The queer's just keep pushing...

First of all a sheep? LMFAO! You do your side no service with this kind of claptrap. Until irrefuteable evidence is provided and after many decades of trying and untold millions of dolars poured into research no evidence has been found, irrefuteable evidence of humans born homosexual. By default it is a choice until proven otherwise.

The other shit, including Darwin who is a farce, didn't matter to a hill of beans and was nothing more than opinion. The transexuals are nothing more than a genetic mutation, a fuck up if you will and should be easily corrected by medicine. None of this so called "evidence" provided anything close to showing same sex attraction from birth.

If you are to post on this board please post correct information and not try and pass off opinion as fact.
OCA said:
The transexuals are nothing more than a genetic mutation, a fuck up if you will and should be easily corrected by medicine.

You obviously are missing the point. Human sexuality is nothing but biology - that a subset of human are born transsexual proves that not all humans are sexually "normal", and that some do not possess the hormonal balance for "normal" sexual attraction. it's simple biology. Call homosexuals a genetic mutation of you want, but you can't claim that it's "pure choice" because human sexuality is a fostered by hormonal balances. And like all hormonal balances in nature, they can be UNbalanced in some persons.

It's self evident.

CivilLiberty said:
you can't claim that it's "pure choice" because human sexuality is a fostered by hormonal balances.

But Human sexual BEHAVIOUR is 100% the choice of the participants, baring rape, etc. People are 'drawn' to or 'attracted' to all sorts of things in life. I'm drawn to the $10 jeff left on his desk. I have restraint, and good sense. ;)
-=d=- said:
But Human sexual BEHAVIOUR is 100% the choice of the participants, baring rape, etc. People are 'drawn' to or 'attracted' to all sorts of things in life. I'm drawn to the $10 jeff left on his desk. I have restraint, and good sense. ;)

Yea, and I'm drawn to eating food. Especially Filet Minion. And I'm drawn to drinking clean water too. And when my bladder is full, I'm drawn to go take a piss.

But that's not what I'm talking about. OCA is claiming that "attraction" is always toward the opposite sex, and that's pure bullshit. Attraction is regulated by hormonal balances, and if those balances are off, as has been show, attraction can be non existent, or in the opposite direction.

How one ACTS upon their attractions is a SEPARATE issue.

-=d=- said:
But Human sexual BEHAVIOUR is 100% the choice of the participants, baring rape, etc. People are 'drawn' to or 'attracted' to all sorts of things in life. I'm drawn to the $10 jeff left on his desk. I have restraint, and good sense. ;)

What $10??
OCA said:
First of all a sheep? LMFAO! You do your side no service with this kind of claptrap. Until irrefuteable evidence is provided and after many decades of trying and untold millions of dolars poured into research no evidence has been found, irrefuteable evidence of humans born homosexual. By default it is a choice until proven otherwise.

The other shit, including Darwin who is a farce, didn't matter to a hill of beans and was nothing more than opinion. The transexuals are nothing more than a genetic mutation, a fuck up if you will and should be easily corrected by medicine. None of this so called "evidence" provided anything close to showing same sex attraction from birth.

If you are to post on this board please post correct information and not try and pass off opinion as fact.

You mean like you just did? There's no proof one way or the other yet. The statement you made that by default it is a choice is your opinion, it is not a fact. I could say that you're an idiot until it's proven otherwise, that would be an opinion.

Here's a question for you though...what would you consider the appropriate sex of a partner for a hermaphrodite? If it's a matter of choice, which should that person choose?

What opinions did OCA give?

Scientist searched for many years for a "gay" gene...they thought they had found it once or twice, but everytime they eventually stated that no, they were wrong...there is, to date, absolutely no scientific evidence to back up the assertion that people are "born" gay. While I have no idea what they might discover in the it stands today, there is nothing to suggest that people are born gay, aside from their own testimony to the fact.

He was also correct in his statement that people who are born with the sexual genetalia of both sexes are are genetic abnormalities. Their bodies did not form the way they were supposed to form if everything occurred normally during their development. Most often, they are, in fact, not BOTH sexes, but rather male or female with genetically mutated sexual organs.

OCA's style is harsh, and he doesn't candy-coat anything...but in this post he listed several things that were facts. I'm just wondering what opinions he listed that you were referring to?
MissileMan said:
Here's a question for you though...what would you consider the appropriate sex of a partner for a hermaphrodite? If it's a matter of choice, which should that person choose?

That's a stupid question, and not on topic. But I'll answer it for you anyway...

A: Another hermaphrodite.
Gem said:

What opinions did OCA give?

Scientist searched for many years for a "gay" gene...they thought they had found it once or twice, but everytime they eventually stated that no, they were wrong...there is, to date, absolutely no scientific evidence to back up the assertion that people are "born" gay. While I have no idea what they might discover in the it stands today, there is nothing to suggest that people are born gay, aside from their own testimony to the fact.

He was also correct in his statement that people who are born with the sexual genetalia of both sexes are are genetic abnormalities. Their bodies did not form the way they were supposed to form if everything occurred normally during their development. Most often, they are, in fact, not BOTH sexes, but rather male or female with genetically mutated sexual organs.

OCA's style is harsh, and he doesn't candy-coat anything...but in this post he listed several things that were facts. I'm just wondering what opinions he listed that you were referring to?
The answer to that question is in my reply to his post, but I'll repeat it. He stated that homosexuality is a choice by default until it is proven otherwise. That is an opinion.

And yes, a majority of hermaphrodites are born with unusual genitalia, but there are some born who are indeed both sexes. My question for those who are maintaining that people aren't born homosexual is: "If a person can be born with a genetic malfunction that drastically affects their physical sexual identity, why is it so far fetched that there may be less visually obvious genetic malfunctions in the brain that also affect their mental/psychological sexual identity?"
Pale Rider said:
That's a stupid question, and not on topic. But I'll answer it for you anyway...

A: Another hermaphrodite.

That really wouldn't fit your definition of a proper heterosexual relationship would it? If anything, you would have to call it a bisexual relationship wouldn't you?
I want to make sure I'm reading you correctly:

You are basically saying that because science has not yet discovered that people can be born homosexual, that doesn't mean that science will discover the "homosexual gene" or something along those lines, in the future...and therefore stating until then that homosexuality is a choice is an opinion,rather than a simple statment based upon the scientific evidence available to us today?

Also, do you have any numbers on people actually born with two completely functioning sets of sex organs and two mutually exclusive sexual identities...meaning they would have both xx and xy chromosomes, truly making them male and female simultaneously??? I have never heard of such a case...and have only heard of people who are biologically male and/or female...but have both sets of sexual organs.
Gem said:
I want to make sure I'm reading you correctly:

You are basically saying that because science has not yet discovered that people can be born homosexual, that doesn't mean that science will discover the "homosexual gene" or something along those lines, in the future...and therefore stating until then that homosexuality is a choice is an opinion,rather than a simple statment based upon the scientific evidence available to us today?

I'm saying that at the present time, there really isn't sufficient evidence either way. They really need to spend the money and perform the study and put the argument to bed. My belief that it is genetic is opinion, just as OCA's belief it is choice.

As far as numbers, I read that as many as 2 or 3 out of every 1,000 are born with some form of hermaphroditism. I believe the actual possession of both ovary and testicle is very rare.
MissileMan said:
I'm saying that at the present time, there really isn't sufficient evidence either way. They really need to spend the money and perform the study and put the argument to bed.

LMFAO!! Yet you are against teaching ID.....
freeandfun1 said:
LMFAO!! Yet you are against teaching ID.....

When they've spent the money and gathered sufficient evidence to support it, ID will warrant the same status as the theory of evolution.
Gem said:
I want to make sure I'm reading you correctly: .meaning they would have both xx and xy chromosomes, truly making them male and female simultaneously??? I have never heard of such a case...and have only heard of people who are biologically male and/or female...but have both sets of sexual organs.

There are cases of males with XX and not XY.

MissileMan said:
When they've spent the money and gathered sufficient evidence to support it, ID will warrant the same status as the theory of evolution.

ID of course is just a thinly veiled attempt to repackage creationism with the known facts of our physical existence.

I was asking for information regarding people with both.
What it boils down to, again, in the case of a hermaphrodite, as it also is with a homosexual, it's nature run amuck. It's an instance where the body didn't decifer one sex or the other, and wound up with both, usually one more developed than the other. As the female clitoris is what is the penis on the man. At a certain stage it quits growing in females. Males just the opposite. Hermaphrodites are freaks of nature. A prenatal developmental flaw. A fluke.

Worring here about who or what they should have sex with is insane. Rather, you should concentrate your curiousity and mental energy asking "how can we help these people be normal".
Pale Rider said:
What it boils down to, again, in the case of a hermaphrodite, as it also is with a homosexual, it's nature run amuck. It's an instance where the body didn't decifer one sex or the other, and wound up with both, usually one more developed than the other. As the female clitoris is what is the penis on the man. At a certain stage it quits growing in females. Males just the opposite. Hermaphrodites are freaks of nature. A prenatal developmental flaw. A fluke.

Worring here about who or what they should have sex with is insane. Rather, you should concentrate your curiousity and mental energy asking "how can we help these people be normal".

Ive never seen a hermaphrodite. Never seen pictures. I have no reason to believe such people exist.
CivilLiberty said:
ID of course is just a thinly veiled attempt to repackage creationism with the known facts of our physical existence.

there is no way you actualy belive the shit you write

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