The Real Trump? Here's the Real Trump, this just in...

Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
The federal government has no claim on perceived taxes, Cut taxes help the American people immensely. Fact

False. If those tax cuts result in loss of Obamacare subsidies, or a lower standard of education, or the infrastructure continues to crumble as a result, these things are HURTING, not helping.

The US is losing jobs because your population is NOT well educated, and your infrastructure is crumbling, not just because of high labour costs. Countries like Ireland have spent heavily on infrastructure and have a better education system than the US. Yes, they have a low tax rate, but so does Mynamar and I don't see American companies lining up to relocate there.
They also have a lot smaller population. Funny how that never gets mentioned by the libtards on this site.
The federal government cannot create jobs… Fact

Is that a quote from the 2 million federal workers?
Federal jobs are not real jobs someone has to pay for those jobs, obviously we need military, police and fire as a necessity. But civilian federal jobs are not real jobs...

It goes beyond just the 2 million federal workers. The entire defense industry is funded by the Federal Government. General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon....all survive off of taxpayer dollars
Major infrastructure relies on federal funding....that's a lot of jobs
Civilian federal jobs are as real as any other job
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
The federal government has no claim on perceived taxes, Cut taxes help the American people immensely. Fact

Your claims fall well within the range of deeply stupid.
The federal government cannot create jobs… Fact

Is that a quote from the 2 million federal workers?
Federal jobs are not real jobs someone has to pay for those jobs, obviously we need military, police and fire as a necessity. But civilian federal jobs are not real jobs...

It goes beyond just the 2 million federal workers. The entire defense industry is funded by the Federal Government. General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon....all survive off of taxpayer dollars
Major infrastructure relies on federal funding....that's a lot of jobs
Civilian federal jobs are as real as any other job
Those civilian jobs are there, because of the defense of this nation. With out this Nation, there wouldn't be a federal government to GIVE all you worthless liberal fucks your welfare, your free cellphone, your free healthcare. You would be like the old USSR where you HAD to work at the point of a gun or end up in a Siberian Gulag, where you would die in 10 years not getting all that free stuff, because only working people got just enough to survive. That is how stupid you Commies, are, for there were not any people jumping over the wall to get to Communist Russia, but jumping over to get to the FREE capital west. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Gulag: Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom
During their non-working hours, prisoners typically lived in a camp zone surrounded by a fence or barbed wire, overlooked by armed guards in watch towers. The zone contained a number of overcrowded, stinking, poorly-heated barracks. Life in a camp zone was brutal and violent. Prisoners competed for access to all of life’s necessities, and violence among the prisoners was commonplace. If they survived hunger, disease, the harsh elements, heavy labor, and their fellow prisoners, they might succumb to arbitrary violence at the hands of camp guards. All the while, prisoners were watched by informers—fellow prisoners always looking for some misstep to report to Gulag authorities.
Make trumps 15 percent tax a flat tax to be imposed on all Corp earnings here and abroad for a total marginalized rate of around 18 or 19 percent.
The corporate pillage of America's wealth has just moved up a gear.
Is anyone surprised?

People go to businesses, and gladly give up their money to buy goods and services, yet the liberals call this pillaging of America.
People who work , have major taxes taken from them by the Federal Government, State Government, and City Governments, get nothing in return, yet the liberals call this government revenue for those who are most innocent and in need.
Why are liberals the stupidest people in the Universe? Is it because of liberal thinking?

The corporate pillage of America's wealth has just moved up a gear.
Is anyone surprised?

Here is the real whiney, pansy ass, butt hurt, liberal. Get over it...
Even your tag line is Fake ....others who read this be aware this guy is posting a fake George Carlin quote ..
Here is a typical Trump supporter
View attachment 123213

Get rid of Meals on wheels to feed Wall Street Sharks..the Trump way ...
/---- The story that Trump’s budget would kill the Meals on Wheels program was too good to check. But it was false.

Read more at: Outrage on Wheels
The federal government cannot create jobs… Fact

Is that a quote from the 2 million federal workers?
Federal jobs are not real jobs someone has to pay for those jobs, obviously we need military, police and fire as a necessity. But civilian federal jobs are not real jobs...

It goes beyond just the 2 million federal workers. The entire defense industry is funded by the Federal Government. General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon....all survive off of taxpayer dollars
Major infrastructure relies on federal funding....that's a lot of jobs
Civilian federal jobs are as real as any other job
Those civilian jobs are there, because of the defense of this nation. With out this Nation, there wouldn't be a federal government to GIVE all you worthless liberal fucks your welfare, your free cellphone, your free healthcare. You would be like the old USSR where you HAD to work at the point of a gun or end up in a Siberian Gulag, where you would die in 10 years not getting all that free stuff, because only working people got just enough to survive. That is how stupid you Commies, are, for there were not any people jumping over the wall to get to Communist Russia, but jumping over to get to the FREE capital west. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Gulag: Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom
During their non-working hours, prisoners typically lived in a camp zone surrounded by a fence or barbed wire, overlooked by armed guards in watch towers. The zone contained a number of overcrowded, stinking, poorly-heated barracks. Life in a camp zone was brutal and violent. Prisoners competed for access to all of life’s necessities, and violence among the prisoners was commonplace. If they survived hunger, disease, the harsh elements, heavy labor, and their fellow prisoners, they might succumb to arbitrary violence at the hands of camp guards. All the while, prisoners were watched by informers—fellow prisoners always looking for some misstep to report to Gulag authorities.

We the People created a government "of the people, by the people and for the people"
The government IS us

The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people
The federal government has no claim on perceived taxes, Cut taxes help the American people immensely. Fact

Maybe you missed the millions of jobs lost following the last time they cut corporate tax rates.
The federal government cannot create jobs… Fact

Yeah, it can. When the government spends on infrastructure, jobs are created. When the government expands the military, or purchases massive amounts of new equipment, that creates jobs, so yes, the federal government can create jobs. Government spending creates jobs.

But ideally what the federal government does is create a stable platform upon which the private sector can create jobs.
He doesn't care about the debt, he only cares for the elites and his corps and his buddies corps. He will bankrupt the US like his companies.
You libfucks didn't give a shit about the debt that Obummer increased from 9 trillion to 19 trillion, why are you so fucking worried now? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Especially during that time, the liberal RICH got much RICHER, and the most in POVERTY. Yep cant get more stupid than a liberal.

He has no choice, Bush put us in a recession and he had to continue to fight the war Bush started for the US.

This Pres is a charlatan, and is going to ruin the country. As it is, we taxpayers pay state and Fed subsidies to these companies that are making billions a year. Trump is a dork.
Yes, Bush cut taxes and started 2 wars, causing the recession.
The federal government cannot create jobs… Fact

Is that a quote from the 2 million federal workers?
Federal jobs are not real jobs someone has to pay for those jobs, obviously we need military, police and fire as a necessity. But civilian federal jobs are not real jobs...

It goes beyond just the 2 million federal workers. The entire defense industry is funded by the Federal Government. General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon....all survive off of taxpayer dollars
Major infrastructure relies on federal funding....that's a lot of jobs
Civilian federal jobs are as real as any other job
Those civilian jobs are there, because of the defense of this nation. With out this Nation, there wouldn't be a federal government to GIVE all you worthless liberal fucks your welfare, your free cellphone, your free healthcare. You would be like the old USSR where you HAD to work at the point of a gun or end up in a Siberian Gulag, where you would die in 10 years not getting all that free stuff, because only working people got just enough to survive. That is how stupid you Commies, are, for there were not any people jumping over the wall to get to Communist Russia, but jumping over to get to the FREE capital west. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Gulag: Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom
During their non-working hours, prisoners typically lived in a camp zone surrounded by a fence or barbed wire, overlooked by armed guards in watch towers. The zone contained a number of overcrowded, stinking, poorly-heated barracks. Life in a camp zone was brutal and violent. Prisoners competed for access to all of life’s necessities, and violence among the prisoners was commonplace. If they survived hunger, disease, the harsh elements, heavy labor, and their fellow prisoners, they might succumb to arbitrary violence at the hands of camp guards. All the while, prisoners were watched by informers—fellow prisoners always looking for some misstep to report to Gulag authorities.

We the People created a government "of the people, by the people and for the people"
The government IS us

The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people
The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people.
So you can see this guy is clearly a COMMIE by his own words, so Mr. Commie, how well do you like the way the Post Office or DMV works? The Constitution(the documents you lefties despise) was created so each individual can achieve their own success and happiness, with their God given gifts. When you lefttards take God away, all that is left is a suppressing government who takes at will what they want and give nothing in return except liberal equality. Everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS. The war is coming, and it will be between ideologies of Good(GOD) vs Evil(Lucifer).

He doesn't care about the debt, he only cares for the elites and his corps and his buddies corps. He will bankrupt the US like his companies.
You libfucks didn't give a shit about the debt that Obummer increased from 9 trillion to 19 trillion, why are you so fucking worried now? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Especially during that time, the liberal RICH got much RICHER, and the most in POVERTY. Yep cant get more stupid than a liberal.

He has no choice, Bush put us in a recession and he had to continue to fight the war Bush started for the US.

This Pres is a charlatan, and is going to ruin the country. As it is, we taxpayers pay state and Fed subsidies to these companies that are making billions a year. Trump is a dork.
Yes, Bush cut taxes and started 2 wars, causing the recession.

When we stopped paying for our wars is when the budgetary troubles exploded.
Is that a quote from the 2 million federal workers?
Federal jobs are not real jobs someone has to pay for those jobs, obviously we need military, police and fire as a necessity. But civilian federal jobs are not real jobs...

It goes beyond just the 2 million federal workers. The entire defense industry is funded by the Federal Government. General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon....all survive off of taxpayer dollars
Major infrastructure relies on federal funding....that's a lot of jobs
Civilian federal jobs are as real as any other job
Those civilian jobs are there, because of the defense of this nation. With out this Nation, there wouldn't be a federal government to GIVE all you worthless liberal fucks your welfare, your free cellphone, your free healthcare. You would be like the old USSR where you HAD to work at the point of a gun or end up in a Siberian Gulag, where you would die in 10 years not getting all that free stuff, because only working people got just enough to survive. That is how stupid you Commies, are, for there were not any people jumping over the wall to get to Communist Russia, but jumping over to get to the FREE capital west. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Gulag: Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom
During their non-working hours, prisoners typically lived in a camp zone surrounded by a fence or barbed wire, overlooked by armed guards in watch towers. The zone contained a number of overcrowded, stinking, poorly-heated barracks. Life in a camp zone was brutal and violent. Prisoners competed for access to all of life’s necessities, and violence among the prisoners was commonplace. If they survived hunger, disease, the harsh elements, heavy labor, and their fellow prisoners, they might succumb to arbitrary violence at the hands of camp guards. All the while, prisoners were watched by informers—fellow prisoners always looking for some misstep to report to Gulag authorities.

We the People created a government "of the people, by the people and for the people"
The government IS us

The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people
The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people.
So you can see this guy is clearly a COMMIE by his own words, so Mr. Commie, how well do you like the way the Post Office or DMV works? The Constitution(the documents you lefties despise) was created so each individual can achieve their own success and happiness, with their God given gifts. When you lefttards take God away, all that is left is a suppressing government who takes at will what they want and give nothing in return except liberal equality. Everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS. The war is coming, and it will be between ideologies of Good(GOD) vs Evil(Lucifer).

My post office and DMV work great.
Is that a quote from the 2 million federal workers?
Federal jobs are not real jobs someone has to pay for those jobs, obviously we need military, police and fire as a necessity. But civilian federal jobs are not real jobs...

It goes beyond just the 2 million federal workers. The entire defense industry is funded by the Federal Government. General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon....all survive off of taxpayer dollars
Major infrastructure relies on federal funding....that's a lot of jobs
Civilian federal jobs are as real as any other job
Those civilian jobs are there, because of the defense of this nation. With out this Nation, there wouldn't be a federal government to GIVE all you worthless liberal fucks your welfare, your free cellphone, your free healthcare. You would be like the old USSR where you HAD to work at the point of a gun or end up in a Siberian Gulag, where you would die in 10 years not getting all that free stuff, because only working people got just enough to survive. That is how stupid you Commies, are, for there were not any people jumping over the wall to get to Communist Russia, but jumping over to get to the FREE capital west. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Gulag: Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom
During their non-working hours, prisoners typically lived in a camp zone surrounded by a fence or barbed wire, overlooked by armed guards in watch towers. The zone contained a number of overcrowded, stinking, poorly-heated barracks. Life in a camp zone was brutal and violent. Prisoners competed for access to all of life’s necessities, and violence among the prisoners was commonplace. If they survived hunger, disease, the harsh elements, heavy labor, and their fellow prisoners, they might succumb to arbitrary violence at the hands of camp guards. All the while, prisoners were watched by informers—fellow prisoners always looking for some misstep to report to Gulag authorities.

We the People created a government "of the people, by the people and for the people"
The government IS us

The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people
The government exists to do those functions that are better performed collectively for the people than individually by the people.
So you can see this guy is clearly a COMMIE by his own words, so Mr. Commie, how well do you like the way the Post Office or DMV works? The Constitution(the documents you lefties despise) was created so each individual can achieve their own success and happiness, with their God given gifts. When you lefttards take God away, all that is left is a suppressing government who takes at will what they want and give nothing in return except liberal equality. Everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS. The war is coming, and it will be between ideologies of Good(GOD) vs Evil(Lucifer). in your view, any function of government is Commie!
Public schools are ...Commie
Roads, bridges, public transportation are.....Commie
Police and fire departments are....Commie

And yes, I do admire the Post Office
They will deliver a letter from NY to California door to door for under 50 cents
I cannot get the private sector to deliver a letter across town for 50 cents
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