The Room Where It Happened


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I am listening to the unabridged audiobook of John Bolton's 20-hour tome. I am only six hours in and will post updates as I go along.

I know some Trump supporters will slam their eyes and ears shut as they have been ordered to do. However, John Bolton's conservative credentials are unimpeachable.

You can stack up Bolton's c.v. from the time he campaigned on behalf of Barry Goldwater at the age of 15 all the way to the present, and put that next to Donald Trump's long liberal record of being pro-abortion up to the ninth month, demanding Bush's impeachment, calling for us to cut and run from Iraq, and being a registered Democrat until shortly before deciding it would be easier to hoax Republicans than Democrats and switched parties.

Those who blindly criticize Bolton without reading a single page for themselves are of the False Dichotomy caste so common among Trump supporters. "If you aren't for Trump, you are for Hillary Biden."

Bolton is most certainly not for Biden. Or the Democrats. In fact, he says the reason he did not testify against Trump was because the Democrats were guilty of "impeachment malpractice".

With all that said, I must say this first six hours has been very engaging and interesting. Bolton does a very good job documenting just how ill-prepared and unsuited for the presidency Donald Trump was and remains.

Bolton is well-known for his careful documentation of events in which he partook. He does not rely on memory.

Any time Bolton mentions Obama or any other Democrat, it is never kindly. If Obama is reading this book, he's going to feel some gut punches that he will not enjoy.

I guess what is most disappointing of all up to this point in the book is just how easily a kid less than half Trump's age was able to manipulate and play Trump like a fiddle. Donald Trump brought a White House souvenir to a gunfight.

I am talking, of course, about Kim Jong Un. I'm sure you all remember that "love letter" Trump openly bragged about which was mostly likely labored over very carefully by a psy-ops committee and not penned by Kim.

What Trump is going to find particularly jarring and unsettling is all the asides Bolton documents between himself and other Trump administration officials, sometimes in the very presence of Trump, passing notes to each other, calling Trump a dumbass in so many words.

Now, you can whine about the "d33p stait", or you can accept the simple fact Trump really is a dumbass. Bolton said in a recent interview that he heard all the hype about Trump's stupidity, but just couldn't believe anyone was really that stupid. He found out the hard way it was all true.

There's a reason Trump does not want this book published, and it has nothing to do with classified material.

Think about this. Trump says this book is all lies, while at the same time claiming it has classified material.

As usual, this does not cause any supporters' heads to explode from cognitive dissonance as this requires cognition (which is anathema to them).

This book is devastating in its portrayal of Trump, and he will find it impossible to repudiate. Not that he won't try and his followers will submissively believe his denials.

This book is worth the sticker price.

I hear his niece's book has rocketed to the top of the best seller list, too.
Yeah... I heard Bolton say that he would always argue with Trump over policy... Specifically over the middle east. And he was lock step in line with the most of the republicans, RNC, on what they should do. Remove this government, bomb these people... You know... Same 'ol same 'ol...

Umm.. Newflash... Trump got voted it because he's a really shitty Republican. Which is good... Because I hate the RNC, and the DNC. I don't know who runs these organizations, but I believe it's not the people voted into office to represent the people.

The fact that Trump is willing to tell his own party to stick it... Is a great thing. I just hope Trey runs after Trump now.
:fu: You are choirboy receiving sermon, you haven't a jot of critical reasoning ability, you already believe everything, no matter how ludicrous, just as long as it showers hatred upon the president! Bolton's interviews revealed him to have carefully salted obvious characteristics of Trump's against Bolton's expectations, in other words Bolton hates Trump because Trump simply does not comport with Bolton's supremely hawkish expectation psychology! This is just another way of saying Bolton is disinforming the public, taking the obvious and introducing embellishment, and outright lies, not that it matters to you, you want to believe, you hate the United States, and the United States hates you right back......
I would vote for Bolton in a heartbeat as long as I know he'll nuke every anti-US nation on earth within his first 60 days.
I am listening to the unabridged audiobook of John Bolton's 20-hour tome. I am only six hours in and will post updates as I go along.

I know some Trump supporters will slam their eyes and ears shut as they have been ordered to do. However, John Bolton's conservative credentials are unimpeachable.

You can stack up Bolton's c.v. from the time he campaigned on behalf of Barry Goldwater at the age of 15 all the way to the present, and put that next to Donald Trump's long liberal record of being pro-abortion up to the ninth month, demanding Bush's impeachment, calling for us to cut and run from Iraq, and being a registered Democrat until shortly before deciding it would be easier to hoax Republicans than Democrats and switched parties.

Those who blindly criticize Bolton without reading a single page for themselves are of the False Dichotomy caste so common among Trump supporters. "If you aren't for Trump, you are for Hillary Biden."

Bolton is most certainly not for Biden. Or the Democrats. In fact, he says the reason he did not testify against Trump was because the Democrats were guilty of "impeachment malpractice".

With all that said, I must say this first six hours has been very engaging and interesting. Bolton does a very good job documenting just how ill-prepared and unsuited for the presidency Donald Trump was and remains.

Bolton is well-known for his careful documentation of events in which he partook. He does not rely on memory.

Any time Bolton mentions Obama or any other Democrat, it is never kindly. If Obama is reading this book, he's going to feel some gut punches that he will not enjoy.

I guess what is most disappointing of all up to this point in the book is just how easily a kid less than half Trump's age was able to manipulate and play Trump like a fiddle. Donald Trump brought a White House souvenir to a gunfight.

I am talking, of course, about Kim Jong Un. I'm sure you all remember that "love letter" Trump openly bragged about which was mostly likely labored over very carefully by a psy-ops committee and not penned by Kim.

What Trump is going to find particularly jarring and unsettling is all the asides Bolton documents between himself and other Trump administration officials, sometimes in the very presence of Trump, passing notes to each other, calling Trump a dumbass in so many words.

Now, you can whine about the "d33p stait", or you can accept the simple fact Trump really is a dumbass. Bolton said in a recent interview that he heard all the hype about Trump's stupidity, but just couldn't believe anyone was really that stupid. He found out the hard way it was all true.

There's a reason Trump does not want this book published, and it has nothing to do with classified material.

Think about this. Trump says this book is all lies, while at the same time claiming it has classified material.

As usual, this does not cause any supporters' heads to explode from cognitive dissonance as this requires cognition (which is anathema to them).

This book is devastating in its portrayal of Trump, and he will find it impossible to repudiate. Not that he won't try and his followers will submissively believe his denials.

This book is worth the sticker price.

I hear his niece's book has rocketed to the top of the best seller list, too.
Any mention of who did the "leaking" in the WH?
I am listening to the unabridged audiobook of John Bolton's 20-hour tome. I am only six hours in and will post updates as I go along.

I know some Trump supporters will slam their eyes and ears shut as they have been ordered to do. However, John Bolton's conservative credentials are unimpeachable.

You can stack up Bolton's c.v. from the time he campaigned on behalf of Barry Goldwater at the age of 15 all the way to the present, and put that next to Donald Trump's long liberal record of being pro-abortion up to the ninth month, demanding Bush's impeachment, calling for us to cut and run from Iraq, and being a registered Democrat until shortly before deciding it would be easier to hoax Republicans than Democrats and switched parties.

Those who blindly criticize Bolton without reading a single page for themselves are of the False Dichotomy caste so common among Trump supporters. "If you aren't for Trump, you are for Hillary Biden."

Bolton is most certainly not for Biden. Or the Democrats. In fact, he says the reason he did not testify against Trump was because the Democrats were guilty of "impeachment malpractice".

With all that said, I must say this first six hours has been very engaging and interesting. Bolton does a very good job documenting just how ill-prepared and unsuited for the presidency Donald Trump was and remains.

Bolton is well-known for his careful documentation of events in which he partook. He does not rely on memory.

Any time Bolton mentions Obama or any other Democrat, it is never kindly. If Obama is reading this book, he's going to feel some gut punches that he will not enjoy.

I guess what is most disappointing of all up to this point in the book is just how easily a kid less than half Trump's age was able to manipulate and play Trump like a fiddle. Donald Trump brought a White House souvenir to a gunfight.

I am talking, of course, about Kim Jong Un. I'm sure you all remember that "love letter" Trump openly bragged about which was mostly likely labored over very carefully by a psy-ops committee and not penned by Kim.

What Trump is going to find particularly jarring and unsettling is all the asides Bolton documents between himself and other Trump administration officials, sometimes in the very presence of Trump, passing notes to each other, calling Trump a dumbass in so many words.

Now, you can whine about the "d33p stait", or you can accept the simple fact Trump really is a dumbass. Bolton said in a recent interview that he heard all the hype about Trump's stupidity, but just couldn't believe anyone was really that stupid. He found out the hard way it was all true.

There's a reason Trump does not want this book published, and it has nothing to do with classified material.

Think about this. Trump says this book is all lies, while at the same time claiming it has classified material.

As usual, this does not cause any supporters' heads to explode from cognitive dissonance as this requires cognition (which is anathema to them).

This book is devastating in its portrayal of Trump, and he will find it impossible to repudiate. Not that he won't try and his followers will submissively believe his denials.

This book is worth the sticker price.

I hear his niece's book has rocketed to the top of the best seller list, too.
Any mention of who did the "leaking" in the WH?
Every human in the WH takes a leak now and then.
Yeah... I heard Bolton say that he would always argue with Trump over policy... Specifically over the middle east. And he was lock step in line with the most of the republicans, RNC, on what they should do. Remove this government, bomb these people... You know... Same 'ol same 'ol...

Umm.. Newflash... Trump got voted it because he's a really shitty Republican. Which is good... Because I hate the RNC, and the DNC. I don't know who runs these organizations, but I believe it's not the people voted into office to represent the people.

The fact that Trump is willing to tell his own party to stick it... Is a great thing. I just hope Trey runs after Trump now.
The crew in the WH called him President Bolton. I bet he forgot more than Trump knows.
I am listening to the unabridged audiobook of John Bolton's 20-hour tome. I am only six hours in and will post updates as I go along.

I know some Trump supporters will slam their eyes and ears shut as they have been ordered to do. However, John Bolton's conservative credentials are unimpeachable.

You can stack up Bolton's c.v. from the time he campaigned on behalf of Barry Goldwater at the age of 15 all the way to the present, and put that next to Donald Trump's long liberal record of being pro-abortion up to the ninth month, demanding Bush's impeachment, calling for us to cut and run from Iraq, and being a registered Democrat until shortly before deciding it would be easier to hoax Republicans than Democrats and switched parties.

Those who blindly criticize Bolton without reading a single page for themselves are of the False Dichotomy caste so common among Trump supporters. "If you aren't for Trump, you are for Hillary Biden."

Bolton is most certainly not for Biden. Or the Democrats. In fact, he says the reason he did not testify against Trump was because the Democrats were guilty of "impeachment malpractice".

With all that said, I must say this first six hours has been very engaging and interesting. Bolton does a very good job documenting just how ill-prepared and unsuited for the presidency Donald Trump was and remains.

Bolton is well-known for his careful documentation of events in which he partook. He does not rely on memory.

Any time Bolton mentions Obama or any other Democrat, it is never kindly. If Obama is reading this book, he's going to feel some gut punches that he will not enjoy.

I guess what is most disappointing of all up to this point in the book is just how easily a kid less than half Trump's age was able to manipulate and play Trump like a fiddle. Donald Trump brought a White House souvenir to a gunfight.

I am talking, of course, about Kim Jong Un. I'm sure you all remember that "love letter" Trump openly bragged about which was mostly likely labored over very carefully by a psy-ops committee and not penned by Kim.

What Trump is going to find particularly jarring and unsettling is all the asides Bolton documents between himself and other Trump administration officials, sometimes in the very presence of Trump, passing notes to each other, calling Trump a dumbass in so many words.

Now, you can whine about the "d33p stait", or you can accept the simple fact Trump really is a dumbass. Bolton said in a recent interview that he heard all the hype about Trump's stupidity, but just couldn't believe anyone was really that stupid. He found out the hard way it was all true.

There's a reason Trump does not want this book published, and it has nothing to do with classified material.

Think about this. Trump says this book is all lies, while at the same time claiming it has classified material.

As usual, this does not cause any supporters' heads to explode from cognitive dissonance as this requires cognition (which is anathema to them).

This book is devastating in its portrayal of Trump, and he will find it impossible to repudiate. Not that he won't try and his followers will submissively believe his denials.

This book is worth the sticker price.

I hear his niece's book has rocketed to the top of the best seller list, too.
Ain't nobody ordered my eyes slammed shut you lying skank.
Yeah... I heard Bolton say that he would always argue with Trump over policy... Specifically over the middle east. And he was lock step in line with the most of the republicans, RNC, on what they should do. Remove this government, bomb these people... You know... Same 'ol same 'ol...

Umm.. Newflash... Trump got voted it because he's a really shitty Republican. Which is good... Because I hate the RNC, and the DNC. I don't know who runs these organizations, but I believe it's not the people voted into office to represent the people.

The fact that Trump is willing to tell his own party to stick it... Is a great thing. I just hope Trey runs after Trump now.
The crew in the WH called him President Bolton. I bet he forgot more than Trump knows.
I hate to tell you this but Bolton is also a MAGA guy; he just wants to nuke all of our enemies.
I am listening to the unabridged audiobook of John Bolton's 20-hour tome. I am only six hours in and will post updates as I go along.

I know some Trump supporters will slam their eyes and ears shut as they have been ordered to do. However, John Bolton's conservative credentials are unimpeachable.

You can stack up Bolton's c.v. from the time he campaigned on behalf of Barry Goldwater at the age of 15 all the way to the present, and put that next to Donald Trump's long liberal record of being pro-abortion up to the ninth month, demanding Bush's impeachment, calling for us to cut and run from Iraq, and being a registered Democrat until shortly before deciding it would be easier to hoax Republicans than Democrats and switched parties.

Those who blindly criticize Bolton without reading a single page for themselves are of the False Dichotomy caste so common among Trump supporters. "If you aren't for Trump, you are for Hillary Biden."

Bolton is most certainly not for Biden. Or the Democrats. In fact, he says the reason he did not testify against Trump was because the Democrats were guilty of "impeachment malpractice".

With all that said, I must say this first six hours has been very engaging and interesting. Bolton does a very good job documenting just how ill-prepared and unsuited for the presidency Donald Trump was and remains.

Bolton is well-known for his careful documentation of events in which he partook. He does not rely on memory.

Any time Bolton mentions Obama or any other Democrat, it is never kindly. If Obama is reading this book, he's going to feel some gut punches that he will not enjoy.

I guess what is most disappointing of all up to this point in the book is just how easily a kid less than half Trump's age was able to manipulate and play Trump like a fiddle. Donald Trump brought a White House souvenir to a gunfight.

I am talking, of course, about Kim Jong Un. I'm sure you all remember that "love letter" Trump openly bragged about which was mostly likely labored over very carefully by a psy-ops committee and not penned by Kim.

What Trump is going to find particularly jarring and unsettling is all the asides Bolton documents between himself and other Trump administration officials, sometimes in the very presence of Trump, passing notes to each other, calling Trump a dumbass in so many words.

Now, you can whine about the "d33p stait", or you can accept the simple fact Trump really is a dumbass. Bolton said in a recent interview that he heard all the hype about Trump's stupidity, but just couldn't believe anyone was really that stupid. He found out the hard way it was all true.

There's a reason Trump does not want this book published, and it has nothing to do with classified material.

Think about this. Trump says this book is all lies, while at the same time claiming it has classified material.

As usual, this does not cause any supporters' heads to explode from cognitive dissonance as this requires cognition (which is anathema to them).

This book is devastating in its portrayal of Trump, and he will find it impossible to repudiate. Not that he won't try and his followers will submissively believe his denials.

This book is worth the sticker price.

I hear his niece's book has rocketed to the top of the best seller list, too.
We're sure you were a fan of every R president we ever had!
Yeah... I heard Bolton say that he would always argue with Trump over policy... Specifically over the middle east. And he was lock step in line with the most of the republicans, RNC, on what they should do. Remove this government, bomb these people... You know... Same 'ol same 'ol...

Umm.. Newflash... Trump got voted it because he's a really shitty Republican. Which is good... Because I hate the RNC, and the DNC. I don't know who runs these organizations, but I believe it's not the people voted into office to represent the people.

The fact that Trump is willing to tell his own party to stick it... Is a great thing. I just hope Trey runs after Trump now.
The crew in the WH called him President Bolton. I bet he forgot more than Trump knows.
I hate to tell you this but Bolton is also a MAGA guy; he just wants to nuke all of our enemies.
And Trump da fool exchanges love letters with them.
Yeah... I heard Bolton say that he would always argue with Trump over policy... Specifically over the middle east. And he was lock step in line with the most of the republicans, RNC, on what they should do. Remove this government, bomb these people... You know... Same 'ol same 'ol...

Umm.. Newflash... Trump got voted it because he's a really shitty Republican. Which is good... Because I hate the RNC, and the DNC. I don't know who runs these organizations, but I believe it's not the people voted into office to represent the people.

The fact that Trump is willing to tell his own party to stick it... Is a great thing. I just hope Trey runs after Trump now.
The crew in the WH called him President Bolton. I bet he forgot more than Trump knows.
I hate to tell you this but Bolton is also a MAGA guy; he just wants to nuke all of our enemies.
And Trump da fool exchanges love letters with them.
Yeah... I heard Bolton say that he would always argue with Trump over policy... Specifically over the middle east. And he was lock step in line with the most of the republicans, RNC, on what they should do. Remove this government, bomb these people... You know... Same 'ol same 'ol...

Umm.. Newflash... Trump got voted it because he's a really shitty Republican. Which is good... Because I hate the RNC, and the DNC. I don't know who runs these organizations, but I believe it's not the people voted into office to represent the people.

The fact that Trump is willing to tell his own party to stick it... Is a great thing. I just hope Trey runs after Trump now.
The crew in the WH called him President Bolton. I bet he forgot more than Trump knows.
I can't fault Bolton for that... I too have that "problem" so to speak. I don't care who says what, if I think it's wrong and it's a worthwhile topic, or perhaps I'm just in a mood... I'm going to be heard. I don't have to be agreed with, or have the last word... But I will have my say.
Yeah... I heard Bolton say that he would always argue with Trump over policy... Specifically over the middle east. And he was lock step in line with the most of the republicans, RNC, on what they should do. Remove this government, bomb these people... You know... Same 'ol same 'ol...

Umm.. Newflash... Trump got voted it because he's a really shitty Republican. Which is good... Because I hate the RNC, and the DNC. I don't know who runs these organizations, but I believe it's not the people voted into office to represent the people.

The fact that Trump is willing to tell his own party to stick it... Is a great thing. I just hope Trey runs after Trump now.
The crew in the WH called him President Bolton. I bet he forgot more than Trump knows.
I hate to tell you this but Bolton is also a MAGA guy; he just wants to nuke all of our enemies.
And Trump da fool exchanges love letters with them.
It's really amazing how much you claim to know but in reality you know nothing. Like all media fed lairs.
John Bolton is a warmongerind, NWO elitist. He IS the fucking enemy. All elitists are the enemy of the American worker and taxpayer.
That must be why Trump hired him!
I am listening to the unabridged audiobook of John Bolton's 20-hour tome. I am only six hours in and will post updates as I go along.

I know some Trump supporters will slam their eyes and ears shut as they have been ordered to do. However, John Bolton's conservative credentials are unimpeachable.

You can stack up Bolton's c.v. from the time he campaigned on behalf of Barry Goldwater at the age of 15 all the way to the present, and put that next to Donald Trump's long liberal record of being pro-abortion up to the ninth month, demanding Bush's impeachment, calling for us to cut and run from Iraq, and being a registered Democrat until shortly before deciding it would be easier to hoax Republicans than Democrats and switched parties.

Those who blindly criticize Bolton without reading a single page for themselves are of the False Dichotomy caste so common among Trump supporters. "If you aren't for Trump, you are for Hillary Biden."

Bolton is most certainly not for Biden. Or the Democrats. In fact, he says the reason he did not testify against Trump was because the Democrats were guilty of "impeachment malpractice".

With all that said, I must say this first six hours has been very engaging and interesting. Bolton does a very good job documenting just how ill-prepared and unsuited for the presidency Donald Trump was and remains.

Bolton is well-known for his careful documentation of events in which he partook. He does not rely on memory.

Any time Bolton mentions Obama or any other Democrat, it is never kindly. If Obama is reading this book, he's going to feel some gut punches that he will not enjoy.

I guess what is most disappointing of all up to this point in the book is just how easily a kid less than half Trump's age was able to manipulate and play Trump like a fiddle. Donald Trump brought a White House souvenir to a gunfight.

I am talking, of course, about Kim Jong Un. I'm sure you all remember that "love letter" Trump openly bragged about which was mostly likely labored over very carefully by a psy-ops committee and not penned by Kim.

What Trump is going to find particularly jarring and unsettling is all the asides Bolton documents between himself and other Trump administration officials, sometimes in the very presence of Trump, passing notes to each other, calling Trump a dumbass in so many words.

Now, you can whine about the "d33p stait", or you can accept the simple fact Trump really is a dumbass. Bolton said in a recent interview that he heard all the hype about Trump's stupidity, but just couldn't believe anyone was really that stupid. He found out the hard way it was all true.

There's a reason Trump does not want this book published, and it has nothing to do with classified material.

Think about this. Trump says this book is all lies, while at the same time claiming it has classified material.

As usual, this does not cause any supporters' heads to explode from cognitive dissonance as this requires cognition (which is anathema to them).

This book is devastating in its portrayal of Trump, and he will find it impossible to repudiate. Not that he won't try and his followers will submissively believe his denials.

This book is worth the sticker price.

I hear his niece's book has rocketed to the top of the best seller list, too.
Any mention of who did the "leaking" in the WH?
Trump is the biggest leaker.
I know some Trump supporters will slam their eyes and ears shut as they have been ordered to do. However, John Bolton's conservative credentials are unimpeachable.

So Iraq had WMD's like Bolton said?
So Iraq had WMD's like every pseudocon on this forum said right up until 2015?

Not a month went by up until the middle of 2015 without some pseudocon on this forum starting a topic to claim Hussein had WMDs.

And whenever Syria or some other country used chemical agents on their own people, it was a matter of hours before someone started a topic to say they got the chemicals from Saddam.

I see you joined this forum before 2015, so you know exactly what the fuck I am talking about.

Then far left liberal Donald Trump came along and said Bush lied/people died, and like fucking magic, the pseudocons all turned on a dime.

Right out of Orwell. Right the fuck out of Orwell.

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."
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I am listening to the unabridged audiobook of John Bolton's 20-hour tome. I am only six hours in and will post updates as I go along.

I know some Trump supporters will slam their eyes and ears shut as they have been ordered to do. However, John Bolton's conservative credentials are unimpeachable.

You can stack up Bolton's c.v. from the time he campaigned on behalf of Barry Goldwater at the age of 15 all the way to the present, and put that next to Donald Trump's long liberal record of being pro-abortion up to the ninth month, demanding Bush's impeachment, calling for us to cut and run from Iraq, and being a registered Democrat until shortly before deciding it would be easier to hoax Republicans than Democrats and switched parties.

Those who blindly criticize Bolton without reading a single page for themselves are of the False Dichotomy caste so common among Trump supporters. "If you aren't for Trump, you are for Hillary Biden."

Bolton is most certainly not for Biden. Or the Democrats. In fact, he says the reason he did not testify against Trump was because the Democrats were guilty of "impeachment malpractice".

With all that said, I must say this first six hours has been very engaging and interesting. Bolton does a very good job documenting just how ill-prepared and unsuited for the presidency Donald Trump was and remains.

Bolton is well-known for his careful documentation of events in which he partook. He does not rely on memory.

Any time Bolton mentions Obama or any other Democrat, it is never kindly. If Obama is reading this book, he's going to feel some gut punches that he will not enjoy.

I guess what is most disappointing of all up to this point in the book is just how easily a kid less than half Trump's age was able to manipulate and play Trump like a fiddle. Donald Trump brought a White House souvenir to a gunfight.

I am talking, of course, about Kim Jong Un. I'm sure you all remember that "love letter" Trump openly bragged about which was mostly likely labored over very carefully by a psy-ops committee and not penned by Kim.

What Trump is going to find particularly jarring and unsettling is all the asides Bolton documents between himself and other Trump administration officials, sometimes in the very presence of Trump, passing notes to each other, calling Trump a dumbass in so many words.

Now, you can whine about the "d33p stait", or you can accept the simple fact Trump really is a dumbass. Bolton said in a recent interview that he heard all the hype about Trump's stupidity, but just couldn't believe anyone was really that stupid. He found out the hard way it was all true.

There's a reason Trump does not want this book published, and it has nothing to do with classified material.

Think about this. Trump says this book is all lies, while at the same time claiming it has classified material.

As usual, this does not cause any supporters' heads to explode from cognitive dissonance as this requires cognition (which is anathema to them).

This book is devastating in its portrayal of Trump, and he will find it impossible to repudiate. Not that he won't try and his followers will submissively believe his denials.

This book is worth the sticker price.

I hear his niece's book has rocketed to the top of the best seller list, too.
Any mention of who did the "leaking" in the WH?
Trump is the biggest leaker.
Physically? LOL

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