was it. Two world wars, space program, lots of other goodies being handed out by the government, and really, we didn't have that much debt to show for it.

What happened in 1976? That was the first year since WWI that we posted a trade deficit. We spent more money on things coming in to the country than we got paid for things going out of the country.

As the wealth was transfering into the US between 1916 and 1976, we could afford all the goodies. Then in 1976, the rest of the world caught up and got ahead of us. The Japanese and Germans took the manufacturing methods we developed and applied them while we got complacent.

The problem with Reagan and all the presidents that followed was that they were continuing to spend like it was 1976 when in fact wealth was and continues to leave the country.
Raygun's Voodoo and covert BS in Afghan, Iraq brought us directly to Booosh, 9/11. the Taliban, and the Depression. Mediocre actor. Also to Rushbo, Fox etc and the most partisan BS ever seen...Absolute incompetence.
Reagan called the USSR an Evil Empire, which upset Democrats because he was right, and dedicated his Presidency to tossing it on the ashheap of history -- and he did it
The article in the OP is not simply raw numbers. You are absolutely right on the disastrous foreign and domestic situations. But Reagan did not cut spending, lower taxes by any significant amount, or reduce the size of government. In fact, he did most the opposite. He truly was the Great Communicator, for he was able to have the widest policy-rhetoric gap of any politician in the history of the United States.

I am a Republican. It is important to face reality if you want to overcome big government. Reagan's legacy is sad because it offered hope for reducing government, but ultimately the opposite happened. We can't make the same mistake in 2012.

You want to go round and round with me on this? Hokay!

The OP WAS just raw numbers, without any analysis of the history behind the numbers.

Reagan HUGELY reduced tax rates with the 1981 tax cut.

Reagan agreed to a democrat proposal for a tax increase with a $2 for $1 spending cut in 1982.

Reagan had to greatly ramp up the military because of the consequences of carter's appeasement policy which unleashed a huge soviet military buildup and anti-US aggression all over the world. This was expensive. To do otherwise would have been almost treason. That he HAD to do this says NOTHING about his philospohy of cutting spending when it's POSSIBLE.

OK - now you repeat your standard anti-Reagan post. :lmao:

from a man who ran Reagan's Office of Management and Budget:

FREELAND: You worked for Ronald Reagan. Do you think the American economy — so you’re, like, a red-blooded capitalist — could it sustain higher taxes than it has now?

STOCKMAN: Absolutely. In 1982, we were looking at the jaws of the worst recession since the 1930s. We overdid it in 1981, cut taxes too much. We came back with a big deficit reduction plan in 1982. Unemployment’s at 10 percent, the economy is in dire shape, and we raise taxes by 1.2 percent of GDP, which would be $150 billion a year right now — not 10 years down the road — but right now

David Stockman: We Need To Raise Taxes. Like Reagan Did.

Reagan Budget Director: ‘Absolutely’ Raise Taxes, Just Like Reagan Did | ThinkProgress

And we care about What David Stockman said ? Why ?
Raygun's Voodoo and covert BS in Afghan, Iraq brought us directly to Booosh, 9/11. the Taliban, and the Depression. Mediocre actor. Also to Rushbo, Fox etc and the most partisan BS ever seen...Absolute incompetence.

More blather from the padded cell.

Why don't you take your meds and leave the talking to the sane folks.


Better yet, give Randi a call and ask her opinion. Seeing as how you are nothing but a lapdog for her stupid commentary.
Reagan tripled the debt, and Gorby ended the USSR with glastnost and Peristroika.

Wow, havent' seen a liberal having a Gorbasm in a while.

Gorby tried to save the USSR, but failed miserably because like all empires, 140 million russians lording over 300 million non-russians was never going to work in the long run.

Reagan deserves the credit for not cowering in fear to them. Which is what Carter pretty much did.
The OP is yet another idiot take on the Reagan era, which simply dumps out raw numbers without analyzing the horrendous foreign and domestic situations Reagan inherited from the disastrous Carter administration. Noithing to see here, folks, move along.
The article in the OP is not simply raw numbers. You are absolutely right on the disastrous foreign and domestic situations. But Reagan did not cut spending, lower taxes by any significant amount, or reduce the size of government. In fact, he did most the opposite. He truly was the Great Communicator, for he was able to have the widest policy-rhetoric gap of any politician in the history of the United States.

I am a Republican. It is important to face reality if you want to overcome big government. Reagan's legacy is sad because it offered hope for reducing government, but ultimately the opposite happened. We can't make the same mistake in 2012.

You want to go round and round with me on this? Hokay!

The OP WAS just raw numbers, without any analysis of the history behind the numbers.

Reagan HUGELY reduced tax rates with the 1981 tax cut.

Reagan agreed to a democrat proposal for a tax increase with a $2 for $1 spending cut in 1982.

Reagan had to greatly ramp up the military because of the consequences of carter's appeasement policy which unleashed a huge soviet military buildup and anti-US aggression all over the world. This was expensive. To do otherwise would have been almost treason. That he HAD to do this says NOTHING about his philospohy of cutting spending when it's POSSIBLE.

OK - now you repeat your standard anti-Reagan post. :lmao:

Please don't forget Carter's Social Security fix. The one he put in place with a bunch of really bad assumptions and told everyone he had fixed it for something like 30 years.

This happened in 1977 (I believe). By 1981, Reagan was faced with fixing it again.

Thanks Jimmy. I used to think you'd be a great neighbor. But I always thought you were a terrible president.

I still think you were one of the worst presidents we've ever had, but now (given your recent crap) I am sure we'd not be good neighbors. You turned out to be quite an asshole.

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