The Perfectly Legal Corruption No One Cares About


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Perfectly Legal Corruption No One Cares About

The Perfectly Legal Corruption No One Cares About
The buzz this week in the news was all about corruption. OK, it was about one very specific type of corruption – the President paying women to not go public with allegations of affairs they say happened 12 years ago. But this is Washington, DC, sex scandals are only the tip of the corruption iceberg. Only, unlike anything involving Donald Trump, most of them are perfectly legal and the media has little to no interest in reporting on them.... I don’t know what Trump did 12 years ago, he wasn’t President at the time so I don’t care. I also don’t care if he paid women to keep quiet either because he’d had affairs with them or because it was easier just to throw some money around to make them go away and avoid the hassle. (I covered the reasons why in Thursday’s column here.) I’m not married to him, nor am I responsible for his choices or for those making the allegations....What I don’t like is when people whose salaries we’re all paying use more of our tax dollars to pay off people they’ve harassed and keep that quiet....There have been more than 260 settlements costing more than $17 million, paid for by you and me, so our elected Members for Congress can avoid being held responsible for things they’re now clutching their pearls over the President having done with his own money....But as sleazy as that is, there’s something worse, something much more corrupt happening every election cycle. And, since Congress is the body that sets the rules, it’s perfectly legal.... There really aren’t that many Congressional seats that are competitive. Those that are, the ones that flip parties occasionally, get all the media attention and the bulk of the money. But they don’t get all the money....

The above Op Ed illustrates the truth if that statement in spades. We all of course have heard and know the old saying, that if it weren’t for double standards, Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats/DSA Lefists wouldn’t have any standards at all.
Makes one rather feel like a fool for doing honest work all their life and receiving very little for it. However, those who steal like this for serving under questionable politicians should feel like thieves.
Congress is the reason we have uncontrollable spending. Presidents do not control the purse strings just as we are seeing today with the fight for border wall funds. Any honest attempts at cutting the spending never reach the floor to vote. The overwhelming majority of Congress people only care about getting re-elected, and as noted in the article, they find infinite ways to enrich themselves and their families.
Until there are term limits, we will never see our deficit decrease.

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