The right splits over Israel


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Tucker Carlson like pretty much all Americans criticized the Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians and said Israel can and should defend itself.

There are those on the right, like Tucker Carlson saying we need to concentrate on helping people in America. Combat Inflation under Biden , combat The homelessness issue Drug use, mental illness, and loneliness being a major problem for the American youth. The invasion of our southern border. Now if you couple these issues with a possible involvement of America going to war with Iran over their opposition to Israel , it could lead to a collapse of the US economy. Which would be a disaster, considering we have 10 million refugees in America right now receiving government assistance for the most part.

Tucker has criticized Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham for affectively wanting to go to war with Iran. For saying things like “an attack on Israel is an attack on America” when by logic it’s not.

Ben Shapiro was very critical of Tucker’s response to the Israel Palestine issue. And just as Glenn Greenwald pointed out we haven’t really heard Tucker Carlson speak about Israel in the past few years, so it was very interesting to see Mr. Carlson’s well grounded take on Israel.

And I will add that of course Gaza poses no existential threat to Israel. Israel has better weapons probably 1000 times the strength that Gaza has…. Israel has much better weaponry compared to Hezbollah as well and there’s really no logistical way for Iran to go over to Israel. Not to mention the fact that Israel is allied with Egypt, and Jordan, and a growing number of Muslim majority countries.
Tucker Carlson like pretty much all Americans criticized the Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians and said Israel can and should defend itself.

There are those on the right, like Tucker Carlson saying we need to concentrate on helping people in America. Combat Inflation under Biden , combat The homelessness issue Drug use, mental illness, and loneliness being a major problem for the American youth. The invasion of our southern border. Now if you couple these issues with a possible involvement of America going to war with Iran over their opposition to Israel , it could lead to a collapse of the US economy. Which would be a disaster, considering we have 10 million refugees in America right now receiving government assistance for the most part.

Tucker has criticized Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham for affectively wanting to go to war with Iran. For saying things like “an attack on Israel is an attack on America” when by logic it’s not.

Ben Shapiro was very critical of Tucker’s response to the Israel Palestine issue. And just as Glenn Greenwald pointed out we haven’t really heard Tucker Carlson speak about Israel in the past few years, so it was very interesting to see Mr. Carlson’s well grounded take on Israel.

And I will add that of course Gaza poses no existential threat to Israel. Israel has better weapons probably 1000 times the strength that Gaza has…. Israel has much better weaponry compared to Hezbollah as well and there’s really no logistical way for Iran to go over to Israel. Not to mention the fact that Israel is allied with Egypt, and Jordan, and a growing number of Muslim majority countries.

So....we give billions to Iran, with sensible people knowing what is going to happen with that money, then go to war with them because they did what we knew they were going to do with the money when we gave it to them?
So....we give billions to Iran, with sensible people knowing what is going to happen with that money, then go to war with them because they did what we knew they were going to do with the money when we gave it to them?
The money should not have been given to Iran, but I understand that it is frozen in a Qatari Bank .

In the past Israel has launched attacks special operations against Iran, like assassinating their scientists and military officers. Who knows maybe they are planning to do something like that. The USA should not get involved though. We were not attacked by Iran, Palestine, or Israel.

The point is Israel has the military made to defend itself against Gaza a country with no standard military. They don’t even have tanks. They really have nothing except for stones, pistols, and AK-47s and RPG’s from 50 years ago. It is not the responsibility of the United States to send money and resources to Israel today. Joe Biden should be pushing for peace.

Iran does have a formidable military force, but they technically have not attacked Israel.

They certainly have not attacked us and if they did, it will be a different story that’s also the point. Plus Iran is something like 1300 miles away from Israel. They don’t have any real logistical way to launch an invasion of Israel.
One mans opinion isn't a split in an entire political ideology. Israel is a key strategic ally to the West and yes, as upsetting as it might be to some in N America (and a few in Israel), they are also a spritual ally. They do however risk sqandering the Goodwill and support the have gained and America does not want to be the lone nation fully behind Israel. Therfore, Israel must be measured but resolute. Not in dealing with Hamas, they need to face justice and their next life, but they must avoid non-threateing citizens in Gaza. I watch news.from France, Germany, India, China and elsewhere, Israel needs to be the torch bearer for the high road because the world is fickle. It isn't easy, especially when tempers are high, but right now Israeli journalists.are reporting that Hamas had posted videos for weeks the scenario they just executed. As with America, Canada, Brits and others, IDF need to be over cautious wth citizens. We saw the boomerang that Bush caused to Americas global reputation. Pray for peace and Israeli solidiers to always do what is right. Be a mensch, not a mouse.
Tucker Carlson is NOT 'on the right'. No way, no how.

He is a Libertarian; and a rather militant one at that. If you don't know what that is, you are out of your league in here.
You can always find a different opinion somewhere but it is a stretch to describe it as a split especially on the right where there is almost universal support for Israel. The propagandists don't want to talk about the fact that the left is really split mostly in favor of Hamas.
Tell those 1300 dead Israelis that.
Small price to pay, They're just dead Joos anyway.

And never mind the babies that the dimocrap's friends decapitated with shovels. I doubt they consider them to be old enough to matter anyway, not really 'human' yet. I am NOT being sarcastic there. Many, many dims believe in post-birth abortions now.
Tell those 1300 dead Israelis that.

what does that have to do with American involvement in this thing my friend . The point is we should not be involved in Israel Palestine.

There’s thousands of dead Palestinians.

There’s 100,000 Americans dead every year from drugs brought over the border.

The point remains that hamas are not an existential threat to Israel. They are about to be completely crushed and there’s no need for America to be involved.

But I will entertain the point you bring up …There is a massive really gigantic difference between Israel being in a fight for its existence Compared to the Israeli intelligence failing possibly even allowing this attack to occur according to Charlie Kirk the conservative …and other conservatives who have voiced concern that there could’ve been a stand down order given by the IDF when the attack occurred .

So yes, there is no existential threat to Israel the country. There’s always the threat of terrorism in every country of the world.
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Tucker Carlson is NOT 'on the right'. No way, no how.

He is a Libertarian; and a rather militant one at that. If you don't know what that is, you are out of your league in here.
Point is there is a divide here in America over this issue.

It is not our concern to be involved in The Israel Palestine conflict. Israel doesn’t need our help.
One mans opinion isn't a split in an entire political ideology. Israel is a key strategic ally to the West and yes, as upsetting as it might be to some in N America (and a few in Israel), they are also a spritual ally. They do however risk sqandering the Goodwill and support the have gained and America does not want to be the lone nation fully behind Israel. Therfore, Israel must be measured but resolute. Not in dealing with Hamas, they need to face justice and their next life, but they must avoid non-threateing citizens in Gaza. I watch news.from France, Germany, India, China and elsewhere, Israel needs to be the torch bearer for the high road because the world is fickle. It isn't easy, especially when tempers are high, but right now Israeli journalists.are reporting that Hamas had posted videos for weeks the scenario they just executed. As with America, Canada, Brits and others, IDF need to be over cautious wth citizens. We saw the boomerang that Bush caused to Americas global reputation. Pray for peace and Israeli solidiers to always do what is right. Be a mensch, not a mouse.
That is all fine. The point is Israel is 100% capable of defending itself without American help. America has many allies, including Israel.

They are literally facing people in Gaza with AK-47s pistols and stones. It’s one of the most lopsided conflicts history has seen.

I believe under Donald Trump there would’ve been no war in Ukraine and this Israel Palestine Conflict would’ve been avoided. Our economy in America is in a wreck. So many young people are depressed and on drugs…. that has to be the number one concern for the American government.
You can always find a different opinion somewhere but it is a stretch to describe it as a split especially on the right where there is almost universal support for Israel. The propagandists don't want to talk about the fact that the left is really split mostly in favor of Hamas.
I’ve seen only really college lecturers criticize Israel. All of the Democrats have criticized hamas . I haven’t seen one democrat support Hamas. some pay lipservice to the Palestinians. None of them support the Palestinian militants.

The Israeli lobby is probably the most effective lobby in the history of America

Look at Chuck Schumer and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, big-time supporters of Israel.

Ive seen quite a few Trump supporters here criticize Israel. It’s probably not 50-50, but a sizable minority of Trump supporters and Republicans are isolationists. They say leave Israel and Ukraine alone.
So....we give billions to Iran, with sensible people knowing what is going to happen with that money, then go to war with them because they did what we knew they were going to do with the money when we gave it to them?
We didn't give billions to Iran. We seized billions from them and then floated the idea of giving it back if they play nice with nuclear inspectors. Qatar still has the money so Iran hasn't done anything with it.
I’ve seen only really college lecturers criticize Israel. All of the Democrats have criticized hamas . I haven’t seen one democrat support Hamas. some pay lipservice to the Palestinians. None of them support the Palestinian militants.

The Israeli lobby is probably the most effective lobby in the history of America

Look at Chuck Schumer and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, big-time supporters of Israel.

Ive seen quite a few Trump supporters here criticize Israel. It’s probably not 50-50, but a sizable minority of Trump supporters and Republicans are isolationists. They say leave Israel and Ukraine alone.
The criticism on the right is limited to the lack of intelligence by Israel. There is no split in support for Israel, even lip service. It's unfair to call it a split when left college students are parading for Hamas.
I’ve seen only really college lecturers criticize Israel. All of the Democrats have criticized hamas . I haven’t seen one democrat support Hamas. some pay lipservice to the Palestinians. None of them support the Palestinian militants.

The Israeli lobby is probably the most effective lobby in the history of America

Look at Chuck Schumer and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, big-time supporters of Israel.

Ive seen quite a few Trump supporters here criticize Israel. It’s probably not 50-50, but a sizable minority of Trump supporters and Republicans are isolationists. They say leave Israel and Ukraine alone.

I am a Democrat and I have criticized Hamas, I am very much against any terrorist organization and so are many Muslims I personally know.

I don't critisize Isreal, but I do think Palestine has gotten a raw deal and I feel bad for Palestine. I don't blame Isreal I blame Russia and the UK for putting Isreal in a bad spot on the map to begin with. It was the fault of stupid politicians who didn't seem to realize this would create decades of violence between the Jews and Muslims in that region. They decided since Russia and European countries at that time didn't want the Jews and had hostility toward them, especially Hitler in WWII, that they needed to create a Jewish state to put the Jews and to kick the Palestinians off the land the Palestinians occupied so the Jews could live there. Of course they didn't think how much anger and hostility this would cause the Muslim nations around Isreal toward the Jews, but politicians are really stupid and don't think what will happen decades later.
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Tucker Carlson like pretty much all Americans criticized the Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians and said Israel can and should defend itself.

There are those on the right, like Tucker Carlson saying we need to concentrate on helping people in America. Combat Inflation under Biden , combat The homelessness issue Drug use, mental illness, and loneliness being a major problem for the American youth. The invasion of our southern border. Now if you couple these issues with a possible involvement of America going to war with Iran over their opposition to Israel , it could lead to a collapse of the US economy. Which would be a disaster, considering we have 10 million refugees in America right now receiving government assistance for the most part.

Tucker has criticized Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham for affectively wanting to go to war with Iran. For saying things like “an attack on Israel is an attack on America” when by logic it’s not.

Ben Shapiro was very critical of Tucker’s response to the Israel Palestine issue. And just as Glenn Greenwald pointed out we haven’t really heard Tucker Carlson speak about Israel in the past few years, so it was very interesting to see Mr. Carlson’s well grounded take on Israel.

And I will add that of course Gaza poses no existential threat to Israel. Israel has better weapons probably 1000 times the strength that Gaza has…. Israel has much better weaponry compared to Hezbollah as well and there’s really no logistical way for Iran to go over to Israel. Not to mention the fact that Israel is allied with Egypt, and Jordan, and a growing number of Muslim majority countries.

Gaza is no threat to Israel?

No kidding….
So....we give billions to Iran, with sensible people knowing what is going to happen with that money, then go to war with them because they did what we knew they were going to do with the money when we gave it to them?

We never "gave" Iran anything.
We simply decided to return their own money we illegally stole.
But we have not actually returned it YET!
Tucker keeps being a Russian Asset.

I'm no fan of the Zionists, but even I can see this isn't really the time to fault them.

Yes it is the time to "fault" the Zionists.
They illegally cut off all water, power, and food to millions of people, and are using missiles to topple 40 story building full of innocent civilians.
That is about the worst genocide since WWII.

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