The Real Trump Foreign Policy: Stoking the G.O.P. Base


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Mar 11, 2015
Trump is the president of his base and no one else.

The Real Trump Foreign Policy: Stoking the G.O.P. Base
Why else would he pursue so many policies in Latin America that do not serve the national interest?

By Susan E. Rice

Ms. Rice, a contributing opinion writer, was the national security adviser from 2013 to 2017.
May 5, 2019


Americans can be forgiven if they struggle to find any coherence in the Trump administration’s foreign policy. It zigs and zags, with senior administration officials saying one thing and President Trump contradicting them without warning the next day. It punishes our allies and coddles our adversaries; it privileges demagogy over democracy. Mr. Trump’s approach appears impulsive, improvisational and inchoate — devoid of clear purpose, values or even ideology.

Yet, upon closer examination, there is indeed a consistent logic staring us in the face. The unifying theme of Mr. Trump’s foreign policy is simply to service his domestic politics.

Mr. Trump welcomes and encourages Russia, a hostile adversary, to interfere in our elections so long as the manipulations benefit him. He discards decades of bipartisan policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to curry favor with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, and thus right-wing political support. The president follows a basic, if unorthodox, playbook: He and his party over our country.

Opinion | The Real Trump Foreign Policy: Stoking the G.O.P. Base
I trust Trump, Bolton, and Pompeo way more than Obama's inept team.
Susan Rice - Wikipedia
Rice was in way over her head. She doesn't get that the Federal government needs to manage the economy as well as kowtow to US allies as they steal us blind. Not to mention how China is leeching of the US. Trump is managing the economy as well as opposing adversaries, and keeping our "friends" from taking advantage, such as NATO allies letting the US pay for the defense of the EU, instead of paying their dues.
Bolton is doing way better than Rice. Trump is doing way better than Obama regarding NATO, China, Iran, Israel, North Korea, illegal immigration, Fair Trade, and adequately funding the US military.

Here is the Obama admin's legacy, Rice's contributions are primarily the Iran scam and the Benghazi attack

Category:Obama administration controversies - Wikipedia
Trump is the president of his base and no one else.

The Real Trump Foreign Policy: Stoking the G.O.P. Base
Why else would he pursue so many policies in Latin America that do not serve the national interest?

By Susan E. Rice

Ms. Rice, a contributing opinion writer, was the national security adviser from 2013 to 2017.
May 5, 2019


Americans can be forgiven if they struggle to find any coherence in the Trump administration’s foreign policy. It zigs and zags, with senior administration officials saying one thing and President Trump contradicting them without warning the next day. It punishes our allies and coddles our adversaries; it privileges demagogy over democracy. Mr. Trump’s approach appears impulsive, improvisational and inchoate — devoid of clear purpose, values or even ideology.

Yet, upon closer examination, there is indeed a consistent logic staring us in the face. The unifying theme of Mr. Trump’s foreign policy is simply to service his domestic politics.

Mr. Trump welcomes and encourages Russia, a hostile adversary, to interfere in our elections so long as the manipulations benefit him. He discards decades of bipartisan policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to curry favor with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, and thus right-wing political support. The president follows a basic, if unorthodox, playbook: He and his party over our country.

Opinion | The Real Trump Foreign Policy: Stoking the G.O.P. Base

Ms. Rice, a contributing opinion writer, was the national security adviser from 2013 to 2017.
an excellent reason to take anything she says with a grain of salt.

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