The Racist David Bacon Act and its Progeny


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I post about this from time to time, and with a new Administration coming in, promising to spend yet another king's ransom on "infrastructure," it may be time to revisit the issue.

During the Depression, with not a whole lot of Federal money being spent, Congresspeople would fight to the max to get construction projects approved for their districts, hoping to create some local jobs and win a little good will from the voters. But these plans were often foiled by itinerant construction companies that were largely staffed by southern "Negroes" who were willing to work at sub-standard wages. They would bid the jobs and be the low bidder, "taking jobs away from" the local white people.

So Congress passed the Davis Bacon Act, which required that regardless of who was bidding the job or where they came from, they were required to pay "the prevailing wage" in that locale. This took away the advantage of the itinerant Negroes, and basically killed that segment of the construction industry.

In time, being bureaucratically lazy and in the pocket of the Democrat party, the Department of Labor stopped trying to figure out what the "prevailing wage" was and simply started using the local union scale. This was absurd in many geographical areas. You might have 2% of the local construction workers being members of trade and craft unions, but the union scale was deemed the "prevailing wage" by DoL.

In due course, the minute any State legislature was in Democrat hands - even if only temporarily - that state would pass an analogous "prevailing wage" bill, so that on state and local construction projects, the same principle would apply, being administered in exactly the same way.

If you are a taxpayer and thinking as such, you might ask yourself, What the Fuck? If these projects are all funded by tax dollars then why do "we" tolerate a law that mandates high wages, when the general principle SHOULD BE, give the job to the low bidder, PERIOD. Just like contracts for manufactured goods and for services. How much extra are "we" paying for these billions and billions of dollars of construction projects than we WOULD BE paying, in a free market for construction services? At least 15-20%.

Consider, what is the cost per square foot of residential construction in your area? And that is mainly done with non-union workers. Would you be willing to absorb the extra cost of a government mandate that only union wages apply? You would, if you are sane, scream your bloody head off at the arrogance of such a government mandate. If would increase the cost of housing dramatically.

I know there is no chance of a repeal of Davis Bacon; it would be political suicide. But we should all be aware of the racist origins of the law and how much extra we are paying for projects that are ALREADY wasteful and full of fraud and corruption, just because of this racist law.
Government has nearly always been all about taking power from private enterprise and vesting it in themselves.
This is just one law.
There are 1000's of laws on the books that give government the unfair edge over private enterprise.

Consider government jobs where the workers are paid with TAXPAYER funds.

ALL Government entities should be required BY LAW to pay no more than equal jobs pay in Private Enterprise.
This allows government entities from local to Federal to pay MUCH higher, artificial wages to their workers.
This in turn has slowly robbed private enterprise of top thinkers and given the advantage of premium thought to government entities.
Look at AOC...that scum makes $150,000 for trying to destroy America every day.

in turn, government entities have empowered themselves to run community development programs, competing with private development.
They own the building inspectors so the government buildings are granted nearly free passage while private entities must pay through the nose and face endless hurdles to jump.

The trickle down effect of government has been the overwhelming empowerment of government entities.

So, the Progeny of the Davis Act is the empowerment of government and the elimination of private enterprise.
I post about this from time to time, and with a new Administration coming in, promising to spend yet another king's ransom on "infrastructure," it may be time to revisit the issue.

During the Depression, with not a whole lot of Federal money being spent, Congresspeople would fight to the max to get construction projects approved for their districts, hoping to create some local jobs and win a little good will from the voters. But these plans were often foiled by itinerant construction companies that were largely staffed by southern "Negroes" who were willing to work at sub-standard wages. They would bid the jobs and be the low bidder, "taking jobs away from" the local white people.

So Congress passed the Davis Bacon Act, which required that regardless of who was bidding the job or where they came from, they were required to pay "the prevailing wage" in that locale. This took away the advantage of the itinerant Negroes, and basically killed that segment of the construction industry.

In time, being bureaucratically lazy and in the pocket of the Democrat party, the Department of Labor stopped trying to figure out what the "prevailing wage" was and simply started using the local union scale. This was absurd in many geographical areas. You might have 2% of the local construction workers being members of trade and craft unions, but the union scale was deemed the "prevailing wage" by DoL.

In due course, the minute any State legislature was in Democrat hands - even if only temporarily - that state would pass an analogous "prevailing wage" bill, so that on state and local construction projects, the same principle would apply, being administered in exactly the same way.

If you are a taxpayer and thinking as such, you might ask yourself, What the Fuck? If these projects are all funded by tax dollars then why do "we" tolerate a law that mandates high wages, when the general principle SHOULD BE, give the job to the low bidder, PERIOD. Just like contracts for manufactured goods and for services. How much extra are "we" paying for these billions and billions of dollars of construction projects than we WOULD BE paying, in a free market for construction services? At least 15-20%.

Consider, what is the cost per square foot of residential construction in your area? And that is mainly done with non-union workers. Would you be willing to absorb the extra cost of a government mandate that only union wages apply? You would, if you are sane, scream your bloody head off at the arrogance of such a government mandate. If would increase the cost of housing dramatically.

I know there is no chance of a repeal of Davis Bacon; it would be political suicide. But we should all be aware of the racist origins of the law and how much extra we are paying for projects that are ALREADY wasteful and full of fraud and corruption, just because of this racist law.
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...
No, it isn't. But when forced by the fed gov't to pay an inflated wage that helps only the gov't-

I don't recall seeing that authority granted in the constitution, counselor. Can you cite it please?
I'm not familiar with the "act" described above- it's but one of way too many- acts- which is what congress critters are, actors, of ill repute. Yes, whores. And liars. And made up mostly of lawyers, or, at the very least, Higher Educated- by a system they fund and subscribe to which is NOT in the rules for them, in which, they swear in the affirmative, to protect and defend- what they do is, protect and defend themselves by the previously stated - a part of their oath, is; to the best of my ability. Therein lies their out- their ability sucks, due to their subscription to and involvement in the very thing that renders them unfit- Public Education (mandated) in yet another "act" to portray them as benevolent. I don't recall seeing that as a requirement for the rules they swear to protect and defend- follow the money, see the agenda.
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...

see, that's where you get really stupid.

Who decides what "decent wage" is or even a "good job"? To you...never the free market.

let me guess, you say AOC is doing a "decent" job and deserves $150,000 PLUS per year ?
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...

see, that's where you get really stupid.

Who decides what "decent wage" is or even a "good job"? To you...never the free market.

let me guess, you say AOC is doing a "decent" job and deserves $150,000 PLUS per year ?
There is a book they publish where wages are listed as being current along with costs for materials....AOC gets paid like all the rest whether they do a good job or not, that is how being elected works....
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...

see, that's where you get really stupid.

Who decides what "decent wage" is or even a "good job"? To you...never the free market.

let me guess, you say AOC is doing a "decent" job and deserves $150,000 PLUS per year ?
There is a book they publish where wages are listed as being current along with costs for materials....AOC gets paid like all the rest whether they do a good job or not, that is how being elected works....

No, that is how GOVERNMENT works, by paying people for what they can do for the government....not what they can do for Americans.


That is how the US Constitution is set up. To LIMIT government.
The wages paid by government to government hacks is one of the major problems in the USA.
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...
No, it isn't. But when forced by the fed gov't to pay an inflated wage that helps only the gov't-

I don't recall seeing that authority granted in the constitution, counselor. Can you cite it please?
Many things are not listed in the Constitution because the Constitution doesn't require that it be as such, don't be foolish, the Constitution does allow for Congress to do acts they deem worthy for the public.

Article I, Section 1:

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

The Supreme Court has sometimes declared categorically that the legislative power of Congress cannot be delegated,1 and on other occasions has recognized more forthrightly, as Chief Justice Marshall did in 1825, that, although Congress may not delegate powers that are strictly and exclusively legislative, it may delegate powers which [it] may rightfully exercise itself.2 The categorical statement has never been literally true, the Court having upheld the delegation at issue in the very case in which the statement was made.3 The Court has long recognized that administration of the law requires exercise of discretion,4 and that, in our increasingly complex society, replete with ever changing and more technical problems, Congress simply cannot do its job absent an ability to delegate power under broad general directives.5 The real issue is where to draw the line. Chief Justice Marshall recognized that there is some difficulty in discerning the exact limits, and that the precise boundary of this power is a subject of delicate and difficult inquiry, into which a court will not enter unnecessarily.6 Accordingly, the Court’s solution has been to reject delegation challenges in all but the most extreme cases, and to accept delegations of vast powers to the President or to administrative agencies.
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...

see, that's where you get really stupid.

Who decides what "decent wage" is or even a "good job"? To you...never the free market.

let me guess, you say AOC is doing a "decent" job and deserves $150,000 PLUS per year ?
There is a book they publish where wages are listed as being current along with costs for materials....AOC gets paid like all the rest whether they do a good job or not, that is how being elected works....

No, that is how GOVERNMENT works, by paying people for what they can do for the government....not what they can do for Americans.


That is how the US Constitution is set up. To LIMIT government.
The wages paid by government to government hacks is one of the major problems in the USA.
Private industry pays it's employees several hundreds of thousands a year and you complain about what an employee gets on a govt. job...Boo-Hoo....
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...

see, that's where you get really stupid.

Who decides what "decent wage" is or even a "good job"? To you...never the free market.

let me guess, you say AOC is doing a "decent" job and deserves $150,000 PLUS per year ?
There is a book they publish where wages are listed as being current along with costs for materials....AOC gets paid like all the rest whether they do a good job or not, that is how being elected works....

No, that is how GOVERNMENT works, by paying people for what they can do for the government....not what they can do for Americans.


That is how the US Constitution is set up. To LIMIT government.
The wages paid by government to government hacks is one of the major problems in the USA.
Private industry pays it's employees several hundreds of thousands a year and you complain about what an employee gets on a govt. job...Boo-Hoo....

Obviously you are a welfare recipient who has no clue what city, state and federal servants are paid.

I'm not talking about CEO's......this is about WORKERS.

Most of the CEO's you could name are in bed with your government entities anyway.
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...

see, that's where you get really stupid.

Who decides what "decent wage" is or even a "good job"? To you...never the free market.

let me guess, you say AOC is doing a "decent" job and deserves $150,000 PLUS per year ?
There is a book they publish where wages are listed as being current along with costs for materials....AOC gets paid like all the rest whether they do a good job or not, that is how being elected works....

No, that is how GOVERNMENT works, by paying people for what they can do for the government....not what they can do for Americans.


That is how the US Constitution is set up. To LIMIT government.
The wages paid by government to government hacks is one of the major problems in the USA.
Private industry pays it's employees several hundreds of thousands a year and you complain about what an employee gets on a govt. job...Boo-Hoo....

Obviously you are a welfare recipient who has no clue what city, state and federal servants are paid.

I'm not talking about CEO's......this is about WORKERS.

Most of the CEO's you could name are in bed with your government entities anyway.
The workers don't get the full prevailing wage because of assholes like yous in Congress won't allow hourly employed people to make the full wage, only the wage paid normally from your employer..The amount over the normal wage is deposited in a retirement fund and to extract these funds a penalty must be paid for early retirement...
You are evidently an arrogant son of a bitch to think I am on welfare...
I post about this from time to time, and with a new Administration coming in, promising to spend yet another king's ransom on "infrastructure," it may be time to revisit the issue.

During the Depression, with not a whole lot of Federal money being spent, Congresspeople would fight to the max to get construction projects approved for their districts, hoping to create some local jobs and win a little good will from the voters. But these plans were often foiled by itinerant construction companies that were largely staffed by southern "Negroes" who were willing to work at sub-standard wages. They would bid the jobs and be the low bidder, "taking jobs away from" the local white people.

So Congress passed the Davis Bacon Act, which required that regardless of who was bidding the job or where they came from, they were required to pay "the prevailing wage" in that locale. This took away the advantage of the itinerant Negroes, and basically killed that segment of the construction industry.

In time, being bureaucratically lazy and in the pocket of the Democrat party, the Department of Labor stopped trying to figure out what the "prevailing wage" was and simply started using the local union scale. This was absurd in many geographical areas. You might have 2% of the local construction workers being members of trade and craft unions, but the union scale was deemed the "prevailing wage" by DoL.

In due course, the minute any State legislature was in Democrat hands - even if only temporarily - that state would pass an analogous "prevailing wage" bill, so that on state and local construction projects, the same principle would apply, being administered in exactly the same way.

If you are a taxpayer and thinking as such, you might ask yourself, What the Fuck? If these projects are all funded by tax dollars then why do "we" tolerate a law that mandates high wages, when the general principle SHOULD BE, give the job to the low bidder, PERIOD. Just like contracts for manufactured goods and for services. How much extra are "we" paying for these billions and billions of dollars of construction projects than we WOULD BE paying, in a free market for construction services? At least 15-20%.

Consider, what is the cost per square foot of residential construction in your area? And that is mainly done with non-union workers. Would you be willing to absorb the extra cost of a government mandate that only union wages apply? You would, if you are sane, scream your bloody head off at the arrogance of such a government mandate. If would increase the cost of housing dramatically.

I know there is no chance of a repeal of Davis Bacon; it would be political suicide. But we should all be aware of the racist origins of the law and how much extra we are paying for projects that are ALREADY wasteful and full of fraud and corruption, just because of this racist law.
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...
I post about this from time to time, and with a new Administration coming in, promising to spend yet another king's ransom on "infrastructure," it may be time to revisit the issue.

During the Depression, with not a whole lot of Federal money being spent, Congresspeople would fight to the max to get construction projects approved for their districts, hoping to create some local jobs and win a little good will from the voters. But these plans were often foiled by itinerant construction companies that were largely staffed by southern "Negroes" who were willing to work at sub-standard wages. They would bid the jobs and be the low bidder, "taking jobs away from" the local white people.

So Congress passed the Davis Bacon Act, which required that regardless of who was bidding the job or where they came from, they were required to pay "the prevailing wage" in that locale. This took away the advantage of the itinerant Negroes, and basically killed that segment of the construction industry.

In time, being bureaucratically lazy and in the pocket of the Democrat party, the Department of Labor stopped trying to figure out what the "prevailing wage" was and simply started using the local union scale. This was absurd in many geographical areas. You might have 2% of the local construction workers being members of trade and craft unions, but the union scale was deemed the "prevailing wage" by DoL.

In due course, the minute any State legislature was in Democrat hands - even if only temporarily - that state would pass an analogous "prevailing wage" bill, so that on state and local construction projects, the same principle would apply, being administered in exactly the same way.

If you are a taxpayer and thinking as such, you might ask yourself, What the Fuck? If these projects are all funded by tax dollars then why do "we" tolerate a law that mandates high wages, when the general principle SHOULD BE, give the job to the low bidder, PERIOD. Just like contracts for manufactured goods and for services. How much extra are "we" paying for these billions and billions of dollars of construction projects than we WOULD BE paying, in a free market for construction services? At least 15-20%.

Consider, what is the cost per square foot of residential construction in your area? And that is mainly done with non-union workers. Would you be willing to absorb the extra cost of a government mandate that only union wages apply? You would, if you are sane, scream your bloody head off at the arrogance of such a government mandate. If would increase the cost of housing dramatically.

I know there is no chance of a repeal of Davis Bacon; it would be political suicide. But we should all be aware of the racist origins of the law and how much extra we are paying for projects that are ALREADY wasteful and full of fraud and corruption, just because of this racist law.
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...

Thank you.
He has no clue what he's jabbering about.
He isn't even aware that TAXPAYER funds are stolen in order to pay ALL government servants.
He's obviously a pro massive government shill that believes in all powerful government.

What a moron.
We live near a massive military base, and therefore there are an abundance of government contractors in this area.
It has been a running joke for years. Everyone knows at the very least one person who is employed by one of these folks. And everyone knows the hardest part of their jobs is coming up with what to put down they did so their firm can charge the government.
Its the one job where you can literally get into trouble for working hard.
I'm not going to contend with the OP's description of how Bacon/Davis came about ... but I can speak to the consequences ...

Effectively ... for double wages, only the best of the best work on these government buildings ... I've spent many a summer working on public schools, where time is of the essence ... it was a joy to work with the finest craftsmen in the community ... the pickup lists were always minimal, hire the best and the job gets done right the first time ...

It was a sub-contractor that cheated the system ... came in with residential grade workers getting residential pay rates ... one layer of flashing went in backwards ... four years later the $17 million building was condemned and had to be torn down because of that error ... [shrugs shoulders] ... Bacon/Davis saves money in the long run ...
I'm not going to contend with the OP's description of how Bacon/Davis came about ... but I can speak to the consequences ...

Effectively ... for double wages, only the best of the best work on these government buildings ... I've spent many a summer working on public schools, where time is of the essence ... it was a joy to work with the finest craftsmen in the community ... the pickup lists were always minimal, hire the best and the job gets done right the first time ...

It was a sub-contractor that cheated the system ... came in with residential grade workers getting residential pay rates ... one layer of flashing went in backwards ... four years later the $17 million building was condemned and had to be torn down because of that error ... [shrugs shoulders] ... Bacon/Davis saves money in the long run ...
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...

see, that's where you get really stupid.

Who decides what "decent wage" is or even a "good job"? To you...never the free market.

let me guess, you say AOC is doing a "decent" job and deserves $150,000 PLUS per year ?
There is a book they publish where wages are listed as being current along with costs for materials....AOC gets paid like all the rest whether they do a good job or not, that is how being elected works....

No, that is how GOVERNMENT works, by paying people for what they can do for the government....not what they can do for Americans.


That is how the US Constitution is set up. To LIMIT government.
The wages paid by government to government hacks is one of the major problems in the USA.
Private industry pays it's employees several hundreds of thousands a year and you complain about what an employee gets on a govt. job...Boo-Hoo....

You don't know what the difference is?
It is not wasteful to pay someone a decent wage for doing a decent job...

see, that's where you get really stupid.

Who decides what "decent wage" is or even a "good job"? To you...never the free market.

let me guess, you say AOC is doing a "decent" job and deserves $150,000 PLUS per year ?
There is a book they publish where wages are listed as being current along with costs for materials....AOC gets paid like all the rest whether they do a good job or not, that is how being elected works....

No, that is how GOVERNMENT works, by paying people for what they can do for the government....not what they can do for Americans.


That is how the US Constitution is set up. To LIMIT government.
The wages paid by government to government hacks is one of the major problems in the USA.
Private industry pays it's employees several hundreds of thousands a year and you complain about what an employee gets on a govt. job...Boo-Hoo....

You don't know what the difference is?
When I did one job back in 2008 I was making twenty one an hour and the prevailing wage was forty five..I have no idea what it is today..

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