"The People's Justice"

You said:

People that obey the law have little to worry about.

I'm showing that you're wrong. John Crawford was obeying the law. He was standing there holding a toy that Walmart sells.

And even if he was holding a real gun, Ohio is an open carry state.
PLEASE, let's go down that road. That will open up the season on protesters and other supporters of criminals along with criminals themselves.


A lot of people died so you could sit on your fat butt and call them "supporters of criminals".

Why do the nutter RWs hate the Constitution so much?

It's progressives murdering the cops idiot. Do try and keep up.
Then the thugs can expect more violence against them. It is time for a criminal purge.
Then the thugs can expect more violence against them. It is time for a criminal purge.
Lets hope it doesn't get to that point. Killing each other is not going solve the problems, nor make everything better. We're suppose to be a civil and humane people, living in a peaceful orderly society.
It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
So "the peoples justice" amounts to executing innocent cops that had nothing to do with Eric Garner? You make me sick.
First, I do NOT condone nor approve of the killing of anyone, and said so in the root post. Second, I was not, and did not, imply that killing cops was any kind of justice. Please go back and re-read the root post. I said that when something like this happens, people take it upon themselves to even the score. In other words, some use their own form and method of justice to atone for what they believe to be wrong, and an unpunished wrong. The term "people justice" was referring to that case where people will revolt when they feel justice hasn't been serve. Obviously, the cops were innocent, and it was a terrible tragedy that they were killed in cold blood. Now, if that upsets you, please explain in what way. And, if I make you sick, what's the reason behind it? Care to explain?
Bullshit, youre sympathizing with these people. You are minimizing an execution by referring to it as "peoples justice".

Heres a quote... It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice".

Go fuck yourself you worthless piece of shit.
I never said nor implied that I sympathized with them. As a matter of fact, I said that I did not condone murder, period. Go back and read, and please try hard to comprehend what you read. I said that I do not condone violence nor the destruction of property. Reading comprehension will help you a lot. As for as your disgusting language and uncalled for remarks, obviously you lack the skills necessary to engage in a civil and adult conversation. Grow up and then come back and we'll discuss this issue. Your age?
Bullshit! Youre attempting to play both sides just enough to not look like a complete douche. Youre simply saying, "I don't condone murder, buuuuuut...", then you follow it up with a bunch of sympathetic bullshit for the people who are going after cops.
It was bound to happen. Three cops killed, two in NYC and one in Florida. This has been brewing for months, maybe years. It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice". It's sad and heartbreaking to think that it's come to this point, but people have had enough of the police state and the injustices within. Murder is wrong, on both sides. There are other ways to solve the problem and to bring much needed attention to the out-of-control lawless law enforcement agencies. I'd be the last to condone murder, but I'd also be the last to defend members of law enforcement. In many ways, police have brought this upon themselves by their total disregard for rights, freedom, and no respect for the general public. Police brutality is real, police murder of unarmed innocent citizens is real, and police abuse of their power and authority is real. I do not want to see war on our streets, nor blood flowing down sidewalks. But, I do want to see things change so that members of law enforcement are held to the same standards as everyone else. If we're to respect the cops, then cops should have equal respect for us. The actual blame for cops being looked at the way they are, falls on those that give them the encouragement and power to step outside the bounds of justice, right and wrong, respect, and consideration for the general public. They are told how to avoid punishment for their wrong-doing. They lie for each other, protect each other from justice, and have formed a brotherhood of corruption, theft, perjury, and abuse of power and authority. The bottom line is that police do not police their own profession. So, now we're seeing what amounts to "The People's Justice".
So "the peoples justice" amounts to executing innocent cops that had nothing to do with Eric Garner? You make me sick.
First, I do NOT condone nor approve of the killing of anyone, and said so in the root post. Second, I was not, and did not, imply that killing cops was any kind of justice. Please go back and re-read the root post. I said that when something like this happens, people take it upon themselves to even the score. In other words, some use their own form and method of justice to atone for what they believe to be wrong, and an unpunished wrong. The term "people justice" was referring to that case where people will revolt when they feel justice hasn't been serve. Obviously, the cops were innocent, and it was a terrible tragedy that they were killed in cold blood. Now, if that upsets you, please explain in what way. And, if I make you sick, what's the reason behind it? Care to explain?
Bullshit, youre sympathizing with these people. You are minimizing an execution by referring to it as "peoples justice".

Heres a quote... It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice".

Go fuck yourself you worthless piece of shit.
I never said nor implied that I sympathized with them. As a matter of fact, I said that I did not condone murder, period. Go back and read, and please try hard to comprehend what you read. I said that I do not condone violence nor the destruction of property. Reading comprehension will help you a lot. As for as your disgusting language and uncalled for remarks, obviously you lack the skills necessary to engage in a civil and adult conversation. Grow up and then come back and we'll discuss this issue. Your age?
Bullshit! Youre attempting to play both sides just enough to not look like a complete douche. Youre simply saying, "I don't condone murder, buuuuuut...", then you follow it up with a bunch of sympathetic bullshit for the people who are going after cops.
Pleeeeese --- Try to pull that on someone else, I'm not that stupid. I don't condone violence or the destruction of property. I do not sympathize with those that do. Twisting what I say won't work. Try something else. You're sounding desperate and confused. Please learn reading comprehension so that you can understand what you read, and the context in which it is given.
PLEASE, let's go down that road. That will open up the season on protesters and other supporters of criminals along with criminals themselves.


A lot of people died so you could sit on your fat butt and call them "supporters of criminals".

Why do the nutter RWs hate the Constitution so much?

It's progressives murdering the cops idiot. Do try and keep up.
You post this and call someone else an 'idiot...'
PLEASE, let's go down that road. That will open up the season on protesters and other supporters of criminals along with criminals themselves.


A lot of people died so you could sit on your fat butt and call them "supporters of criminals".

Why do the nutter RWs hate the Constitution so much?

It's progressives murdering the cops idiot. Do try and keep up.
You post this and call someone else an 'idiot...'

Facts are facts, clayton. Live with them...
You said:

People that obey the law have little to worry about.

I'm showing that you're wrong. John Crawford was obeying the law. He was standing there holding a toy that Walmart sells.

And even if he was holding a real gun, Ohio is an open carry state.

"... little to worry about."

Doesn't mean nothing to worry about ... It means little to worry about.

You have a higher chance of choking to death on a hot dog at a Fourth of July party than being shot by a police officer because you have a toy gun.

Remember, two wrongs do not make a right. Yes, we have a cesspool of a nation, for many reasons, and injustice just happens to be one of them. But, giving cops the approval to use and abuse their power and authority to violate citizens and their rights, is not the answer to a civil and peaceful law abiding nation or society. The answer is equal justice, equal punishment under the same laws, and equal respect by both sides.

No. The answer is replacement of Rights with Privileges for those who act and think properly. Respect is worthless, only Fear changes people.
And who decides what acts or thoughts are 'proper' in the Orwellian realm of conservative dogma.

This is typical of most on the authoritarian right, hostile to the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law: get rid of citizens inalienable rights and compel conformity through state sanctioned fear and intimidation.
So "the peoples justice" amounts to executing innocent cops that had nothing to do with Eric Garner? You make me sick.
First, I do NOT condone nor approve of the killing of anyone, and said so in the root post. Second, I was not, and did not, imply that killing cops was any kind of justice. Please go back and re-read the root post. I said that when something like this happens, people take it upon themselves to even the score. In other words, some use their own form and method of justice to atone for what they believe to be wrong, and an unpunished wrong. The term "people justice" was referring to that case where people will revolt when they feel justice hasn't been serve. Obviously, the cops were innocent, and it was a terrible tragedy that they were killed in cold blood. Now, if that upsets you, please explain in what way. And, if I make you sick, what's the reason behind it? Care to explain?
Bullshit, youre sympathizing with these people. You are minimizing an execution by referring to it as "peoples justice".

Heres a quote... It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice".

Go fuck yourself you worthless piece of shit.
I never said nor implied that I sympathized with them. As a matter of fact, I said that I did not condone murder, period. Go back and read, and please try hard to comprehend what you read. I said that I do not condone violence nor the destruction of property. Reading comprehension will help you a lot. As for as your disgusting language and uncalled for remarks, obviously you lack the skills necessary to engage in a civil and adult conversation. Grow up and then come back and we'll discuss this issue. Your age?
Bullshit! Youre attempting to play both sides just enough to not look like a complete douche. Youre simply saying, "I don't condone murder, buuuuuut...", then you follow it up with a bunch of sympathetic bullshit for the people who are going after cops.
Pleeeeese --- Try to pull that on someone else, I'm not that stupid. I don't condone violence or the destruction of property. I do not sympathize with those that do. Twisting what I say won't work. Try something else. You're sounding desperate and confused. Please learn reading comprehension so that you can understand what you read, and the context in which it is given.
Coward. Why don't you just get the balls to tell the truth? Why all the dancing around? We all read your dumb ass OP, We all know what your position is, so just stop already.
First, I do NOT condone nor approve of the killing of anyone, and said so in the root post. Second, I was not, and did not, imply that killing cops was any kind of justice. Please go back and re-read the root post. I said that when something like this happens, people take it upon themselves to even the score. In other words, some use their own form and method of justice to atone for what they believe to be wrong, and an unpunished wrong. The term "people justice" was referring to that case where people will revolt when they feel justice hasn't been serve. Obviously, the cops were innocent, and it was a terrible tragedy that they were killed in cold blood. Now, if that upsets you, please explain in what way. And, if I make you sick, what's the reason behind it? Care to explain?
Bullshit, youre sympathizing with these people. You are minimizing an execution by referring to it as "peoples justice".

Heres a quote... It's no secret that police get a free pass, and are all but exempt from the same laws and standard that the general public is held to. Since John Q. Public believes that real justice is absent in our judicial system, they are now exercising "The People's Justice".

Go fuck yourself you worthless piece of shit.
I never said nor implied that I sympathized with them. As a matter of fact, I said that I did not condone murder, period. Go back and read, and please try hard to comprehend what you read. I said that I do not condone violence nor the destruction of property. Reading comprehension will help you a lot. As for as your disgusting language and uncalled for remarks, obviously you lack the skills necessary to engage in a civil and adult conversation. Grow up and then come back and we'll discuss this issue. Your age?
Bullshit! Youre attempting to play both sides just enough to not look like a complete douche. Youre simply saying, "I don't condone murder, buuuuuut...", then you follow it up with a bunch of sympathetic bullshit for the people who are going after cops.
Pleeeeese --- Try to pull that on someone else, I'm not that stupid. I don't condone violence or the destruction of property. I do not sympathize with those that do. Twisting what I say won't work. Try something else. You're sounding desperate and confused. Please learn reading comprehension so that you can understand what you read, and the context in which it is given.
Coward. Why don't you just get the balls to tell the truth? Why all the dancing around? We all read your dumb ass OP, We all know what your position is, so just stop already.
Really pathetic. Just silly and childish. Got anything of substance to add?
Very childish. ....

You get the response that you merit, scumbag.
Very silly. Is name calling what you do when you run out of something of substance to add? I look at school yard name calling as just a necessary evil one must contend with on these discussion forums. Believe it or not, there're at least three or four on every forum one visits. If you're having fun and getting pleasure from it, please don't stop now. If you think others will read it and pat you on the back, go for it.
You said:

People that obey the law have little to worry about.

I'm showing that you're wrong. John Crawford was obeying the law. He was standing there holding a toy that Walmart sells.

And even if he was holding a real gun, Ohio is an open carry state.

"... little to worry about."

Doesn't mean nothing to worry about ... It means little to worry about.

You have a higher chance of choking to death on a hot dog at a Fourth of July party than being shot by a police officer because you have a toy gun.

Not if you're a Black male.

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