The Racial Reckoning’s New Normal: 50 Murders Per Day


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The conversation America refuses to have - the black violence pandemic.

For example, everyone finally now admits what I’ve been saying for months: that murders went up a record-breaking percentage in 2020. But most still don’t want to admit it had anything to do with Black Lives Matter. One way to begin analyzing what caused the homicide boom of 2020 is to measure when it ignited. So, later in this column I’ve graphed every firearm murder day by day for 2019 and 2020.
Of course, if you only think about one crime at a time, you can spin each one however you please. For instance, the national press decided that the Atlanta murders were all about White Supremacy and Anti-Asian Hate, which was convenient for reinforcing The Narrative during 2021 when numerous videos have circulated of blacks assaulting Asians on the street.
So, the media agreed to blame the spa shootings on Trump referring to the “Chinese virus” eleven months ago. Granted, back during the George W. Bush era, the press would have instead used the killer’s confession about his religious-sexual motivations as proving the horrors of evangelical Christianity. But fundamentalists are now seen as a defeated, almost powerless enemy, and so the ideological mopping-up operation has moved on from Christians in particular to whites in general.
In contrast, the official story line about the Boulder shooter is Gun Control.
Why didn’t gun control come up much regarding Atlanta? Well, that shooter used a handgun, while the Boulder murderer employed a Ruger that’s officially classified as a pistol, but it looks like one of those scary military-type rifles that feature so prominently in the paranoia porn of liberals.
The Biden Administration is gearing up to crack down on rifles, seeing them as the white man’s weapon. In reality, according to the FBI’s statistics, rifles accounted for only 5 percent of all 2019 homicides in which a particular type of gun was identified, with shotguns adding 3 percent. Handguns, in contrast, were used in 92 percent of known gun homicides.
Of course, handguns are the main weapon with which blacks slaughter blacks in such vast numbers. White Democrats like Joe Biden aren’t terribly interested in reducing the number of blacks murdered by other blacks, especially if they’d have to admit that murder is largely a black problem in the U.S. You aren’t supposed to know this, but in 2019, 55.9 percent of known murder offenders were black. And blacks traditionally are responsible for a slightly larger share of gun murders than of total murders due to their cultural predilection toward shooting into crowds of partyers in the general direction of that guy who dissed them.
Soon, America was back to normal with the usual mass shootings at black social events, such as the Virginia Beach shoot-outs that killed two and wounded eight and the Fishtown Golf & Social gunplay that wounded seven. As Sailer’s Law of Mass Shootings predicts:
If there are more killed than wounded, then the shooter is likely not black.
If there are more wounded than killed, then the shooter is likely black.​
And then came the amazing carjacking murder of an elderly Pakistani immigrant by 13- and 15-year-old black girls in Washington, D.C., in front of uniformed National Guardsmen standing around to prevent white nationalist domestic terrorism. Did the girls even know how to drive?
There was no politically correct way to spin this one, so The Washington Post has already dropped this local story from its headlines, in contrast to the newspaper’s 198 articles mentioning the words “Atlanta Asian shooting” in the two weeks since the Atlanta murders.


The conversation America refuses to have - the black violence pandemic.

For example, everyone finally now admits what I’ve been saying for months: that murders went up a record-breaking percentage in 2020. But most still don’t want to admit it had anything to do with Black Lives Matter. One way to begin analyzing what caused the homicide boom of 2020 is to measure when it ignited. So, later in this column I’ve graphed every firearm murder day by day for 2019 and 2020.
Of course, if you only think about one crime at a time, you can spin each one however you please. For instance, the national press decided that the Atlanta murders were all about White Supremacy and Anti-Asian Hate, which was convenient for reinforcing The Narrative during 2021 when numerous videos have circulated of blacks assaulting Asians on the street.
So, the media agreed to blame the spa shootings on Trump referring to the “Chinese virus” eleven months ago. Granted, back during the George W. Bush era, the press would have instead used the killer’s confession about his religious-sexual motivations as proving the horrors of evangelical Christianity. But fundamentalists are now seen as a defeated, almost powerless enemy, and so the ideological mopping-up operation has moved on from Christians in particular to whites in general.
In contrast, the official story line about the Boulder shooter is Gun Control.
Why didn’t gun control come up much regarding Atlanta? Well, that shooter used a handgun, while the Boulder murderer employed a Ruger that’s officially classified as a pistol, but it looks like one of those scary military-type rifles that feature so prominently in the paranoia porn of liberals.
The Biden Administration is gearing up to crack down on rifles, seeing them as the white man’s weapon. In reality, according to the FBI’s statistics, rifles accounted for only 5 percent of all 2019 homicides in which a particular type of gun was identified, with shotguns adding 3 percent. Handguns, in contrast, were used in 92 percent of known gun homicides.
Of course, handguns are the main weapon with which blacks slaughter blacks in such vast numbers. White Democrats like Joe Biden aren’t terribly interested in reducing the number of blacks murdered by other blacks, especially if they’d have to admit that murder is largely a black problem in the U.S. You aren’t supposed to know this, but in 2019, 55.9 percent of known murder offenders were black. And blacks traditionally are responsible for a slightly larger share of gun murders than of total murders due to their cultural predilection toward shooting into crowds of partyers in the general direction of that guy who dissed them.
Soon, America was back to normal with the usual mass shootings at black social events, such as the Virginia Beach shoot-outs that killed two and wounded eight and the Fishtown Golf & Social gunplay that wounded seven. As Sailer’s Law of Mass Shootings predicts:
If there are more killed than wounded, then the shooter is likely not black.
If there are more wounded than killed, then the shooter is likely black.​
And then came the amazing carjacking murder of an elderly Pakistani immigrant by 13- and 15-year-old black girls in Washington, D.C., in front of uniformed National Guardsmen standing around to prevent white nationalist domestic terrorism. Did the girls even know how to drive?
There was no politically correct way to spin this one, so The Washington Post has already dropped this local story from its headlines, in contrast to the newspaper’s 198 articles mentioning the words “Atlanta Asian shooting” in the two weeks since the Atlanta murders.


I don't care what the white supremacists' has to say.
Steve Sailer - Wikipedia
Black Lives Matter is politically useful to Democrats, so of course they ignore their devastating effect on America.

Democrat leadership is America's PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE.
I'm white and I'll never vote republican anymore.
The conversation America refuses to have - the black violence pandemic.

For example, everyone finally now admits what I’ve been saying for months: that murders went up a record-breaking percentage in 2020. But most still don’t want to admit it had anything to do with Black Lives Matter. One way to begin analyzing what caused the homicide boom of 2020 is to measure when it ignited. So, later in this column I’ve graphed every firearm murder day by day for 2019 and 2020.
Of course, if you only think about one crime at a time, you can spin each one however you please. For instance, the national press decided that the Atlanta murders were all about White Supremacy and Anti-Asian Hate, which was convenient for reinforcing The Narrative during 2021 when numerous videos have circulated of blacks assaulting Asians on the street.
So, the media agreed to blame the spa shootings on Trump referring to the “Chinese virus” eleven months ago. Granted, back during the George W. Bush era, the press would have instead used the killer’s confession about his religious-sexual motivations as proving the horrors of evangelical Christianity. But fundamentalists are now seen as a defeated, almost powerless enemy, and so the ideological mopping-up operation has moved on from Christians in particular to whites in general.
In contrast, the official story line about the Boulder shooter is Gun Control.
Why didn’t gun control come up much regarding Atlanta? Well, that shooter used a handgun, while the Boulder murderer employed a Ruger that’s officially classified as a pistol, but it looks like one of those scary military-type rifles that feature so prominently in the paranoia porn of liberals.
The Biden Administration is gearing up to crack down on rifles, seeing them as the white man’s weapon. In reality, according to the FBI’s statistics, rifles accounted for only 5 percent of all 2019 homicides in which a particular type of gun was identified, with shotguns adding 3 percent. Handguns, in contrast, were used in 92 percent of known gun homicides.
Of course, handguns are the main weapon with which blacks slaughter blacks in such vast numbers. White Democrats like Joe Biden aren’t terribly interested in reducing the number of blacks murdered by other blacks, especially if they’d have to admit that murder is largely a black problem in the U.S. You aren’t supposed to know this, but in 2019, 55.9 percent of known murder offenders were black. And blacks traditionally are responsible for a slightly larger share of gun murders than of total murders due to their cultural predilection toward shooting into crowds of partyers in the general direction of that guy who dissed them.
Soon, America was back to normal with the usual mass shootings at black social events, such as the Virginia Beach shoot-outs that killed two and wounded eight and the Fishtown Golf & Social gunplay that wounded seven. As Sailer’s Law of Mass Shootings predicts:
If there are more killed than wounded, then the shooter is likely not black.
If there are more wounded than killed, then the shooter is likely black.​
And then came the amazing carjacking murder of an elderly Pakistani immigrant by 13- and 15-year-old black girls in Washington, D.C., in front of uniformed National Guardsmen standing around to prevent white nationalist domestic terrorism. Did the girls even know how to drive?
There was no politically correct way to spin this one, so The Washington Post has already dropped this local story from its headlines, in contrast to the newspaper’s 198 articles mentioning the words “Atlanta Asian shooting” in the two weeks since the Atlanta murders.


A certain group feels now entitled to commit any crime they want including murder--------
States with the Highest Murder Rates and Totals

The states with the highest murder rates per 1,000 in population in 2018 were Louisiana with 11.4 murders per thousand, Missouri, with 9.2 murders per thousand, Alaska with 8.2 murders per thousand, Maryland, with 8.1 murders per thousand, New Mexico with 8.0 murders per thousand, Alabama, with 7.8 murders per thousand, South Carolina with 7.7 murders per thousand, and Tennessee, with 7.4 murders per thousand. Arkansas and Illinois round out the top 10 with 7.2 and 6.9 per thousand, respectively.

In terms of total murders in 2018, California stands head and shoulders above the rest of the pack with 1,739. Texas is second with 1,322 total murders, and Florida follows with 1,107. Illinois had 884, followed by Pennsylvania with 784, Georgia with 642, North Carolina with 628, Missouri with 607, Ohio with 564, and New York with 562.
How Many People Are Murdered a Day: United States Statistics (

seems the republican states are top for the most amount of murders.
More guns is clearly the answer...

Gun regulation has zero impact on ghetto Black firearms and ammo.

Yup. They don't go to the gun store to get guns. There is a huge black market out there for guns and it all across the country. You got the money, you got the gun.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon and apparently there are loads of weapons out there.
The conversation America refuses to have - the black violence pandemic.

For example, everyone finally now admits what I’ve been saying for months: that murders went up a record-breaking percentage in 2020. But most still don’t want to admit it had anything to do with Black Lives Matter. One way to begin analyzing what caused the homicide boom of 2020 is to measure when it ignited. So, later in this column I’ve graphed every firearm murder day by day for 2019 and 2020.
Of course, if you only think about one crime at a time, you can spin each one however you please. For instance, the national press decided that the Atlanta murders were all about White Supremacy and Anti-Asian Hate, which was convenient for reinforcing The Narrative during 2021 when numerous videos have circulated of blacks assaulting Asians on the street.
So, the media agreed to blame the spa shootings on Trump referring to the “Chinese virus” eleven months ago. Granted, back during the George W. Bush era, the press would have instead used the killer’s confession about his religious-sexual motivations as proving the horrors of evangelical Christianity. But fundamentalists are now seen as a defeated, almost powerless enemy, and so the ideological mopping-up operation has moved on from Christians in particular to whites in general.
In contrast, the official story line about the Boulder shooter is Gun Control.
Why didn’t gun control come up much regarding Atlanta? Well, that shooter used a handgun, while the Boulder murderer employed a Ruger that’s officially classified as a pistol, but it looks like one of those scary military-type rifles that feature so prominently in the paranoia porn of liberals.
The Biden Administration is gearing up to crack down on rifles, seeing them as the white man’s weapon. In reality, according to the FBI’s statistics, rifles accounted for only 5 percent of all 2019 homicides in which a particular type of gun was identified, with shotguns adding 3 percent. Handguns, in contrast, were used in 92 percent of known gun homicides.
Of course, handguns are the main weapon with which blacks slaughter blacks in such vast numbers. White Democrats like Joe Biden aren’t terribly interested in reducing the number of blacks murdered by other blacks, especially if they’d have to admit that murder is largely a black problem in the U.S. You aren’t supposed to know this, but in 2019, 55.9 percent of known murder offenders were black. And blacks traditionally are responsible for a slightly larger share of gun murders than of total murders due to their cultural predilection toward shooting into crowds of partyers in the general direction of that guy who dissed them.
Soon, America was back to normal with the usual mass shootings at black social events, such as the Virginia Beach shoot-outs that killed two and wounded eight and the Fishtown Golf & Social gunplay that wounded seven. As Sailer’s Law of Mass Shootings predicts:
If there are more killed than wounded, then the shooter is likely not black.
If there are more wounded than killed, then the shooter is likely black.​
And then came the amazing carjacking murder of an elderly Pakistani immigrant by 13- and 15-year-old black girls in Washington, D.C., in front of uniformed National Guardsmen standing around to prevent white nationalist domestic terrorism. Did the girls even know how to drive?
There was no politically correct way to spin this one, so The Washington Post has already dropped this local story from its headlines, in contrast to the newspaper’s 198 articles mentioning the words “Atlanta Asian shooting” in the two weeks since the Atlanta murders.


Every nation has its taboos.

In China, for example, the mere suggestion of "democracy" is a no no.

In this unusual nation, any discussion of the crime committed by a certain ethnicity is a no no.

That's just how the cookie crumbles.
States with the Highest Murder Rates and Totals

The states with the highest murder rates per 1,000 in population in 2018 were Louisiana with 11.4 murders per thousand, Missouri, with 9.2 murders per thousand, Alaska with 8.2 murders per thousand, Maryland, with 8.1 murders per thousand, New Mexico with 8.0 murders per thousand, Alabama, with 7.8 murders per thousand, South Carolina with 7.7 murders per thousand, and Tennessee, with 7.4 murders per thousand. Arkansas and Illinois round out the top 10 with 7.2 and 6.9 per thousand, respectively.

In terms of total murders in 2018, California stands head and shoulders above the rest of the pack with 1,739. Texas is second with 1,322 total murders, and Florida follows with 1,107. Illinois had 884, followed by Pennsylvania with 784, Georgia with 642, North Carolina with 628, Missouri with 607, Ohio with 564, and New York with 562.
How Many People Are Murdered a Day: United States Statistics (

seems the republican states are top for the most amount of murders.
Now show us who runs the cities where the murders occur, hint not Republicans.
The conversation America refuses to have - the black violence pandemic.

For example, everyone finally now admits what I’ve been saying for months: that murders went up a record-breaking percentage in 2020. But most still don’t want to admit it had anything to do with Black Lives Matter. One way to begin analyzing what caused the homicide boom of 2020 is to measure when it ignited. So, later in this column I’ve graphed every firearm murder day by day for 2019 and 2020.
Of course, if you only think about one crime at a time, you can spin each one however you please. For instance, the national press decided that the Atlanta murders were all about White Supremacy and Anti-Asian Hate, which was convenient for reinforcing The Narrative during 2021 when numerous videos have circulated of blacks assaulting Asians on the street.
So, the media agreed to blame the spa shootings on Trump referring to the “Chinese virus” eleven months ago. Granted, back during the George W. Bush era, the press would have instead used the killer’s confession about his religious-sexual motivations as proving the horrors of evangelical Christianity. But fundamentalists are now seen as a defeated, almost powerless enemy, and so the ideological mopping-up operation has moved on from Christians in particular to whites in general.
In contrast, the official story line about the Boulder shooter is Gun Control.
Why didn’t gun control come up much regarding Atlanta? Well, that shooter used a handgun, while the Boulder murderer employed a Ruger that’s officially classified as a pistol, but it looks like one of those scary military-type rifles that feature so prominently in the paranoia porn of liberals.
The Biden Administration is gearing up to crack down on rifles, seeing them as the white man’s weapon. In reality, according to the FBI’s statistics, rifles accounted for only 5 percent of all 2019 homicides in which a particular type of gun was identified, with shotguns adding 3 percent. Handguns, in contrast, were used in 92 percent of known gun homicides.
Of course, handguns are the main weapon with which blacks slaughter blacks in such vast numbers. White Democrats like Joe Biden aren’t terribly interested in reducing the number of blacks murdered by other blacks, especially if they’d have to admit that murder is largely a black problem in the U.S. You aren’t supposed to know this, but in 2019, 55.9 percent of known murder offenders were black. And blacks traditionally are responsible for a slightly larger share of gun murders than of total murders due to their cultural predilection toward shooting into crowds of partyers in the general direction of that guy who dissed them.
Soon, America was back to normal with the usual mass shootings at black social events, such as the Virginia Beach shoot-outs that killed two and wounded eight and the Fishtown Golf & Social gunplay that wounded seven. As Sailer’s Law of Mass Shootings predicts:
If there are more killed than wounded, then the shooter is likely not black.
If there are more wounded than killed, then the shooter is likely black.​
And then came the amazing carjacking murder of an elderly Pakistani immigrant by 13- and 15-year-old black girls in Washington, D.C., in front of uniformed National Guardsmen standing around to prevent white nationalist domestic terrorism. Did the girls even know how to drive?
There was no politically correct way to spin this one, so The Washington Post has already dropped this local story from its headlines, in contrast to the newspaper’s 198 articles mentioning the words “Atlanta Asian shooting” in the two weeks since the Atlanta murders.


We gotta make being blk illegal....cancel them if you will...

It's the only way to save our great nation!!!

There are a few good blacks but not enough to matter

The Democrats talk about taking the guns off the streets, but they don't talk about taking the murderers off the streets.
OP starts a thread just to holler the N word. We see a dozen of these threads a day on here. Yawn....
Black Lives Matter is politically useful to Democrats, so of course they ignore their devastating effect on America.

Democrat leadership is America's PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE.

The MSM is Public Enemy Number 1A.
States with the Highest Murder Rates and Totals

The states with the highest murder rates per 1,000 in population in 2018 were Louisiana with 11.4 murders per thousand, Missouri, with 9.2 murders per thousand, Alaska with 8.2 murders per thousand, Maryland, with 8.1 murders per thousand, New Mexico with 8.0 murders per thousand, Alabama, with 7.8 murders per thousand, South Carolina with 7.7 murders per thousand, and Tennessee, with 7.4 murders per thousand. Arkansas and Illinois round out the top 10 with 7.2 and 6.9 per thousand, respectively.

seems the republican states are top for the most amount of murders.

Almost all those "republican states" you bolded have very large black populations. Only Alaska is the outlier. Thanks for proving the point!

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