The Religious Right Takes on UN Children’s Agency Over Sex Education

A long long LONG FUCKING time ago!

So by that logic - The SS loaded 6 million Jews, 7 million Russian Civillians, 300,000 Serbs, 200,000 Gypsies, 2,000 Jehovah's Witnesses, and God knows how many others - But that was "A long long LONG FUCKING time ago" .... Right ? You pathetic douchebag
The difference, dumb fuck , is that those who are Nazis today are still the same Nazi that existed then. Gay people today are not the same people who my have been misguided and cavorted with NAMBLA decades ago.

Yes the Fag Militia has certainly changed - they are no longer hiding the fact that they want to recruit Children

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids?

"I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby." Daniel Villarreal

I really find it hard to believe that you are so fucking stupid that you do not understand the point of the article that you posted, and apparently to intellectually incurious to read past the first paragraph, if that much. Do you understand what tongue in cheek humor is? Apparently not. This is how it ends:

Committed, loving relationships! Wedding vows! Until death do us part! We just wanna be able to say “I Do!” Forget the thousands of social benefits that regularly screw over queer people without marriage equality. Forget that marriage equality states have lower rates of queer youth and teen suicide. Forget that not educating our kids about queer issues makes them ignorant, hateful little morons. All that doesn’t matter just as long as Mary Jo Kennedy and Jo-Ann Shain can sit on a couch with matching glasses and haircuts and dispassionately discuss semantics.

Do you really think Mary Jo and Jo-Ann are gonna convince a bunch of parents who have just seen NOM’s scary ad that schools aren’t gonna teach their kids about gay fisting and anal sex? So what if NOM’s ad is full of lies and distortions? You know why they keep using those same tired old lies? BECAUSE THEY WORK. And if we plan on responding to scare tactics about indoctrinating kids and outlawing religion with polite lesbian discussions about commitment, we’ve already lost.

How about this? How about we accept that we want kids to think better about queers and then create ads—with tons of verifiable supporting evidence—that just plainly state that denying marriage equality ruins people’s lives? That would at least be honest and a heck of a lot more compelling then this fearful mincing we’re doing to the tune and delight of our foes.
I'm just going to say this...
If you homos of any stripe want to bump uglies I really dont give a shit.
When you try and make your deviant behavior mainstream you're going to get some major blow back,not the kind you want,....
I read it - sorry pal I don't cherry pick - it is what it is. The fact that some left wing quasi journalist at CBS {lol} wanted tp play with reality is no skin off my potatoes. Faggots make poor parents end of story ...
Why is the religious right attacking UNICEF? You might not believe the answer

More absurdity from the religious right. These people have to be borderline psychotic. They are targeting UNICEF – a venerable UN based child welfare organization- accusing them of having a “pedophile agenda”

On Tuesday, people walking by UNICEF’s headquarters in Manhattan were met with a strange sight: A group of protesters accusing the venerable United Nations children’s welfare organization of harboring a shadowy pedophile agenda. They held professionally printed signs reading “UNICEF Sexualizing Children” and “Shame on UNICEF” while Sharon Slater, the head of a group called Family Watch International, accused the organization of “a hidden agenda that nobody knows about: to sexualize children.”

Before we go on, A little about UNICEF. Here are some of the projects and causes that they fight for. Anyone who can find fault with any of it is seriously demented

And what brought about this insanity?

Tuesday’s protest was being held to denounce UNICEF’s support for comprehensive sex education, as part of Family Watch International’s larger war against sex ed around the world. The campaign even has a website,, which uses lurid language to scare parents away from sex education programs that include information about consent, safety and diversity.
These people seem to be obsessed with sex and with children. And to stupid to understand that comprehensive sex ed. prevents disease and pregnancy. The only question is, do they actually believe this bovine excrement or is it a ploy in support of a wider agenda beyond sex education? It is probably both :

“Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure,” the site says (emphasis in the original), “instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.”
My God!!! Seriously?? My guess is that these people are the ones focused on sexual pleasure, or, more accurately, avoiding sexual pleasure for fear of hell and damnation. And out of envy, seek to deny others sexual pleasure. And they are outright lying about what children are being taught as part of their campaign to vilify all sex.........unless it with a porn star or prostitute of course.

People for the American way, publishers of the site Right Wing Watch has 19 articles that are on FWI or mentions them

Here the most recent one that may shine some additional light on their motives

It seems that they are in fact a busy bunch of bigoted bullies.

An email from the World Congress of Families, which now operates as a project of Brian Brown’s International Organization for the Family, boasts of two upcoming regional gatherings. The anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ WCF generally has a big annual global summit and smaller regional gatherings, at which “delegates learn how and why it is important to protect the natural family as the fundamental and sustainable unit of society and defend the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.”

The Caribbean gathering, whose co-hosts include Focus on the Family, will be held in St. Lucia November 17-18. The topics include: population control in Jamaica, comprehensive sex education, “Five Fatal Inconsistencies in Gender Theory,” and “Marriage Is the Foundation of Civilization.”

The local organizer for the conference, who is supported by WCF regional coordinator Rebekah Ali-Gouveia, is Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, a member of the St. Lucian Parliament and founder of the Caribbean Centre for Family and Human Rights (CARIFAM). Other speakers include WCF’s Don Feder, Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, Family Watch International’s Sharon Slater, and Pastor Scott Stirm, an activist who has led opposition to LGBTQ equality in Belize. Many of the same people took part in another regional WCF gathering that was held in Antigua in June.

So there you have it…..a commitment to promoting bigotry at home and abroad in the name of faith and so called family values.

Simple TheProgressivePatriot
They don't want kids being taught or indoctrinated in ways that
undermine responsibility for sex which they teach is reserved between partners prepared and committed to raising children.
This comes first before teaching that sex is casual, for pleasures,
or normal between same sex partners, etc.

Before you teach someone to play jazz and get creative and do your own thing,
you still have to learn the basic scales. You learn what clashes and what makes harmony.

The concern I see is that people want to make sure we are still teaching
the basic foundation and responsibility in mother father relations,
husband wife, man and woman, and church and state; BEFORE
teaching people about freedom to believe in variations of these.

The variations and free choice shouldn't undermine by REJECTING
the basic foundations, but should work within that framework.

These free choices offered by liberal and LGBT culture seem in conflict
compared to the stable standards that people of my generation were brought up with.

The fellow 80s kids I know had all the benefits of stable background and teaching
from the old school, and then added all this diversity that was accepted as cool.

But somewhere in the 90s it turned to hating and bullying over differences.

I'd like to get back to the 80s mentality where it was fine to be different, everyone
could choose their own group and do their own thing and everyone got along,
you just didn't push your political beliefs on anyone else and try to start a fight!

TheProgressivePatriot I think the trouble really kicked in around the time
Clinton got elected, and the prolife rallied against the prochoice and the
equal and opposite reaction was the left started demonizing the right as well.

Once liberals became the problem for the right, and the Christians became the
problem for the left, it never ended but just escalated where they cannot leave each other alone.

Everything has become politicized now.
Once you open up the can of worms, it's almost impossible to stuff them back in....
A long long LONG FUCKING time ago!

So by that logic - The SS loaded 6 million Jews, 7 million Russian Civillians, 300,000 Serbs, 200,000 Gypsies, 2,000 Jehovah's Witnesses, and God knows how many others - But that was "A long long LONG FUCKING time ago" .... Right ? You pathetic douchebag
The difference, dumb fuck , is that those who are Nazis today are still the same Nazi that existed then. Gay people today are not the same people who my have been misguided and cavorted with NAMBLA decades ago.

Yes the Fag Militia has certainly changed - they are no longer hiding the fact that they want to recruit Children

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids?

"I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby." Daniel Villarreal

I really find it hard to believe that you are so fucking stupid that you do not understand the point of the article that you posted, and apparently to intellectually incurious to read past the first paragraph, if that much. Do you understand what tongue in cheek humor is? Apparently not. This is how it ends:

Committed, loving relationships! Wedding vows! Until death do us part! We just wanna be able to say “I Do!” Forget the thousands of social benefits that regularly screw over queer people without marriage equality. Forget that marriage equality states have lower rates of queer youth and teen suicide. Forget that not educating our kids about queer issues makes them ignorant, hateful little morons. All that doesn’t matter just as long as Mary Jo Kennedy and Jo-Ann Shain can sit on a couch with matching glasses and haircuts and dispassionately discuss semantics.

Do you really think Mary Jo and Jo-Ann are gonna convince a bunch of parents who have just seen NOM’s scary ad that schools aren’t gonna teach their kids about gay fisting and anal sex? So what if NOM’s ad is full of lies and distortions? You know why they keep using those same tired old lies? BECAUSE THEY WORK. And if we plan on responding to scare tactics about indoctrinating kids and outlawing religion with polite lesbian discussions about commitment, we’ve already lost.

How about this? How about we accept that we want kids to think better about queers and then create ads—with tons of verifiable supporting evidence—that just plainly state that denying marriage equality ruins people’s lives? That would at least be honest and a heck of a lot more compelling then this fearful mincing we’re doing to the tune and delight of our foes.

You are a 70 year old Homosexual man why do you have this strange interest in posting about children and children and sex, specifically in posting about children being taught the LGBTQ thing?
"Gay people today are not the same people who my have been misguided and cavorted with NAMBLA decades ago."

Are you sure about that? Others are not so sure they are not the same:

^^^^ Young boy Twerking at a Gay Pride Perverts Parade.



^^^^ Young boy dressed as a girl.

^^^^ Faggots enjoying the above disgusting display in front of a young girl.

Anyone who finds this acceptable should be shot post haste!!!

They're not worth the cost of a bullet.

A good, heavy, blunt object, such as a baseball bat or a sledge hammer, is reusable.

Nah, $1.20 is OK by me to be rid of that.
I read it - sorry pal I don't cherry pick - it is what it is. The fact that some left wing quasi journalist at CBS {lol} wanted tp play with reality is no skin off my potatoes. Faggots make poor parents end of story ...
Thank you for confirming that you are a anti-intellectual bean brain who cannot comprehend humor.
I read it - sorry pal I don't cherry pick - it is what it is. The fact that some left wing quasi journalist at CBS {lol} wanted tp play with reality is no skin off my potatoes. Faggots make poor parents end of story ...
Thank you for confirming that you are a anti-intellectual bean brain who cannot comprehend humor.

Leftists are devoid of humour, especially Leftists who are LGBTQ are beyond devoid of humour.
Well several arrests helped them decide to go low profile. The gay rights movement WAS associated with NAMBLA - they ditched them when they realised this was an association that would obviously hold them back.
It’s quite damning that they were associated with them at all at any time.
A long long LONG FUCKING time ago! Get over it. It's pathetic that you people have to harp on ancient history to try to prove that gays are dangerous for children or that any advocates for gays would endorse pedophilia.
Get over it? That’s a weird thing for someone who claims to have had the welfare of children in his power. The fact that gays were associated with NAMBLA until they realised it would hurt their cause IS WORRYING, FFS!

Of course it is; these sickos are sociopaths, and completely oblivious as to why normal people frown on kiddie molesters.

Google up Kevin Jennings. He's big admirer of Harry Hay, and published kiddie porn best sellers for the 'gay community' and for school children to read. No wonder Obama and the DNC loved the guy so much. They thought he was perfect for seeing after the school kiddies.

Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders

What parent wouldn't want their 7th grader letting faggots like 'Progreaso' here stick fists up their asses?
OK I took a look before the link vanishes. Good Lord! Sick.
Does TPP think these books are suitable for kids???
Jesus fucking Christ. NO! I do not this it would be appropriate if true. However, I previously established that the lying pigs at Fox pulled the story from the crazies at Gateway Pundit

Nothing Hoft says about GLSEN is ever true

It's a fucking bogus story!!
You know, you are totally not to be trusted.
You pretend to condemn this but in the next breath say it’s not true - as usual. You do this a lot, so you actually condemn nothing, but pretend something’s been ‘debunked’.
Well, GLSEN - unwittingly - prove the allegations true when they said the following:

Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders
By Maxim Lott

Published December 14, 2009

.....Peter Sprigg, a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, says the content of the books is shocking, and it raises concerns about Jennings' judgment.

"The graphic sexual content of these books is so extreme that I think any average parent or citizen, regardless of how they feel about homosexuality, would be shocked at these books being recommended to young people," Sprigg said.

GLSEN Executive Director Eliza Byard defended her group's recommendations, telling in a written statement:

"Some of the books that might be used with young adult audiences contain mature content, as is true of many memoirs and works of literature. Because of the presence of mature content in some of the works, GLSEN provides very clear guidelines throughout, recommending that adults review each book to make sure the book is suitable."

Those guidelines, listed on each book recommendation page, read: "All BookLink items are reviewed by GLSEN staff for quality and appropriateness of content. However, some titles for adolescent readers contain mature themes. We recommend that adults selecting books for youth review content for suitability."

But critics say the guidelines themselves are damning, because they confirm that GLSEN staff have checked the books for appropriateness. And Jennings, they point out, was in charge at the time.

Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders
A long long LONG FUCKING time ago!

So by that logic - The SS loaded 6 million Jews, 7 million Russian Civillians, 300,000 Serbs, 200,000 Gypsies, 2,000 Jehovah's Witnesses, and God knows how many others - But that was "A long long LONG FUCKING time ago" .... Right ? You pathetic douchebag
The difference, dumb fuck , is that those who are Nazis today are still the same Nazi that existed then. Gay people today are not the same people who my have been misguided and cavorted with NAMBLA decades ago.
A long long LONG FUCKING time ago!

So by that logic - The SS loaded 6 million Jews, 7 million Russian Civillians, 300,000 Serbs, 200,000 Gypsies, 2,000 Jehovah's Witnesses, and God knows how many others - But that was "A long long LONG FUCKING time ago" .... Right ? You pathetic douchebag
The difference, dumb fuck , is that those who are Nazis today are still the same Nazi that existed then. Gay people today are not the same people who my have been misguided and cavorted with NAMBLA decades ago.
‘Misguided’? Paedophiles are just ‘misguided’?
Oh, and by the way, if anybody finds the links I posted useful and want to save them, do so now; the usual practice is for Pedo-Patriot to wait for certain mods to log on, and then snivel to have my posts deleted, so if you want them get them now, as they will probably be gone later.

I don't think the mods are playing along with his game any more. I think they must be getting as fed up with his pro-child-abuse crap as you and I are.

Quod erat demonstrandum.



  • RegressivePedophile.jpg
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A long long LONG FUCKING time ago! Get over it. It's pathetic that you people have to harp on ancient history to try to prove that gays are dangerous for children or that any advocates for gays would endorse pedophilia.
Get over it? That’s a weird thing for someone who claims to have had the welfare of children in his power. The fact that gays were associated with NAMBLA until they realised it would hurt their cause IS WORRYING, FFS!

Of course it is; these sickos are sociopaths, and completely oblivious as to why normal people frown on kiddie molesters.

Google up Kevin Jennings. He's big admirer of Harry Hay, and published kiddie porn best sellers for the 'gay community' and for school children to read. No wonder Obama and the DNC loved the guy so much. They thought he was perfect for seeing after the school kiddies.

Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders

What parent wouldn't want their 7th grader letting faggots like 'Progreaso' here stick fists up their asses?
OK I took a look before the link vanishes. Good Lord! Sick.
Does TPP think these books are suitable for kids???
Jesus fucking Christ. NO! I do not this it would be appropriate if true. However, I previously established that the lying pigs at Fox pulled the story from the crazies at Gateway Pundit

Nothing Hoft says about GLSEN is ever true

It's a fucking bogus story!!
You know, you are totally not to be trusted.
You pretend to condemn this but in the next breath say it’s not true - as usual. You do this a lot, so you actually condemn nothing, but pretend something’s been ‘debunked’.
Well, GLSEN - unwittingly - prove the allegations true when they said the following:

Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders
By Maxim Lott

Published December 14, 2009

.....Peter Sprigg, a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, says the content of the books is shocking, and it raises concerns about Jennings' judgment.

"The graphic sexual content of these books is so extreme that I think any average parent or citizen, regardless of how they feel about homosexuality, would be shocked at these books being recommended to young people," Sprigg said.

GLSEN Executive Director Eliza Byard defended her group's recommendations, telling in a written statement:

"Some of the books that might be used with young adult audiences contain mature content, as is true of many memoirs and works of literature. Because of the presence of mature content in some of the works, GLSEN provides very clear guidelines throughout, recommending that adults review each book to make sure the book is suitable."

Those guidelines, listed on each book recommendation page, read: "All BookLink items are reviewed by GLSEN staff for quality and appropriateness of content. However, some titles for adolescent readers contain mature themes. We recommend that adults selecting books for youth review content for suitability."

But critics say the guidelines themselves are damning, because they confirm that GLSEN staff have checked the books for appropriateness. And Jennings, they point out, was in charge at the time.

Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders

:eek: And this guy was supposed to be in charge of keeping kids safe and drug-free in the Dept of Education? Who appointed him?

I read it - sorry pal I don't cherry pick - it is what it is. The fact that some left wing quasi journalist at CBS {lol} wanted tp play with reality is no skin off my potatoes. Faggots make poor parents end of story ...
Thank you for confirming that you are a anti-intellectual bean brain who cannot comprehend humor.

Leftists are devoid of humour, especially Leftists who are LGBTQ are beyond devoid of humour.

RE: Leftists are devoid of humour???

Oh dear Lucy Hamilton
I wrote a whole musical satire making fun of both left and rightwing politics.
(This "feminist" rewrite of Shakespeare has the families mediating
and making peace so nobody else has to die. and Juliet can get her way!
My liberal friends loved this and thought it was a scream.)

You should meet my friend Ray Hill who cracks me up anytime he speaks before City Council.
Maybe you don't get that dry kind of leftist liberal humor.

He'll ask "do I need to get myself arrested before this policy gets changed?"
He asks innocent questions when that's clearly not what he's saying.
Totally straightfaced. He's the most liberal and Saul Alinksy adherent I know
and totally fun and funny. You can't deal with prison politics without a sense of humor or you'd lose it.

I've written parodies for liberal Peace and Justice media.
It's hard to make fun of absolute tragic situations, but
if I didn't laugh, I'd cry. So it's more fun to make fun of the messes and laugh.

Here's a spoof I wrote to cheer up a feminist lesbian friend left in tears
after some punk guys disrupted a peaceful rally and got people hurt after inciting a fight:

Can be sung to "Mr. Self-Destruct" by NIN

Who built the bomb and made it drop [Can't you control yourself]
Because they "ticked" each other off
The babies dead or born deformed
What would they say about your wars

Is there a planet you can go
And leave us peaceful folks alone
Can't live with your testosterene
Gee, you men are so "messed up"

You've nailed your Savior to the cross [Can't you control yourselves]
With every genocidal holocaust
You rape your daughters 'n' beat your sons
In castles that you guard with loaded guns

Is there no planet big enough
For horny men to strut their stuff
Can't keep your penis to yourselves
Go move to Venus, Mars, or someplace else

The world is not a playground for you
It does not revolve around you
Women weren't put on earth to serve you
Our only fault is that we birth you

When corporations have more legal rights
Than struggling workers, fighting to survive
Any woman climbing to the top
Is called a "bleep" if she won't . . . [lick your sock]

You pay for girls to show their [chest]
More than the ones who teach your kids
How many women're in the pen
Running drugs for men who squealed on them

Is there a planet you can go
And leave us womenfolk alone
Till you control your own testosterone
Goddang! Men are so "messed up"!

You smash guitars and bash your brains
Then claim that women are insane
No race on earth is more to blame
Cuz black or white, you're all the same!

Is there a sweatlodge you can go
And leave the rest of us alone
Why did God invent testosterone
For men to blow this planet up?
You men, you men are so -- [...sirens wail...]

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