The RNC's Trump-Compromise: 2008 & 2012 Revisited... & My Solution


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Well the dust settled...with an anemic attempt by the establishment to stage a protest via Ted Cruz. (He was not a lone wolf up there, many ranking republicans were behind him in spirit). Don't worry about Cruz running in 2020 because by then, the relaxed standards in the FCC will have finished training yet another generation on the boob tube that smut and ridiculing religion is "the new normal"...that and it's illegal for a Canadian born citizen (only revoking in 2014) to be President. So glad even Cruz got oodles more air time than Kasich. The gang knew Cruz could never be president. Forget the "never Trump" movement. The strongest movement behind the scenes was "never Kasich"...

The pick of Mike Pence shows a Cheney influence. Groomed to the teeth, smooth, coming across slimy, rehearsed, using singsong at times nauseatingly like Obama's feigned Dr. King singsong..

Yep, they ditched real leadership like Kasich who would've been giving orders, and substituted begrudgingly in Trump's case and willingly in Pence's, men who could either be paid to do what they're told, or willingly do what they're told. A true leader who would give orders is NOT what the players behind the scenes at the RNC want as president.

And now you understand why Kasich wasn't there...he knows Cheney et al wouldn't let him be president, when he was the man most fit to be in these troubled times. Fox helped drum him out and the establishment helped. I forget which Senator I heard in an interview recently say that in the republican party especially, the President is never the one in charge. He's always a man hand-picked to do exactly what the real powers behind the scenes tell him to do. Again, Dick Cheney was raised by democrats, was a 5-time draft dodger and is in favor of gay marriage. If you're wondering "what happened to my republican party???!!"...there's your sign.. Most of the trouble the republicans got us into..which we are living in the aftermath of now and into the unforeseeable future, was courtesy of this little gig..

Anyway, my solution to all this is simple: I'm voting for Hillary if she picks a conservative running mate. And it looks like her consideration of Tim Kaine is getting close to the mark. He only reluctantly got on board with gay marriage in 2013...under many moderate dems who "suddenly had a change of heart!" (on one of the most divisive and bone-marrow issues in recent history). He was raised catholic. And that's for life. He's for coal plants which I guess plays really well in the Rust Belt.

So what clever Hillary is doing is picking up voters in the Rust Belt who were completely chagrined that Kasich didn't get more air time or promotion. And, of course this will work and of course she will win. So I'm voting for the winner. What I might do is balance that out by voting exclusively GOP for Congressional seats. Though with Trump's juvenile and asinine antics likely to build up into a virtual encyclopedia of soundbites for Hillary's commercials by November, and his being "the new face of the GOP", likely most of those candidates will lose badly in states where it is close for them anyway.

So, pat yourselves on the back GOP. You've done it again. You've listened to the RINO 5-time draft dodger, CIA operative Dick Cheney and his pals...and once again you've got an unelectable ticket. Don't worry about 2020 because Dubya's right...he really was the last conservative president. The Cheney-gang has helped drag the center so far left by their "miscalculations" that true conservative values will be epithets lodged next to the Dodo Bird and the Wooly Mammoth in the Smithsonian. Three strikes and you're out..

All we can hope for now is that the party of gay marriage, shooting cops, welfare handouts and demented men using women's bathrooms, and killing off all religion and morality will get sick of itself and bud off a few members who will form a new conservative movement. The old one is verily dead. The only hope now is through Congress because the RNC WILL NOT allow a strong leader to make it to any of it's presidential election tickets. Only followers or slicks need apply. And hence why intelligent voters only have one choice: the miserable fare offered up by the democrats; and hope that it's someone within a mile or two of center.

Choice 2016: a 70 year old woman and her "I sold my catholic values for gay marriage" VP pick, or a malignant narcissist and his puppet Dr. King singsong do-what-RINO-Cheney-tells-me VP. Thanks political parties!
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Cue to 16:00 - 17:40 He sounds like a Dr. King/Kennedy/Obama hybrid. It was all I could do to keep my dinner down in my stomach.. Another non-genuine person seeking the highest office in the land. I think Mitt Romney came across as more authentic.

Pence just has that Mitt Romney feel... too bad. Trump is wholly unacceptable no matter who sits in VP slot.

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