The Republicans’ war on science and reason

Cool! Another fictitious 'war' from the left.

Don't you love it?

It's almost comical.

Anyone who questions progressives and their ideas these days is "waging a war against said ideas."

It's typical authoritarian tactics...

If it matters, it is good to question science. That is how science progresses. Einstein questioned Newton and look where that took us....
Everyone, even the idiot left knows global climate fluctuates. Drastically at times. It's partially caused by the tilt of the earths axis. It wobbles and as such causes irregularities in the climate. Then you have the NATURAL ebb and flow of the earths ice sheets which affects ocean temperature which in turn changes the air temperature. You also have massive solar eruptions that mess with our magnetic shield.

I'm a republican and i knew all that from the top of my head. What i don't know is if the hundred years or so that we've been industrialized had had an impact or not. The earth is billions of years old after all. But hey if you like being a bandwagon sucker go for it. Get off your ass and plant a fucking tree or something.

So if you are right then who stands to gain from claiming that we have man-made climate change? A bunch of geek scientists on salary from universities who have made massive cut-backs in the last 5 years? Green technology in the U.S. which doesn't even exist? Who?

Because the simple rule of Occam's Razor applies here: " It is a principle urging one to select among competing hypotheses that which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation of the effect."

I don't claim to have any answers as to motive. Most scientists used to believe the earth was flat and that it was the center of the universe. Just because they claim it don't make it so.

No I'm afraid they didn't. That was the line the Church was pushing in the dark ages. It's what they wanted the common people to believe. (Kinda like the Republicans of today.) The Greek knew the earth was a sphere. The knew about how big it was. They knew about how far it was from the sun. They didn't grasp the solar system and the other planets however.

Climate Change: Evidence

Observe, read and weep!
The holes that were in our ozone layer have slowly been shrinking. Put on your pointy wizzard hat and explain that Mr genius.

And guess what happens with EVERY lightning strike? Ozone is created.

Ever gone outside after a thunderstrom and smelled a sweet smell? Guess what that is?

Surprise! Lightning Has Big Effect On Atmospheric Chemistry

ScienceDaily (Mar. 20, 2003) — Scientists were surprised to learn summer lightning over the U.S. significantly increases regional ozone and other gases that affect air chemistry 3 to 8 miles above Earth's surface. The amounts of ozone and nitrogen oxides created by lightning surpass those generated by human activities in that level of the atmosphere.

Read your own link dumb dumb:

"Ironically, over the United States lightning accounts for only about 5 percent of the total U.S. nitrogen oxide annual emissions and about 14 percent of the total emissions in July," said Zhang. Although the largest source of NOx over the U.S. is fossil fuel burning, lightning still plays a dominant role in influencing the regional air chemistry.

I read the entire link, they talked about lightning during summer months, but fossil fuel burning is an all year phenomena so you're still wrong.

While polution is a problem. The fossil fuel emissions stay in the lower atmosphere and cause breathing and lung problems for animals. The holes in the upper atmosphere is a different story. They seem to be shrinking. This is due to science.
It's quite clear progressives will believe anything just as long as it comes out of the correct pie-hole.
Me left wing? you need to learn how to spell, stupid troll.

Talk about stupid trolls.

My spelling is fine thanks. I never put the ' in your. You don't like it??

Tough shit. You'll just have to deal.

Make a coherent argument retard. You are the same retard who admires a politics that defends war criminal troops........go figure.

Why would anyone make a coherent argument to you??

Waste of time.

You don't respect anyones opinion but your own.

Your so busy calling everyone fucktards, trolls and retards how would you have time for anything else??
How many things do Republicans have to embarrassingly defend just because they have to defend their party at all cost on every issue? To be anti science?

I'm not ashamed of being environmentally friendly or Green. Aren't republicans embarrassed to argue for the polluters? Or to hurt the poor? Or for a president who lied us into a war? Bankrupted us? Spied on us and tortured?

Anti Science? The rich got you guys arguing against science? Because it doesn't jive with their concept of God? Didn't we go through the Enlightenment centuries ago? How long until right wing radical christians no longer matter? I guess when the south gets educated.

My grandfather said they are only two steps out of the cave. Barely civilized.
I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.

When do you useful idiots actually present the evidence?

Of course the climate is changing, however man has nothing to do with it.

Solar activity is responsible for "climate change."

The climates are changing on every planet in our solar system due to solar activity and that is all the evidence that is needed to support this highly accepted theory...

AGW is nothing more than a scam. The elites are attempting to use a natural event to shame us all into a one world government....
The Republicans’ war on science and reason - The Washington Post

Last month, Washington Post columnist Steve Pearlstein wrote that if you wanted to come up with a bumper sticker that defined the Republican Party’s platform it would be this: “Repeal the 20th century. Vote GOP.” With their unrelenting attempts to slash Social Security, end Medicare and Medicaid and destroy the social safety net, Republicans are, indeed, on a quest of reversal. But they have set their sights on an even bolder course than Pearlstein acknowledges in his column: It’s not just the 20th century they have targeted for repeal; it’s the 18th and 19th too.

The 18th century was defined, in many ways, by the Enlightenment, a philosophical movement based on the idea that reason, rational discourse and the advancement of knowledge, were the critical pillars of modern life. The leaders of the movement inspired the thinking of Charles Darwin, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin; its tenets can be found in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. But more than 200 years later, those basic tenets — the very notion that facts and evidence matter — are being rejected, wholesale, by the 21st-century Republican Party.

I never understood this obsession to deny and distort the reality of science.

I say abolish all the so called "social safety nets".

If you don't work, you don't eat!
How many things do Republicans have to embarrassingly defend just because they have to defend their party at all cost on every issue? To be anti science?

I'm not ashamed of being environmentally friendly or Green. Aren't republicans embarrassed to argue for the polluters? Or to hurt the poor? Or for a president who lied us into a war? Bankrupted us? Spied on us and tortured?

Anti Science? The rich got you guys arguing against science? Because it doesn't jive with their concept of God? Didn't we go through the Enlightenment centuries ago? How long until right wing radical christians no longer matter? I guess when the south gets educated.

My grandfather said they are only two steps out of the cave. Barely civilized.

Asking for an experiment is the new "anti-science"? Really?

Well, what could I expect form a party that was trained overnight to believe that depreciation and expenses write off are suddenly "oil subsidies"
I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.

When do you useful idiots actually present the evidence?

Of course the climate is changing, however man has nothing to do with it.

Solar activity is responsible for "climate change."

The climates are changing on every planet in our solar system due to solar activity and that is all the evidence that is needed to support this highly accepted theory...

AGW is nothing more than a scam. The elites are attempting to use a natural event to shame us all into a one world government....

Climate Change: Causes

The role of human activity

In its recently released Fourth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations, concluded there's a more than 90 percent probability that human activities over the past 250 years have warmed our planet.

The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years. The panel also concluded there's a better than 90 percent probability that human-produced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have caused much of the observed increase in Earth's temperatures over the past 50 years.

They said the rate of increase in global warming due to these gases is very likely to be unprecedented within the past 10,000 years or more. The panel's full Summary for Policymakers report is online at

Solar irradiance

It's reasonable to assume that changes in the sun's energy output would cause the climate to change, since the sun is the fundamental source of energy that drives our climate system.

Indeed, studies show that solar variability has played a role in past climate changes. For example, a decrease in solar activity is thought to have triggered the Little Ice Age between approximately 1650 and 1850, when Greenland was largely cut off by ice from 1410 to the 1720s and glaciers advanced in the Alps.

But several lines of evidence show that current global warming cannot be explained by changes in energy from the sun:

Since 1750, the average amount of energy coming from the Sun either remained constant or increased slightly.

If the warming were caused by a more active sun, then scientists would expect to see warmer temperatures in all layers of the atmosphere. Instead, they have observed a cooling in the upper atmosphere, and a warming at the surface and in the lower parts of the atmosphere. That's because greenhouse gasses are trapping heat in the lower atmosphere.

Climate models that include solar irradiance changes can’t reproduce the observed temperature trend over the past century or more without including a rise in greenhouse gases.

Still in denial.
How many things do Republicans have to embarrassingly defend just because they have to defend their party at all cost on every issue? To be anti science?

I'm not ashamed of being environmentally friendly or Green. Aren't republicans embarrassed to argue for the polluters? Or to hurt the poor? Or for a president who lied us into a war? Bankrupted us? Spied on us and tortured?

Anti Science? The rich got you guys arguing against science? Because it doesn't jive with their concept of God? Didn't we go through the Enlightenment centuries ago? How long until right wing radical christians no longer matter? I guess when the south gets educated.

My grandfather said they are only two steps out of the cave. Barely civilized.

Hey idiot, no one has argued the climate isn't changing - they just argue that man isn't to blame.

NO that doesn't mean it's ok to pollute or that anyone wants to pollute...

Only fucking retards like yourself view the argument that way. To you if someone is against AGW that means they want to pollute the earth...

Ironically, urban democrat epicenters (districts) look like toxic waste dumps while suburban republican districts are clean as a whistle.

You ever see the mess you leftists leave after a progressive event, such as an Obama rally??????? You leave the place looking like a land fill....

Of course after a tea party rally the site looks better than the way we found it....

Now you have the audacity to claim non-progressives want to pollute????
Too many brilliant scientists on both sides of the argument for me to make a concrete stance on either side.

But also when researching this, research the scientists and find out who they work for and who's paying them.
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The climate has been changing for tens of thousands of years before man ever set foot on the planet.

If man weren't here the climate would still continue to change.

Kinda hard to trust what the scientific community has to say when they were scewing all the data and destroyed 150yrs of true data just to back up their claims.

I wouldn't trust em with the damned sugar bowl.
Cool! Another fictitious 'war' from the left.

Good Christ. According the lefties the GOP has umpteen wars going. How does anyone have time to run for POTUS??

Has Congress approved them all??

Batshittery at its best.

Daily Show: Fox Denies War On Women But Finds Wars On Just About Everything Else

Daily Show : Fox Denies War On Women But Finds Wars On Just About Everything Else | Media Matters for America

Douchebattery more like it.

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