The Qur'an isn't true


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Muslim 75 just admitted as much in his Bible and Christianity thread saying the BIble isn't true. Ok. But if the Bible isn't true, then neither is any derivitive religion based on it. :)

"This is no surprise because one can not possibly seriously consider the Bible to be true, this book that dates back 2000 years and claiming to be holy."

4. And who believe in (the Qur'an and the Sunnah) which has been sent down (revealed) to you (Muhammad Peace be upon him ) and in [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.] which were sent down before you and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. (Resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell, etc.).
- Noble Qur'an 2
English Translation of The Noble Quran -
I consider the Q'ran to be true. It is the true manifesto of a murderous warlord (who had sex with children) that cobbles together various elements of other religions while infusing them with the imperative to do the bidding of the warlord, forever pressing forth upon all others until they submit.

Now, as to claims that Mohammad was some sort of Holy man, good gracious sakes alive -- what kind of God would select a murderer who screwed little girls to be the Prophet?
The Quran is filled with bible myths like, Jonah being swallowed by a whale and spat up on a beach. Noah and the ark are also in the Quran. So is the drowning of the Egyptian army in the red sea.

These and other bible stories are obviously myths, yet they appear in the Quran as literal history.
What more evidence does one need to see that the Quran is copied from the bible and they are both full of bunk.
There is a great deal of "truth" to be found in the Bible as well as the Quran. A lot of it has nothing to do with history, nor does it have to.​
There is a great deal of "truth" to be found in the Bible as well as the Quran. A lot of it has nothing to do with history, nor does it have to.​
There's as much truth to be found in "Moby Dick", Homer's iliad, Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath", Fitzgerald's short stories, etc., as any supposed holy text. When so many religious twoofs are not twoofs at all, there are a great many options for structure in ones life.
The Bible is not true, because why would it be ?
The Qur'an is the authentic unchanged word of God Almighty which He revealed to His beloved, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God declared very early that His intent was to miraculously protect the Qur'an. The Hadiths also (the sayings of Muhammad) were quite well recorded, with the help of God Almighty who sent Muhammad as the very last prophet.

Muhammad taught that intellect (logic) was the reason for his religion, and love was its foundation. But Muhammad was also a teacher, so that he did some strange things when he wanted to teach mankind some specific wisdom. Jesus did the same, and all prophets did the same. Jesus kept close to him, loved and raised (educated) someone he knew from the beginning thath he would betray him. Prophets were teaching.

Islam is not derived from Christianity. Rather Moses, Jesus, Abraham, David, Muhammad and all prophets have the same missions from God, but each has a special way.
The Bible is not true, because why would it be ?
The Qur'an is the authentic unchanged word of God Almighty which He revealed to His beloved, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God declared very early that His intent was to miraculously protect the Qur'an. The Hadiths also (the sayings of Muhammad) were quite well recorded, with the help of God Almighty who sent Muhammad as the very last prophet.

Muhammad taught that intellect (logic) was the reason for his religion, and love was its foundation. But Muhammad was also a teacher, so that he did some strange things when he wanted to teach mankind some specific wisdom. Jesus did the same, and all prophets did the same. Jesus kept close to him, loved and raised (educated) someone he knew from the beginning thath he would betray him. Prophets were teaching.

Islam is not derived from Christianity. Rather Moses, Jesus, Abraham, David, Muhammad and all prophets have the same missions from God, but each has a special way.

If you don't think the Bible's true you must not have read the Qur'an because claiming that is to contradict the Qur'an.
The Bible is not true, because why would it be ?
The Qur'an is the authentic unchanged word of God Almighty which He revealed to His beloved, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God declared very early that His intent was to miraculously protect the Qur'an. The Hadiths also (the sayings of Muhammad) were quite well recorded, with the help of God Almighty who sent Muhammad as the very last prophet.

Muhammad taught that intellect (logic) was the reason for his religion, and love was its foundation. But Muhammad was also a teacher, so that he did some strange things when he wanted to teach mankind some specific wisdom. Jesus did the same, and all prophets did the same. Jesus kept close to him, loved and raised (educated) someone he knew from the beginning thath he would betray him. Prophets were teaching.

Islam is not derived from Christianity. Rather Moses, Jesus, Abraham, David, Muhammad and all prophets have the same missions from God, but each has a special way.
Muhammud (swish) stole ruthlessly from both Judaism and Christianity in the formulation of his invented syncretic politico-religious ideology.

The various Korans are not the word of any gawds but the compilation of hearsay testimony by various individuals. The Korans are the words of Uthman, the writer and editor.

Your silly "unchanged word of gawd almighty" is boilerplate islamist dogma with no connection to the truth.
The Bible is not true, because why would it be ?
The Qur'an is the authentic unchanged word of God Almighty which He revealed to His beloved, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God declared very early that His intent was to miraculously protect the Qur'an. The Hadiths also (the sayings of Muhammad) were quite well recorded, with the help of God Almighty who sent Muhammad as the very last prophet.

Muhammad taught that intellect (logic) was the reason for his religion, and love was its foundation. But Muhammad was also a teacher, so that he did some strange things when he wanted to teach mankind some specific wisdom. Jesus did the same, and all prophets did the same. Jesus kept close to him, loved and raised (educated) someone he knew from the beginning thath he would betray him. Prophets were teaching.

Islam is not derived from Christianity. Rather Moses, Jesus, Abraham, David, Muhammad and all prophets have the same missions from God, but each has a special way.
Muhammud (swish) stole ruthlessly from both Judaism and Christianity in the formulation of his invented syncretic politico-religious ideology.

The various Korans are not the word of any gawds but the compilation of hearsay testimony by various individuals. The Korans are the words of Uthman, the writer and editor.

Your silly "unchanged word of gawd almighty" is boilerplate islamist dogma with no connection to the truth.

Wouldn't say they stole from Judaism so much as imitated it (highest form of flattery.)

Christians stole from Judaism going so far as pasting their new religious text onto our's. But not before editing our's which wasn't for them to do.
The Bible is not true, because why would it be ?
The Qur'an is the authentic unchanged word of God Almighty which He revealed to His beloved, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God declared very early that His intent was to miraculously protect the Qur'an. The Hadiths also (the sayings of Muhammad) were quite well recorded, with the help of God Almighty who sent Muhammad as the very last prophet.

Muhammad taught that intellect (logic) was the reason for his religion, and love was its foundation. But Muhammad was also a teacher, so that he did some strange things when he wanted to teach mankind some specific wisdom. Jesus did the same, and all prophets did the same. Jesus kept close to him, loved and raised (educated) someone he knew from the beginning thath he would betray him. Prophets were teaching.

Islam is not derived from Christianity. Rather Moses, Jesus, Abraham, David, Muhammad and all prophets have the same missions from God, but each has a special way.
Muhammud (swish) stole ruthlessly from both Judaism and Christianity in the formulation of his invented syncretic politico-religious ideology.

The various Korans are not the word of any gawds but the compilation of hearsay testimony by various individuals. The Korans are the words of Uthman, the writer and editor.

Your silly "unchanged word of gawd almighty" is boilerplate islamist dogma with no connection to the truth.

Wouldn't say they stole from Judaism so much as imitated it (highest form of flattery.)

Christians stole from Judaism going so far as pasting their new religious text onto our's. But not before editing our's which wasn't for them to do.
Christianity stealing/co-opting Hebrew theology may, in some sense be considered flattering, and just lazy, but to include Hebrew scripture in the bibles and call it the OT, is just dishonest.

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