The rap sheet of Freddie Gray - 10 miles long

Cops killing blacks. That's been the regular theme in the media ALL OVER THE COUNTRY for quite a while now. I bet they even heard about this shit in Baltimore. It's been in all the papers.

So what do the geniuses with a black man in their custody begging for medical attention decide would be a good idea? Hey, let's not buckle him in a seat belt and for fuck's sake let's not get this man a doctor. Nobody will give a shit if he dies.

Just how fucking RETARDED are these assholes? Serious question. Do you really want mental midgets like these carrying guns?

Are you sure that's what happened? Were you there? Why don't you do like rational law abiding people do WAIT for the investigation or are you one of those
ignorant people that think by burning your neighborhood CVS, liquor store THAT solves the problem???
I think G5000 has become brain damaged from being on this site too long. He used to post well reasoned arguments. Now he just posts angry shit.
So he was tazed, screaming in pain as he was stuffed into a police van, and then emerged minutes later with a nearly severed spine, because he was afraid of the police because of his record, and ran? Is that it?
Any wonder why he was running from the Baltimore police???

View attachment 40498
That's an arrest record, not a conviction record.

Overall, the record on Freddie Gray reveals a young man who had frequent encounters with police as they carried out local operations in America's longest war: the war on drugs.

The record also suggests that, as the years went by, Gray became harder to convict of a drug crime. Police kept arresting him. Prosecutors kept putting him on dockets. But after he was convicted of illegal drug possession when he was 18, Gray mostly avoided jail time.

Court records show not-guilty verdicts, cases dropped, closed or put on the inactive docket. There's one "probation after conviction" for a drug charge last August. Those are pretty typical outcomes for someone police frequently suspect of being a street-level drug dealer.

Freddie Gray a victim of America's longest war - Baltimore Sun

The Baltimore Sun calling a drug dealer a "victim" of law enforcement. Hoo boy.
I'm sure none of those arrests led to convictions and they were all cases of mistaken identity.
The senior citizen center burned. The church burned. Dozens of stores and some homes burned.

The city has a black mayor, black police chief and a majority black police force.

This is why blacks live in poverty. They don't give a damn about self betterment of their own community.


That's a working class neighborhood. The parents work and the kids go to school on public transportation.They built those things and used them and valued them.

OUTSIDERS came in and burned down and looted those locally owned businesses.

There were no grocery stores damaged though because there are none in the area.

Stop hating long enough to see what is really happening.

Not true. I saw a grocery store owner on TV last night saying his store was destroyed.
Plus this:
Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 1.16.25 PM.png
Any wonder why he was running from the Baltimore police???

View attachment 40498

Which hand did you not provide a link to this with?

Or is documentation a "hard concept to understand"?
Sorry you are technically inept not to be able to see this so here just for a LIP like you:
View attachment 40501

You just posted the same Google Image over again, still unable to find a link for it.

Are you retarded? Or was this pulled out with your left hand?
You don't read very well do you... Mike Brown s Arrest Record
Any wonder why he was running from the Baltimore police???

View attachment 40498

Which hand did you not provide a link to this with?

Or is documentation a "hard concept to understand"?
Sorry you are technically inept not to be able to see this so here just for a LIP like you:
View attachment 40501

You just posted the same Google Image over again, still unable to find a link for it.

Are you retarded? Or was this pulled out with your left hand?
FREDDY GRAY S ARREST RECORD Here s The Rap Sheet Of The Dude They re Destroying Baltimore Over Doug Giles ClashDaily
Any wonder why he was running from the Baltimore police???

View attachment 40498
That's an arrest record, not a conviction record.

Overall, the record on Freddie Gray reveals a young man who had frequent encounters with police as they carried out local operations in America's longest war: the war on drugs.

The record also suggests that, as the years went by, Gray became harder to convict of a drug crime. Police kept arresting him. Prosecutors kept putting him on dockets. But after he was convicted of illegal drug possession when he was 18, Gray mostly avoided jail time.

Court records show not-guilty verdicts, cases dropped, closed or put on the inactive docket. There's one "probation after conviction" for a drug charge last August. Those are pretty typical outcomes for someone police frequently suspect of being a street-level drug dealer.

Freddie Gray a victim of America's longest war - Baltimore Sun

The Baltimore Sun calling a drug dealer a "victim" of law enforcement. Hoo boy.
I'm sure none of those arrests led to convictions and they were all cases of mistaken identity.
Very few led to convictions.
Due process is for everyone, not selective. Cops should not mistreat or abuse those brought in to custody. .

Due process? So how do you justify affirmative action - the govt mandated persecution of white people.?
Drugs. Assaults. Thefts.

Im watching 10, 000 other Freddie Greys in Baltimore on TV.

This is why the black community ends up in prison and facing cops so often. It also explains why they're so poor and unable to climb up the ladder.

It is their own goddamn fault.


That "black community" was beset upon by outsiders who are doing the rioting and looting. The kids had gone home long before that started. They begged for help and the cops stood by, doing nothing. Same with the useless mayor. They escalated it and now they're bringing in the military to escalate it more.

You racist scum want all Blacks killed, gunned down, no due process and blame them for a long long past of being victimized by whites.

How is it the whites fault when they have a black mayor, a black governor, black police chief and a large majority of black policeman?

If you want to blame the whites, blame the white dems who helped get them on the welfare system that has devastated their communities.
Any wonder why he was running from the Baltimore police???

View attachment 40498

Which hand did you not provide a link to this with?

Or is documentation a "hard concept to understand"?
Sorry you are technically inept not to be able to see this so here just for a LIP like you:
View attachment 40501

You just posted the same Google Image over again, still unable to find a link for it.

Are you retarded? Or was this pulled out with your left hand?
You don't read very well do you... Mike Brown s Arrest Record

I didn't ask about Michael Brown, did I? Don't read very well do you?

Any wonder why he was running from the Baltimore police???

View attachment 40498

Which hand did you not provide a link to this with?

Or is documentation a "hard concept to understand"?
Sorry you are technically inept not to be able to see this so here just for a LIP like you:
View attachment 40501

You just posted the same Google Image over again, still unable to find a link for it.

Are you retarded? Or was this pulled out with your left hand?
FREDDY GRAY S ARREST RECORD Here s The Rap Sheet Of The Dude They re Destroying Baltimore Over Doug Giles ClashDaily

An hour later and that's all you come up with?
That's just a blog site running the same image you ran here. It isn't documented.

Is the term "documented" completely over your head?
Drugs. Assaults. Thefts.

Im watching 10, 000 other Freddie Greys in Baltimore on TV.

This is why the black community ends up in prison and facing cops so often. It also explains why they're so poor and unable to climb up the ladder.

It is their own goddamn fault.


That "black community" was beset upon by outsiders who are doing the rioting and looting. The kids had gone home long before that started. They begged for help and the cops stood by, doing nothing. Same with the useless mayor. They escalated it and now they're bringing in the military to escalate it more.

You racist scum want all Blacks killed, gunned down, no due process and blame them for a long long past of being victimized by whites.

How is it the whites fault when they have a black mayor, a black governor, black police chief and a large majority of black policeman?

If you want to blame the whites, blame the white dems who helped get them on the welfare system that has devastated their communities.

they've been FED this BS for how long now, it's the white peoples fault. Hell all last year all we hear from left wing hate sites is about, white privilege, white this white that. They've been egging this on for a long time. Not only that now they are attacking Christians, pro-lifers, etc
How wonderful living under a black President.
Freddie Gray was in and out of jail, and had 5 outstanding cases of possession/distribution one seems to know what the drug was.....and none of us should think this justifies a severed spine while in the custody of the police.

Due process is for everyone, not selective. Cops should not mistreat or abuse those brought in to custody. They should use enough force, restraint to get the job done.

I have family in law enforcement. I support good police....which accounts for 99.9% of the men and women out on the street who do a thankless job.

Those responsible for the injuries that lead to the death of Freddie Gray will be held accountable.

If the community thought those responsible were going to be held accountable, there wouldn't be a problem right now. There have been too many times when cops walked for things that a normal citizen would have been put away for.
So anyone with a criminal record deserves to be beaten to the point of severing the person's spine? For real?

Who said that?
I was pointing why he was arrested because he ran.
He ran because of his criminal record.
You can jump to any conclusions but you can't dispute the simple fact.
Don't do criminal acts and if arrested don't resist arrest.
Pretty simple.
But I guess to people like YOU and Freddie that is a hard concept to understand.

Your concepts are pretty easy to understand, but I'm still having a problem with the concept that a cop can kill you and get away with it just because he is a cop. I thought we had courts and such to determine if and when a criminal should be executed.
From what I've read he injured himself while fleeing the police.

They dragged him to the paddy wagon and threw him in not realizing he was hurt.

Once they knew he really was hurt and just not the usual bullshit looking for sympathy they got help for him but it was to late.

Whatever the idiot did to himself he sure as hell did a good job of it.

He in effect killed himself. Sympathy?? Not one little bit. Guy had a rap sheet as long as two arms. No great loss to society at all. Idiot.
So anyone with a criminal record deserves to be beaten to the point of severing the person's spine? For real?

Who said that?
I was pointing why he was arrested because he ran.
He ran because of his criminal record.
You can jump to any conclusions but you can't dispute the simple fact.
Don't do criminal acts and if arrested don't resist arrest.
Pretty simple.
But I guess to people like YOU and Freddie that is a hard concept to understand.

Your concepts are pretty easy to understand, but I'm still having a problem with the concept that a cop can kill you and get away with it just because he is a cop. I thought we had courts and such to determine if and when a criminal should be executed.

No one killed anyone and got away with it in this matter..Hyperbole doesn't win your argument.
So anyone with a criminal record deserves to be beaten to the point of severing the person's spine? For real?

Who said that?
I was pointing why he was arrested because he ran.
He ran because of his criminal record.
You can jump to any conclusions but you can't dispute the simple fact.
Don't do criminal acts and if arrested don't resist arrest.
Pretty simple.
But I guess to people like YOU and Freddie that is a hard concept to understand.

Your concepts are pretty easy to understand, but I'm still having a problem with the concept that a cop can kill you and get away with it just because he is a cop. I thought we had courts and such to determine if and when a criminal should be executed.

The operative word you used was "courts".
Seems like you are accusing people without knowing the facts.
But what can we do for LIPs like you that jump to conclusions without waiting for the facts.
Freddie Gray was in and out of jail, and had 5 outstanding cases of possession/distribution one seems to know what the drug was.....and none of us should think this justifies a severed spine while in the custody of the police.

Due process is for everyone, not selective. Cops should not mistreat or abuse those brought in to custody. They should use enough force, restraint to get the job done.

I have family in law enforcement. I support good police....which accounts for 99.9% of the men and women out on the street who do a thankless job.

Those responsible for the injuries that lead to the death of Freddie Gray will be held accountable.

If the community thought those responsible were going to be held accountable, there wouldn't be a problem right now. There have been too many times when cops walked for things that a normal citizen would have been put away for.

Actually the cops "walk" in places where YOU would NEVER go because that is their job.
Of course cowards like you jump to conclusions, never comprehending that:
A) most of those killed were already lawbreakers.
B) Most that were killed were running away.
C) And then finally most that were killed WERE killed because they had no problem in wanting to kill the cops.

Finally, I don't naively believe that all killed by cops are legal.
Obviously a FEW... A FEW... killings by cop were wrong. When they are found to be guilty they are punished.
BUT ALL the killings by cops are investigated very thoroughly.

By the way where are the protest over the below killing??

Unarmed white man was killed by a black cop look how the media responds - Young Conservatives
Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 2.16.12 PM.png
This is the new police "defense".

Its not a defense but they want you to believe that somehow, without a court of law, he kinda deserved it.

So look at all the crimes! Forget that we severed a guys spine and have paid out 6 Million in lawsuits of misconduct in 4 years.


This is the defense in .gif form.

Another useless thug like trayvon and michael brown and eric garner. Are there ANY law-abiding blacks in america.?

Freddie Gray Arrest Record Criminal History Rap Sheet

april 27 2015

Gray had a lengthy arrest record with convictions dating back until at least 2007, according to the Maryland Department of Justice. Not all of the arrests led to convictions, in many of the cases he pleaded guilty to one charge while the others were dropped. Details of when he spent time in prison were not immediately available. His arrest record includes at least 18 arrests
  • March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance
  • March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault
  • January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing
  • January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute
  • December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute
  • December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance
  • August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing
  • January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana
  • September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape
  • April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation
  • July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute
  • March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
  • March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute
  • February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance
  • August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation
  • August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana
  • August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
  • July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)
The Associated Press reports Gray has been in and out of prison on drug convictions since 2008, according to online court records. He was set to start a trial in May on drug charges stemming from a December arrest.

No need to be dissin' Saint Skittles as part of the intro for your dissertation...

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