The Protection of Mass-Murderer Sex Offender Cuomo Is Off-The Chart-Ridiculous As ANOTHER Scandal Breaks


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Gov Cuomo imposed am edict he knew would result in the deaths of elderly patients in nursing homes resulting in the needless deaths of over 15,000 elderly Americans...the text-book definition of 'MANSLAUGHTER'
-- No action has been taken to remove him from office or charge him


A Cuomo aide came forward and exposed the fact that Gov Cuomo intentionally, criminally falsified government documents and under-reported the number of COVID-19 deaths specifically, as evidence shows, to prevent from being held accountable for the more than 15,000 nursing home deaths.
-- No heavily armored/armed raids by Federal Agents accompanied by full camera crews (or not), no indictments, no serious attempt to remove Cuomo from office or hold him accountable


7....SEVEN...different women come forward to accuse Gov Cuomo of sexual harassment and sexual assault...
-- The USSC Justice Kavanaugh destruction-attempting, 'EVERY Woman Must Be Believed' all-in Far Leftist Extremist Democrats and Women's Rights FemiNazi groups go silent. STILL 'Nothing to See Here!'

ANOTHER woman comes forward to accuse Cuomo of sexual misconduct...and this time a POLICE REPORT WAS FILED....
-- CNN is as 'silent as the grave' as the entire former vocal We-adore-Cuomo Leftist media fan club hold-back. Despite the Police Report, STILL, 'NOT ENOUGH To See Here!'

#9, the NINTH Cuomo sexual misconduct accuser, comes forward...and SHE HAS PHOTOS.
-- No warrants served, no indictments, Cuomo is allowed to conduct his own investigation in which opens the door to victim / witness intimidation of those employees in his own office.


The fact that Cuomo ordered his staff to give special COVID-19 treatment to his family members while killing over 15,000 elderly New Yorkers


It has now been exposed that Cuomo illegally used govt-paid staff members to help work on his multi-million dollar book / book deal while his failed intentional policy was killing thousands of New Yorkers
-- His book deal was obviously more important than the lives of those 15,000+ New Yorkers

Placeholder Image
More corruption: Cuomo had aides
work on $4 million book — while
simultaneously covering up nursing-home data

WTF?! What does it take for Democrats to decide to hold him accountable, boot his ass from office, and / or hold him criminally accountable for his sexual misconduct and murdering over 15,000+ elderly New Yorkers?!

Cuomo should be behind bars. :mad-61:


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