The Result When The Irrational And Immature Are In Power.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

1. Perhaps you recall how the finest President in a century put it, amusingly:
"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience."

2. We on the Right make a great mistake in expecting logic, intelligence, experience or insight to be part of the calculations the Left makes in their plans, their agenda, their doctrines.
They are not only children, intellectually, but they have found that behaving as such has proven successful as it allows them to lie, make childish and unfulfillable promises and claims, and to simply walk away from the catastrophes they cause.
Like children.

3. When discussing, debating, outlining issues, the adult starting point is the meaning of words.

In a dispositive example of the differert approachs adults and children....even after said 'child' has reached the age of adulthood....note the difference. And then see if you can gauge which party each represents.

4. "Beginning to explain his stance, Walsh told the couple that they can feel they are whatever gender they want, but that doesn’t change reality.

Continuing to focus on language, Walsh noted that most people espousing left-wing gender ideology cannot even answer simple questions such as, “What is a girl?”

Attempting to answer this elementary question, one of the non-binary Dr. Phil guests muttered, “No, I can’t because it’s not for me to say. Womanhood looks different for everybody.”

The other non-binary guest asked Walsh for his definition of woman, and he quickly answered, “An adult human female.”

5. The guest then asked, “What does a female mean?”

Walsh took this question as an opportunity to explain how being male or female “goes right down to your bones, your DNA.”

He noted, “That’s why if someone dies, we could dig up their bones a hundred years from now, we have no idea what was in their head, but we can tell what sex they were because it’s ingrained into every fiber of their being.”

Next, the conservative journalist and author asked one of the guests to explain what it means when they state, “Trans women are women,” if they can’t even define the word woman."

"Walsh argued the non-binary activist is appropriating womanhood and turning it into a costume.
Shoutout to Dr. Phil for allowing Matt Walsh to expose the ridiculousness of the LGBT movement for all to see."



Chelsea wedding at least a decade after Trump booted Epstein
Theres pictures of your blob getting down with a little pedophilia...clearly you endorse pedophilia. That is your and Jumbo's problem.

Does Jeff Epstein look like a 16 year old girl to you?

I think they need to adjust your meds
Theres pictures of your blob getting down with a little pedophilia...clearly you endorse pedophilia. That is your and Jumbo's problem.
Truly a disgusting post.....the sort your type descends to when you know your have been exposed and shamed by all of the lies you've posted these last few years.

I no longer have to embarrass you, or even allow you to do so yourself.....

Biden is there to do that.
Truly a disgusting post.....the sort your type descends to when you know your have been exposed and shamed by all of the lies you've posted these last few years.

I no longer have to embarrass you, or even allow you to do so yourself.....

Biden is there to do that.

I'm not sure why others support pedophilia...but I know why you do. You're sick.
"M&Ms Introduces New Trans Character Who Identifies As A Skittle
January 20th, 2022 -

U.S.—As part of a bold new marketing strategy to promote inclusivity and appeal to less than 1% of the population, Mars, Incorporated has introduced a new M&M character who identifies as a Skittle.
"I'm gonna be honest here. We basically are doing this because it's hip and makes us look cool," said Mars, Incorporated CEO Franklin Crunchy. "And that adds to the bottom line. I think we can make a decent fortune by comparing the hardship of real trans people to a wacky cartoon character."
"Trans people deserve to be represented by M&Ms," he continued. "Our Trans-Skittle character will help us break chocolate-covered barriers in your mouth and not in your hands."
The new character, named Quinn, is an M&M that wears an "S" because they haven't had letter reassignment surgery yet. On the inside, Quinn has the same chocolate taste because it isn't able to change anything but its outward appearance.
"We just want to let the trans community know that M&M supports you and wants your money!" said the Mars CEO.
The LGBTQ+ community took to Twitter to ask why there isn't a Latinx M&M. "Do better," tweeted user @ihatemyself."

1. Perhaps you recall how the finest President in a century put it, amusingly:
"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience."

2. We on the Right make a great mistake in expecting logic, intelligence, experience or insight to be part of the calculations the Left makes in their plans, their agenda, their doctrines.
They are not only children, intellectually, but they have found that behaving as such has proven successful as it allows them to lie, make childish and unfulfillable promises and claims, and to simply walk away from the catastrophes they cause.
Like children.

3. When discussing, debating, outlining issues, the adult starting point is the meaning of words.

In a dispositive example of the differert approachs adults and children....even after said 'child' has reached the age of adulthood....note the difference. And then see if you can gauge which party each represents.

4. "Beginning to explain his stance, Walsh told the couple that they can feel they are whatever gender they want, but that doesn’t change reality.

Continuing to focus on language, Walsh noted that most people espousing left-wing gender ideology cannot even answer simple questions such as, “What is a girl?”

Attempting to answer this elementary question, one of the non-binary Dr. Phil guests muttered, “No, I can’t because it’s not for me to say. Womanhood looks different for everybody.”

The other non-binary guest asked Walsh for his definition of woman, and he quickly answered, “An adult human female.”

5. The guest then asked, “What does a female mean?”

Walsh took this question as an opportunity to explain how being male or female “goes right down to your bones, your DNA.”

He noted, “That’s why if someone dies, we could dig up their bones a hundred years from now, we have no idea what was in their head, but we can tell what sex they were because it’s ingrained into every fiber of their being.”

Next, the conservative journalist and author asked one of the guests to explain what it means when they state, “Trans women are women,” if they can’t even define the word woman."

"Walsh argued the non-binary activist is appropriating womanhood and turning it into a costume.
Shoutout to Dr. Phil for allowing Matt Walsh to expose the ridiculousness of the LGBT movement for all to see."


The Result When The Irrational And Immature have an internet connection!​


The Result When The Irrational And Immature have an internet connection!​

Remember when I said "I guarantee…’ll be back."

post #59

And, guess what.....
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Trump partying with and participating in pedophilia probably endeared him to people like Jumbo. She's sick.

He's the only one who banned epstein from his properties...while clinton allowed epstein into the White House with girls for clinton to rape.....
I'm not sure why others support pedophilia...but I know why you do. You're sick.

The entire democrat party is pushing for the normalization of pedophilia...from the democrats in the American psychiatric community to hollywood where they have an entire system in place to rape child moron.

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