"The People's Justice"

It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
What a jerk!
Typical left wing brainwashed use of the anecdotal to push an agenda.
I think we've all had instances where we don't agree with police or how some of them do their jobs but to allow those instances to obscure the protection they provide -- protection that many take for granted -- is flat out corrupt.
FYI - Calling me a jerk and brainwashed does absolutely nothing to excuse cop behavior. Also, name calling and personal attacks are childish and silly. In addition, I have absolutely nothing to do with the Left Wing, Right Wing, Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, nor any other group or label you wish to use. This issue is about right and wrong, justice, and abuse of power and authority. Now, if you wish to discuss and debate this issue in a civil and adult manner, I'm all for it. But, please, leave out the childish school yard name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
I was accurately describing you, your postulation and the brainwashing responsible for that development.
You make accusations that cops are all law breakers. And that becomes an excuse for retribution. Disgusting. You are part of the problem.
I suggest all law enforcement abandon your locale starting now.
Again, very silly and immature. Personal attacks do nothing to enhance conversations, nor do they assist in proving your points. Usually, those that name call and use personal attacks, have nothing of substance to support their argument or position on a given topic. No, I have not been brainwashed in the least. And, I make no accusations other than what's reported and documented as fact. I do not lie nor make this stuff up. It's available for anyone that wants the information. It's pretty ridiculous to say I have any blame in this mess when I obey laws, have never been convicted of a crime, mind my own business, never cause trouble to anyone, and do for others instead of doing to them. You're passing judgment on someone you know absolutely nothing about. Please speak to the subject of conversation and do so in an adult and civil manner.
Not immature. Totally logical.
Let's use your rationale and flip this. All blacks are guilty because of this cop killing incident and it would justice if all blacks are killed as a result. That is your reasoning.
Fear of doing wrong and getting caught has absolutely nothing to do with police brutality and cops killing innocent unarmed citizens. Sure, we should all fear what might happen should we step outside the boundaries of the law. And, likewise, cops should fear the same. Cops should not be exempt from the same fear. If a cops does wrong, he/she should be punished just the same as you and I would be, same punishment, same fear. Cops should not be held to a different standard, nor exempt from punishment should they break the law. Equal justice, equal punishment. Everyone walks the same line, no exceptions.

Then you will continue to get the cesspool of a nation we have today

good point........you get to a place with these progressives and you realize you could post stuff back....non-PC sentiments for 100 years and it isn't going to matter. These people will go to their boxes not connecting most dots correctly. Its a brain fuck-up thing..........results of their idea's are of no concern to these people. The intentions are the only thing to them........
Remember, two wrongs do not make a right. Yes, we have a cesspool of a nation, for many reasons, and injustice just happens to be one of them. But, giving cops the approval to use and abuse their power and authority to violate citizens and their rights, is not the answer to a civil and peaceful law abiding nation or society. The answer is equal justice, equal punishment under the same laws, and equal respect by both sides.

No. The answer is replacement of Rights with Privileges for those who act and think properly. Respect is worthless, only Fear changes people.
It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
What a jerk!
Typical left wing brainwashed use of the anecdotal to push an agenda.
I think we've all had instances where we don't agree with police or how some of them do their jobs but to allow those instances to obscure the protection they provide -- protection that many take for granted -- is flat out corrupt.
FYI - Calling me a jerk and brainwashed does absolutely nothing to excuse cop behavior. Also, name calling and personal attacks are childish and silly. In addition, I have absolutely nothing to do with the Left Wing, Right Wing, Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, nor any other group or label you wish to use. This issue is about right and wrong, justice, and abuse of power and authority. Now, if you wish to discuss and debate this issue in a civil and adult manner, I'm all for it. But, please, leave out the childish school yard name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
I was accurately describing you, your postulation and the brainwashing responsible for that development.
You make accusations that cops are all law breakers. And that becomes an excuse for retribution. Disgusting. You are part of the problem.
I suggest all law enforcement abandon your locale starting now.
Again, very silly and immature. Personal attacks do nothing to enhance conversations, nor do they assist in proving your points. Usually, those that name call and use personal attacks, have nothing of substance to support their argument or position on a given topic. No, I have not been brainwashed in the least. And, I make no accusations other than what's reported and documented as fact. I do not lie nor make this stuff up. It's available for anyone that wants the information. It's pretty ridiculous to say I have any blame in this mess when I obey laws, have never been convicted of a crime, mind my own business, never cause trouble to anyone, and do for others instead of doing to them. You're passing judgment on someone you know absolutely nothing about. Please speak to the subject of conversation and do so in an adult and civil manner.
Not immature. Totally logical.
Let's use your rationale and flip this. All blacks are guilty because of this cop killing incident and it would justice if all blacks are killed as a result. That is your reasoning.

LMAO.....best post of the day in this forum!!! Give the man a cigar........just made the OP look stoopid. Lock this thread s0ns..........:rock::rock::eusa_dance:
It's not "people's justice" because those progressive racists stirring shit up don't speak for the People. It is, however, an example of "social justice" that progressive shits are always yearning for.

Social justice not being about justice at all of course, it's really all about the Agenda.
It's about people feeling that cops get by with way too much, are above the law, and totally out-of-control. Police brutality is real. The murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real. Rarely are members of law enforcement held accountable or held to the same standards as John Q. Public. For these reasons, some citizens reach a breaking point, and the outcome is usually what just happened in NYC and in Florida. It's sad and sickening, but in a way law enforcement personnel have no one to blame except themselves.They have pushed the general public too far. None of this would have happened if members of law enforcement exhibited the same courtesy and respect towards citizens as they expect given to them. With cell phones in almost every hand, these instances of police brutality and disrespect towards citizens are filmed and recorded daily. There are many of them on the internet for all to see.

What happened in NYC wasn't a result of some long time outrage against cops abusing their power. It was far more likely it was a direct result of the media race baiters egging people on with lies and charges of racism against virtually all cops.

Yes, there certainly are times when cops go over the line, and they should be held accountable. Burning down stores and executing random cops that have done nothing wrong isn't the way to handle it. The outrage being stirred up by the progressive racists is only to create more chaos. The more they can turn the country into a lawless ghetto like Detroit, the closer they get to achieving their goal.

These people do NOT care about justice in the least, in fact the more injustice that happens helps their cause. If they truly cared about justice in this country, they would be protesting the many crimes that go unpunished, they would want to change the justice system so that when criminals are convicted, they aren't given light sentencing and parole. Sorry, but you won't see these same protesters ever protesting when a white person is murdered and it goes unpunished. That doesn't fit the Agenda. I would hope people wake up to that, and not fall for their BS.
A better idea would be to hold cops accountable and to the same standards as everyone else. Have cops earn the respect they feel they deserve.

They are, and by a wide margin do
I disagree. If they were help accountable and to the same standards, they would be a lot more of them in our prisons and jails.

You wrong, the police are charged with keeping the peace. Unless you think you could do better which means you ACTUALLY do the job, then quit with the judgement.

I deal with both the police and the public daily. I cannot believe the crap the police have to deal with daily, and to a great extent they exorcize great patience and outstanding judgement.

They deserve our thanks, not the outrage expressed by law breakers and their enablers.

You will always find a few bad cops, just as you do bad bakers, carpenters, professors.

That's life, deal with it
I'm not suppose to do their job. I pay them to do it. They don't work for free. And, if I did do the job, I certainly wouldn't do as they do. Regardless of how you try to paint the picture, the truth is out there for everyone to see. Video and audio don't lie. Daily headlines and news footage don't lie. Our personal contact with cops don't lie. What our friends and family experience with cops is not imagination or fantasy, it's real. As long as they are protected and above the law, we'll continue to see their misconduct on the 6:00 news. Until they are held accountable and held to the same standards as everyone else, they will abuse their power and authority to the limits. We'll continue to see unarmed citizens gunned down, police brutality, and receive BS quota tickets.

Video don't lie? Please ask those that claim Michael brown paid for those smokes about that.

Still, you realize who hire and fire police, right? You realize who represents the police, right? In most of these cases these cities are democrat controlled, and those unions? Mostly support democrat candidates.

Weird aye?
Yes, video clearly shows that he did take the cigars without paying for them. Yes, the video clearly shows that he stole from the store. The video doesn't lie. Yes, we all know how cops get their jobs, Yes, we all know what politics is all about. Yes, we all know the favoritism and corruption in government, on all levels. All of those facts are givens that we all have grown to know and to understand. But, stealing cigars should never be a death sentence. The cop that shot him should not have been judge, jury, and executioner. The cop that strangled the man in NYC should not have been judge, jury, and executioner. Selling individual cigarettes should not carry the death sentence imposed on him. The 12 year old kid playing with a BB gun in the park should not have been executed 2 seconds after a cop arrived on the scene. Especially after the person that called in and reported him playing with the gun mentioned that it was probably a toy gun. Yes, I agree that unions, any union, is bad for this country, and has been for many decades now. But, still, taking all of that into consideration, cops should not be above the law, get a free pass to commit murder, nor given permission to abuse their power and authority. It is not OK for police to do as they please and get by with it.
What a jerk!
Typical left wing brainwashed use of the anecdotal to push an agenda.
I think we've all had instances where we don't agree with police or how some of them do their jobs but to allow those instances to obscure the protection they provide -- protection that many take for granted -- is flat out corrupt.
FYI - Calling me a jerk and brainwashed does absolutely nothing to excuse cop behavior. Also, name calling and personal attacks are childish and silly. In addition, I have absolutely nothing to do with the Left Wing, Right Wing, Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, nor any other group or label you wish to use. This issue is about right and wrong, justice, and abuse of power and authority. Now, if you wish to discuss and debate this issue in a civil and adult manner, I'm all for it. But, please, leave out the childish school yard name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
I was accurately describing you, your postulation and the brainwashing responsible for that development.
You make accusations that cops are all law breakers. And that becomes an excuse for retribution. Disgusting. You are part of the problem.
I suggest all law enforcement abandon your locale starting now.
Again, very silly and immature. Personal attacks do nothing to enhance conversations, nor do they assist in proving your points. Usually, those that name call and use personal attacks, have nothing of substance to support their argument or position on a given topic. No, I have not been brainwashed in the least. And, I make no accusations other than what's reported and documented as fact. I do not lie nor make this stuff up. It's available for anyone that wants the information. It's pretty ridiculous to say I have any blame in this mess when I obey laws, have never been convicted of a crime, mind my own business, never cause trouble to anyone, and do for others instead of doing to them. You're passing judgment on someone you know absolutely nothing about. Please speak to the subject of conversation and do so in an adult and civil manner.
Not immature. Totally logical.
Let's use your rationale and flip this. All blacks are guilty because of this cop killing incident and it would justice if all blacks are killed as a result. That is your reasoning.

LMAO.....best post of the day in this forum!!! Give the man a cigar........just made the OP look stoopid. Lock this thread s0ns..........:rock::rock::eusa_dance:
That is so silly and ridiculous that it really doesn't merit a response. No, all blacks are not guilty, and I never ever said nor implied such. How stupid to even suggest that all blacks be killed. All of that nonsense is pathetic to say the least. Logic, you say?? Pleeeeeasee !! It's obvious that you've run out of anything of substance to add to the conversation. Please don't inject such silly nonsense into this conversation. Blacks are exactly the same as everyone else. We're all humans, we all bleed the same color, and we all deserve the same rights and treatment. You are really digging down to the bottom of the barrel with pathetic comments such as these silly remarks. Please try to add something of substance to the conversation if you can. Thanks.
It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
What a jerk!
Typical left wing brainwashed use of the anecdotal to push an agenda.
I think we've all had instances where we don't agree with police or how some of them do their jobs but to allow those instances to obscure the protection they provide -- protection that many take for granted -- is flat out corrupt.
FYI - Calling me a jerk and brainwashed does absolutely nothing to excuse cop behavior. Also, name calling and personal attacks are childish and silly. In addition, I have absolutely nothing to do with the Left Wing, Right Wing, Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, nor any other group or label you wish to use. This issue is about right and wrong, justice, and abuse of power and authority. Now, if you wish to discuss and debate this issue in a civil and adult manner, I'm all for it. But, please, leave out the childish school yard name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
I was accurately describing you, your postulation and the brainwashing responsible for that development.
You make accusations that cops are all law breakers. And that becomes an excuse for retribution. Disgusting. You are part of the problem.
I suggest all law enforcement abandon your locale starting now.
Again, very silly and immature. Personal attacks do nothing to enhance conversations, nor do they assist in proving your points. Usually, those that name call and use personal attacks, have nothing of substance to support their argument or position on a given topic. No, I have not been brainwashed in the least. And, I make no accusations other than what's reported and documented as fact. I do not lie nor make this stuff up. It's available for anyone that wants the information. It's pretty ridiculous to say I have any blame in this mess when I obey laws, have never been convicted of a crime, mind my own business, never cause trouble to anyone, and do for others instead of doing to them. You're passing judgment on someone you know absolutely nothing about. Please speak to the subject of conversation and do so in an adult and civil manner.

Do you know about paragraphs? Your posts are extremely hard to read
Please excuse me. I'll try to do better. Thanks for bring it to my attention.
It's not "people's justice" because those progressive racists stirring shit up don't speak for the People. It is, however, an example of "social justice" that progressive shits are always yearning for.

Social justice not being about justice at all of course, it's really all about the Agenda.
It's about people feeling that cops get by with way too much, are above the law, and totally out-of-control. Police brutality is real. The murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real. Rarely are members of law enforcement held accountable or held to the same standards as John Q. Public. For these reasons, some citizens reach a breaking point, and the outcome is usually what just happened in NYC and in Florida. It's sad and sickening, but in a way law enforcement personnel have no one to blame except themselves.They have pushed the general public too far. None of this would have happened if members of law enforcement exhibited the same courtesy and respect towards citizens as they expect given to them. With cell phones in almost every hand, these instances of police brutality and disrespect towards citizens are filmed and recorded daily. There are many of them on the internet for all to see.

What happened in NYC wasn't a result of some long time outrage against cops abusing their power. It was far more likely it was a direct result of the media race baiters egging people on with lies and charges of racism against virtually all cops.

Yes, there certainly are times when cops go over the line, and they should be held accountable. Burning down stores and executing random cops that have done nothing wrong isn't the way to handle it. The outrage being stirred up by the progressive racists is only to create more chaos. The more they can turn the country into a lawless ghetto like Detroit, the closer they get to achieving their goal.

These people do NOT care about justice in the least, in fact the more injustice that happens helps their cause. If they truly cared about justice in this country, they would be protesting the many crimes that go unpunished, they would want to change the justice system so that when criminals are convicted, they aren't given light sentencing and parole. Sorry, but you won't see these same protesters ever protesting when a white person is murdered and it goes unpunished. That doesn't fit the Agenda. I would hope people wake up to that, and not fall for their BS.
I agree. As I said earlier, I am totally against violence and destruction of property. It's uncalled for and doesn't solve anything. Yes, the cops were killed probably as a result of negative media attention to the relatively recent events across the country. Yes, we do have the mentally imbalanced among us, and those that act uncivil and to the extreme. Yes, not everyone wants to solve issues in a peaceful and civil manner. We do have the trouble makers and hate mongers in society. Also, I would agree that if the events took place among the white population, things would be looked at differently. We haven't passed the prejudices of years gone by yet. I would also agree that the main stream media greatly influences actions taken by the general public when something of this nature happens. But, we do live in an information glut era where everything is made public in seconds of their occurrence, and also is opinionated to the extreme by reporters and news anchors.
It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
So "the peoples justice" amounts to executing innocent cops that had nothing to do with Eric Garner? You make me sick.
Remember, two wrongs do not make a right. Yes, we have a cesspool of a nation, for many reasons, and injustice just happens to be one of them. But, giving cops the approval to use and abuse their power and authority to violate citizens and their rights, is not the answer to a civil and peaceful law abiding nation or society. The answer is equal justice, equal punishment under the same laws, and equal respect by both sides.

No. The answer is replacement of Rights with Privileges for those who act and think properly. Respect is worthless, only Fear changes people.
What changes people is what they are subjected to and the socioeconomic environment that they are forced to contend with. People for the most part do not want to live in a tense and violent society. I believe that respect for each other is a must, also it's civil and humane. What kind of society would we have without respect and consideration for each other? We should never act as though we've turned the hands of time back 100,000 years. We should not only have rights, but expect that they be upheld and enforced. It does nothing for peace and tranquility when some have more rights and privileges than others. Equal rights and equal justice for all promotes peace and social stability.
It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
So "the peoples justice" amounts to executing innocent cops that had nothing to do with Eric Garner? You make me sick.
First, I do NOT condone nor approve of the killing of anyone, and said so in the root post. Second, I was not, and did not, imply that killing cops was any kind of justice. Please go back and re-read the root post. I said that when something like this happens, people take it upon themselves to even the score. In other words, some use their own form and method of justice to atone for what they believe to be wrong, and an unpunished wrong. The term "people justice" was referring to that case where people will revolt when they feel justice hasn't been serve. Obviously, the cops were innocent, and it was a terrible tragedy that they were killed in cold blood. Now, if that upsets you, please explain in what way. And, if I make you sick, what's the reason behind it? Care to explain?
What a jerk!
Typical left wing brainwashed use of the anecdotal to push an agenda.
I think we've all had instances where we don't agree with police or how some of them do their jobs but to allow those instances to obscure the protection they provide -- protection that many take for granted -- is flat out corrupt.
FYI - Calling me a jerk and brainwashed does absolutely nothing to excuse cop behavior. Also, name calling and personal attacks are childish and silly. In addition, I have absolutely nothing to do with the Left Wing, Right Wing, Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, nor any other group or label you wish to use. This issue is about right and wrong, justice, and abuse of power and authority. Now, if you wish to discuss and debate this issue in a civil and adult manner, I'm all for it. But, please, leave out the childish school yard name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
I was accurately describing you, your postulation and the brainwashing responsible for that development.
You make accusations that cops are all law breakers. And that becomes an excuse for retribution. Disgusting. You are part of the problem.
I suggest all law enforcement abandon your locale starting now.
Again, very silly and immature. Personal attacks do nothing to enhance conversations, nor do they assist in proving your points. Usually, those that name call and use personal attacks, have nothing of substance to support their argument or position on a given topic. No, I have not been brainwashed in the least. And, I make no accusations other than what's reported and documented as fact. I do not lie nor make this stuff up. It's available for anyone that wants the information. It's pretty ridiculous to say I have any blame in this mess when I obey laws, have never been convicted of a crime, mind my own business, never cause trouble to anyone, and do for others instead of doing to them. You're passing judgment on someone you know absolutely nothing about. Please speak to the subject of conversation and do so in an adult and civil manner.
Not immature. Totally logical.
Let's use your rationale and flip this. All blacks are guilty because of this cop killing incident and it would justice if all blacks are killed as a result. That is your reasoning.

LMAO.....best post of the day in this forum!!! Give the man a cigar........just made the OP look stoopid. Lock this thread s0ns..........:rock::rock::eusa_dance:
It was silly and pathetic. Just pulled off the wall and unrelated to anything that I've said.
It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
So "the peoples justice" amounts to executing innocent cops that had nothing to do with Eric Garner? You make me sick.
First, I do NOT condone nor approve of the killing of anyone, and said so in the root post. Second, I was not, and did not, imply that killing cops was any kind of justice. Please go back and re-read the root post. I said that when something like this happens, people take it upon themselves to even the score. In other words, some use their own form and method of justice to atone for what they believe to be wrong, and an unpunished wrong. The term "people justice" was referring to that case where people will revolt when they feel justice hasn't been serve. Obviously, the cops were innocent, and it was a terrible tragedy that they were killed in cold blood. Now, if that upsets you, please explain in what way. And, if I make you sick, what's the reason behind it? Care to explain?
Bullshit, youre sympathizing with these people. You are minimizing an execution by referring to it as "peoples justice".

Heres your quote... It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice".

Lets use your quote in another way and see how innocent it is...

"Its no secret that bullies get a pass, and are all but exempt from the same rules and standard that the rest of the school is held to. Since the Columbine shooters believe that real justice is absent in our schools, they are now exercising "the peoples justice"."

or how about using it this way...

"Its no secret that Americans get a pass, and are all but exempt from the same rules and standard that the rest of the world is held to. Since ISIS believes that real justice is absent in the world, they are now exercising "the peoples justice"."

Go fuck yourself you worthless piece of shit
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It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
So "the peoples justice" amounts to executing innocent cops that had nothing to do with Eric Garner? You make me sick.
First, I do NOT condone nor approve of the killing of anyone, and said so in the root post. Second, I was not, and did not, imply that killing cops was any kind of justice. Please go back and re-read the root post. I said that when something like this happens, people take it upon themselves to even the score. In other words, some use their own form and method of justice to atone for what they believe to be wrong, and an unpunished wrong. The term "people justice" was referring to that case where people will revolt when they feel justice hasn't been serve. Obviously, the cops were innocent, and it was a terrible tragedy that they were killed in cold blood. Now, if that upsets you, please explain in what way. And, if I make you sick, what's the reason behind it? Care to explain?
Bullshit, youre sympathizing with these people. You are minimizing an execution by referring to it as "peoples justice".

Heres a quote... It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice".

Go fuck yourself you worthless piece of shit.
I never said nor implied that I sympathized with them. As a matter of fact, I said that I did not condone murder, period. Go back and read, and please try hard to comprehend what you read. I said that I do not condone violence nor the destruction of property. Reading comprehension will help you a lot. As for as your disgusting language and uncalled for remarks, obviously you lack the skills necessary to engage in a civil and adult conversation. Grow up and then come back and we'll discuss this issue. Your age?
It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
So "the peoples justice" amounts to executing innocent cops that had nothing to do with Eric Garner? You make me sick.
First, I do NOT condone nor approve of the killing of anyone, and said so in the root post. Second, I was not, and did not, imply that killing cops was any kind of justice. Please go back and re-read the root post. I said that when something like this happens, people take it upon themselves to even the score. In other words, some use their own form and method of justice to atone for what they believe to be wrong, and an unpunished wrong. The term "people justice" was referring to that case where people will revolt when they feel justice hasn't been serve. Obviously, the cops were innocent, and it was a terrible tragedy that they were killed in cold blood. Now, if that upsets you, please explain in what way. And, if I make you sick, what's the reason behind it? Care to explain?
Bullshit, youre sympathizing with these people. You are minimizing an execution by referring to it as "peoples justice".

Heres your quote... It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice".

Lets use your quote in another way and see how innocent it is...

"Its no secret that bullies get a pass, and are all but exempt from the same rules and standard that the rest of the school is held to. Since the Columbine shooters believe that real justice is absent in our schools, they are now exercising "the peoples justice"."

or how about using it this way...

"Its no secret that Americans get a pass, and are all but exempt from the same rules and standard that the rest of the world is held to. Since ISIS believes that real justice is absent in the world, they are now exercising "the peoples justice"."

Go fuck yourself you worthless piece of shit
Twisting what I said around doesn't impress me, and can imagine it doesn't impress anyone else either. I never said Americans get a pass. Twisting everything around to your meanings is really pathetic and way off subject. Attacking me shows your lack of the ability to discuss issues in a civil manner. Your age? Just curious, are you out of high school yet?
They are, and by a wide margin do
I disagree. If they were help accountable and to the same standards, they would be a lot more of them in our prisons and jails.

You wrong, the police are charged with keeping the peace. Unless you think you could do better which means you ACTUALLY do the job, then quit with the judgement.

I deal with both the police and the public daily. I cannot believe the crap the police have to deal with daily, and to a great extent they exorcize great patience and outstanding judgement.

They deserve our thanks, not the outrage expressed by law breakers and their enablers.

You will always find a few bad cops, just as you do bad bakers, carpenters, professors.

That's life, deal with it
I'm not suppose to do their job. I pay them to do it. They don't work for free. And, if I did do the job, I certainly wouldn't do as they do. Regardless of how you try to paint the picture, the truth is out there for everyone to see. Video and audio don't lie. Daily headlines and news footage don't lie. Our personal contact with cops don't lie. What our friends and family experience with cops is not imagination or fantasy, it's real. As long as they are protected and above the law, we'll continue to see their misconduct on the 6:00 news. Until they are held accountable and held to the same standards as everyone else, they will abuse their power and authority to the limits. We'll continue to see unarmed citizens gunned down, police brutality, and receive BS quota tickets.

Video don't lie? Please ask those that claim Michael brown paid for those smokes about that.

Still, you realize who hire and fire police, right? You realize who represents the police, right? In most of these cases these cities are democrat controlled, and those unions? Mostly support democrat candidates.

Weird aye?
Yes, video clearly shows that he did take the cigars without paying for them. Yes, the video clearly shows that he stole from the store. The video doesn't lie. Yes, we all know how cops get their jobs, Yes, we all know what politics is all about. Yes, we all know the favoritism and corruption in government, on all levels. All of those facts are givens that we all have grown to know and to understand. But, stealing cigars should never be a death sentence. The cop that shot him should not have been judge, jury, and executioner. The cop that strangled the man in NYC should not have been judge, jury, and executioner. Selling individual cigarettes should not carry the death sentence imposed on him. The 12 year old kid playing with a BB gun in the park should not have been executed 2 seconds after a cop arrived on the scene. Especially after the person that called in and reported him playing with the gun mentioned that it was probably a toy gun. Yes, I agree that unions, any union, is bad for this country, and has been for many decades now. But, still, taking all of that into consideration, cops should not be above the law, get a free pass to commit murder, nor given permission to abuse their power and authority. It is not OK for police to do as they please and get by with it.

I'm not rehashing the whole case again.

Forensics backed up the officers take on the events and the GJ agreed

As far as judge, jury and executioner. Michael Brown MADE HIM SUCH. Not the other way around.
It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
So "the peoples justice" amounts to executing innocent cops that had nothing to do with Eric Garner? You make me sick.
First, I do NOT condone nor approve of the killing of anyone, and said so in the root post. Second, I was not, and did not, imply that killing cops was any kind of justice. Please go back and re-read the root post. I said that when something like this happens, people take it upon themselves to even the score. In other words, some use their own form and method of justice to atone for what they believe to be wrong, and an unpunished wrong. The term "people justice" was referring to that case where people will revolt when they feel justice hasn't been serve. Obviously, the cops were innocent, and it was a terrible tragedy that they were killed in cold blood. Now, if that upsets you, please explain in what way. And, if I make you sick, what's the reason behind it? Care to explain?

Sweet Jesus

I disagree. If they were help accountable and to the same standards, they would be a lot more of them in our prisons and jails.

You wrong, the police are charged with keeping the peace. Unless you think you could do better which means you ACTUALLY do the job, then quit with the judgement.

I deal with both the police and the public daily. I cannot believe the crap the police have to deal with daily, and to a great extent they exorcize great patience and outstanding judgement.

They deserve our thanks, not the outrage expressed by law breakers and their enablers.

You will always find a few bad cops, just as you do bad bakers, carpenters, professors.

That's life, deal with it
I'm not suppose to do their job. I pay them to do it. They don't work for free. And, if I did do the job, I certainly wouldn't do as they do. Regardless of how you try to paint the picture, the truth is out there for everyone to see. Video and audio don't lie. Daily headlines and news footage don't lie. Our personal contact with cops don't lie. What our friends and family experience with cops is not imagination or fantasy, it's real. As long as they are protected and above the law, we'll continue to see their misconduct on the 6:00 news. Until they are held accountable and held to the same standards as everyone else, they will abuse their power and authority to the limits. We'll continue to see unarmed citizens gunned down, police brutality, and receive BS quota tickets.

Video don't lie? Please ask those that claim Michael brown paid for those smokes about that.

Still, you realize who hire and fire police, right? You realize who represents the police, right? In most of these cases these cities are democrat controlled, and those unions? Mostly support democrat candidates.

Weird aye?
Yes, video clearly shows that he did take the cigars without paying for them. Yes, the video clearly shows that he stole from the store. The video doesn't lie. Yes, we all know how cops get their jobs, Yes, we all know what politics is all about. Yes, we all know the favoritism and corruption in government, on all levels. All of those facts are givens that we all have grown to know and to understand. But, stealing cigars should never be a death sentence. The cop that shot him should not have been judge, jury, and executioner. The cop that strangled the man in NYC should not have been judge, jury, and executioner. Selling individual cigarettes should not carry the death sentence imposed on him. The 12 year old kid playing with a BB gun in the park should not have been executed 2 seconds after a cop arrived on the scene. Especially after the person that called in and reported him playing with the gun mentioned that it was probably a toy gun. Yes, I agree that unions, any union, is bad for this country, and has been for many decades now. But, still, taking all of that into consideration, cops should not be above the law, get a free pass to commit murder, nor given permission to abuse their power and authority. It is not OK for police to do as they please and get by with it.

I'm not rehashing the whole case again.

Forensics backed up the officers take on the events and the GJ agreed

As far as judge, jury and executioner. Michael Brown MADE HIM SUCH. Not the other way around.
It's still debatable. The latest story on the news says that witnesses lied under oath. So, the whole story and truth hasn't come out yet. The federal government is still looking into it. No final determination has been made yet. Also, regardless, an unarmed teen was shot and killed in front of cameras and witnesses. There were alternatives available to the officer.
It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
So "the peoples justice" amounts to executing innocent cops that had nothing to do with Eric Garner? You make me sick.
First, I do NOT condone nor approve of the killing of anyone, and said so in the root post. Second, I was not, and did not, imply that killing cops was any kind of justice. Please go back and re-read the root post. I said that when something like this happens, people take it upon themselves to even the score. In other words, some use their own form and method of justice to atone for what they believe to be wrong, and an unpunished wrong. The term "people justice" was referring to that case where people will revolt when they feel justice hasn't been serve. Obviously, the cops were innocent, and it was a terrible tragedy that they were killed in cold blood. Now, if that upsets you, please explain in what way. And, if I make you sick, what's the reason behind it? Care to explain?

Sweet Jesus

That was a paragraph. Take another look. It was a paragraph.

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