The ramifications of being right or wrong about preventive measures for COVID.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
The ramifications of being right or wrong about preventive measures for COVID.

If those who refuse the vaccine and refuse to wear masks, because they do not think it is necessary, are wrong, people die. That includes children. If those who support vaccines and masks are wrong, they get a few shots, they may not need, and wear masks when they do not need to. To me it is a no brainer, you get the vaccines and wear masks. I can live with myself if I am wrong. If the anti-vaxers and anti-masks are wrong and people die, because of you, including children, how do you live with yourself.
The ramifications of being right or wrong about preventive measures for COVID.

If those who refuse the vaccine and refuse to wear masks, because they do not think it is necessary, are wrong, people die. That includes children. If those who support vaccines and masks are wrong, they get a few shots, they may not need, and wear masks when they do not need to. To me it is a no brainer, you get the vaccines and wear masks. I can live with myself if I am wrong. If the anti-vaxers and anti-masks are wrong and people die, because of you, including children, how do you live with yourself.

Nobody is going to die because someone else didn't submit to this madness, by wearing a mask, or accepting the risky, experimental “vaccines”.

The only thing that you prove by your argument is that you are a gullible idiot who blindly, stupidly allows yourself to be deceived, frightened, and controlled by all the lies and fearmongering that you are being fed.
The ramifications of being right or wrong about preventive measures for COVID.

If those who refuse the vaccine and refuse to wear masks, because they do not think it is necessary, are wrong, people die. That includes children. If those who support vaccines and masks are wrong, they get a few shots, they may not need, and wear masks when they do not need to. To me it is a no brainer, you get the vaccines and wear masks. I can live with myself if I am wrong. If the anti-vaxers and anti-masks are wrong and people die, because of you, including children, how do you live with yourself.

Normally I would ignore such grateful ignorance or snipe at your post and move on. However, if even the remotest of chances exist to change your mind then I suppose the better thing to do is waste a few moments in reply. You need your eyes opened and your mind sobered. If you have in your life out there people for whom you truly care then you ought to do exhaustive research before jumping to such foolish conclusions.

Your words sound like those of a man deprived of sight and hearing. Boundless credible evidence exists revealing the horrible effects of the COVID-19 vaccines suffered by tens, possibly hundreds of thousands or more of vaccinated people the world over.

But let's put that on the back burner for a moment, shall we? I challenge you to walk outside of your home and listen—just listen to the familiar sounds of your neighborhood. Now, hop into your car and drive twenty miles in any direction. After returning home, tell us please—with total honesty—during your observation of your neighborhood and while out on your midnight drive, how many fellow Americans did you witness dropping over sick and/or dead from COVID-19 or any other cause? Hell, do this during rush hour and while your at it, visit a dozen local businesses to boot. How many Americans did you see even during the busiest time of day dropping over from COVID-19?

We already know the answer—and it is not because we're psychic. The answer is: you saw zero fellow Americans drop dead in the streets or inside places of business from COVID-19.

If you do deep and fair research into the extremely negative (read: often lethal) side effects of the COVID vaccines and you are willing to be honest with yourself, you will also come to the conclusion, the only reasonable, logical conclusion, that the risk to healthy human beings posed by these experimental vaccines far exceeds any need to vaccinate the masses against a "virus" that the vast, vast majority of them will survive without it.

You could be honest with yourself. Or you could continue to politicize the deaths of many, many thousands of your fellow human beings from unnecessary vaccination.

Or . . . you could continue to troll for pleasure.
Normally I would ignore such grateful ignorance or snipe at your post and move on. However, if even the remotest of chances exist to change your mind then I suppose the better thing to do is waste a few moments in reply. You need your eyes opened and your mind sobered. If you have in your life out there people for whom you truly care then you ought to do exhaustive research before jumping to such foolish conclusions.

Your words sound like those of a man deprived of sight and hearing. Boundless credible evidence exists revealing the horrible effects of the COVID-19 vaccines suffered by tens, possibly hundreds of thousands or more of vaccinated people the world over.

But let's put that on the back burner for a moment, shall we? I challenge you to walk outside of your home and listen—just listen to the familiar sounds of your neighborhood. Now, hop into your car and drive twenty miles in any direction. After returning home, tell us please—with total honesty—during your observation of your neighborhood and while out on your midnight drive, how many fellow Americans did you witness dropping over sick and/or dead from COVID-19 or any other cause? Hell, do this during rush hour and while your at it, visit a dozen local businesses to boot. How many Americans did you see even during the busiest time of day dropping over from COVID-19?

We already know the answer—and it is not because we're psychic. The answer is: you saw zero fellow Americans drop dead in the streets or inside places of business from COVID-19.

If you do deep and fair research into the extremely negative (read: often lethal) side effects of the COVID vaccines and you are willing to be honest with yourself, you will also come to the conclusion, the only reasonable, logical conclusion, that the risk to healthy human beings posed by these experimental vaccines far exceeds any need to vaccinate the masses against a "virus" that the vast, vast majority of them will survive without it.

You could be honest with yourself. Or you could continue to politicize the deaths of many, many thousands of your fellow human beings from unnecessary vaccination.

Or . . . you could continue to troll for pleasure.
So in order for a person to die, they MUST die in front of you, on the street or in a restaurant?

You make no sense.

And what if all that information you CLAIM is out there to enlighten us, is all gosh darn fake news propaganda from facebook, bloggers, conspiracy theorists, and tweets, while you IGNORE the enormous amount of real evidence and medical and scientific facts?
If those who refuse the vaccine and refuse to wear masks, because they do not think it is necessary, are wrong, people die.

Wrong again, guvnor. Anyone who follows the real science and not your bullshit brigade knows that masks have virtually no benefit. Studies confirmed by medical experts show that SYMPTOMATIC people stand about a 1:5 chance of transmitting an infectious viral load to other people, not bad odds in of themself, but ASYMPTOMATIC people either are not infected at all or have too small a viral load to become ill and stand about a 1:150 chance of transmitting an infection to another person.

That makes the masks nothing but effective placebo and the whole shutdown mess of the past year and the trillions that we lost all little more than a play to the gallery.
Normally I would ignore such grateful ignorance or snipe at your post and move on. However, if even the remotest of chances exist to change your mind then I suppose the better thing to do is waste a few moments in reply. You need your eyes opened and your mind sobered. If you have in your life out there people for whom you truly care then you ought to do exhaustive research before jumping to such foolish conclusions.

Your words sound like those of a man deprived of sight and hearing. Boundless credible evidence exists revealing the horrible effects of the COVID-19 vaccines suffered by tens, possibly hundreds of thousands or more of vaccinated people the world over.

But let's put that on the back burner for a moment, shall we? I challenge you to walk outside of your home and listen—just listen to the familiar sounds of your neighborhood. Now, hop into your car and drive twenty miles in any direction. After returning home, tell us please—with total honesty—during your observation of your neighborhood and while out on your midnight drive, how many fellow Americans did you witness dropping over sick and/or dead from COVID-19 or any other cause? Hell, do this during rush hour and while your at it, visit a dozen local businesses to boot. How many Americans did you see even during the busiest time of day dropping over from COVID-19?

We already know the answer—and it is not because we're psychic. The answer is: you saw zero fellow Americans drop dead in the streets or inside places of business from COVID-19.

If you do deep and fair research into the extremely negative (read: often lethal) side effects of the COVID vaccines and you are willing to be honest with yourself, you will also come to the conclusion, the only reasonable, logical conclusion, that the risk to healthy human beings posed by these experimental vaccines far exceeds any need to vaccinate the masses against a "virus" that the vast, vast majority of them will survive without it.

You could be honest with yourself. Or you could continue to politicize the deaths of many, many thousands of your fellow human beings from unnecessary vaccination.

Or . . . you could continue to troll for pleasure.

Our fairly new supervisor(3 months now) went & got the C-19 vaccination AFTER his wife badgered him into it. He showed up for work the next day & was not with it(did not look right/act right). The next day we were told that he was out for the day. The 3rd day after his vaccination we found out he was hospitalized with the C-19 virus!!! After the C-19 virus burned out(1 week) he stayed home quarantined for about 2 more weeks. He is back @ work now & seriously considering firing his wife. After he reads the link below I am turning him onto today I would not be surprised if he fires his doesie outright(not kidding here!). If you were here in Spokane I'd run you out to where I work & you could get the scoop right from his own mouth. This "rushed" C-19 virus is even a better genocide idea than the 3rd Reich's gas chambers & krema's!

The ramifications of being right or wrong about preventive measures for COVID.

If those who refuse the vaccine and refuse to wear masks, because they do not think it is necessary, are wrong, people die. That includes children. If those who support vaccines and masks are wrong, they get a few shots, they may not need, and wear masks when they do not need to. To me it is a no brainer, you get the vaccines and wear masks. I can live with myself if I am wrong. If the anti-vaxers and anti-masks are wrong and people die, because of you, including children, how do you live with yourself.

Boy these Leftists just love to Shame huh?

Salem had nothing on these Puritans
The ramifications of being right or wrong about preventive measures for COVID.

If those who refuse the vaccine and refuse to wear masks, because they do not think it is necessary, are wrong, people die. That includes children. If those who support vaccines and masks are wrong, they get a few shots, they may not need, and wear masks when they do not need to. To me it is a no brainer, you get the vaccines and wear masks. I can live with myself if I am wrong. If the anti-vaxers and anti-masks are wrong and people die, because of you, including children, how do you live with yourself.
If those who support vaccines and masks are wrong, they get a few shots, they may not need, and wear masks when they do not need to. To me it is a no brainer, you get the vaccines and wear masks. I can live with myself if I am wrong

Only that simple if the masks and vaccines are actually helpful rather than potentially harmful. Nobody has proven that they are. Some folks are willing to believe everything Big Brother tells them is gospel; some don't. Mind your own business and I'll mind mine otherwise we may have a problem.
The ramifications of being right or wrong about preventive measures for COVID.

If those who refuse the vaccine and refuse to wear masks, because they do not think it is necessary, are wrong, people die. That includes children. If those who support vaccines and masks are wrong, they get a few shots, they may not need, and wear masks when they do not need to. To me it is a no brainer, you get the vaccines and wear masks. I can live with myself if I am wrong. If the anti-vaxers and anti-masks are wrong and people die, because of you, including children, how do you live with yourself.
How many have you killed can still get and pass it.
Our fairly new supervisor(3 months now) went & got the C-19 vaccination AFTER his wife badgered him into it. He showed up for work the next day & was not with it(did not look right/act right). The next day we were told that he was out for the day. The 3rd day after his vaccination we found out he was hospitalized with the C-19 virus!!! After the C-19 virus burned out(1 week) he stayed home quarantined for about 2 more weeks. He is back @ work now & seriously considering firing his wife. After he reads the link below I am turning him onto today I would not be surprised if he fires his doesie outright(not kidding here!). If you were here in Spokane I'd run you out to where I work & you could get the scoop right from his own mouth. This "rushed" C-19 virus is even a better genocide idea than the 3rd Reich's gas chambers & krema's!

Someone wears a seat belt and dies in a car crash. Will you never wear a seat belt.
How about the hundreds of millions of people who had the vaccine and had no problems. How about 98% of those dying from COVID, currently, are not vaccinated.
Are you scared of needles and are looking for reasons to not get the vaccine. Are you scared to take the risk involved with the vaccine to help the USA win the war against COVID. Your fear is the issue, not the vaccine.
In WWII you would be living in a closet because you were scared to fight the war. Coward
If those who support vaccines and masks are wrong, they get a few shots, they may not need, and wear masks when they do not need to. To me it is a no brainer, you get the vaccines and wear masks. I can live with myself if I am wrong

Only that simple if the masks and vaccines are actually helpful rather than potentially harmful. Nobody has proven that they are. Some folks are willing to believe everything Big Brother tells them is gospel; some don't. Mind your own business and I'll mind mine otherwise we may have a problem.
I have a problem with you because you are looking at your needs and no consideration of the common need.
Our country is great because in our many wars people made sacrafices for the common good. Trump declared war on the virus.
It has been proven masks and vaccine will control the virus in a specific population.
I have a problem with you because you are looking at your needs and no consideration of the common need.
Our country is great because in our many wars people made sacrafices for the common good. Trump declared war on the virus.
It has been proven masks and vaccine will control the virus in a specific population.
And I have a problem with people arrogant enough to think they know and can try to force their conception of "the common need" on other people. Be advised: I have individual needs; not "common needs". I don't care what your lame-ass opinion of what "the common need" is. But I do care very much if you attempt to force me to accept Your lame-ass opinion over my own. Some folks don't coerce well. Don't tread on me.
I have a problem with you because you are looking at your needs and no consideration of the common need.

Your “need” to have a false sense of safety from a false fear that you have been stupid enough to allow lying politicians to plant in you does not, and never will, trump my need to determine for myself whether or not I will participate in a risky and unnecessary medical experiment.

If you're that much of a worthless, sniveling, brainwashed coward, then just keep hiding in your mother's basement, and leave us grown-ups to go about our business in peace. Your irrational fears are your own problem, not mine, and I am not under any obligation to sacrifice the slightest measure of my freedom, my health, or my safety, to assuage your fears. In fact, it would be damn stupid for me to do so.
And I have a problem with people arrogant enough to think they know and can try to force their conception of "the common need" on other people. Be advised: I have individual needs; not "common needs". I don't care what your lame-ass opinion of what "the common need" is. But I do care very much if you attempt to force me to accept Your lame-ass opinion over my own. Some folks don't coerce well. Don't tread on me.
There is no doubt you have big time needs. Nobody is arguing that. Please get the help you need. Please.
Your “need” to have a false sense of safety from a false fear that you have been stupid enough to allow lying politicians to plant in you does not, and never will, trump my need to determine for myself whether or not I will participate in a risky and unnecessary medical experiment.

If you're that much of a worthless, sniveling, brainwashed coward, then just keep hiding in your mother's basement, and leave us grown-ups to go about our business in peace. Your irrational fears are your own problem, not mine, and I am not under any obligation to sacrifice the slightest measure of my freedom, my health, or my safety, to assuage your fears. In fact, it would be damn stupid for me to do so.
You would have thought the Nazis were a false fear.
The ramifications of being right or wrong about preventive measures for COVID.

If those who refuse the vaccine and refuse to wear masks, because they do not think it is necessary, are wrong, people die. That includes children. If those who support vaccines and masks are wrong, they get a few shots, they may not need, and wear masks when they do not need to. To me it is a no brainer, you get the vaccines and wear masks. I can live with myself if I am wrong. If the anti-vaxers and anti-masks are wrong and people die, because of you, including children, how do you live with yourself.
And if the vaxers are wrong and people get blood clots from the vax, people die, what's your point?
And if the vaxers are wrong and people get blood clots from the vax, people die, what's your point?
I will take accountability for that. I advise my family members who are all vaccinated that your chance of not being vccinated and dying of COVID is substantially greater than dying from the vaccine. Plus we take the risk for the common good. It is like serving your country in war.

For unvaccinated re-infection is likely.

The Lancet, Durability of Immunity
’....reinfection by SARS-CoV-2 under endemic conditions would likely occur between 3 months and 5.1 years after peak antibody response, with a median of 16 months.’
Every prescription drug advertised in media outlets including vaccinations against certain cancers and the common flu contains explicit warnings that you might be in serious trouble if you have an allergic reaction, if you are on medication that intentionally lowers your immunity or if you have been exposed to certain diseases. The Covid cool-aid advocates don't even allow for the fact that previous exposure to the disease provides better immunity than the hastily promoted vaccine that has been known to kill within days or weeks of being injected. "If we can't live in peace let's die in peace"....Rev. Jim Jones
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