The Religion of Peace murders another cartoonist


View attachment 91101

back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

You really can't make those judgements OUTSIDE the culture of the times. Marriage was young and so was death and was across the cultures. Is Joseph a pedophile - an old man marrying a 12 yr old? In addition, there is considerable controversy over Aisha's age. The pedo accusation only started after 9/11. Gee I wonder why?

back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

That is a modern concept in the west. Even among some divisions of Mormons/LDS it is still part of their practice not just to take several wives but very young wives. Most mormons have rejected it, but it's not been that many years. The bible taught of child marriages, so those who follow the bible might still believe it should be permissible. Issac was 40 and Rebecca was three (some calculate her age up to 10). Even god did not have a problem, since Mary was only 12 yrs old.

Yes, modern western civilizations have set limits on how young people can marry, but even in NY with permission from a judge girls of 14 have been married in this century.

As for Mohammed, a marriage in name till her menses began which is how they decided when a girl was ready was normal everywhere at that time regardless of religion.
It's clear that
A) you don't have a daughter
B) you are not a feminist
C) you are a feminist but sycophancy for Islam takes priority
D) a combination of A and B or A and C.

Because otherwise you would have a serious problem with what you just said. Pedophilia is the great Undiscovered Country for you all on the Left, all other forms of perversion conquered. You also missed the ENTIRE point of my post that I don't give a triple flying FUCK about precedent, history, or culture. Any man who recoils from the challenges of mental peer relationships with full grown women in favor of the safer and easier world of little girls who are easier to manipulate is a PIECE OF SHIT pedophile and should be strung up by his balls.

By the way, Mary wasn't 12, though she seems to get younger with every telling of the story by pedophilia advocates, and she was a dedicated temple virgin and her spouse never touched her. She lived her entire life in virginity. So no, she doesn't belong in your treasured roster of historic pedophile exploits.

Two daughter and been working for women's right for decades around the world.

I'm not muslims, never was, but I judge religions in historical and cultural context.

No reason to believe Mary was "never touched". It is part of a married life to both give and receive pleasure, actually it is required in judaism for a women to fully expect sexual satisfaction. Jesus had brothers and sisters which are not listed as older or no of Mary. The immaculate conceptions was not Jesus but Mary. Once Jesus was born she was still a woman and every right to enjoy the pleasures of a woman. Why should a woman go her whole live as virgin and not enjoy healthy sex life?
There is myth and reality surrounding figures like Jesus, Mary, Mohammed and Aisha....and when you are talking about events that occurred over a thousand, two thousand years, there is a lot of stuff that gets mythologized long after the participants have gone. None of them were literate biographers of their own lives.

back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

You really can't make those judgements OUTSIDE the culture of the times. Marriage was young and so was death and was across the cultures. Is Joseph a pedophile - an old man marrying a 12 yr old? In addition, there is considerable controversy over Aisha's age. The pedo accusation only started after 9/11. Gee I wonder why?
1. Yes I can make those judgments. Pedophilia is sick and evil in every age and full grown woman have always been available.

2. Only started after 9/11? You're seriously going to make that claim?

3. There's no controversy about the fact that Pedo-mmad married her at 6 and deflowered her at 9. Or that it was a Jewish concubine that finally killed him. No wonder he preferred little lolitas. They couldn't defend themselves like grown women.

4. You Leftists will clearly favor sick, evil Islam over feminism which, let's face it, is SOOO 1990's.
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

aris2chat also provides an excellent example in post 73.

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.

Christians of the west were abused by husbands till end of 20th C
Violence Against Women Act was only passed in 1994

Muslims world was more isolated at they are slower to catch up
They were well in advance on other rights of women in many countries. Liberal/conservative readings of the quran and hadith have varied back and forth and across countries. What most seem to view as islam is wahhabism, not even all sunnism.

Time to stop comparing apples and watermelons. How quickly hypocrites forget their own pass

Christians of the west were abused by husbands till end of 20th C. Violence Against Women Act was only passed in 1994
What are you talking about? When did the Church ever say it was Ok for men to beat their wives?

Muslims world was more isolated at they are slower to catch up
This is a total B.S. excuse, which is what Islam apologists specialize in, i.e. making excuses for all of Islam's sins.
Either Islam allows for this submissive treatment of women and the torture of infidels or it does not. It is not a question of "catching up" with the West.

They were well in advance on other rights of women in many countries. Liberal/conservative readings of the quran and hadith have varied back and forth and across countries. What most seem to view as islam is wahhabism, not even all sunnism.
Ah, bunk. It is almost across the board some of these ill treatment of others. Who is doing the genital mutilations of women, just the wahhabis? Who subjugates and oppresses their own people and their neighbors, just the wahhabis? Who thinks we are all going to hell and their suicide martyrs are going to paradise, just the wahhabis? Well if all those others are so peaceful and object to all this then why are they not doing something meaningful about it? Islam is a false religion, that's why.

Time to stop comparing apples and watermelons. How quickly hypocrites forget their own past.

You are the one doing an extremely false way of comparing virtues and sins between Islam and Christianity.

back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

That is a modern concept in the west. Even among some divisions of Mormons/LDS it is still part of their practice not just to take several wives but very young wives. Most mormons have rejected it, but it's not been that many years. The bible taught of child marriages, so those who follow the bible might still believe it should be permissible. Issac was 40 and Rebecca was three (some calculate her age up to 10). Even god did not have a problem, since Mary was only 12 yrs old.

Yes, modern western civilizations have set limits on how young people can marry, but even in NY with permission from a judge girls of 14 have been married in this century.

As for Mohammed, a marriage in name till her menses began which is how they decided when a girl was ready was normal everywhere at that time regardless of religion.
It's clear that
A) you don't have a daughter
B) you are not a feminist
C) you are a feminist but sycophancy for Islam takes priority
D) a combination of A and B or A and C.

Because otherwise you would have a serious problem with what you just said. Pedophilia is the great Undiscovered Country for you all on the Left, all other forms of perversion conquered. You also missed the ENTIRE point of my post that I don't give a triple flying FUCK about precedent, history, or culture. Any man who recoils from the challenges of mental peer relationships with full grown women in favor of the safer and easier world of little girls who are easier to manipulate is a PIECE OF SHIT pedophile and should be strung up by his balls.

By the way, Mary wasn't 12, though she seems to get younger with every telling of the story by pedophilia advocates, and she was a dedicated temple virgin and her spouse never touched her. She lived her entire life in virginity. So no, she doesn't belong in your treasured roster of historic pedophile exploits.

Two daughter and been working for women's right for decades around the world.

I'm not muslims, never was, but I judge religions in historical and cultural context.

No reason to believe Mary was "never touched". It is part of a married life to both give and receive pleasure, actually it is required in judaism for a women to fully expect sexual satisfaction. Jesus had brothers and sisters which are not listed as older or no of Mary. The immaculate conceptions was not Jesus but Mary. Once Jesus was born she was still a woman and every right to enjoy the pleasures of a woman. Why should a woman go her whole live as virgin and not enjoy healthy sex life?
Mary never had intimate relations with any man, Jesus did not have biological siblings through Mary, and the custom of a young, dedicated temple virgin being placed in the care of an elderly widower like Joseph was a well known custom. You got your head full of Protestant garbage, but that's not what the historical record shows and that's not what Christians have believed for 2000 years.
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back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

You really can't make those judgements OUTSIDE the culture of the times. Marriage was young and so was death and was across the cultures. Is Joseph a pedophile - an old man marrying a 12 yr old? In addition, there is considerable controversy over Aisha's age. The pedo accusation only started after 9/11. Gee I wonder why?
1. Yes I can make those judgments. Pedophilia is sick and evil in every age and full grown woman have always been available.

Explain then, why the arranged marriage of children was the norm in that era and why the marriages were typically consumated when menses occurred?

2. Only started after 9/11? You're seriously going to make that claim?

Not kidding. I never heard references like that before - it's a modern phenemon.

3. There's no controversy about the fact that Pedo-mmad married her at 6 and deflowered her at 9. Or that it was a Jewish concubine that finally killed him. No wonder he preferred little lolitas. They couldn't defend themselves like grown women.

4. You Leftists will clearly favor sick, evil Islam over feminism which, let's face it, is SOOO 1990's.[/QUOTE]

Except all of Mohammeds other wives were older women.
There is myth and reality surrounding figures like Jesus, Mary, Mohammed and Aisha....and when you are talking about events that occurred over a thousand, two thousand years, there is a lot of stuff that gets mythologized long after the participants have gone. None of them were literate biographers of their own lives.
And none of it excuses pedophilia today. The rate at which the left draws from historical precedent to justify sick, perverted practices today seems to warrant this righteous rebuke.
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back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

That is a modern concept in the west. Even among some divisions of Mormons/LDS it is still part of their practice not just to take several wives but very young wives. Most mormons have rejected it, but it's not been that many years. The bible taught of child marriages, so those who follow the bible might still believe it should be permissible. Issac was 40 and Rebecca was three (some calculate her age up to 10). Even god did not have a problem, since Mary was only 12 yrs old.

Yes, modern western civilizations have set limits on how young people can marry, but even in NY with permission from a judge girls of 14 have been married in this century.

As for Mohammed, a marriage in name till her menses began which is how they decided when a girl was ready was normal everywhere at that time regardless of religion.
It's clear that
A) you don't have a daughter
B) you are not a feminist
C) you are a feminist but sycophancy for Islam takes priority
D) a combination of A and B or A and C.

Because otherwise you would have a serious problem with what you just said. Pedophilia is the great Undiscovered Country for you all on the Left, all other forms of perversion conquered. You also missed the ENTIRE point of my post that I don't give a triple flying FUCK about precedent, history, or culture. Any man who recoils from the challenges of mental peer relationships with full grown women in favor of the safer and easier world of little girls who are easier to manipulate is a PIECE OF SHIT pedophile and should be strung up by his balls.

By the way, Mary wasn't 12, though she seems to get younger with every telling of the story by pedophilia advocates, and she was a dedicated temple virgin and her spouse never touched her. She lived her entire life in virginity. So no, she doesn't belong in your treasured roster of historic pedophile exploits.

Two daughter and been working for women's right for decades around the world.

I'm not muslims, never was, but I judge religions in historical and cultural context.

No reason to believe Mary was "never touched". It is part of a married life to both give and receive pleasure, actually it is required in judaism for a women to fully expect sexual satisfaction. Jesus had brothers and sisters which are not listed as older or no of Mary. The immaculate conceptions was not Jesus but Mary. Once Jesus was born she was still a woman and every right to enjoy the pleasures of a woman. Why should a woman go her whole live as virgin and not enjoy healthy sex life?
Mary never had intimate relations with any man, Jesus did not have biological siblings through Mary, and the custom of a young, dedicated temple virgin being placed in the care of an elderly widower like Joseph was a well known custom. You got your head full of Protesant garbage, but that's not what the historical record shows and that's not what Christians have believed for 2000 years.

Belief doesn't necessarily equal reality.
There is myth and reality surrounding figures like Jesus, Mary, Mohammed and Aisha....and when you are talking about events that occurred over a thousand, two thousand years, there is a lot of stuff that gets mythologized long after the participants have gone. None of them were literate biographers of their own lives.
And none of it excuses pedophilia today. The rate at which the left draws from hostorical precedent to justify sick, perverted practices today seems to warrant this righteous rebuke.

There's your first mistake - no one is excusing pedophilia today. Child marriages are still all to common and very abusive. They are common in many non-Islamic countries as well.

back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

You really can't make those judgements OUTSIDE the culture of the times. Marriage was young and so was death and was across the cultures. Is Joseph a pedophile - an old man marrying a 12 yr old? In addition, there is considerable controversy over Aisha's age. The pedo accusation only started after 9/11. Gee I wonder why?
1. Yes I can make those judgments. Pedophilia is sick and evil in every age and full grown woman have always been available.

Explain then, why the arranged marriage of children was the norm in that era and why the marriages were typically consumated when menses occurred?

2. Only started after 9/11? You're seriously going to make that claim?

Not kidding. I never heard references like that before - it's a modern phenemon.

3. There's no controversy about the fact that Pedo-mmad married her at 6 and deflowered her at 9. Or that it was a Jewish concubine that finally killed him. No wonder he preferred little lolitas. They couldn't defend themselves like grown women.

4. You Leftists will clearly favor sick, evil Islam over feminism which, let's face it, is SOOO 1990's.

Except all of Mohammeds other wives were older women.[/QUOTE]
Because women were property. It's also why Lot offered his virgin daughters to the homos trying to break down his door. It's still wrong. Cultural context does not possess the power to turn wrong into right or........Ta Da! Slavery was A-OK!
There is myth and reality surrounding figures like Jesus, Mary, Mohammed and Aisha....and when you are talking about events that occurred over a thousand, two thousand years, there is a lot of stuff that gets mythologized long after the participants have gone. None of them were literate biographers of their own lives.
And none of it excuses pedophilia today. The rate at which the left draws from hostorical precedent to justify sick, perverted practices today seems to warrant this righteous rebuke.

There's your first mistake - no one is excusing pedophilia today. Child marriages are still all to common and very abusive. They are common in many non-Islamic countries as well.
I think it's very clear that leftists are excusing pedophilia today, hence the eagerness to seek the imprimatur of history.
back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

You really can't make those judgements OUTSIDE the culture of the times. Marriage was young and so was death and was across the cultures. Is Joseph a pedophile - an old man marrying a 12 yr old? In addition, there is considerable controversy over Aisha's age. The pedo accusation only started after 9/11. Gee I wonder why?
1. Yes I can make those judgments. Pedophilia is sick and evil in every age and full grown woman have always been available.

Explain then, why the arranged marriage of children was the norm in that era and why the marriages were typically consumated when menses occurred?

2. Only started after 9/11? You're seriously going to make that claim?

Not kidding. I never heard references like that before - it's a modern phenemon.

3. There's no controversy about the fact that Pedo-mmad married her at 6 and deflowered her at 9. Or that it was a Jewish concubine that finally killed him. No wonder he preferred little lolitas. They couldn't defend themselves like grown women.

4. You Leftists will clearly favor sick, evil Islam over feminism which, let's face it, is SOOO 1990's.

Except all of Mohammeds other wives were older women.
Because women were property. It's also why Lot offered his virgin daughters to the homos trying to break down his door. It's still wrong. Cultural context does not possess the power to turn wrong into right or........Ta Da! Slavery was A-OK!

Back then, slavery everyone. Except the slaves of course.
There is myth and reality surrounding figures like Jesus, Mary, Mohammed and Aisha....and when you are talking about events that occurred over a thousand, two thousand years, there is a lot of stuff that gets mythologized long after the participants have gone. None of them were literate biographers of their own lives.
And none of it excuses pedophilia today. The rate at which the left draws from hostorical precedent to justify sick, perverted practices today seems to warrant this righteous rebuke.

There's your first mistake - no one is excusing pedophilia today. Child marriages are still all to common and very abusive. They are common in many non-Islamic countries as well.
I think it's very clear that leftists are excusing pedophilia today, hence the eagerness to seek the imprimatur of history.
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

You really can't make those judgements OUTSIDE the culture of the times. Marriage was young and so was death and was across the cultures. Is Joseph a pedophile - an old man marrying a 12 yr old? In addition, there is considerable controversy over Aisha's age. The pedo accusation only started after 9/11. Gee I wonder why?
1. Yes I can make those judgments. Pedophilia is sick and evil in every age and full grown woman have always been available.

Explain then, why the arranged marriage of children was the norm in that era and why the marriages were typically consumated when menses occurred?

2. Only started after 9/11? You're seriously going to make that claim?

Not kidding. I never heard references like that before - it's a modern phenemon.

3. There's no controversy about the fact that Pedo-mmad married her at 6 and deflowered her at 9. Or that it was a Jewish concubine that finally killed him. No wonder he preferred little lolitas. They couldn't defend themselves like grown women.

4. You Leftists will clearly favor sick, evil Islam over feminism which, let's face it, is SOOO 1990's.

Except all of Mohammeds other wives were older women.
Because women were property. It's also why Lot offered his virgin daughters to the homos trying to break down his door. It's still wrong. Cultural context does not possess the power to turn wrong into right or........Ta Da! Slavery was A-OK!

Back then, slavery everyone. Except the slaves of course.
Which makes my point. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Slavery and treating women like property has ALWAYS been wrong, no matter the time or culture.
You really can't make those judgements OUTSIDE the culture of the times. Marriage was young and so was death and was across the cultures. Is Joseph a pedophile - an old man marrying a 12 yr old? In addition, there is considerable controversy over Aisha's age. The pedo accusation only started after 9/11. Gee I wonder why?
1. Yes I can make those judgments. Pedophilia is sick and evil in every age and full grown woman have always been available.

Explain then, why the arranged marriage of children was the norm in that era and why the marriages were typically consumated when menses occurred?

2. Only started after 9/11? You're seriously going to make that claim?

Not kidding. I never heard references like that before - it's a modern phenemon.

3. There's no controversy about the fact that Pedo-mmad married her at 6 and deflowered her at 9. Or that it was a Jewish concubine that finally killed him. No wonder he preferred little lolitas. They couldn't defend themselves like grown women.

4. You Leftists will clearly favor sick, evil Islam over feminism which, let's face it, is SOOO 1990's.

Except all of Mohammeds other wives were older women.
Because women were property. It's also why Lot offered his virgin daughters to the homos trying to break down his door. It's still wrong. Cultural context does not possess the power to turn wrong into right or........Ta Da! Slavery was A-OK!

Back then, slavery everyone. Except the slaves of course.
Which makes my point. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Slavery and treating women like property has ALWAYS been wrong, no matter the time or culture.

That kind of get's into a philosophical debate doesn't it? If it's always been wrong but people back then did not know it was wrong then how can they be blamed? Keep in mind - the primary religious books of the time condone slavery and the low status of women.
back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

That is a modern concept in the west. Even among some divisions of Mormons/LDS it is still part of their practice not just to take several wives but very young wives. Most mormons have rejected it, but it's not been that many years. The bible taught of child marriages, so those who follow the bible might still believe it should be permissible. Issac was 40 and Rebecca was three (some calculate her age up to 10). Even god did not have a problem, since Mary was only 12 yrs old.

Yes, modern western civilizations have set limits on how young people can marry, but even in NY with permission from a judge girls of 14 have been married in this century.

As for Mohammed, a marriage in name till her menses began which is how they decided when a girl was ready was normal everywhere at that time regardless of religion.
It's clear that
A) you don't have a daughter
B) you are not a feminist
C) you are a feminist but sycophancy for Islam takes priority
D) a combination of A and B or A and C.

Because otherwise you would have a serious problem with what you just said. Pedophilia is the great Undiscovered Country for you all on the Left, all other forms of perversion conquered. You also missed the ENTIRE point of my post that I don't give a triple flying FUCK about precedent, history, or culture. Any man who recoils from the challenges of mental peer relationships with full grown women in favor of the safer and easier world of little girls who are easier to manipulate is a PIECE OF SHIT pedophile and should be strung up by his balls.

By the way, Mary wasn't 12, though she seems to get younger with every telling of the story by pedophilia advocates, and she was a dedicated temple virgin and her spouse never touched her. She lived her entire life in virginity. So no, she doesn't belong in your treasured roster of historic pedophile exploits.

Aris is about the last person you should accuse of not being a feminist.

I've lived with and seen the worst of Islam, but it is like most religions and just because it can in a modern view point be seen a harsh or brutal, I don't hate it. I also don't believe in it. I studied all religions out of interest in people around the world and in history and how they relate to current politics as an academic in my youth.

I'm not a "passionate" christian, your type of christian, so I must be muslims? You don't want to face fact or don't like what I say so I must be "one of them"? What kind of logic are you using? Too much hate, not enough common sense.
So sad
1. Yes I can make those judgments. Pedophilia is sick and evil in every age and full grown woman have always been available.

Explain then, why the arranged marriage of children was the norm in that era and why the marriages were typically consumated when menses occurred?

2. Only started after 9/11? You're seriously going to make that claim?

Not kidding. I never heard references like that before - it's a modern phenemon.

3. There's no controversy about the fact that Pedo-mmad married her at 6 and deflowered her at 9. Or that it was a Jewish concubine that finally killed him. No wonder he preferred little lolitas. They couldn't defend themselves like grown women.

4. You Leftists will clearly favor sick, evil Islam over feminism which, let's face it, is SOOO 1990's.

Except all of Mohammeds other wives were older women.
Because women were property. It's also why Lot offered his virgin daughters to the homos trying to break down his door. It's still wrong. Cultural context does not possess the power to turn wrong into right or........Ta Da! Slavery was A-OK!

Back then, slavery everyone. Except the slaves of course.
Which makes my point. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Slavery and treating women like property has ALWAYS been wrong, no matter the time or culture.

That kind of get's into a philosophical debate doesn't it? If it's always been wrong but people back then did not know it was wrong then how can they be blamed? Keep in mind - the primary religious books of the time condone slavery and the low status of women.
It's called a conscience. Just because entire societies ignored their inner Jiminy Crickets doesn't mean they didn't know they were doing wrong. How is it that through protest and martyrdom, Christians were able to turn society against the barbaric gladiator events unless people had a conscience? It's this conscience referred to in Romans 1 that condemns people even without the written law.

And historical books are meaningless unless wedded to righteous intent. Pro slavery and abolitionist congregations read from the same Bible and found justification from it. But even Abraham Lincoln remarked, how can God be for and against something? Jesus didn't leave his church in the care of a book that could be interpreted according to every impious whim of man, he left a living, breathing CHURCH led by the Holy Spirit. Books lack the power to change a corrupted conscience.
Explain then, why the arranged marriage of children was the norm in that era and why the marriages were typically consumated when menses occurred?

Not kidding. I never heard references like that before - it's a modern phenemon.

3. There's no controversy about the fact that Pedo-mmad married her at 6 and deflowered her at 9. Or that it was a Jewish concubine that finally killed him. No wonder he preferred little lolitas. They couldn't defend themselves like grown women.

4. You Leftists will clearly favor sick, evil Islam over feminism which, let's face it, is SOOO 1990's.

Except all of Mohammeds other wives were older women.
Because women were property. It's also why Lot offered his virgin daughters to the homos trying to break down his door. It's still wrong. Cultural context does not possess the power to turn wrong into right or........Ta Da! Slavery was A-OK!

Back then, slavery everyone. Except the slaves of course.
Which makes my point. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Slavery and treating women like property has ALWAYS been wrong, no matter the time or culture.

That kind of get's into a philosophical debate doesn't it? If it's always been wrong but people back then did not know it was wrong then how can they be blamed? Keep in mind - the primary religious books of the time condone slavery and the low status of women.
It's called a conscience. Just because entire societies ignored their inner Jiminy Crickets doesn't mean they didn't know they were doing wrong. How is it that through protest and martyrdom, Christians were able to turn society against the barbaric gladiator events unless people had a conscience? It's this conscience referred to in Romans 1 that condemns people even without the written law.

And historical books are meaningless unless wedded to righteous intent. Pro slavery and abolitionist congregations read from the same Bible and found justification from it. But even Abraham Lincoln remarked, how can God be for and against something? Jesus didn't leave his church in the care of a book that could be interpreted according to every impious whim of man, he left a living, breathing CHURCH led by the Holy Spirit. Books lack the power to change a corrupted conscience.

But what is conscience developed by? We aren't born with it - it's something we learn.

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