The race war is on


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
Body-camera footage released by police on Saturday shows the armed man attempting to get inside the police officer's vehicle. The driver can be heard screaming at the man, "What are you doing?" and "Stop!" as Royer urged the man to drop his weapon.

This guy was motivated by the rhetoric of the Black leaders and his high on drugs homies in the barbershop.

This is what the war is going to look like, while the 2nd Amendment people wait for the gun confiscation law to be passed before they do anything, the police will be fighting this front.
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There will be no "race war."

For one thing, there is no need for one: Certain folks have already won what they want.

1. They will get reparations.

2. Police forces will be defunded in order to give money to the community.

3. They are getting key appointments in the (Biden)-Harris administration.

4. With every election, more and more of them become mayors, Senators, etc.

5. They have been guaranteed a quota of awards (such as the Oscars).

6. Some of them will be packing their bags and headed for nice new quarters in the suburbs.

7. Universities will be giving them good grades, regardless of their test grades. In fact, maybe they will be excused from even taking any old nasty test.

8. Police will be ordered to turn a blind eye to more crimes.

Dang! Who needs a war?

There will be no "race war."

For one thing, there is no need for one: Certain folks have already won what they want.

1. They will get reparations.

2. Police forces will be defunded in order to give money to the community.

3. They are getting key appointments in the (Biden)-Harris administration.

4. With every election, more and more of them become mayors, Senators, etc.

5. They have been guaranteed a quota of awards (such as the Oscars).

6. Some of them will be packing their bags and headed for nice new quarters in the suburbs.

7. Universities will be giving them good grades, regardless of their test grades. In fact, maybe they will be excused from even taking any old nasty test.

8. Police will be ordered to turn a blind eye to more crimes.

Dang! Who needs a war?
You mean like this?

Body-camera footage released by police on Saturday shows the armed man attempting to get inside the police officer's vehicle. The driver can be heard screaming at the man, "What are you doing?" and "Stop!" as Royer urged the man to drop his weapon.

This guy was motivated by the rhetoric of the Black leaders and his high on drugs homies in the barbershop.

This is what the war is going to look like, while the 2nd Amendment people wait for the gun confiscation law to be passed before they do anything, the police will be fighting this front.
The Montana Gov. just took his State out of gun control. Watch the Democrats howl and bark at the moon.
Body-camera footage released by police on Saturday shows the armed man attempting to get inside the police officer's vehicle. The driver can be heard screaming at the man, "What are you doing?" and "Stop!" as Royer urged the man to drop his weapon.

This guy was motivated by the rhetoric of the Black leaders and his high on drugs homies in the barbershop.

This is what the war is going to look like, while the 2nd Amendment people wait for the gun confiscation law to be passed before they do anything, the police will be fighting this front.

Am I the only one curious as to why the passenger had 2 butcher knives in a car?
Body-camera footage released by police on Saturday shows the armed man attempting to get inside the police officer's vehicle. The driver can be heard screaming at the man, "What are you doing?" and "Stop!" as Royer urged the man to drop his weapon.

This guy was motivated by the rhetoric of the Black leaders and his high on drugs homies in the barbershop.

This is what the war is going to look like, while the 2nd Amendment people wait for the gun confiscation law to be passed before they do anything, the police will be fighting this front.
No race war. Not even a good example. He probably should have dropped the knives. I'm no cop, but if he came at me with two knives and I told him to halt, I would have dropped him too, whether black, white, male, female or trans. Welcome to The Great State of Tennessee. It's great to be alive and go Tennesseeing.
Spare us white boy. The race war started on 7-4-1776.
Your ancestors were sold to the white slave traders by your black brothers who captured them.
Did blacks implement Jim Crow too?


Todays Lesson:

How 400,000 Slaves Magically Became 4 Million

"The idea that the South fought a war so that it could be left in peace to have slavery merely within its settled boundaries is sometimes voiced as a cherished myth today, but it does not fit the facts on the ground, nor did anyone think so at the time. Quite the contrary: the war was fought over the expansion of slavery."

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry
The major problem with the excuses is that America had every chance not to implement slavery. We are told how the so-called founders of this country created the way to end slavery when they wrote the constitution. Many will cite the fact they made the importation of slaves illegal by 1808 as evidence. But refusing to stop importing slaves did not end the slaving business in the United States. What it produced was an original American industry-slave breeding.

"During the fifty-three years from the prohibition of the African slave trade by federal law in 1808 to the debacle of the Confederate States of America in 1861, the Southern economy depended on the functioning of a slave-breeding industry, of which Virginia was the number-one supplier."

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry

You see, if America had continued to import slaves, it would have diluted the market thereby driving down the costs of slaves. Slave sellers could not have this. So instead of the truth, we are told that “our nearer to God than thee” founders in all their benevolent glory, looked towards a future whereby slavery would be no more. According to some, the so-called founders had a dream whereby little black boys and little black girls would no longer be enslaved because of the color of their skin. This is the story we are supposed to believe. However, reality does not show that.

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry
To be blunt, America had slave breeding “factories” where slaves were forced to breed. I call them factories but in most cases they are described as farms. These “farms” generally had at least a 2:1 female to male ratio. In some states, slave production was the number 1 industry. Virginia led the nation in slave production and PRESIDENT Thomas Jefferson was one of the main producers. The slave breeding industry has been hidden and left out of the annals of American history. This was done on purpose.

According to the Sublettes, 400 to 500,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860 there were 4 million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860 the number of slaves increased by at least 1,000 percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for between 400 to 500 thousand slaves. What about the 3.5 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them. Whites did this through forced human breeding for business and for pleasure. “Africans sold each other into slavery”, says the racist.

Learn to read. Once you do so, purchase this book and read it:

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry, Chicago, Lawrence Hill Books, 2016
Spare us white boy. The race war started on 7-4-1776.
fuck off boy, you should be glad we brought you to America otherwise your ass would still be building huts out of elephant dung to scare off the lions

I doubt that since Africa had cities that equalled or surpassed the shitholes your ancestors ran away from.
Spare us white boy. The race war started on 7-4-1776.
fuck off boy, you should be glad we brought you to America otherwise your ass would still be building huts out of elephant dung to scare off the lions

I doubt that since Africa had cities that equalled or surpassed the shitholes your ancestors ran away from.

I doubt that since Africa had cities that equalled or surpassed the shitholes your ancestors ran away from.

slaves were taken from those cities to be sold elsewhere?

Or were they taken from bush country, were they still living in thatch huts?
Spare us white boy. The race war started on 7-4-1776.
fuck off boy, you should be glad we brought you to America otherwise your ass would still be building huts out of elephant dung to scare off the lions

I doubt that since Africa had cities that equalled or surpassed the shitholes your ancestors ran away from.
Sure they did. the elephant dung huts are still being used in Africa
In fact you Africans have a number of disgusting uses for elephant shit.
The major problem with the excuses is that America had every chance not to implement slavery. We are told how the so-called founders of this country created the way to end slavery when they wrote the constitution. Many will cite the fact they made the importation of slaves illegal by 1808 as evidence. But refusing to stop importing slaves did not end the slaving business in the United States. What it produced was an original American industry-slave breeding.

"During the fifty-three years from the prohibition of the African slave trade by federal law in 1808 to the debacle of the Confederate States of America in 1861, the Southern economy depended on the functioning of a slave-breeding industry, of which Virginia was the number-one supplier."

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry
Good theory - I see no reason to doubt even if some descriptions may be exagerated.

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