The Q Movement Is A Pro Pedophile, Pro Terrorist, Anti Semitic, Nazi Adjacent Trumpian Cult


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
This week, Trump ally Rudy Giuliani was revealed to have been secretly filmed (as part of a new Borat movie, of all things) fondling himself in front of a youthful female "interviewer." Without getting too far into a description of that particular chunk of nightmare fuel, it continues the pattern of 1) Republican 2) conservative 3) Trump-allied 4) powerbrokers revealed as tawdry often-sexual-assaulting ultrapervs. From Wynn to Epstein to Broidy to Falwell to Rudy, there is a very robust claim to be made that the QAnon suspicions of an enormously powerful cabal of sex freaks are indeed well-founded—and that they radiate from the Republican National Committee's finance offices, from Mar-a-Lago, or both.

All these real-world crimes and bizarre improprieties, however, are dismissed by the QAnon faithful. Nope: They are convinced that the True Pedophiles are "Democrats" and "globalists," and that four years of the nation's top Republican figures getting caught with their pants around their ankles are the fictional part.

I don't know what kind of genes makes up this particular group of dysfunctionals, but it is safe to assume it isn't good ones.
Your fifth-columnist paymasters over at Daily Kooks forgot to call them racists too.

So USMB has determined pointing out a group that is based on nothing but the most ridiculous of conspiracy theories, is a conspiracy theory?


You're batting .1000 guys

So Borat is antesemitic? Have you pointed that out to Sasha Baron Cohen yet?

It's amazing watching the uneducated cutting and pasting other people's words without knowing what any of them mean.
This week, Trump ally Rudy Giuliani was revealed to have been secretly filmed (as part of a new Borat movie, of all things) fondling himself in front of a youthful female "interviewer." Without getting too far into a description of that particular chunk of nightmare fuel, it continues the pattern of 1) Republican 2) conservative 3) Trump-allied 4) powerbrokers revealed as tawdry often-sexual-assaulting ultrapervs. From Wynn to Epstein to Broidy to Falwell to Rudy, there is a very robust claim to be made that the QAnon suspicions of an enormously powerful cabal of sex freaks are indeed well-founded—and that they radiate from the Republican National Committee's finance offices, from Mar-a-Lago, or both.

All these real-world crimes and bizarre improprieties, however, are dismissed by the QAnon faithful. Nope: They are convinced that the True Pedophiles are "Democrats" and "globalists," and that four years of the nation's top Republican figures getting caught with their pants around their ankles are the fictional part.

I don't know what kind of genes makes up this particular group of dysfunctionals, but it is safe to assume it isn't good ones.

Wow, you sleazy Himmlerites think you and slander and libel the problem away.

The vile filth at KOS are still butthurt that Q stopped your Epstein pedophile ring.
So USMB has determined pointing out a group that is based on nothing but the most ridiculous of conspiracy theories, is a conspiracy theory?


You're batting .1000 guys


Yeah, I mean talk about a RIDICULOUS CONSPIRACY THEORY, those Q nuts said there was some secret pedophile group that had a secret pedophile island where Hollywood elite, media personalities, democrat politicians, and EVEN BRITISH ROYALTY flew to on some "Lolita Express" to engage in sex with under age boys and girls.

HOW fucking crazy is that, nothing like that could every happen, amirite comrade?

Standard Disclaimer: It's more effective to smear your accuser BEFORE they prove their claim, your people get put in jail and you have to suicide them to keep them quiet.
This week, Trump ally Rudy Giuliani was revealed to have been secretly filmed (as part of a new Borat movie, of all things) fondling himself in front of a youthful female "interviewer."
You're a gullible idiot and a lying scuzball worthless piece of hit

I saw the movie. He didn't fondle himself. You're a moron.

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