The Russian Collusion Hoax is exposed


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
Well, well, well, old Adam Shytface’s got some ‘splainin to do.

EXCLUSIVE: Transcripts of House Intelligence Committee interviews that have been cleared for release show top law enforcement and intelligence officials affirming they had no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, senior administration and intelligence community officials told Fox News on Wednesday.

There was collusion ... but it wasn't The Russians.

Well, well, well, old Adam Shytface’s got some ‘splainin to do.

EXCLUSIVE: Transcripts of House Intelligence Committee interviews that have been cleared for release show top law enforcement and intelligence officials affirming they had no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, senior administration and intelligence community officials told Fox News on Wednesday.

Wait, so "sources" weren't good enough when they were used by a non-Fox MSM in a negative story about Trump... and was fake news, but you are confident about this story from Fox News using "sources?"
Why anyone votes Democrat or buys into the constant spew of propaganda coming from CNN, MSNBC and the DNC hierarchy is beyond me. I'm posting this as a former Democrat who helped Democratic candidates get elected. They Party is completely fucked-up and infected by socialist liars. Too bad. Used to be the party of the working class folks. Now it's just an anti- Trump cult of liberal elites who think they are smarter than everyone. Their narcissism is what cost them an election in 2016 and they haven't learned shit since then.
The worst part about this incredible scandal is that the Press covers it up for the Dirty Dems
They got no where else to go. They've dug the hole so deep that they can't get out of it.

Repent sayeth the Lord, and turn from ones evil ways, but unto instruction they listen not.

They have created a bed to lay in here, and they want everyone else to lay in it with them or else. Freedom is not in their ways, and so it goes on and on with them until the end.

Call upon the Lord all ye sinners, and he shall here thy voices, and he shall heal thy wounds, and he shall deliver thee from evil. Amen. We should abide in three things, "Hope, Faith, and Charity" and yet we should abideth in Charity more so than the other two. For love conquers all. Amen.
Well, well, well, old Adam Shytface’s got some ‘splainin to do.

EXCLUSIVE: Transcripts of House Intelligence Committee interviews that have been cleared for release show top law enforcement and intelligence officials affirming they had no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, senior administration and intelligence community officials told Fox News on Wednesday.

while i certainly believe this to be true, fox is sure feeding their base with the same crap their base scream at when CNN or others do it. SOURCES SAY and then "Schiff is scared!!!"

when it happens and handcuffs are brought out, i'll believe it. til then, "sources" can fuck off on both sides.
Trump lies about everything and anything all the time. If he says there was no collusion, there was collusion.
The worst part about this incredible scandal is that the Press covers it up for the Dirty Dems
They got no where else to go. They've dug the hole so deep that they can't get out of it.

Repent sayeth the Lord, and turn from ones evil ways, but unto instruction they listen not.

They have created a bed to lay in here, and they want everyone else to lay in it with them or else. Freedom is not in their ways, and so it goes on and on with them until the end.

Call upon the Lord all ye sinners, and he shall here thy voices, and he shall heal thy wounds, and he shall deliver thee from evil. Amen. We should abide in three things, "Hope, Faith, and Charity" and yet we should abideth in Charity more so than the other two. For love conquers all. Amen.

That's why they aligned with the ChiComs to try to destroy the US economy.
The worst part about this incredible scandal is that the Press covers it up for the Dirty Dems
They got no where else to go. They've dug the hole so deep that they can't get out of it.

Repent sayeth the Lord, and turn from ones evil ways, but unto instruction they listen not.

They have created a bed to lay in here, and they want everyone else to lay in it with them or else. Freedom is not in their ways, and so it goes on and on with them until the end.

Call upon the Lord all ye sinners, and he shall here thy voices, and he shall heal thy wounds, and he shall deliver thee from evil. Amen. We should abide in three things, "Hope, Faith, and Charity" and yet we should abideth in Charity more so than the other two. For love conquers all. Amen.

That's why they aligned with the ChiComs to try to destroy the US economy.
Sadly this could be true.

Would be shocking to know that we have American's so desperate, that they would allign themselves with other nations or their people's in order to undermind or destroy this very nation in which allows them the freedom to do so. Talk about treasonous behavior. Wow.
The worst part about this incredible scandal is that the Press covers it up for the Dirty Dems
They got no where else to go. They've dug the hole so deep that they can't get out of it.

Repent sayeth the Lord, and turn from ones evil ways, but unto instruction they listen not.

They have created a bed to lay in here, and they want everyone else to lay in it with them or else. Freedom is not in their ways, and so it goes on and on with them until the end.

Call upon the Lord all ye sinners, and he shall here thy voices, and he shall heal thy wounds, and he shall deliver thee from evil. Amen. We should abide in three things, "Hope, Faith, and Charity" and yet we should abideth in Charity more so than the other two. For love conquers all. Amen.

That's why they aligned with the ChiComs to try to destroy the US economy.
Sadly this could be true.

Would be shocking to know that we have American's so desperate, that they would allign themselves with other nations or their people's in order to undermind or destroy this very nation in which allows them the freedom to do so. Talk about treasonous behavior. Wow.

I don't know why Comey, Clapper and Brennan aren't facing charges of treason and sedition

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