Democrats can't do anything well except lie and cause trouble. Their only purpose is to get in power and screw everything up. They stay in this position by lying to us about everything. They have thousands of media members who spend all day on computers dissecting the words of their competitors and taking them out of context. Every Hannity or Rush Limbaugh show is recorded and torn apart looking for openings. Every Trump speech is slandered. Every action made suspect.
Democrats planned demonstrations at the RNC, and so far it has fizzled. So instead, they attacking Trump wife, calling her a fake and a liar. That's ironic from this party that rewards fakes and liars. They heap praise on themselves when they are able to carry out massive fraud. Taking money over the Internet from foreign donors. Illegal. Claiming that the economy is doing well when it is not. Saying we're winning against ISIS when we see an attack every week and blood running in our streets. Lying before Congress and getting away with it. Claiming that Black Lives Matter is peacefull when in 2 weeks 8 cops have been murdered by their supporters.
What is the only tool a liar has?
Deny, deny, deny, and make counter-accusations.
They can't defend their own actions so they flood the internet will hyperbole about their hated enemies. Every single liberal in media wants the message of last night squashed over accusations of plagerism. Doesn't matter that VP Joe Biden was caught doing it..and Barack Obama was caught doing it at the 2008 DNC.
But really, what difference does it make.
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