The queer's just keep pushing...

CivilLiberty said:
The study pointed out, quite correctly, that both environmental and other biological factors come into play.

The only point I'm making is that to claim that "all humans are only capable of real attraction to the opposite sex" as OCA did is PURE Bullshit.

If you want to have an argument regarding "acting on impulses" or other issues, that's separate.


No its not bullshit. What is bullshit is your insistence on finding excuses and apologizing in a way for the abhorrent lifestyle choices that some people make. Choices that are antithetical to common sense. Sit down and think about it and then you will come to me and tell me i'm right. There is no other conclusion you can come to.
OCA said:
Evil it doesn't matter, soon there will be a constitutional amendment at least banning marriage among gays. His study was of 3 queers, 3!

The study states:

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers."

Hmmm. I think even someone that failed elementary math could figure out that "456" was not "3". Honestly, you can't be that stupid, can you?

I rarely wonder onto gay threads. No one could accuse me of being CL's backer, as I've written I think he is a bit over the top, at least at times.

I really haven't delved into the science involved, but I do know that you can tell 'flaming' boys by 1st grade. The girls are impossible to tell and I'd venture to say that the 'gays' who are not way effeminate would be impossible to tell also.

There has to be a genetic component to some though.
CivilLiberty said:
The study states:

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers."

Hmmm. I think even someone that failed elementary math could figure out that "456" was not "3". Honestly, you can't be that stupid, can you?


Haha you got me there sparky, I saw the line gay men and figured you didn't know your ass from your elbow which is evident though from your stance on this issue. I just read it and still 456 men does not a definitive conclusion make, I would like to know every single factor involved in this so called study, yet it won't matter, it is simply another case of maybe they have found, then no they haven't found. Trust me it doesn't exist. After so many decades of trying to find this link and then finding nothing the verdict is in, its a choice by default.
Kathianne said:
I rarely wonder onto gay threads. No one could accuse me of being CL's backer, as I've written I think he is a bit over the top, at least at times.

I really haven't delved into the science involved, but I do know that you can tell 'flaming' boys by 1st grade. The girls are impossible to tell and I'd venture to say that the 'gays' who are not way effeminate would be impossible to tell also.

There has to be a genetic component to some though.

Why does it have to be genetic? It could very easily be phsycological. I would like to see a study done that delves into how the kids were raised. Most gay guys that I know tended to have absent fathers and strong mothers. Anyway, I am sure that early childhood influence have a LOT to do with it.
CivilLiberty said:
The study states:

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers."

Hmmm. I think even someone that failed elementary math could figure out that "456" was not "3". Honestly, you can't be that stupid, can you?


However the study makes it clear it had no basis to test from as it did not have an equal number of hetero only families to use as a comparison. The study reflects only on what it finds in homosexuals and is fundamentally flawed in that aspect.
Kathianne said:
I rarely wonder onto gay threads. No one could accuse me of being CL's backer, as I've written I think he is a bit over the top, at least at times.

I really haven't delved into the science involved, but I do know that you can tell 'flaming' boys by 1st grade. The girls are impossible to tell and I'd venture to say that the 'gays' who are not way effeminate would be impossible to tell also.

There has to be a genetic component to some though.

Even if a genetic link was discovered we still are able to reason right vs wrong, hence homosexuality is wrong we don't do it. I have genetic link towards running people off the road I don't like, its wrong so I don't do it.

You see after all the bullshit is sorted through at the end of the day you have a simple choice between right and wrong. The choice is easy.
OCA said:
And this supposed to be definitive proof by Civil. I just think he's unhappy that he made the choice to be queer.

I'm not in the slightest.

OCA said:
Also Civil, you must be a real dumbass if you don't know who that is in my avatar. I'm Greek moron, the original master race, who the fuck said that blondes are superior?

Ah Greek. I thought you looked like someone who'd be shoveling sand in the Mediterranean. The "original" master race? That's a laugh - I suppose that's why your civilization crumbled and fell. Heh.

By the way, did you know the greeks invented homosexuality? Could it be true you're a closet queer? I mean you certainly do talk about it an awful lot. Could it be you're hiding something?

Like Shakespear said "Me doth think thou protest too much".

Kindest Regards,

no1tovote4 said:
However the study makes it clear it had no basis to test from as it did not have an equal number of hetero only families to use as a comparison. The study reflects only on what it finds in homosexuals and is fundamentally flawed in that aspect.

Absolutely, lets take some bull riders and see if they hasve these crazy chromosomes. Maybe these families in this study, maybe all members have this mental defect.
freeandfun1 said:
Why does it have to be genetic? It could very easily be phsycological. I would like to see a study done that delves into how the kids were raised. Most gay guys that I know tended to have absent fathers and strong mothers. Anyway, I am sure that early childhood influence have a LOT to do with it.

Nope, I would say not. Some of these boys are from very stable homes with siblings and parents that have none of the interests of these kids. Honestly, two I know of: one wants to be a clothes designer and the other a dancer.

Nothing wrong with either profession, for men or women. However, since they are both in 4th grade, well you'd have to know them. The designer came up to me last spring and said, "I LOVE!!! Your shoes! Where did you get them?" He sashays down the hallway and is the first to notice everyone's haircuts, etc. He says, "I don't like boys as friends, girls are much more interesting..." He gossips and is so catty. His father is constantly coaching teams and making this kid play. Very bad scene coming in jr. high. Hope I'm goine by then.
Sir Evil said:
Ok, I wan't implying was just curious as to why you support the theory as hard as you do.

It's not a matter of supporting that theory, it's a matter of biological aspects of humans and drives - they're all based in hormonal balances, i.e. biological factors - it's self evident.

As far as dealing with people with medical imbalances, that's a separate issue.

As I said in a pervious thread "insanity" should not be a defense for murder.

CivilLiberty said:
I'm not in the slightest.

Ah Greek. I thought you looked like someone who'd be shoveling sand in the Mediterranean. The "original" master race? That's a laugh - I suppose that's why your civilization crumbled and fell. Heh.

By the way, did you know the greeks invented homosexuality? Could it be true you're a closet queer? I mean you certainly do talk about it an awful lot. Could it be you're hiding something?

Like Shakespear said "Me doth think thou protest too much".

Kindest Regards,


Simple argument to refute. This time was before Christ, before right and wrong, it was any hole in a storm back then. Nowdays you'd be hardpressed to find an openly queer pole smoker there since we long ago stigmatized that and rightfully so.

Without the Greeks, there is no America, no nothing. We invented practically all the sciences, mathematics and our current form of government and most of its laws.

Original master race? You bet your ass! Be around us 5 minutes you'll wish you were one of us.

The queer thing "me thinks thou doth protest too much" is nothing but pure psychobabble, something the feebleminded resort to.
OCA said:
No its not bullshit. What is bullshit is your insistence on finding excuses and apologizing in a way for the abhorrent lifestyle choices that some people make. Choices that are antithetical to common sense. Sit down and think about it and then you will come to me and tell me i'm right. There is no other conclusion you can come to.

I'm not making excuses or apologizing for anyone, I'm pointing out the SCIENCE that human biological factors are NOT how you claimed earlier in the thread.

CivilLiberty said:
I'm not making excuses or apologizing for anyone, I'm pointing out the SCIENCE that human biological factors are NOT how you claimed earlier in the thread.


And i'm telling you to go back and revisit biology 101. You'll be amazed that i'm correct.
freeandfun1 said:
Why does it have to be genetic? It could very easily be phsycological. I would like to see a study done that delves into how the kids were raised. Most gay guys that I know tended to have absent fathers and strong mothers. Anyway, I am sure that early childhood influence have a LOT to do with it.

Indeed, it does NOT "have" to be genetic, it could be environmental factors - but the fact remains that human sexual drives are based in hormonal balances, and these balances CAN get out of whack, and there CAN be people that have NO drive, or that have a drive for the same sex.

OCA claims that all persons have only a drive for the opposite sex, and that's fully false. MOST people have a drive to the opposite sex, a small percentage have no drive at all, and a small percentage have a drive for the same sex.

It's simple biology, and the fact is pointless to argue.

If you want to talk about "treating" these imbalances, or issues relating to acting on these imbalances (or preventing same), let's have that argument, but claiming that there is no biological drive in these cases is asinine.

CivilLiberty said:
It's simple biology, and the fact is pointless to argue.


Funny I don't remember that in high school or university biology, could it be your mistaken or full of shit or both?
Okay I reread the article again, this study is hopelessly flawed, it had no base group for comparison. The only genes observed were those of gays looking for one specific gene pattern that should be found in 50% of genes and found that they found this gene pattern in 60% of the genes that they looked at in the study. This is what they use to say that homosexuality is genetic?

Clearly building on other studies conducted in the same fashion with no base group for comparison. And only looking for expected patterns that appear by chance in 50% of the regular population and saying those genes make people gay because they found them in 60% of the test subjects?

This isn't a study, it is at best guesswork.
the point the greek is making is this .....

as some point they decide that balls on chin is a good idea and act upon it .... at that point they have decided to "be" gay...they could have chosen not to ... simple biology dictates reproduction of a species not munchin carpet or smokin poles ... therfore, gay sex goes agianst the biological point of the human race and is therefore wrong ...

the counter agrement is that due to "insert reason here" they had no choice but to act upon their gay impulse ... thus it is not their fault and the can not be held accountable for thier actions

notice religion never came into my argument only science :thup:

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