The Real Trump? Here's the Real Trump, this just in...

He doesn't care about the debt, he only cares for the elites and his corps and his buddies corps. He will bankrupt the US like his companies.
You libfucks didn't give a shit about the debt that Obummer increased from 9 trillion to 19 trillion, why are you so fucking worried now? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Especially during that time, the liberal RICH got much RICHER, and the most in POVERTY. Yep cant get more stupid than a liberal.

He has no choice, Bush put us in a recession and he had to continue to fight the war Bush started for the US.

This Pres is a charlatan, and is going to ruin the country. As it is, we taxpayers pay state and Fed subsidies to these companies that are making billions a year. Trump is a dork.
Yes, Bush cut taxes and started 2 wars, causing the recession.

When we stopped paying for our wars is when the budgetary troubles exploded.
Wrong again fucktard. I am really getting tired of having to say the same old shit over and over again, to worthless fucking moronic liberals. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Would-Be Dictator Trump Attacks Independent Judiciary for Blocking Sanctuary City Order

“Today, the rule of law suffered another blow, as an unelected judge unilaterally rewrote immigration policy for our Nation.”…
That judge is an Obama appointee, that right there should be enough to have the judge impeached. This nation is based on laws, not some black robe individual who THINKS that the law isn't just. If only we can have a few illegal immigrants assassinate a few liberal judges and possibly the ex bi racial first family, would those liberals finally get a clue on what is going on?

Illegal immigrant who shot Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco appears in court | Daily Mail Online
Illegal Alien With 7 Felonies And 5 Deportations Fatally Shot San Francisco Woman In Broad Daylight
Suspect in San Francisco woman's death deported 5 times -
San Francisco Woman Killed in 'Random Shooting'
Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.
Sure you can, look at you , strutting around like a demented Right wing Nut with a debunked fake quote from George Carlin...shameless dude...all you post is Fake Wing nut Bilge wash and worst

Here let me fix your quote
Real Quote


Facebook thank-you by Kelly Carlin

Thank you Carlin fans for helping to set the record straight over on the Heartland Institute's page.

They have issued a mealy-mouthed apology this morning. We know it's bullshit, but at least we got them to say it.

The best part is that over 300 of you commented on their page and let them hear from people who care about truth and accuracy. Well, actually the best part is that there were lots of "motherfuckers" and "cocksuckers" thrown onto their page. Well done!


  • upload_2017-4-26_9-7-2.jpeg
    66.6 KB · Views: 23
He doesn't care about the debt, he only cares for the elites and his corps and his buddies corps. He will bankrupt the US like his companies.
You libfucks didn't give a shit about the debt that Obummer increased from 9 trillion to 19 trillion, why are you so fucking worried now? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Especially during that time, the liberal RICH got much RICHER, and the most in POVERTY. Yep cant get more stupid than a liberal.

He has no choice, Bush put us in a recession and he had to continue to fight the war Bush started for the US.

This Pres is a charlatan, and is going to ruin the country. As it is, we taxpayers pay state and Fed subsidies to these companies that are making billions a year. Trump is a dork.
Yes, Bush cut taxes and started 2 wars, causing the recession.

When we stopped paying for our wars is when the budgetary troubles exploded.
Wrong again fucktard. I am really getting tired of having to say the same old shit over and over again, to worthless fucking moronic liberals. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

The little Heritage Report: Hardly. They always mislead. You can always leave the Rep party and join the progressives.

The con is pretty easy to see when you read the actual CRS report. Senate Republicans are counting 83 separate (and wildly different) programs as “welfare” in order to make the case that the government is spending more on poor people than old people. The majority of this money is Medicaid and CHIP, which are healthcare spending, which is increasing for the same reason that Medicare spending is increasing, which is that healthcare costs are increasing. (And Medicaid is much less generous than Medicare, because it is a program for poor people, not old people.) But so many other things now also count as welfare, including Pell Grants, public works spending, Head Start, child support enforcement, the Child Tax Credit, Foster Care assistance, housing for old people, and much more. They’re also counting the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is, traditionally, the form of “welfare” that conservative Republicans actually support. Basically, all social spending (though specifically not spending on rich old people or on healthcare for veterans with service-related disabilities, which Republicans requested be excluded from the CRS report) now counts as “welfare.”

New lie: The government spends more on welfare than everything else!
Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.
Sure you can, look at you , strutting around like a demented Right wing Nut with a debunked fake quote from George Carlin...shameless dude...all you post is Fake Wing nut Bilge wash and worst

Here let me fix your quote
Real Quote


Facebook thank-you by Kelly Carlin

Thank you Carlin fans for helping to set the record straight over on the Heartland Institute's page.

They have issued a mealy-mouthed apology this morning. We know it's bullshit, but at least we got them to say it.

The best part is that over 300 of you commented on their page and let them hear from people who care about truth and accuracy. Well, actually the best part is that there were lots of "motherfuckers" and "cocksuckers" thrown onto their page. Well done!
Did you notice that not once in the past few posts I put up did any of the leftwing radicals refute any of my FACTS I presented but were too intent on my signature? Without their attacks upon US, the left would have nothing to live for. They(liberals) must make all the rest of us as miserable as they are, then they have equality.
Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.
Sure you can, look at you , strutting around like a demented Right wing Nut with a debunked fake quote from George Carlin...shameless dude...all you post is Fake Wing nut Bilge wash and worst

Here let me fix your quote
Real Quote


Facebook thank-you by Kelly Carlin

Thank you Carlin fans for helping to set the record straight over on the Heartland Institute's page.

They have issued a mealy-mouthed apology this morning. We know it's bullshit, but at least we got them to say it.

The best part is that over 300 of you commented on their page and let them hear from people who care about truth and accuracy. Well, actually the best part is that there were lots of "motherfuckers" and "cocksuckers" thrown onto their page. Well done!
Did you notice that not once in the past few posts I put up did any of the leftwing radicals refute any of my FACTS I presented but were too intent on my signature? Without their attacks upon US, the left would have nothing to live for. They(liberals) must make all the rest of us as miserable as they are, then they have equality.

Your commie rants are somehow facts?
Why the f@ck do snowflakes worry themselves about corporate tax rates? Is it like a "Black Rage" kind of thing. An insecurity complex?

Why do you and others care about the debt when the D's are in the leadership, and ignore the debt when the R's are in the leadership?

Does it bother you at all that Trump is not only the anti Obama, he is the anti Lincoln, he is the anti TR, the anti Ike and even the anti Reagan?

20th Century Republicans were conservative and not destructive, compassionate and not callous, cooperative and not contentious, thoughtful not emotional, and were fiscally responsible. Trump, McConnell and Ryan are basically leaders of a bizarro world and have turned our democracy into a fledgling oligarchy ruled by a Power Elite with no concern for the many, except for their fear that the many will one day arise.
He doesn't care about the debt, he only cares for the elites and his corps and his buddies corps. He will bankrupt the US like his companies.
You libfucks didn't give a shit about the debt that Obummer increased from 9 trillion to 19 trillion, why are you so fucking worried now? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Especially during that time, the liberal RICH got much RICHER, and the most in POVERTY. Yep cant get more stupid than a liberal.

He has no choice, Bush put us in a recession and he had to continue to fight the war Bush started for the US.

This Pres is a charlatan, and is going to ruin the country. As it is, we taxpayers pay state and Fed subsidies to these companies that are making billions a year. Trump is a dork.
Yes, Bush cut taxes and started 2 wars, causing the recession.

When we stopped paying for our wars is when the budgetary troubles exploded.
Wrong again fucktard. I am really getting tired of having to say the same old shit over and over again, to worthless fucking moronic liberals. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

What's the last war we paid for?

I'll help you. It was Vietnam, when a 10% surcharge was put on income taxes.
Federal jobs are not real jobs someone has to pay for those jobs, obviously we need military, police and fire as a necessity. But civilian federal jobs are not real jobs...
Great compared to what?

It goes beyond just the 2 million federal workers. The entire defense industry is funded by the Federal Government. General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon....all survive off of taxpayer dollars
Major infrastructure relies on federal funding....that's a lot of jobs
Civilian federal jobs are as real as any other job
Those civilian jobs are there, because of the defense of this nation. With out this Nation, there wouldn't be a federal government to GIVE all you worthless liberal fucks your welfare, your free cellphone, your free healthcare. You would be like the old USSR where you HAD to work at the point of a gun or end up in a Siberian Gulag, where you would die in 10 years not getting all that free stuff, because only working people got just enough to survive. That is how stupid you Commies, are, for there were not any people jumping over the wall to get to Communist Russia, but jumping over to get to the FREE capital west. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Gulag: Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom
During their non-working hours, prisoners typically lived in a camp zone surrounded by a fence or barbed wire, overlooked by armed guards in watch towers. The zone contained a number of overcrowded, stinking, poorly-heated barracks. Life in a camp zone was brutal and violent. Prisoners competed for access to all of life’s necessities, and violence among the prisoners was commonplace. If they survived hunger, disease, the harsh elements, heavy labor, and their fellow prisoners, they might succumb to arbitrary violence at the hands of camp guards. All the while, prisoners were watched by informers—fellow prisoners always looking for some misstep to report to Gulag authorities.

We the People created a government "of the people, by the people and for the people"
The government IS us

The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people
The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people.
So you can see this guy is clearly a COMMIE by his own words, so Mr. Commie, how well do you like the way the Post Office or DMV works? The Constitution(the documents you lefties despise) was created so each individual can achieve their own success and happiness, with their God given gifts. When you lefttards take God away, all that is left is a suppressing government who takes at will what they want and give nothing in return except liberal equality. Everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS. The war is coming, and it will be between ideologies of Good(GOD) vs Evil(Lucifer).

My post office and DMV work great.
Compared to what?
Why the f@ck do snowflakes worry themselves about corporate tax rates? Is it like a "Black Rage" kind of thing. An insecurity complex?

Why do you and others care about the debt when the D's are in the leadership, and ignore the debt when the R's are in the leadership?

Does it bother you at all that Trump is not only the anti Obama, he is the anti Lincoln, he is the anti TR, the anti Ike and even the anti Reagan?

20th Century Republicans were conservative and not destructive, compassionate and not callous, cooperative and not contentious, thoughtful not emotional, and were fiscally responsible. Trump, McConnell and Ryan are basically leaders of a bizarro world and have turned our democracy into a fledgling oligarchy ruled by a Power Elite with no concern for the many, except for their fear that the many will one day arise.
Fuck off, you libtards ,we did bitch about George Bush raising the debt because he had created more government programs like his father. But what is hypocritical of you mother fuckers(I am so tired of being nice to you morons) is that your bi racial, homosexual, Muslim loving ex president said that what George did was unpatriotic. and Obama raised the debt over 9 trillion dollars more. What you say
Why do you and others care about the debt when the D's are in the leadership, and ignore the debt when the R's are in the leadership?
is just you trying to hide the fact that your side is the one fucking up America and then not taking responsibility for your actions, as typical of whiney, sorry ass, liberal fucktards.
National debt under Bush
The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama’s three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency.
Has National Debt Increased More Under Obama Than Bush?
(CBS News) The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency.

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under ...
Now shove your head farther up Uranus and ignore the facts some more.

You libfucks didn't give a shit about the debt that Obummer increased from 9 trillion to 19 trillion, why are you so fucking worried now? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Especially during that time, the liberal RICH got much RICHER, and the most in POVERTY. Yep cant get more stupid than a liberal.

He has no choice, Bush put us in a recession and he had to continue to fight the war Bush started for the US.

This Pres is a charlatan, and is going to ruin the country. As it is, we taxpayers pay state and Fed subsidies to these companies that are making billions a year. Trump is a dork.
Yes, Bush cut taxes and started 2 wars, causing the recession.

When we stopped paying for our wars is when the budgetary troubles exploded.
Wrong again fucktard. I am really getting tired of having to say the same old shit over and over again, to worthless fucking moronic liberals. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

What's the last war we paid for?

I'll help you. It was Vietnam, when a 10% surcharge was put on income taxes.
We gave 22 trillion dollars to the War on Poverty yet how much of that money has been given back to US who had that money stolen through taxation?
Why the f@ck do snowflakes worry themselves about corporate tax rates? Is it like a "Black Rage" kind of thing. An insecurity complex?

Why do you and others care about the debt when the D's are in the leadership, and ignore the debt when the R's are in the leadership?

Does it bother you at all that Trump is not only the anti Obama, he is the anti Lincoln, he is the anti TR, the anti Ike and even the anti Reagan?

20th Century Republicans were conservative and not destructive, compassionate and not callous, cooperative and not contentious, thoughtful not emotional, and were fiscally responsible. Trump, McConnell and Ryan are basically leaders of a bizarro world and have turned our democracy into a fledgling oligarchy ruled by a Power Elite with no concern for the many, except for their fear that the many will one day arise.

Fuck off, you libtards ,we did bitch about George Bush raising the debt because he had created more government programs like his father. But what is hypocritical of you mother fuckers(I am so tired of being nice to you morons) is that your bi racial, homosexual, Muslim loving ex president said that what George did was unpatriotic. and Obama raised the debt over 9 trillion dollars more. What you say
Why do you and others care about the debt when the D's are in the leadership, and ignore the debt when the R's are in the leadership?
is just you trying to hide the fact that your side is the one fucking up America and then not taking responsibility for your actions, as typical of whiney, sorry ass, liberal fucktards.
National debt under Bush
The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama’s three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency.
Has National Debt Increased More Under Obama Than Bush?
(CBS News) The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency.

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under ...
Now shove your head farther up Uranus and ignore the facts some more.

Hey, all you've proved is you're an asshole. We are being raped and pillaged by the Trump Administration and the Trump Family, and you are oblivious to that reality. Pretty soon Yellowstone will have drilling rigs, Yosemite logging operations and the Black Hills scarred by mining operations.
A large overbearing politically correct federal government run by career politicians is the enemy of the country… fact
A large overbearing politically correct federal government run by career politicians is the enemy of the country… fact

Close ^^^, but no cigar.

A large overbearing politically (in)correct federal government run by a narcissistic self serving plutocrat, a liar, a demagogue and a charlatan is a danger to my country.

I'm becoming more certain with the posts by Rustic that he is not as dumb as I once thought - but still quite limited and obsessive; he may very well be a supporter of Russia and a Putin surrogate.
Is that a quote from the 2 million federal workers?
Federal jobs are not real jobs someone has to pay for those jobs, obviously we need military, police and fire as a necessity. But civilian federal jobs are not real jobs...

It goes beyond just the 2 million federal workers. The entire defense industry is funded by the Federal Government. General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon....all survive off of taxpayer dollars
Major infrastructure relies on federal funding....that's a lot of jobs
Civilian federal jobs are as real as any other job
Those civilian jobs are there, because of the defense of this nation. With out this Nation, there wouldn't be a federal government to GIVE all you worthless liberal fucks your welfare, your free cellphone, your free healthcare. You would be like the old USSR where you HAD to work at the point of a gun or end up in a Siberian Gulag, where you would die in 10 years not getting all that free stuff, because only working people got just enough to survive. That is how stupid you Commies, are, for there were not any people jumping over the wall to get to Communist Russia, but jumping over to get to the FREE capital west. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Gulag: Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom
During their non-working hours, prisoners typically lived in a camp zone surrounded by a fence or barbed wire, overlooked by armed guards in watch towers. The zone contained a number of overcrowded, stinking, poorly-heated barracks. Life in a camp zone was brutal and violent. Prisoners competed for access to all of life’s necessities, and violence among the prisoners was commonplace. If they survived hunger, disease, the harsh elements, heavy labor, and their fellow prisoners, they might succumb to arbitrary violence at the hands of camp guards. All the while, prisoners were watched by informers—fellow prisoners always looking for some misstep to report to Gulag authorities.

We the People created a government "of the people, by the people and for the people"
The government IS us

The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people
The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people.
So you can see this guy is clearly a COMMIE by his own words, so Mr. Commie, how well do you like the way the Post Office or DMV works? The Constitution(the documents you lefties despise) was created so each individual can achieve their own success and happiness, with their God given gifts. When you lefttards take God away, all that is left is a suppressing government who takes at will what they want and give nothing in return except liberal equality. Everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS. The war is coming, and it will be between ideologies of Good(GOD) vs Evil(Lucifer).

Reagan , contra iran. The alt right Christians put him in, or he'd have no chance. Is that all you have, we have FDR, JFK, LBJ and many more, Clinton , Obama. Hopefully we will get another Roman Catholic President who is not a Christian lunatic and understands the separation of Church and State.
Federal jobs are not real jobs someone has to pay for those jobs, obviously we need military, police and fire as a necessity. But civilian federal jobs are not real jobs...

It goes beyond just the 2 million federal workers. The entire defense industry is funded by the Federal Government. General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon....all survive off of taxpayer dollars
Major infrastructure relies on federal funding....that's a lot of jobs
Civilian federal jobs are as real as any other job
Those civilian jobs are there, because of the defense of this nation. With out this Nation, there wouldn't be a federal government to GIVE all you worthless liberal fucks your welfare, your free cellphone, your free healthcare. You would be like the old USSR where you HAD to work at the point of a gun or end up in a Siberian Gulag, where you would die in 10 years not getting all that free stuff, because only working people got just enough to survive. That is how stupid you Commies, are, for there were not any people jumping over the wall to get to Communist Russia, but jumping over to get to the FREE capital west. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Gulag: Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom
During their non-working hours, prisoners typically lived in a camp zone surrounded by a fence or barbed wire, overlooked by armed guards in watch towers. The zone contained a number of overcrowded, stinking, poorly-heated barracks. Life in a camp zone was brutal and violent. Prisoners competed for access to all of life’s necessities, and violence among the prisoners was commonplace. If they survived hunger, disease, the harsh elements, heavy labor, and their fellow prisoners, they might succumb to arbitrary violence at the hands of camp guards. All the while, prisoners were watched by informers—fellow prisoners always looking for some misstep to report to Gulag authorities.

We the People created a government "of the people, by the people and for the people"
The government IS us

The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people
The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people.
So you can see this guy is clearly a COMMIE by his own words, so Mr. Commie, how well do you like the way the Post Office or DMV works? The Constitution(the documents you lefties despise) was created so each individual can achieve their own success and happiness, with their God given gifts. When you lefttards take God away, all that is left is a suppressing government who takes at will what they want and give nothing in return except liberal equality. Everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS. The war is coming, and it will be between ideologies of Good(GOD) vs Evil(Lucifer).

Reagan , contra iran. The alt right Christians put him in, or he'd have no chance. Is that all you have, we have FDR, JFK, LBJ and many more, Clinton , Obama. Hopefully we will get another Roman Catholic President who is not a Christian lunatic and understands the separation of Church and State.

Show us in the constitution where it says separation of church and state?
A large overbearing politically correct federal government run by career politicians is the enemy of the country… fact

Close ^^^, but no cigar.

A large overbearing politically (in)correct federal government run by a narcissistic self serving plutocrat, a liar, a demagogue and a charlatan is a danger to my country.

I'm becoming more certain with the posts by Rustic that he is not as dumb as I once thought - but still quite limited and obsessive; he may very well be a supporter of Russia and a Putin surrogate.
Career politicians are no friend of the average American… fact

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