The Primitive And The Political


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Both walk among us.

1.It has been noted that the result of totalitarian political views lead not to the future, no matter how they claim to be ‘Progressive,’ but, actually, to the dark past: to serfdom, slavery and a world were might makes right. Note the riots, arsons, assaults that the Left used to soften up the electorate.....over 12 thousand occurrences, supported and authorized by the Democrat Party.

2. I have often divided the two political views geographically, with the American one favoring the individual, and the other, a European view, with power in the hands of the collective, the government. Epitomized here: "...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

It is the doctrine of the current Democrat Party.

3. Here, one should be very clear about a characteristic that separates the two main political views, one which aims to empower the individual, and the other which authorizes power over the individual in favor of the collective.
Professor Jason D. Hill writes about a concurrence between primitive religion, animism, and its modern expression, in political collectivist movements. Animism—the belief that all natural phenomena, including human beings, animals, and plants, but also rocks, lakes, mountains, weather, and so on, share one vital quality—the soul or spirit that energizes them—is at the core of most Arctic belief systems.
Animism - an overview | ScienceDirect Topic › topics › social-sciences

4. One cannot help but be amazed at how many traits and characteristics the professor reveals as found in primitive religions and cults, and are reflected in Democrat voters.

“Pervading the animistic world view is the idea that the group is more important than the individual; hence, collectivism is the unifying principle around which social life is organized. Every effect has a spiritual cause in which the dead and the living are linked, and ancestors play an active role in one’s everyday life. It is like the world of the animal kingdom, a cyclical world governed by reproductive breeding.”
Undoubtedly, all cultures, civilizations, and societies need a philosophy around which their inhabitants can organize their lives. However, to advance to the level of a sustainable civilization, one needs a coherent, philosophic system out of which arises values, beliefs, and convictions that protect it against competing systems— and nature itself.”
Jason D. Hill, “What Do White Americans Owe Black People”

5. If Hill’s observations are correct, it would lead one to believe that nothing short of reasserting control of the schools, and eliminating the false ‘separation of church and state,’ will allow America to be based on the primacy of the individual over the collective.

I can't see that occurring.
"traits and characteristics the professor reveals as found in primitive religions and cults, and are reflected in Democrat voters."

Both walk among us.

1.It has been noted that the result of totalitarian political views lead not to the future, no matter how they claim to be ‘Progressive,’ but, actually, to the dark past: to serfdom, slavery and a world were might makes right. Note the riots, arson, assaults that the Left used to soften up the electorate.....over 12 thousand occurrences, supported and authorized by the Democrat Party.

2. I have often divided the two political views geographically, with the American one favoring the individual, and the other, a European view, with power in the hands of the collective, the government. Epitomized here: "...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

It is the doctrine of the current Democrat Party.

3. Here, one should be very clear about a characteristic that separates the two main political views, one which aims to empower the individual, and the other which authorizes power over the individual in favor of the collective.
Professor Jason D. Hill writes about a concurrence between primitive religion, animism, and its modern expression, in political collectivist movements. Animism—the belief that all natural phenomena, including human beings, animals, and plants, but also rocks, lakes, mountains, weather, and so on, share one vital quality—the soul or spirit that energizes them—is at the core of most Arctic belief systems.
Animism - an overview | ScienceDirect Topic › topics › social-sciences

4. One cannot help but be amazed at how many traits and characteristics the professor reveals as found in primitive religions and cults, and are reflected in Democrat voters.

“Pervading the animistic world view is the idea that the group is more important than the individual; hence, collectivism is the unifying principle around which social life is organized. Every effect has a spiritual cause in which the dead and the living are linked, and ancestors play an active role in one’s everyday life. It is like the world of the animal kingdom, a cyclical world governed by reproductive breeding.”
Undoubtedly, all cultures, civilizations, and societies need a philosophy around which their inhabitants can organize their lives. However, to advance to the level of a sustainable civilization, one needs a coherent, philosophic system out of which arises values, beliefs, and convictions that protect it against competing systems— and nature itself.”
Jason D. Hill, “What Do White Americans Owe Black People”

5. If Hill’s observations are correct, it would lead one to believe that nothing short of reasserting control of the schools, and eliminating the false ‘separation of church and state,’ will allow America to be based on the primacy of the individual over the collective.

I can't see that occurring.
1. Another intellectual post. A lot to unpack there.

2. Starting at the bottom and working up. The recent VA election showed that there is a glimmer of hope that concerned and responsible parents, OF BOTH PARTIES, recognize that the "state" needs to be smacked down a bit concerning parental rights. When school boards call parents "domestic terrorists" and the DOJ sics the FBI on parents, that crosses the bi-partisan parental line. When school boards protect "gender fluid" rapists that also crosses the line.

3. Not sure what is meant by the "eliminate the false separation of church and state". Probably that schools promote atheism as the only religion? Also that schools promote the godless leftist agenda instead of the conservative "God and Country" patriotic agenda, that built the US.

4. Totally agree with item-2 that the democrats are promoting the European collectivist/leftist/socialist agenda. Xiden is finding out how unpopular those policies are. I'm optimistic that the 2022 and 2024 elections will give the US a needed course correction. Thing is, I don't see "flash mobs" and race riots in the EU. The US has a more complex social makeup. I don't see any "defund the police" policies there. The US is devolving into lawless urban ghettos, unless law and order is restored.
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"traits and characteristics the professor reveals as found in primitive religions and cults, and are reflected in Democrat voters."


Try to articulate your disagreement beyond revealing how wounded it left you.

Try.....try to overcome how bereft of ability government schooling has left your sort.
1. Another intellectual post. A lot to unpack there.

2. Starting at the bottom and working up. The recent VA election showed that there is a glimmer of hope that concerned and responsible parents, OF BOTH PARTIES, recognize that the "state" needs to be smacked down a bit concerning parental rights. When school boards call parents "domestic terrorists" and the DOJ sics the FBI on parents, that crosses the bi-partisan parental line. When school boards protect "gender fluid" rapists that also crosses the line.

3. Not sure what is meant by the "eliminate the false separation of church and state". Probably that schools promote atheism as the only religion? Also that schools promote the godless leftist agenda instead of the conservative "God and country" patriotic agenda, that built the US.

4. Totally agree with item-2 that the democrats are promoting the European collectivist/leftist/socialist agenda. Xiden is finding out how unpopular those policies are. I'm optimistic that the 2022 and 2024 elections will give the US a needed course correction. Thing is, I don't see "flash mobs" and race riots in the EU. The US has a more complex social makeup. I don't see any "defund the police" policies there. The US is devolving into lawless urban ghettos, unless law and order is restored.

I'm gonna try to latch on to some of the optimism I see in your posts!!
1. Another intellectual post. A lot to unpack there.

2. Starting at the bottom and working up. The recent VA election showed that there is a glimmer of hope that concerned and responsible parents, OF BOTH PARTIES, recognize that the "state" needs to be smacked down a bit concerning parental rights. When school boards call parents "domestic terrorists" and the DOJ sics the FBI on parents, that crosses the bi-partisan parental line. When school boards protect "gender fluid" rapists that also crosses the line.

3. Not sure what is meant by the "eliminate the false separation of church and state". Probably that schools promote atheism as the only religion? Also that schools prSomote the godless leftist agenda instead of the conservative "God and country" patriotic agenda, that built the US.

4. Totally agree with item-2 that the democrats are promoting the European collectivist/leftist/socialist agenda. Xiden is finding out how unpopular those policies are. I'm optimistic that the 2022 and 2024 elections will give the US a needed course correction. Thing is, I don't see "flash mobs" and race riots in the EU. The US has a more complex social makeup. I don't see any "defund the police" policies there. The US is devolving into lawless urban ghettos, unless law and order is restored.

"Not sure what is meant by the "eliminate the false separation of church and state"."

Simply that there is no such separation in the founding of this was based on the Judeo-Christian inspiration, and much of our Constitution comes from the Bible.
Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our constitution or founding documents.)

The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.
6. There are two systems engaged in the conflict. One is based on the Judeo-Christian faith, the ideas behind Western Civilization, and the other is the primitive one closer to the law of the jungle, based on force and coercion, with no hesitation as far as genocide and slaughter (Communism, Nazism, Maoism, Progressivism.)

Here is the context for the comparison of systems:

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

The systems that support “b.” include atheism and socialism.

Control of government schools and the media allow these primitives to overwhelm the more advanced ideas that produced Western Civilization. Power and control based on force and coercion are their hallmarks. Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility.

7. Another characteristic modern Democrats share with primitive peoples is fear.

Liberals/Progressives, in my experience, are fearful folks who need the bodyguard of big government because they are vulnerable, battered emotional hypochondriacs....they need to insure themselves against every societal misadventure that could occur. They call that 'empathy,' but it's actually neurosis. They have some sort of metaphorical bullet lodged near their heart, just waiting for a slight move which will end it all! Thus, the overwhelming feeling of incipient failure, and apprehension. And, recognizing their own weakness, they lash out at those willing to depend on themselves.

“Radical innovation would upset an unknowable order ruled by implacable and ineffable deities whose irreversible punishments would bring catastrophic designs on a people. The indigene’s use of whatever semblance of reason he had was to divine the minds of the gods in order to placate and preempt them in their destructive and chaotic actions.
The people who settled and founded this nation, “… by contrast, used his reason to justify and align his will with God’s will. If he willed to conquer the majority of so-called uncivilized lands, then that was God’s will all along. He has never truly feared God in the way the indigene feared his gods. European man was not a renter or a mere custodian and grateful equal opportunity dweller on and of the earth—it belonged to him, and he was God’s representative on it. Period.”
8. To soothe their dreaded imaginary fate, they, just as primitives do, they need to placate all sorts of imaginary gods….and they have many.

Le Bon describes a characteristic common to both Democrats and other primitives.

“The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.”

Liberals worship so many political deities
that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J.

Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon.”

(See Le Bon, “The Crowd: A Study of The Popular Mind”)

The Democrats were the party that claimed a recent candidate was god, Jesus and the messiah.
9. Right versus Left….read that as advanced versus primitive…..and methodology, reasoning and logic versus force and violence.

There were over 12 thousand violent riots, ‘protests,’ arsons and assaults by Democrat voters in the yearlong run-up to the stolen election. They tried to hide this behind insignificant milling around for an hour or two at the Capitol.

But let’s expand our view to all the Leftist movements, from the abattoir of the French Revolution…to it’s later expressions by the Bolsheviks and Nazis and Maoists….

The Democrats stand for the same ideas as those did….right down to concentration camps for their own citizens…

Shouldn’t the toll of dead…..over 100 million men, women and children….sacrificed to the demands of atheism, socialism, and statism… the bottom line when judging what system to deem best?

Under free markets, less regulation, free speech, capitalism…. this is what we had within our grasp: Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.
1. Another intellectual post. A lot to unpack there.

2. Starting at the bottom and working up. The recent VA election showed that there is a glimmer of hope that concerned and responsible parents, OF BOTH PARTIES, recognize that the "state" needs to be smacked down a bit concerning parental rights. When school boards call parents "domestic terrorists" and the DOJ sics the FBI on parents, that crosses the bi-partisan parental line. When school boards protect "gender fluid" rapists that also crosses the line.

3. Not sure what is meant by the "eliminate the false separation of church and state". Probably that schools promote atheism as the only religion? Also that schools promote the godless leftist agenda instead of the conservative "God and Country" patriotic agenda, that built the US.

4. Totally agree with item-2 that the democrats are promoting the European collectivist/leftist/socialist agenda. Xiden is finding out how unpopular those policies are. I'm optimistic that the 2022 and 2024 elections will give the US a needed course correction. Thing is, I don't see "flash mobs" and race riots in the EU. The US has a more complex social makeup. I don't see any "defund the police" policies there. The US is devolving into lawless urban ghettos, unless law and order is restored.
You mean another cut n'paste.
You mean another cut n'paste.

I yearn for the day when one of your sort can digest the post, and articulate a cogent response to same, making an argument for the opposite view.

I'm sure that will occur any day now.....

.....any day.......

Both walk among us.

1.It has been noted that the result of totalitarian political views lead not to the future, no matter how they claim to be ‘Progressive,’ but, actually, to the dark past: to serfdom, slavery and a world were might makes right. Note the riots, arsons, assaults that the Left used to soften up the electorate.....over 12 thousand occurrences, supported and authorized by the Democrat Party.

2. I have often divided the two political views geographically, with the American one favoring the individual, and the other, a European view, with power in the hands of the collective, the government. Epitomized here: "...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

It is the doctrine of the current Democrat Party.

3. Here, one should be very clear about a characteristic that separates the two main political views, one which aims to empower the individual, and the other which authorizes power over the individual in favor of the collective.
Professor Jason D. Hill writes about a concurrence between primitive religion, animism, and its modern expression, in political collectivist movements. Animism—the belief that all natural phenomena, including human beings, animals, and plants, but also rocks, lakes, mountains, weather, and so on, share one vital quality—the soul or spirit that energizes them—is at the core of most Arctic belief systems.
Animism - an overview | ScienceDirect Topic › topics › social-sciences

4. One cannot help but be amazed at how many traits and characteristics the professor reveals as found in primitive religions and cults, and are reflected in Democrat voters.

“Pervading the animistic world view is the idea that the group is more important than the individual; hence, collectivism is the unifying principle around which social life is organized. Every effect has a spiritual cause in which the dead and the living are linked, and ancestors play an active role in one’s everyday life. It is like the world of the animal kingdom, a cyclical world governed by reproductive breeding.”
Undoubtedly, all cultures, civilizations, and societies need a philosophy around which their inhabitants can organize their lives. However, to advance to the level of a sustainable civilization, one needs a coherent, philosophic system out of which arises values, beliefs, and convictions that protect it against competing systems— and nature itself.”
Jason D. Hill, “What Do White Americans Owe Black People”

5. If Hill’s observations are correct, it would lead one to believe that nothing short of reasserting control of the schools, and eliminating the false ‘separation of church and state,’ will allow America to be based on the primacy of the individual over the collective.

I can't see that occurring.
Who writes this garbage for you?

Clearly it's not you. We've seen your lame attempts at debate
Who writes this garbage for you?

Clearly it's not you. We've seen your lame attempts at debate

I yearn for the day when one of your sort can digest the post, and articulate a cogent response to same, making an argument for the opposite view.

I'm sure that will occur any day now.....

.....any day.......

10. Paganism, animism, polytheism, primitives all look to placating some sort of fake ‘god,’ in hopes of rain or better fishing results….or the creation of Utopia here on earth.

If there is any doubt that current Democrats are the same sort of primatives…


Professor Hill, speaking of the primitives:

“ It is not just that his world is illusory; it is that the animist has no way of hierarchizing the rudimentary and simple concepts he forms because there is no separation between his spiritual world and the material world. All exists in an amorphous and inchoate flux where the individual soul of a grasshopper is inextricably linked to that of the hills, his ancestors, and the birth of his newborn. He has no way of logically distinguishing unsubstantiated beliefs (that placating the rain- god-person with a sacrifice will bring rain) from the invariable laws of nature because the universe of absolute indeterminacy and flux has no counterposed system as we find in other religious systems to act as a corrective.”
Jason D. Hill, “What Do White Americans Owe Black People”

Earlier, these primitives called Democrats were simply thought to be insane.
Now, it is clear they have regressed to a time before civilization.
11. A prominent difference between the primitive and those of the modern faith is that the primitive relies on his feelings, emotions, desires…..the unlimited ability of the human mind to rationalize it’s own wishes as though logic was behind it.

It is the great mistake of The French Revolution and the revolutions that mirrored it, was the attempt to replace religion with reason. People can come up with reasons for any atrocity.

“The animist treats the world as if it is a product of his consciousness …. It is not just that his world is illusory; it is that the animist has no way of hierarchizing the rudimentary and simple concepts he forms because there is no separation between his spiritual world and the material world.

He has no way of logically distinguishing unsubstantiated beliefs (that placating the rain- god-person with a sacrifice will bring rain) from the invariable laws of nature because the universe of absolute indeterminacy and flux has no counterposed system as we find in other religious systems to act as a corrective.

To better understand this dilemma, we may draw attention to a moral and spiritual accomplishment forged in the registers of the first of the two Abrahamic religions and codified in Judeo-Christianity.

Having been made in God’s highest image and endowed with His immutable attributes, European man had long emancipated himself from the status of being an object into one of a moral subject, existing independently of any description other subjects may have of him. God’s interpretation of him had the imprimatur of moral indelibility and interpretive infallibility; he could be othered in the eyes of other subjects but not in the eyes of God.” Jason D. Hill, Op. Cit.

The religion, the Bible provided a moral framework outside of anyone’s momentary wishes.

What, then, is the explanation for this, other than a return to a primitive, jungle, existence?

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY
10. Paganism, animism, polytheism, primitives all look to placating some sort of fake ‘god,’ in hopes of rain or better fishing results….or the creation of Utopia here on earth.

If there is any doubt that current Democrats are the same sort of primitives…

Professor Hill, speaking of the primitives:

“ It is not just that his world is illusory; it is that the animist has no way of hierarchizing the rudimentary and simple concepts he forms because there is no separation between his spiritual world and the material world. All exists in an amorphous and inchoate flux where the individual soul of a grasshopper is inextricably linked to that of the hills, his ancestors, and the birth of his newborn. He has no way of logically distinguishing unsubstantiated beliefs (that placating the rain- god-person with a sacrifice will bring rain) from the invariable laws of nature because the universe of absolute indeterminacy and flux has no counterposed system as we find in other religious systems to act as a corrective.”
Jason D. Hill, “What Do White Americans Owe Black People”

Earlier, these primitives called Democrats were simply thought to be insane.
Now, it is clear they have regressed to a time before civilization.
I can understand why no democrats are debating you. (too primitive, vocabulary is racist)
Using words like "inchoate" probably has them flummoxed.
Maybe your next post can have a few trigger words, like "J6", or TRUMP, or insurrection, or slavery, or racist, to get a response?

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