The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

So let's talk about Barack Obama's "policies", Lakhota! Comment on the progressives complete misrepresentation of the facts when it comes to his energy policy. Explain why we should be "happy" with what Barry has done with energy when the reality is...he's done everything he can to make make coal, oil and gas harder to find and produce and sat back waiting for the price of fossil fuels to rise to such levels that it makes his beloved "alternative" energy sources viable.

Do you REALLY want to talk policy? Bring it on brother!!! God knows the Administration you're shilling for doesn't want to discuss it's economic policy or it's energy policy. I wouldn't either if I had it's record.

Hey, dumbass, start your own thread about supposed Obama lies. Hint: Grampa already started one. Knock yourself out...

Ah, so basically this thread will not be about anything who has policies that will improve the economy, put people back to work and keep our national debt from spiraling out of control?

Instead you'll waste board space with spammed nonsense from liberal outlets...all designed to divert people's attention from what SHOULD be focused on?

Admit it, Lahkota...the very thought of having to defend Barry's policies and explain what he's going to do going forward is something you REALLY want nothing to do with. How can that BE after four years of governing? Where has the "Hope & Change" gone to? What HAPPENED to the "brilliance" that we were all promised when Barack Obama was elected back in '08?

Watch the debates. Maybe you'll learn something...

2012 Presidential Debate Schedule « 2012 Election Central
I highly doubt it. I think that Barack Obama will continue to paint the failures of HIS policies as the fault of someone it George W. Bush...or a GOP controlled House. He'll use bullshit statistics like his claim about energy production increasing under "his watch" and attempt to scare different demographic groups by claiming things like Romney is out to "gut" Medicare when the fact is Mitt Romney and the Republicans are the only ones adult enough to confront the problems that we have with Medicare and try to save something for future generations. Barack Obama isn't doing that. He isn't doing ANYTHING to save Medicare because he refuses to address the runaway costs that will make the system insolvent after he's left office and is "kicking it" on a golf course somewhere living off his nice pension.

What I will most likely "learn" is that when the main stream media is totally in bed with one candidate that the TOUGH questions won't get asked and his answers won't be examined closely for their veracity. It's what GOT us Barack Obama back in 2008.
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Wingnuts know that Romney is a loser, so all they can do is try to defend him with lies and misinformation and slander Obama with lies and misinformation.
Wingnuts know that Romney is a loser, so all they can do is try to defend him with lies and misinformation and slander Obama with lies and misinformation.

First Hackhota, he wasnt my first choice, so I'm honest, I dont suck him off in every post like you do with Obama

Second what slander? Higher unemployment? More people not even looking for work? More regulation? More debt in 4 years than Bush had in 8? Which one of these is untrue?
Wingnuts know that Romney is a loser, so all they can do is try to defend him with lies and misinformation and slander Obama with lies and misinformation.

First Hackhota, he wasnt my first choice, so I'm honest, I dont suck him off in every post like you do with Obama

Second what slander? Higher unemployment? More people not even looking for work? More regulation? More debt in 4 years than Bush had in 8? Which one of these is untrue?

[ame=]Jerry, just remember. It's not a lie... if you believe it... - YouTube[/ame]
It's a real shame they've let this little troll overtake this board..

And then they will wonder why they don't get new people coming aboard
Lahkota needs to take his/her blinders off.

Apparantly she/he sees nothing wrong with the way Barry is conducting business.

I wonder if the country can survive four more years of Barry boy??

Those guys over there, yeah, them - they're all a bunch of evil liars who want to see us all dead.

My side, over here, we're all pristine angels who only want what's best for the children and the puppies. We're always honest, we all brush our teeth four times a day, and gosh, even our poop smells like a freshly-picked bouquet of roses!


Remember that those of us who take a stand on the issues and make a commitment to certain principles – however partisan, petty, or demeaning you may consider it to be – lack the advantage you and others have from being above it all.

We apologize for offending you with our passion concerning the issues, and strive to someday realize the superiority you’ve clearly achieved.

Nice try indeed, but the dishonest and hypocritical partisan ideologues who have so polluted and distorted our politics are in the minority. They're just louder. So there's nothing special about me, there's more of me than there are of you.

Also, I know this will sound crazy to you, but it's quite possible to take a stand on the issues without being intellectually dishonest. It's possible to be passionate about something without resorting to hyperbole, denial, diversion, distortion and outright lies. It's just not that tough.

Really! I kid you not!

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Lahkota needs to take his/her blinders off.

Apparantly she/he sees nothing wrong with the way Barry is conducting business.

I wonder if the country can survive four more years of Barry boy??

That's hilarious, considering that "the country" managed to survive EIGHT years of Boy George. However, Obama is still cleaning up his mess.
Obama obama obama obama obama obama
8.2% unemployment, 4 dollars a gallon of gas, almost 5dollars a gallon of milk,the middle east is ON FIRE and getting innocent civilians killed etc etc
but that OBAMA be cleaning up the mess, so Rush right out and VOTE FOR him folks:lol:
Obama obama obama obama obama obama
8.2% unemployment, 4 dollars a gallon of gas, almost 5dollars a gallon of milk,the middle east is ON FIRE and getting innocent civilians killed etc etc
but that OBAMA be cleaning up the mess, so Rush right out and VOTE FOR him folks:lol:

Well, that's true...


And then came the obstructionists...


pathetic little troll hack, nothing more
Lahkota needs to take his/her blinders off.

Apparantly she/he sees nothing wrong with the way Barry is conducting business.

I wonder if the country can survive four more years of Barry boy??

That's hilarious, considering that "the country" managed to survive EIGHT years of Boy George. However, Obama is still cleaning up his mess.

What is it exactly that Barry has done to "clean up" anything? Bush's TARP is what kept the recession from turning into a depression. Obama's "stimulus" spent a trillion dollars and unemployment went UP. Has ObamaCare lowered your health care costs? It raised mine rather substantially as insurance companies passed along costs. The price of gas is through the roof and Obama has done nothing to address that issue and threatens to do things like Cap & Trade to make my electric bill just as high as my gasoline bill. Has he "cleaned up" the Middle East? His four years of confused policy on that region has people in the street burning our flag and killing Americans. We had the first credit downgrade in our nation's history because he's fostered complete gridlock between the two parties with his "Fuck 'em...we have the votes!" mentality that he entered office with back in 2008.

The TRUTH is that Barack Obama has spent four years blaming everyone but himself for what's gone wrong with HIS policies. The TRUTH is that he doesn't have a plan to fix the economy...or make gas cheaper...or put people in the private sector back to work...and he sure as heck isn't doing anything to build a bipartisan approach to governing when he blames EVERYTHING that's wrong on the other side.
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Lahkota needs to take his/her blinders off.

Apparantly she/he sees nothing wrong with the way Barry is conducting business.

I wonder if the country can survive four more years of Barry boy??

That's hilarious, considering that "the country" managed to survive EIGHT years of Boy George. However, Obama is still cleaning up his mess.

What is it exactly that Barry has done to "clean up" anything? Bush's TARP is what kept the recession from turning into a depression. Obama's "stimulus" spent a trillion dollars and unemployment went UP. Has ObamaCare lowered your health care costs? It raised mine rather substantially as insurance companies passed along costs. The price of gas is through the roof and Obama has done nothing to address that issue and threatens to do things like Cap & Trade to make my electric bill just as high as my gasoline bill. Has he "cleaned up" the Middle East? His four years of confused policy on that region has people in the street burning our flag and killing Americans. We had the first credit downgrade in our nation's history because he's fostered complete gridlock between the two parties with his "Fuck 'em...we have the votes!" mentality that he entered office with back in 2008.

The TRUTH is that Barack Obama has spent four years blaming everyone but himself for what's gone wrong with HIS policies.

The TRUTH is that you're obviously dumb as a box of rocks.
Put the troll on ignore folks..or complain to the board about it..not that it will do any good
Oh steph. Surely you wouldn't try and silence a poster by complaining to the mods?
You, a rethug and your love of "free speech".

Why, you seem to be doing what you accuse the Dems of doing. How could that be?
Oh steph. Surely you wouldn't try and silence a poster by complaining to the mods?
You, a rethug and your love of "free speech".

Why, you seem to be doing what you accuse the Dems of doing. How could that be?

fine then, when they run people OFF this board they will have no one to blame but themselves...NO skin off your asses though right
That's hilarious, considering that "the country" managed to survive EIGHT years of Boy George. However, Obama is still cleaning up his mess.

What is it exactly that Barry has done to "clean up" anything? Bush's TARP is what kept the recession from turning into a depression. Obama's "stimulus" spent a trillion dollars and unemployment went UP. Has ObamaCare lowered your health care costs? It raised mine rather substantially as insurance companies passed along costs. The price of gas is through the roof and Obama has done nothing to address that issue and threatens to do things like Cap & Trade to make my electric bill just as high as my gasoline bill. Has he "cleaned up" the Middle East? His four years of confused policy on that region has people in the street burning our flag and killing Americans. We had the first credit downgrade in our nation's history because he's fostered complete gridlock between the two parties with his "Fuck 'em...we have the votes!" mentality that he entered office with back in 2008.

The TRUTH is that Barack Obama has spent four years blaming everyone but himself for what's gone wrong with HIS policies.

The TRUTH is that you're obviously dumb as a box of rocks.

No. The truth is that you don't want to accept Barrys failings. You, after almost 4yrs, still blame Bush for everything.

I think you qualify as "dumb as a box of rocks" hands down.

Grow the fuck up and take your blinders off. Barry is a big fail as POTUS. Nothing is his fault. Its all the "other" guys fault. He hasn't taken the blame for anthing since he's been in office.
What's amusingly obvious is that Lakhota CAN'T defend Barry's record and is going to respond to any serious post with insults. That says volumes about what Barack Obama has done in four years.

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