The Rivulet

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In this sermon Charles Spurgeon compares the faith of a new convert to Christ to that of a rivulet. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the word of God. As we continue to read the Word of God and walk in the truth, our faith increases. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16,17) Reading the KJV Holy Bible each day, prayer, singing holy hymns, attending a bible study, a good bible based church is important because faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the Word of God. It is good to have fellowship with other believers!


HE Thames at its first tunnel is a tiny rill for a lamb to drink at; no one would dream of its swelling into a mighty river. The grace of God in its first commencement in the soul of man is usually a faint and feeble thing. Jesus is trusted, but the faith is feeble.

Love to heavenly things is in the heart, but it is rather a spark than a flame. All the graces are in the new-born soul, but they are like seeds, rather than well-grown plants. No one rails at the river's humble parentage, and none of us must blame the littleness of early spiritual life.

Thanks be unto God if we are saved at all; better, far better, to be a rill of grace than a river of sin. The very least streamlet, or even drop of faith, is more precious than a world of gold. Young beginner, be encouraged by this thought.

How quiet, calm, and beautiful, is the rustic nook, where the lamb is nipping a sweet, succulent shoot from the shrub which covers the little brook! so fair, so calm, is the first season of spiritual existence. The love of our espousals we shall ever look back upon with grateful recollection.

Though the rill cannot as yet float a navy, or make glad a million-peopled city, yet it has a peculiar charm and beauty of its own; and even so has youthful piety. Remember this; newly-converted friend, and be glad.

Yet the stream grows and swells in volume as it advances. The lamb will not always be its fit playmate; it will ere long consort with giant oaks, towering castles, huge galleons, and crowded cities, and will not rest till it communes with the far-sounding ocean.

Even so grace grows, strengthens, increases. From the day of small things it sweeps on to weeks of service, years of patience, and ages of perfection. Seek this progress, O young believer, and be not content without it.

Looking unto Jesus, speed along the channel of his will. His merit has saved you if you have believed; let his example animate you, and his love encourage you. May your peace be as a river, and your righteousness as the waves of the sea.

S&T Tract 21
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If one will read his scriptures often and humbly, ignoring organized religion and its preachers as definitive of what God wants for you, you will find want it is you and God want.

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