The Russian boogeyman and Charlottsville insures nothing will get done.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
As if the Russian conspiracy wasn't enough of a distraction, now we will have no end of investigations, committees and votes over Charlottsville and what to do with the hundreds of other Civil War Memorials all over the country.

The government's attention will be focused on a Russian Ghost and a bunch of bronze and stone statues. Thank the Media and thank your Liberal Leadership. They are crippling and dividing America as much as any foreign army could hope for.
As if the Russian conspiracy wasn't enough of a distraction, now we will have no end of investigations, committees and votes over Charlottsville and what to do with the hundreds of other Civil War Memorials all over the country.

The government's attention will be focused on a Russian Ghost and a bunch of bronze and stone statues. Thank the Media and thank your Liberal Leadership. They are crippling and dividing America as much as any foreign army could hope for.
Oh, bullshit. The feds have nothing to say about a town's statues. And the FBI is investigating the car attack, as is their JOB. Stop making excuses for the Republican Congress that can't vote its way out of a paper bag.

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