The REAL Reason Folks are Fleeing Honduras....

Honduros sent the invasion force who are being subsidized by far left neo-marxists.
This is precious, expect the US solve the very problem they created;

How US policy in Honduras set the stage for today’s migration
From the blame America first for everything in the world crowd..............It's their country............grow a dang set and take out the drug lords and gangs.........

In some cities in Mexico they have thrown out the police.........formed militias and taken to those asshats........time for the whole dang country down there to flip the Lords off and send them to hell where they belong.
From the blame America first for everything in the world crowd..............It's their country............grow a dang set and take out the drug lords and gangs.........In some cities in Mexico they have thrown out the police.........formed militias and taken to those asshats........time for the whole dang country down there to flip the Lords off and send them to hell where they belong.
That's the way history records it. The US has it's bloody imprint all over the world. You obviously didn't read the link, not that I expected anyone from the far right to. Here's another kink you can avoid, it contains facts and knowledge, not propaganda
The US's actions in Central America are to blame for the migrant caravan leaving Honduras
From the blame America first for everything in the world crowd..............It's their country............grow a dang set and take out the drug lords and gangs.........In some cities in Mexico they have thrown out the police.........formed militias and taken to those asshats........time for the whole dang country down there to flip the Lords off and send them to hell where they belong.
That's the way history records it. The US has it's bloody imprint all over the world. You obviously didn't read the link, not that I expected anyone from the far right to. Here's another kink you can avoid, it contains facts and knowledge, not propaganda -
The US's actions in Central America are to blame for the migrant caravan leaving Honduras
No one forced anyone to leave.............did we go down there put a gun to their head and say leave and cause a political situation there...........No we did not............Did someone put a leash on them and say YOU WILL GO..............

It's all garbage.............the dang drug lords own everything South of our border..............Put them fucks in the ground and stop running.
Foreigners are taunting the American government and trying to get the news media to focus on American law enforcement rather than the people trying to break into our country.

It is the tip of a wave of lawbreaking foreigners who would love to move into the United States and dictate to law-abiding Americans the terms under which the lawbreakers will be accepted, supported and subsidized.
The foreign invaders have a huge advantage. Most of the American news media and the American left are on their side.

Newt Gingrich: The border struggle is real. And it's a war

Because Many Are Just Marxist Sappers Anyway
The Left Has To Keep Importing It's Support
Unwanted And Unqualified People Flooding Across Your Border = Invasion
I'm glad I send my kids to a school which teaches the correct meaning of words and the difference between migration, caravan and invasion. The far right is bastardizing the English language with political-speak.
The Contras caused it...........and the little War decades ago made them run..............LOL

They didn't have to run..........and they outnumber the bad guys.............MASSIVELY..........and this crap was funded by Liberal activists through back door channels to cause this mess...............These Refugees were told come up here and they will give you Asylum............WRONG...........they were lied too.........and now are stuck in a Politically sponsored shit storm.
Unwanted And Unqualified People Flooding Across Your Border = Invasion
I'm glad I send my kids to a school which teaches the correct meaning of words and the difference between migration, caravan and invasion. The far right is bastardizing the English language with political-speak.
Teach your kids the Constitution and tell them about LAWS...........And how Laws cannot be just ignored because you don't agree..........

There is a legal process to getting into this country..........Follow it or your happy ass will be detained and then sent back to your country of origin.........

From the blame America first for everything in the world crowd..............It's their country............grow a dang set and take out the drug lords and gangs.........In some cities in Mexico they have thrown out the police.........formed militias and taken to those asshats........time for the whole dang country down there to flip the Lords off and send them to hell where they belong.
That's the way history records it. The US has it's bloody imprint all over the world. You obviously didn't read the link, not that I expected anyone from the far right to. Here's another kink you can avoid, it contains facts and knowledge, not propaganda
The US's actions in Central America are to blame for the migrant caravan leaving Honduras

Sure, so says the Independent. I'm sick of the world's sickened opinion of us. Cut all foreign aid, all of it, and let's find out what the world thinks of all "bloody imprint", shall we then? OH, let's do it. Let's bring all our military and all our aid home, and tell the world, no really....don't call us, we'll call you. Oh, and the border is closed.

Here's a nice handy little chart for you to gaze at. Some people in Ethiopia and the Sudan would be without our "bloody imprint". Oh well.

Foreign aid by country: Who is getting the most — and how much? - Concern
The FIX aint accepting their refugees. The FIX is international pressure to clean their political swamp..
Actually, it's both, when people face an extant threat that they can't just "wait out".
Actually, it’s neither. When George Washington and co. faced a corrupt and tyrannical government, did they run like pussies to another nation and demand “asylum”? Nope. They picked up arms and overthrew the damn tyrannical government.

Look...we get it. You’re desperate to have as many uneducated 3rd world voters as possible to assist you uneducated 1st world voters because you know you can’t win clean elections here in the U.S. But just stop with the nonsense already. You’re not fooling anyone with your bullshit. You care less about those people than Kim Jong Un does.
The Contras caused it...........and the little War decades ago made them run..............LOLThey didn't have to run..........and they outnumber the bad guys.............MASSIVELY..........and this crap was funded by Liberal activists through back door channels to cause this mess...............These Refugees were told come up here and they will give you Asylum............WRONG...........they were lied too.........and now are stuck in a Politically sponsored shit storm.
The Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." - The Iran-Contra Affair
Unwanted And Unqualified People Flooding Across Your Border = Invasion
I'm glad I send my kids to a school which teaches the correct meaning of words and the difference between migration, caravan and invasion. The far right is bastardizing the English language with political-speak.
I just wish you would have been sent to a school that taught the difference between immigration and invasion.

What we’re experiencing now is a hostile invasion of the U.S. Period. Only an idiot is confused otherwise because they don’t see military uniforms. :eusa_doh:
The Contras caused it...........and the little War decades ago made them run..............LOLThey didn't have to run..........and they outnumber the bad guys.............MASSIVELY..........and this crap was funded by Liberal activists through back door channels to cause this mess...............These Refugees were told come up here and they will give you Asylum............WRONG...........they were lied too.........and now are stuck in a Politically sponsored shit storm.
The Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." - The Iran-Contra Affair
They were the “moral equivalent of our founding fathers”. What’s your point?
The Contras caused it...........and the little War decades ago made them run..............LOLThey didn't have to run..........and they outnumber the bad guys.............MASSIVELY..........and this crap was funded by Liberal activists through back door channels to cause this mess...............These Refugees were told come up here and they will give you Asylum............WRONG...........they were lied too.........and now are stuck in a Politically sponsored shit storm.
The Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." - The Iran-Contra Affair
And how many freaking years ago was that...............Your blaming a sponsored march by a bunch of Liberal ass, fitting symbol of the Dem party, to stir up shit here in the United States............not caring what happens to these people that were lied to .............2% get Asylum...........but they marched here saying we DEMAND ASYLUM................even though the laws are completely against them.

The left groups using human misery for a political they can push the envelope on OPEN BORDERS........The WAY IS SHUT............when they request Asylum almost all of them will be denied............and the trip was FOR NOTHING.........

They will be sent back...........or they can accept the offer from Mexico to stay there.............It is not our responsibility to solve all the world's problems......
The Contras caused it...........and the little War decades ago made them run..............LOLThey didn't have to run..........and they outnumber the bad guys.............MASSIVELY..........and this crap was funded by Liberal activists through back door channels to cause this mess...............These Refugees were told come up here and they will give you Asylum............WRONG...........they were lied too.........and now are stuck in a Politically sponsored shit storm.
The Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." - The Iran-Contra Affair
And how many freaking years ago was that...............Your blaming a sponsored march by a bunch of Liberal ass, fitting symbol of the Dem party, to stir up shit here in the United States............not caring what happens to these people that were lied to .............2% get Asylum...........but they marched here saying we DEMAND ASYLUM................even though the laws are completely against them.

The left groups using human misery for a political they can push the envelope on OPEN BORDERS........The WAY IS SHUT............when they request Asylum almost all of them will be denied............and the trip was FOR NOTHING.........

They will be sent back...........or they can accept the offer from Mexico to stay there.............It is not our responsibility to solve all the world's problems......

Their worldview is so simplistic when you think about it. America is a net good but can't solve all the world's problems so they're mad about that. Same thing with God. God is a good God but this ain't Heaven yet so they're mad about that too.

Same old angry refrain. Different day. That's all it is.
Sure, so says the Independent. I'm sick of the world's sickened opinion of us. Cut all foreign aid, all of it, and let's find out what the world thinks of all "bloody imprint", shall we then? OH, let's do it. Let's bring all our military and all our aid home, and tell the world, no really....don't call us, we'll call you. Oh, and the border is closed.Here's a nice handy little chart for you to gaze at. Some people in Ethiopia and the Sudan would be without our "bloody imprint". Oh well.Foreign aid by country: Who is getting the most — and how much? - Concern
Yes, the US does occasionally hand out purely economic aid but look at where it hands out military aid, where the real bloodshed is taking place?


Of course you haven't a clue about the arms sales Reagan was covertly behind in the Honduras.Of course you are unaware the bloody genocide The Sauds are committing in Yemen (because they buy the arms from us, unlike Israel of course) and of course you didn't post US foreign aid during the Reagan administration when the US was active in Honduras. Have you read any of my links? Of course not. They might collide with your far right ideology.

Save your breath.

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