The rap sheet of Freddie Gray - 10 miles long

Drugs. Assaults. Thefts.

Im watching 10, 000 other Freddie Greys in Baltimore on TV.

This is why the black community ends up in prison and facing cops so often. It also explains why they're so poor and unable to climb up the ladder.

It is their own goddamn fault.


That "black community" was beset upon by outsiders who are doing the rioting and looting. The kids had gone home long before that started. They begged for help and the cops stood by, doing nothing. Same with the useless mayor. They escalated it and now they're bringing in the military to escalate it more.

You racist scum want all Blacks killed, gunned down, no due process and blame them for a long long past of being victimized by whites.
The black family was very strong before liberals stepped in. Now this is the result from people like yourself. Congratulations!
Any wonder why he was running from the Baltimore police???

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This is the new police "defense".

Its not a defense but they want you to believe that somehow, without a court of law, he kinda deserved it.

So look at all the crimes! Forget that we severed a guys spine and have paid out 6 Million in lawsuits of misconduct in 4 years.

Freddie Gray was in and out of jail, and had 5 outstanding cases of possession/distribution one seems to know what the drug was.....and none of us should think this justifies a severed spine while in the custody of the police.

Due process is for everyone, not selective. Cops should not mistreat or abuse those brought in to custody. They should use enough force, restraint to get the job done.

I have family in law enforcement. I support good police....which accounts for 99.9% of the men and women out on the street who do a thankless job.

Those responsible for the injuries that lead to the death of Freddie Gray will be held accountable.
Now we see Freddie Gray's record so what about the rest of these deaths?
How many more deaths were of people killed by police during attempts to escape arrests?
Maybe the Baltimore police simply wanted to talk to Freddie... he ran. Why? Because of the above.
Applying these percentages to the total count at Killed By Police would imply that officers acting in the line of duty have killed in the neighborhood of 1,250 to 1,350 people since May 1, 2013. That’s about 1,000 deaths per year.
Another Much Higher Count Of Homicides By Police FiveThirtyEight
So anyone with a criminal record deserves to be beaten to the point of severing the person's spine? For real?
So anyone with a criminal record deserves to be beaten to the point of severing the person's spine? For real?

Who said that?
I was pointing why he was arrested because he ran.
He ran because of his criminal record.
You can jump to any conclusions but you can't dispute the simple fact.
Don't do criminal acts and if arrested don't resist arrest.
Pretty simple.
But I guess to people like YOU and Freddie that is a hard concept to understand.
Cops killing blacks. That's been the regular theme in the media ALL OVER THE COUNTRY for quite a while now. I bet they even heard about this shit in Baltimore. It's been in all the papers.

So what do the geniuses with a black man in their custody begging for medical attention decide would be a good idea? Hey, let's not buckle him in a seat belt and for fuck's sake let's not get this man a doctor. Nobody will give a shit if he dies.

Just how fucking RETARDED are these assholes? Serious question. Do you really want mental midgets like these carrying guns?
Michael Brown was strong arming a clerk for cigars.
Here is his record of criminal activity.
Again... don't do criminal acts to get arrested. If arrested don't resist.
Pretty simple rules but I guess hard to follow for people like Gray, Brown and probably many of those killed by police. Mike Brown s Arrest Record

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Cops killing blacks. That's been the regular theme in the media ALL OVER THE COUNTRY for quite a while now. I bet they even heard about this shit in Baltimore. It's been in all the papers.

So what do the geniuses with a black man in their custody begging for medical attention decide would be a good idea? Hey, let's not buckle him in a seat belt and for fuck's sake let's not get this man a doctor. Nobody will give a shit if he dies.

Just how fucking RETARDED are these assholes? Serious question. Do you really want mental midgets like these carrying guns?

Are you sure that's what happened? Were you there? Why don't you do like rational law abiding people do WAIT for the investigation or are you one of those
ignorant people that think by burning your neighborhood CVS, liquor store THAT solves the problem???
Any wonder why he was running from the Baltimore police???

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That's an arrest record, not a conviction record.

Overall, the record on Freddie Gray reveals a young man who had frequent encounters with police as they carried out local operations in America's longest war: the war on drugs.

The record also suggests that, as the years went by, Gray became harder to convict of a drug crime. Police kept arresting him. Prosecutors kept putting him on dockets. But after he was convicted of illegal drug possession when he was 18, Gray mostly avoided jail time.

Court records show not-guilty verdicts, cases dropped, closed or put on the inactive docket. There's one "probation after conviction" for a drug charge last August. Those are pretty typical outcomes for someone police frequently suspect of being a street-level drug dealer.

Freddie Gray a victim of America's longest war - Baltimore Sun

The Baltimore Sun calling a drug dealer a "victim" of law enforcement. Hoo boy.
Any wonder why he was running from the Baltimore police???

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Which hand did you not provide a link to this with?

Or is documentation a "hard concept to understand"?
Sorry you are technically inept not to be able to see this so here just for a LIP like you:
View attachment 40501

You just posted the same Google Image over again, still unable to find a link for it.

Are you retarded? Or was this pulled out with your left hand?
Any wonder why he was running from the Baltimore police???

View attachment 40498
Likewise, COP crime:

(1) Brutality
(2) Rape
(3) Stealing
(4) Lying in court
(5) Planting evidence
(6) Murder
(7) Child molestation
(8) Spousal abuse
(9) Covering up the dirt of other cops
(10) Taking bribes from drug dealers and pimps
(11) Quota tickets

Pot calling the kettle black? Do as I say, not as I do? I can do it, but you can't? I'm above the law but you're not?

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