The Pope Visits Auschwitz

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Goodness, Odium has a new friend and Guno a new enemy to hate on.

My father-in-law was there when camps were liberated. I am inclined to believe his testimony about his memories verses some Internet poster.

Apparently your father-in-law didn't realize it. But preferred to tell lies to bolster his own image. By the time that the camps were liberated, Germany had been getting the shit bombed out of it for a long time. Life was pretty grim for the average German citizen. Only an idiot would expect things to be going well in the jewish internment camps by that time.
Goodness, Odium has a new friend and Guno a new enemy to hate on.

My father-in-law was there when camps were liberated. I am inclined to believe his testimony about his memories verses some Internet poster.

Apparently your father-in-law didn't realize it. But preferred to tell lies to bolster his own image. By the time that the camps were liberated, Germany had been getting the shit bombed out of it for a long time. Life was pretty grim for the average German citizen. Only an idiot would expect things to be going well in the jewish internment camps by that time.
I generally try to be lady like but in your case I will make an exception. Fuck off scumbag!
I saw this on the news last night. It would have been nice if they had showed him saying that it was basically a load of crap. Maybe show him visiting the gas chamber and telling people that it was a fake. Or maybe having him visit the crematorium and explain how the smoke stack there was a fake built by the Russians after the war and that it wasn't even connected to the crematorium. Or maybe show him visit the swimming pool they had for inmates there and talk about how evil it was for the Nazis to have built a swimming pool for them.

The newscasters told the lie of 1 million jews having been murdered there. I would go as far as to say that something around 300 jews may have been executed. Apart from that, no jews were murdered there. And the number wasn't 1 million. The number was about 53,000. And they died from a combination of food shortages and disease outbreaks that were a direct result of Germany getting the shit bombed out of it. So the blame for any jewish deaths can actually be laid at the feet of the Allies. Not the Nazis. Also, before war put an end to the program, Germany had already deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine under The Havvara Agreement. So being an Atheist, I have yet another reason to HATE the Pope.

gee another holocaust denier, I lost family who were murdered in Auschwitz
and it has been documented by the nazi swine who did it , they kept records, our own soldiers also gave an account when entering the camps as did the red army , there were many righteous gentiles who can also attest to history and then there's the flip side ie: subhuman goyim like you who deny what happened

you understand that holocaust denying white supremacist kkk losers don't care about fact. they care about hating jews.

of course there were another 5 million killed who weren't jews, but i guess they have to get lumped in so the losers can spread insanity.

I am a White SEPARATIST. Does that count? And facts are all I care about. There is absolutely no reason to lie. The worst thing you can say about anybody is the truth.

call it what you want you holocaust denying piece of garbage.

you're still a low life.

Well I am at least glad to know that you know I am right. Otherwise, you would debate me over the matter.
I saw this on the news last night. It would have been nice if they had showed him saying that it was basically a load of crap. Maybe show him visiting the gas chamber and telling people that it was a fake. Or maybe having him visit the crematorium and explain how the smoke stack there was a fake built by the Russians after the war and that it wasn't even connected to the crematorium. Or maybe show him visit the swimming pool they had for inmates there and talk about how evil it was for the Nazis to have built a swimming pool for them.

The newscasters told the lie of 1 million jews having been murdered there. I would go as far as to say that something around 300 jews may have been executed. Apart from that, no jews were murdered there. And the number wasn't 1 million. The number was about 53,000. And they died from a combination of food shortages and disease outbreaks that were a direct result of Germany getting the shit bombed out of it. So the blame for any jewish deaths can actually be laid at the feet of the Allies. Not the Nazis. Also, before war put an end to the program, Germany had already deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine under The Havvara Agreement. So being an Atheist, I have yet another reason to HATE the Pope.

Try to put that on a public forum UNDER YOUR OWN NAME in Europe or Canada.
Thanks for pointing out that asking questions can get you thrown in prison! Ah nothing like a police state!

one of your friends, kkk scum?

one mo time for garbage like you --- the nazis kept meticulous records.

now go burn a cross.

It is interesting when liars like you are driven to scream their lies. Do you know what it means when history is written by the victors. It means that "records" are written by the victors as well.
I saw this on the news last night. It would have been nice if they had showed him saying that it was basically a load of crap. Maybe show him visiting the gas chamber and telling people that it was a fake. Or maybe having him visit the crematorium and explain how the smoke stack there was a fake built by the Russians after the war and that it wasn't even connected to the crematorium. Or maybe show him visit the swimming pool they had for inmates there and talk about how evil it was for the Nazis to have built a swimming pool for them.

The newscasters told the lie of 1 million jews having been murdered there. I would go as far as to say that something around 300 jews may have been executed. Apart from that, no jews were murdered there. And the number wasn't 1 million. The number was about 53,000. And they died from a combination of food shortages and disease outbreaks that were a direct result of Germany getting the shit bombed out of it. So the blame for any jewish deaths can actually be laid at the feet of the Allies. Not the Nazis. Also, before war put an end to the program, Germany had already deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine under The Havvara Agreement. So being an Atheist, I have yet another reason to HATE the Pope.

gee another holocaust denier, I lost family who were murdered in Auschwitz
and it has been documented by the nazi swine who did it , they kept records, our own soldiers also gave an account when entering the camps as did the red army , there were many righteous gentiles who can also attest to history and then there's the flip side ie: subhuman goyim like you who deny what happened
I reported him, guno. Hopefully the the thread will removed soon. This is terrible. I'm sorry you saw it.

What is it that you reported. That you are a cocksucking loser? How about trying this you worm. If either you or guno don't agree with anything I've said, refute it. Don't go all Germany, Canada or wherever on me and simply restrict my ability to bring such topics up.
Goodness, Odium has a new friend and Guno a new enemy to hate on.

My father-in-law was there when camps were liberated. I am inclined to believe his testimony about his memories verses some Internet poster.

Apparently your father-in-law didn't realize it. But preferred to tell lies to bolster his own image. By the time that the camps were liberated, Germany had been getting the shit bombed out of it for a long time. Life was pretty grim for the average German citizen. Only an idiot would expect things to be going well in the jewish internment camps by that time.
I generally try to be lady like but in your case I will make an exception. Fuck off scumbag!

Well I would have to assume by your insulting stupidity that I said something that you disagree with. Care to tell me what it is? Or are insults the best you can do.
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