The Religious Right Takes on UN Children’s Agency Over Sex Education


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Why is the religious right attacking UNICEF? You might not believe the answer

More absurdity from the religious right. These people have to be borderline psychotic. They are targeting UNICEF – a venerable UN based child welfare organization- accusing them of having a “pedophile agenda”

On Tuesday, people walking by UNICEF’s headquarters in Manhattan were met with a strange sight: A group of protesters accusing the venerable United Nations children’s welfare organization of harboring a shadowy pedophile agenda. They held professionally printed signs reading “UNICEF Sexualizing Children” and “Shame on UNICEF” while Sharon Slater, the head of a group called Family Watch International, accused the organization of “a hidden agenda that nobody knows about: to sexualize children.”

Before we go on, A little about UNICEF. Here are some of the projects and causes that they fight for. Anyone who can find fault with any of it is seriously demented

And what brought about this insanity?

Tuesday’s protest was being held to denounce UNICEF’s support for comprehensive sex education, as part of Family Watch International’s larger war against sex ed around the world. The campaign even has a website,, which uses lurid language to scare parents away from sex education programs that include information about consent, safety and diversity.
These people seem to be obsessed with sex and with children. And to stupid to understand that comprehensive sex ed. prevents disease and pregnancy. The only question is, do they actually believe this bovine excrement or is it a ploy in support of a wider agenda beyond sex education? It is probably both :

“Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure,” the site says (emphasis in the original), “instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.”
My God!!! Seriously?? My guess is that these people are the ones focused on sexual pleasure, or, more accurately, avoiding sexual pleasure for fear of hell and damnation. And out of envy, seek to deny others sexual pleasure. And they are outright lying about what children are being taught as part of their campaign to vilify all sex.........unless it with a porn star or prostitute of course.

People for the American way, publishers of the site Right Wing Watch has 19 articles that are on FWI or mentions them

Here the most recent one that may shine some additional light on their motives

It seems that they are in fact a busy bunch of bigoted bullies.

An email from the World Congress of Families, which now operates as a project of Brian Brown’s International Organization for the Family, boasts of two upcoming regional gatherings. The anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ WCF generally has a big annual global summit and smaller regional gatherings, at which “delegates learn how and why it is important to protect the natural family as the fundamental and sustainable unit of society and defend the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.”

The Caribbean gathering, whose co-hosts include Focus on the Family, will be held in St. Lucia November 17-18. The topics include: population control in Jamaica, comprehensive sex education, “Five Fatal Inconsistencies in Gender Theory,” and “Marriage Is the Foundation of Civilization.”

The local organizer for the conference, who is supported by WCF regional coordinator Rebekah Ali-Gouveia, is Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, a member of the St. Lucian Parliament and founder of the Caribbean Centre for Family and Human Rights (CARIFAM). Other speakers include WCF’s Don Feder, Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, Family Watch International’s Sharon Slater, and Pastor Scott Stirm, an activist who has led opposition to LGBTQ equality in Belize. Many of the same people took part in another regional WCF gathering that was held in Antigua in June.

So there you have it…..a commitment to promoting bigotry at home and abroad in the name of faith and so called family values.

More absurdity from the religious right. These people have to be borderline psychotic. They are targeting UNICEF – a venerable UN based child welfare organization- accusing them of having a “pedophile agenda”

On Tuesday, people walking by UNICEF’s headquarters in Manhattan were met with a strange sight: A group of protesters accusing the venerable United Nations children’s welfare organization of harboring a shadowy pedophile agenda. They held professionally printed signs reading “UNICEF Sexualizing Children” and “Shame on UNICEF” while Sharon Slater, the head of a group called Family Watch International, accused the organization of “a hidden agenda that nobody knows about: to sexualize children.”

Before we go on, A little about UNICEF. Here are some of the projects and causes that they fight for. Anyone who can find fault with any of it is seriously demented

And what brought about this insanity?

Tuesday’s protest was being held to denounce UNICEF’s support for comprehensive sex education, as part of Family Watch International’s larger war against sex ed around the world. The campaign even has a website,, which uses lurid language to scare parents away from sex education programs that include information about consent, safety and diversity.
These people seem to be obsessed with sex and with children. And to stupid to understand that comprehensive sex ed. prevents disease and pregnancy. The only question is, do they actually believe this bovine excrement or is it a ploy in support of a wider agenda beyond sex education? It is probably both :

“Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure,” the site says (emphasis in the original), “instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.”
My God!!! Seriously?? My guess is that these people are the ones focused on sexual pleasure, or, more accurately, avoiding sexual pleasure for fear of hell and damnation. And out of envy, seek to deny others sexual pleasure. And they are outright lying about what children are being taught as part of their campaign to vilify all sex.........unless it with a porn star or prostitute of course.

People for the American way, publishers of the site Right Wing Watch has 19 articles that are on FWI or mentions them

Here the most recent one that may shine some additional light on their motives

It seems that they are in fact a busy bunch of bigoted bullies.

An email from the World Congress of Families, which now operates as a project of Brian Brown’s International Organization for the Family, boasts of two upcoming regional gatherings. The anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ WCF generally has a big annual global summit and smaller regional gatherings, at which “delegates learn how and why it is important to protect the natural family as the fundamental and sustainable unit of society and defend the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.”

The Caribbean gathering, whose co-hosts include Focus on the Family, will be held in St. Lucia November 17-18. The topics include: population control in Jamaica, comprehensive sex education, “Five Fatal Inconsistencies in Gender Theory,” and “Marriage Is the Foundation of Civilization.”

The local organizer for the conference, who is supported by WCF regional coordinator Rebekah Ali-Gouveia, is Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, a member of the St. Lucian Parliament and founder of the Caribbean Centre for Family and Human Rights (CARIFAM). Other speakers include WCF’s Don Feder, Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, Family Watch International’s Sharon Slater, and Pastor Scott Stirm, an activist who has led opposition to LGBTQ equality in Belize. Many of the same people took part in another regional WCF gathering that was held in Antigua in June.

So there you have it…..a commitment to promoting bigotry at home and abroad in the name of faith and so called family values.

Another gay thread by PP? Who knew there was so much to keep him in a state of excitement!
Why is the religious right attacking UNICEF? You might not believe the answer

More absurdity from the religious right. These people have to be borderline psychotic. They are targeting UNICEF – a venerable UN based child welfare organization- accusing them of having a “pedophile agenda”

On Tuesday, people walking by UNICEF’s headquarters in Manhattan were met with a strange sight: A group of protesters accusing the venerable United Nations children’s welfare organization of harboring a shadowy pedophile agenda. They held professionally printed signs reading “UNICEF Sexualizing Children” and “Shame on UNICEF” while Sharon Slater, the head of a group called Family Watch International, accused the organization of “a hidden agenda that nobody knows about: to sexualize children.”

Before we go on, A little about UNICEF. Here are some of the projects and causes that they fight for. Anyone who can find fault with any of it is seriously demented

And what brought about this insanity?

Tuesday’s protest was being held to denounce UNICEF’s support for comprehensive sex education, as part of Family Watch International’s larger war against sex ed around the world. The campaign even has a website,, which uses lurid language to scare parents away from sex education programs that include information about consent, safety and diversity.
These people seem to be obsessed with sex and with children. And to stupid to understand that comprehensive sex ed. prevents disease and pregnancy. The only question is, do they actually believe this bovine excrement or is it a ploy in support of a wider agenda beyond sex education? It is probably both :

“Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure,” the site says (emphasis in the original), “instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.”
My God!!! Seriously?? My guess is that these people are the ones focused on sexual pleasure, or, more accurately, avoiding sexual pleasure for fear of hell and damnation. And out of envy, seek to deny others sexual pleasure. And they are outright lying about what children are being taught as part of their campaign to vilify all sex.........unless it with a porn star or prostitute of course.

People for the American way, publishers of the site Right Wing Watch has 19 articles that are on FWI or mentions them

Here the most recent one that may shine some additional light on their motives

It seems that they are in fact a busy bunch of bigoted bullies.

An email from the World Congress of Families, which now operates as a project of Brian Brown’s International Organization for the Family, boasts of two upcoming regional gatherings. The anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ WCF generally has a big annual global summit and smaller regional gatherings, at which “delegates learn how and why it is important to protect the natural family as the fundamental and sustainable unit of society and defend the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.”

The Caribbean gathering, whose co-hosts include Focus on the Family, will be held in St. Lucia November 17-18. The topics include: population control in Jamaica, comprehensive sex education, “Five Fatal Inconsistencies in Gender Theory,” and “Marriage Is the Foundation of Civilization.”

The local organizer for the conference, who is supported by WCF regional coordinator Rebekah Ali-Gouveia, is Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, a member of the St. Lucian Parliament and founder of the Caribbean Centre for Family and Human Rights (CARIFAM). Other speakers include WCF’s Don Feder, Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, Family Watch International’s Sharon Slater, and Pastor Scott Stirm, an activist who has led opposition to LGBTQ equality in Belize. Many of the same people took part in another regional WCF gathering that was held in Antigua in June.

So there you have it…..a commitment to promoting bigotry at home and abroad in the name of faith and so called family values.

Shocker. UN Child Advocate Turns Out To Be A Flaming Pedophile
Shocker. UN Child Advocate Turns Out to be a Flaming Pedophile


UNICEF is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. How many pedophiles are you hiding, UNICEF?

UNICEF is a wolf in sheep's clothing. How many pedophiles are you hiding, UNICEF? - Rebezi News Service

UN Exposed as Haven for Child Rapists; More Scandals Coming

UN Exposed as Haven for Child Rapists; More Scandals Coming

More absurdity from the religious right. These people have to be borderline psychotic. They are targeting UNICEF – a venerable UN based child welfare organization- accusing them of having a “pedophile agenda”

On Tuesday, people walking by UNICEF’s headquarters in Manhattan were met with a strange sight: A group of protesters accusing the venerable United Nations children’s welfare organization of harboring a shadowy pedophile agenda. They held professionally printed signs reading “UNICEF Sexualizing Children” and “Shame on UNICEF” while Sharon Slater, the head of a group called Family Watch International, accused the organization of “a hidden agenda that nobody knows about: to sexualize children.”

Before we go on, A little about UNICEF. Here are some of the projects and causes that they fight for. Anyone who can find fault with any of it is seriously demented

And what brought about this insanity?

Tuesday’s protest was being held to denounce UNICEF’s support for comprehensive sex education, as part of Family Watch International’s larger war against sex ed around the world. The campaign even has a website,, which uses lurid language to scare parents away from sex education programs that include information about consent, safety and diversity.
These people seem to be obsessed with sex and with children. And to stupid to understand that comprehensive sex ed. prevents disease and pregnancy. The only question is, do they actually believe this bovine excrement or is it a ploy in support of a wider agenda beyond sex education? It is probably both :

“Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure,” the site says (emphasis in the original), “instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.”
My God!!! Seriously?? My guess is that these people are the ones focused on sexual pleasure, or, more accurately, avoiding sexual pleasure for fear of hell and damnation. And out of envy, seek to deny others sexual pleasure. And they are outright lying about what children are being taught as part of their campaign to vilify all sex.........unless it with a porn star or prostitute of course.

People for the American way, publishers of the site Right Wing Watch has 19 articles that are on FWI or mentions them

Here the most recent one that may shine some additional light on their motives

It seems that they are in fact a busy bunch of bigoted bullies.

An email from the World Congress of Families, which now operates as a project of Brian Brown’s International Organization for the Family, boasts of two upcoming regional gatherings. The anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ WCF generally has a big annual global summit and smaller regional gatherings, at which “delegates learn how and why it is important to protect the natural family as the fundamental and sustainable unit of society and defend the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.”

The Caribbean gathering, whose co-hosts include Focus on the Family, will be held in St. Lucia November 17-18. The topics include: population control in Jamaica, comprehensive sex education, “Five Fatal Inconsistencies in Gender Theory,” and “Marriage Is the Foundation of Civilization.”

The local organizer for the conference, who is supported by WCF regional coordinator Rebekah Ali-Gouveia, is Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, a member of the St. Lucian Parliament and founder of the Caribbean Centre for Family and Human Rights (CARIFAM). Other speakers include WCF’s Don Feder, Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, Family Watch International’s Sharon Slater, and Pastor Scott Stirm, an activist who has led opposition to LGBTQ equality in Belize. Many of the same people took part in another regional WCF gathering that was held in Antigua in June.

So there you have it…..a commitment to promoting bigotry at n have read home and abroad in the name of faith and so called family values.

Another gay thread by PP? Who knew there was so much to keep him in a state of excitement!
Interesting that you are right here like stink on shit. You responded PDQ.... to fast to eve have read all of it and we know that you hare not a genius speed reader. The fact is that it is mostly about an important child welfare agency that is being smeared by a buck of crazed loons . Do you have anything remotely intelligent to say about that?
Takes on UN Children’s Agency Over Sex Education

The UN funding sex education seems like a phenomenal waste of time and money. They seem to have already figured out how to have sex.

Another gay thread by PP? Who knew there was so much to keep him in a state of excitement!

Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children.

Any doubt as to why he is so interested in sexualizing children?
Why is the religious right attacking UNICEF? You might not believe the answer

More absurdity from the religious right. These people have to be borderline psychotic. They are targeting UNICEF – a venerable UN based child welfare organization- accusing them of having a “pedophile agenda”

On Tuesday, people walking by UNICEF’s headquarters in Manhattan were met with a strange sight: A group of protesters accusing the venerable United Nations children’s welfare organization of harboring a shadowy pedophile agenda. They held professionally printed signs reading “UNICEF Sexualizing Children” and “Shame on UNICEF” while Sharon Slater, the head of a group called Family Watch International, accused the organization of “a hidden agenda that nobody knows about: to sexualize children.”

Before we go on, A little about UNICEF. Here are some of the projects and causes that they fight for. Anyone who can find fault with any of it is seriously demented

And what brought about this insanity?

Tuesday’s protest was being held to denounce UNICEF’s support for comprehensive sex education, as part of Family Watch International’s larger war against sex ed around the world. The campaign even has a website,, which uses lurid language to scare parents away from sex education programs that include information about consent, safety and diversity.
These people seem to be obsessed with sex and with children. And to stupid to understand that comprehensive sex ed. prevents disease and pregnancy. The only question is, do they actually believe this bovine excrement or is it a ploy in support of a wider agenda beyond sex education? It is probably both :

“Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure,” the site says (emphasis in the original), “instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.”
My God!!! Seriously?? My guess is that these people are the ones focused on sexual pleasure, or, more accurately, avoiding sexual pleasure for fear of hell and damnation. And out of envy, seek to deny others sexual pleasure. And they are outright lying about what children are being taught as part of their campaign to vilify all sex.........unless it with a porn star or prostitute of course.

People for the American way, publishers of the site Right Wing Watch has 19 articles that are on FWI or mentions them

Here the most recent one that may shine some additional light on their motives

It seems that they are in fact a busy bunch of bigoted bullies.

An email from the World Congress of Families, which now operates as a project of Brian Brown’s International Organization for the Family, boasts of two upcoming regional gatherings. The anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ WCF generally has a big annual global summit and smaller regional gatherings, at which “delegates learn how and why it is important to protect the natural family as the fundamental and sustainable unit of society and defend the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.”

The Caribbean gathering, whose co-hosts include Focus on the Family, will be held in St. Lucia November 17-18. The topics include: population control in Jamaica, comprehensive sex education, “Five Fatal Inconsistencies in Gender Theory,” and “Marriage Is the Foundation of Civilization.”

The local organizer for the conference, who is supported by WCF regional coordinator Rebekah Ali-Gouveia, is Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, a member of the St. Lucian Parliament and founder of the Caribbean Centre for Family and Human Rights (CARIFAM). Other speakers include WCF’s Don Feder, Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, Family Watch International’s Sharon Slater, and Pastor Scott Stirm, an activist who has led opposition to LGBTQ equality in Belize. Many of the same people took part in another regional WCF gathering that was held in Antigua in June.

So there you have it…..a commitment to promoting bigotry at home and abroad in the name of faith and so called family values.

Shocker. UN Child Advocate Turns Out To Be A Flaming Pedophile
Shocker. UN Child Advocate Turns Out to be a Flaming Pedophile


UN staff allegedly responsible for over 60,000 cases of sexual exploitation

UNICEF is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. How many pedophiles are you hiding, UNICEF?

UNICEF is a wolf in sheep's clothing. How many pedophiles are you hiding, UNICEF? - Rebezi News Service

UN Exposed as Haven for Child Rapists; More Scandals Coming

UN Exposed as Haven for Child Rapists; More Scandals Coming
Tabloid horseshit! Can't you do any better than that? If any of this were true there would be an international scandal and uproar, but obviously you're not smart enough to know that.
Another gay thread by PP? Who knew there was so much to keep him in a state of excitement!

Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children.

Any doubt as to why he is so interested in sexualizing children?
You did not actually read and understand the issue , did you? Not at all surprised.
Why is the religious right attacking UNICEF? You might not believe the answer

More absurdity from the religious right. These people have to be borderline psychotic. They are targeting UNICEF – a venerable UN based child welfare organization- accusing them of having a “pedophile agenda”

On Tuesday, people walking by UNICEF’s headquarters in Manhattan were met with a strange sight: A group of protesters accusing the venerable United Nations children’s welfare organization of harboring a shadowy pedophile agenda. They held professionally printed signs reading “UNICEF Sexualizing Children” and “Shame on UNICEF” while Sharon Slater, the head of a group called Family Watch International, accused the organization of “a hidden agenda that nobody knows about: to sexualize children.”

Before we go on, A little about UNICEF. Here are some of the projects and causes that they fight for. Anyone who can find fault with any of it is seriously demented

And what brought about this insanity?

Tuesday’s protest was being held to denounce UNICEF’s support for comprehensive sex education, as part of Family Watch International’s larger war against sex ed around the world. The campaign even has a website,, which uses lurid language to scare parents away from sex education programs that include information about consent, safety and diversity.
These people seem to be obsessed with sex and with children. And to stupid to understand that comprehensive sex ed. prevents disease and pregnancy. The only question is, do they actually believe this bovine excrement or is it a ploy in support of a wider agenda beyond sex education? It is probably both :

“Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure,” the site says (emphasis in the original), “instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.”
My God!!! Seriously?? My guess is that these people are the ones focused on sexual pleasure, or, more accurately, avoiding sexual pleasure for fear of hell and damnation. And out of envy, seek to deny others sexual pleasure. And they are outright lying about what children are being taught as part of their campaign to vilify all sex.........unless it with a porn star or prostitute of course.

People for the American way, publishers of the site Right Wing Watch has 19 articles that are on FWI or mentions them

Here the most recent one that may shine some additional light on their motives

It seems that they are in fact a busy bunch of bigoted bullies.

An email from the World Congress of Families, which now operates as a project of Brian Brown’s International Organization for the Family, boasts of two upcoming regional gatherings. The anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ WCF generally has a big annual global summit and smaller regional gatherings, at which “delegates learn how and why it is important to protect the natural family as the fundamental and sustainable unit of society and defend the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.”

The Caribbean gathering, whose co-hosts include Focus on the Family, will be held in St. Lucia November 17-18. The topics include: population control in Jamaica, comprehensive sex education, “Five Fatal Inconsistencies in Gender Theory,” and “Marriage Is the Foundation of Civilization.”

The local organizer for the conference, who is supported by WCF regional coordinator Rebekah Ali-Gouveia, is Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, a member of the St. Lucian Parliament and founder of the Caribbean Centre for Family and Human Rights (CARIFAM). Other speakers include WCF’s Don Feder, Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, Family Watch International’s Sharon Slater, and Pastor Scott Stirm, an activist who has led opposition to LGBTQ equality in Belize. Many of the same people took part in another regional WCF gathering that was held in Antigua in June.

So there you have it…..a commitment to promoting bigotry at home and abroad in the name of faith and so called family values.

Shocker. UN Child Advocate Turns Out To Be A Flaming Pedophile
Shocker. UN Child Advocate Turns Out to be a Flaming Pedophile


UNICEF is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. How many pedophiles are you hiding, UNICEF?

UNICEF is a wolf in sheep's clothing. How many pedophiles are you hiding, UNICEF? - Rebezi News Service

UN Exposed as Haven for Child Rapists; More Scandals Coming

UN Exposed as Haven for Child Rapists; More Scandals Coming

The New American (TNA) is a print magazine published twice a month by American Opinion Publishing Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the John Birch Society (JBS), an organization which has been described as a radical right and far-right organization.[2][3][4][5] The magazine was created in 1985 from the merger of two JBS magazines: American Opinion and The Review of the News.The New American - Wikipedia
Why is the religious right attacking UNICEF? You might not believe the answer

More absurdity from the religious right. These people have to be borderline psychotic. They are targeting UNICEF – a venerable UN based child welfare organization- accusing them of having a “pedophile agenda”

On Tuesday, people walking by UNICEF’s headquarters in Manhattan were met with a strange sight: A group of protesters accusing the venerable United Nations children’s welfare organization of harboring a shadowy pedophile agenda. They held professionally printed signs reading “UNICEF Sexualizing Children” and “Shame on UNICEF” while Sharon Slater, the head of a group called Family Watch International, accused the organization of “a hidden agenda that nobody knows about: to sexualize children.”

Before we go on, A little about UNICEF. Here are some of the projects and causes that they fight for. Anyone who can find fault with any of it is seriously demented

And what brought about this insanity?

Tuesday’s protest was being held to denounce UNICEF’s support for comprehensive sex education, as part of Family Watch International’s larger war against sex ed around the world. The campaign even has a website,, which uses lurid language to scare parents away from sex education programs that include information about consent, safety and diversity.
These people seem to be obsessed with sex and with children. And to stupid to understand that comprehensive sex ed. prevents disease and pregnancy. The only question is, do they actually believe this bovine excrement or is it a ploy in support of a wider agenda beyond sex education? It is probably both :

“Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure,” the site says (emphasis in the original), “instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.”
My God!!! Seriously?? My guess is that these people are the ones focused on sexual pleasure, or, more accurately, avoiding sexual pleasure for fear of hell and damnation. And out of envy, seek to deny others sexual pleasure. And they are outright lying about what children are being taught as part of their campaign to vilify all sex.........unless it with a porn star or prostitute of course.

People for the American way, publishers of the site Right Wing Watch has 19 articles that are on FWI or mentions them

Here the most recent one that may shine some additional light on their motives

It seems that they are in fact a busy bunch of bigoted bullies.

An email from the World Congress of Families, which now operates as a project of Brian Brown’s International Organization for the Family, boasts of two upcoming regional gatherings. The anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ WCF generally has a big annual global summit and smaller regional gatherings, at which “delegates learn how and why it is important to protect the natural family as the fundamental and sustainable unit of society and defend the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.”

The Caribbean gathering, whose co-hosts include Focus on the Family, will be held in St. Lucia November 17-18. The topics include: population control in Jamaica, comprehensive sex education, “Five Fatal Inconsistencies in Gender Theory,” and “Marriage Is the Foundation of Civilization.”

The local organizer for the conference, who is supported by WCF regional coordinator Rebekah Ali-Gouveia, is Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, a member of the St. Lucian Parliament and founder of the Caribbean Centre for Family and Human Rights (CARIFAM). Other speakers include WCF’s Don Feder, Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, Family Watch International’s Sharon Slater, and Pastor Scott Stirm, an activist who has led opposition to LGBTQ equality in Belize. Many of the same people took part in another regional WCF gathering that was held in Antigua in June.

So there you have it…..a commitment to promoting bigotry at home and abroad in the name of faith and so called family values.

Shocker. UN Child Advocate Turns Out To Be A Flaming Pedophile
Shocker. UN Child Advocate Turns Out to be a Flaming Pedophile


UN staff allegedly responsible for over 60,000 cases of sexual exploitation

UNICEF is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. How many pedophiles are you hiding, UNICEF?

UNICEF is a wolf in sheep's clothing. How many pedophiles are you hiding, UNICEF? - Rebezi News Service

UN Exposed as Haven for Child Rapists; More Scandals Coming

UN Exposed as Haven for Child Rapists; More Scandals Coming

The New American (TNA) is a print magazine published twice a month by American Opinion Publishing Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the John Birch Society (JBS), an organization which has been described as a radical right and far-right organization.[2][3][4][5] The magazine was created in 1985 from the merger of two JBS magazines: American Opinion and The Review of the News.The New American - Wikipedia

That's only one of 5 links Mr. Rocket Scientist .... and you are unable to refute any of the data. That's the last refuse of assholes such as yourself ... you detracted from the credibility of 1 article of many all factually based. Like I alway sais you can lead a horse to water but not make it drink and you can lead a libtard to facts but not make it think - ain't that right libtard
60,000 documented cases of Child Abuse by Unicef - you must be creaming in your jeans - ain't that right ProgressivePatsy people lie you should be horse whipped - queer loving northeasat my ass - i betcha live with your brother daryl and your other brother Daryl and play with each other in the woods ... ain't that right s-bag ?
ther in the woods
60,000 documented cases of Child Abuse by Unicef - you must be creaming in your jeans - ain't that right ProgressivePatsy people lie you should be horse whipped - queer loving northeasat my ass - i betcha live with your brother daryl and your other brother Daryl and play with each other in the woods ... ain't that right s-bag ?
ther in the woods

What is this horseshit supposed to be Bubba? 60K cases?? Back it up or shut up
Another gay thread by PP? Who knew there was so much to keep him in a state of excitement!

Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children.

Any doubt as to why he is so interested in sexualizing children?
if you can't introduce children at very young ages to the concepts of deviant sex, how will you be able to access/imprint them if they are resistant to such ideas because of their purity until they make up their own minds?

There really is more going on to this sexualizing than the innocent LGBT cult would have people believe.
60,000 documented cases of Child Abuse by Unicef - you must be creaming in your jeans - ain't that right ProgressivePatsy people lie you should be horse whipped - queer loving northeasat my ass - i betcha live with your brother daryl and your other brother Daryl and play with each other in the woods ... ain't that right s-bag ?
ther in the woods
What is this horseshit supposed to be Bubba? 60K cases?? Back it up or shut up

I did back it up - 5 different links - you were too ignorant to comprehend - you're turn douchebag lets see whatcha got. Did they teach you how to be an irrational queer worshipping loser in the socialist reeducation camp?

Seriously dude if brains were C4, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose. .... if brains were taxed, you'd get a rebate.
Here' a few more for your dumbass . Now STFU douchebag you've been bested, not that bitch smacking you is anything to brag about you're about as sharp as a marble.

UN aid workers raped 60,000 people as it’s claimed organisation employs 3,300 paedophiles --- UN aid workers 'raped 60,000 in ten years' as sex abuse went unchecked

UN staff allegedly responsible for over 60,000 cases of sexual exploitation

Former UN official: UN workers responsible for 60k rapes in last decade
Former UN official: UN workers responsible for 60k rapes in last decade

Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years
Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years

Charity sex scandal: UN staff ‘responsible for 60,000 rapes in a decade’
Charity sex scandal: UN staff ‘responsible for 60,000 rapes in a decade’
60,000 documented cases of Child Abuse by Unicef - you must be creaming in your jeans - ain't that right ProgressivePatsy people lie you should be horse whipped - queer loving northeasat my ass - i betcha live with your brother daryl and your other brother Daryl and play with each other in the woods ... ain't that right s-bag ?
ther in the woods
What is this horseshit supposed to be Bubba? 60K cases?? Back it up or shut up

I did back it up - 5 different links - you were too ignorant to comprehend - you're turn douchebag lets see whatcha got. Did they teach you how to be an irrational queer worshipping loser in the socialist reeducation camp?

Seriously dude if brains were C4, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose. .... if brains were taxed, you'd get a rebate.
You mean these links Bean Brain..... I didn't find anything on two of those five but these are clearly discredited., as are you. Now why don't you run along and see if you can find something from a credible source on this, and I don't mean Info Wars

Red State

The Federalist Papers

New American
60,000 documented cases of Child Abuse by Unicef - you must be creaming in your jeans - ain't that right ProgressivePatsy people lie you should be horse whipped - queer loving northeasat my ass - i betcha live with your brother daryl and your other brother Daryl and play with each other in the woods ... ain't that right s-bag ?
ther in the woods
What is this horseshit supposed to be Bubba? 60K cases?? Back it up or shut up

I did back it up - 5 different links - you were too ignorant to comprehend - you're turn douchebag lets see whatcha got. Did they teach you how to be an irrational queer worshipping loser in the socialist reeducation camp?

Seriously dude if brains were C4, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose. .... if brains were taxed, you'd get a rebate.
You mean these links Bean Brain..... I didn't find anything on two of those five but these are clearly discredited., as are you. Now why don't you run along and see if you can find something from a credible source on this, and I don't mean Info Wars

Red State

The Federalist Papers

New American

Yo penis breath . I'd beg to differ as would most rational intelligent people , of which you are not one. Anyway nice attempt at cherry picking but try sucking on the post above this [ The Religious Right Takes on UN Children’s Agency Over Sex Education ]- that's a handful; of hundreds of links that bolster my statement - not surprised you have nothing to back yourself up with
Here' a few more for your dumbass . Now STFU douchebag you've been bested, not that bitch smacking you is anything to brag about you're about as sharp as a marble.

UN aid workers raped 60,000 people as it’s claimed organisation employs 3,300 paedophiles --- UN aid workers 'raped 60,000 in ten years' as sex abuse went unchecked

UN staff allegedly responsible for over 60,000 cases of sexual exploitation

Former UN official: UN workers responsible for 60k rapes in last decade
Former UN official: UN workers responsible for 60k rapes in last decade

Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years
Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years

Charity sex scandal: UN staff ‘responsible for 60,000 rapes in a decade’
Charity sex scandal: UN staff ‘responsible for 60,000 rapes in a decade’

Oh Christ! The Free Thought Project?
Free Thought Project - Media Bias/Fact Check

Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Notes: Free Thought Project reports some real news as well as conspiracy and left-wing sensationalism. (5/13/2016)

Source: Free Thought Project
Here' a few more for your dumbass . Now STFU douchebag you've been bested, not that bitch smacking you is anything to brag about you're about as sharp as a marble.

UN aid workers raped 60,000 people as it’s claimed organisation employs 3,300 paedophiles --- UN aid workers 'raped 60,000 in ten years' as sex abuse went unchecked

UN staff allegedly responsible for over 60,000 cases of sexual exploitation

Former UN official: UN workers responsible for 60k rapes in last decade
Former UN official: UN workers responsible for 60k rapes in last decade

Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years
Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years

Charity sex scandal: UN staff ‘responsible for 60,000 rapes in a decade’
Charity sex scandal: UN staff ‘responsible for 60,000 rapes in a decade’
And Life Site News also reported this which they could not back up

FACT CHECK: ACLU Director Resigns Over Transgender Bathroom Policy

And didn't it ever occur to you bean brain that a scandal of this magnitude, it true , would be all over the MSM and that all of the right wing politicians and pundits that hate the UN would be all over the story. There is your proof right there that this is all horseshit and that only stupid people believe it.
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