The origin of homosexuality

Too simplistic a view. 99% of honeybees will never reproduce, only the queen will. Survival is at the gene level not the individual level. I think it is safe to say that it is beneficial (or at least not harmful) to our species for a small percentage of individuals to be gay. Otherwise it would have been wiped out by evolution or cultural pressure.
99% of honeybees are drones but the queen has to be impregnated by a male. Simplistic but scientific. I don't recall if the human homosexuals claim to be drones.
99% of honeybees are drones but the queen has to be impregnated by a male. Simplistic but scientific. I don't recall if the human homosexuals claim to be drones.
I think the point was that not every individual needs to reproduce to ensure survival of the species.
99% of honeybees are drones but the queen has to be impregnated by a male. Simplistic but scientific. I don't recall if the human homosexuals claim to be drones.

99+ percent of Honeybees are female and not capable of "reproducing".

The bulk of hive population is mostly female workers and not able to reproduce, only the Queen can do such. They (female workers) will forage nectar=honey and pollinen, but that is it.

The Hive exists to serve their Queen and that is it.

As a honeybee Keeper I believe I can speak from authority on this issue.

How many hives have you kept/tended ???
In part, this may be due to birth control, this just correlates with the case that I described above, when seasoned females forbid sex to young animals. But this is hardly what it all boils down to. The population in any case is controlled by the resource on which it feeds.

Look up European mother godesses.

Who are the mother goddesses in Irish mythology?
In Irish mythology, Danu is an important mother goddess in two different ways. She is sometimes associated with the land, making her an Earth mother goddess. But, she is most often recognized as the deity from which the Tuatha Dé Danann descend; making her the mother of an otherworldly nation.
European Mother Goddesses - Exemplore - Paranormal…
the word "naturally" is not suitable here, because such animals also use it only as a surrogate

Well, if animals do it, then how can it not be natural?

Doesn't matter why they do it. The fact they do do it is important.
Look up European mother godesses.

Who are the mother goddesses in Irish mythology?
In Irish mythology, Danu is an important mother goddess in two different ways. She is sometimes associated with the land, making her an Earth mother goddess. But, she is most often recognized as the deity from which the Tuatha Dé Danann descend; making her the mother of an otherworldly nation.
European Mother Goddesses - Exemplore - Paranormal…
It's related. The cults of the mother goddess were chthonic, they worshiped the underworld.

By the way, the name Danu completely coincides with the Vedic Danu, the mother of the serpent who was killed by Indra along with the Serpent. In terms of plot, this corresponds to the Sumerian-Akkadian Tiamat.

99+ percent of Honeybees are female and not capable of "reproducing".

The bulk of hive population is mostly female workers and not able to reproduce, only the Queen can do such. They (female workers) will forage nectar=honey and pollinen, but that is it.

The Hive exists to serve their Queen and that is it.

As a honeybee Keeper I believe I can speak from authority on this issue.

How many hives have you kept/tended ???
As a matter of fact I did raise honey bees for a while. The hive is able to create a new queen if certain conditions happen. I recall that late May was the prime time for swarming and you could lose half the hive when they decide to create a new queen. The point is that mammals are not descended from insects and the primary mission of the mammal species is to reproduce. Prehistoric and historic mammal species tended to drive out and kill variations within the social network that tend to disregard the reproductive urge. Thankful for dykes on bikes and queens on beans, the United States is the most tolerant society on the planet but don't push your luck.
Prehistoric and historic mammal species tended to drive out and kill variations within the social network that tend to disregard the reproductive urge.
But many mammals reproduce only during the mating season and arrange mating games, this does not contribute to maximum fertility.

Thankful for dykes on bikes and queens on beans, the United States is the most tolerant society on the planet but don't push your luck.
I think Europe is much more tolerant than the United States. USA is a homophobic country, there is only tolerance in the media
Even Russia is in fact a more tolerant country than the United States. In Russia, they only talk, but no one does anything about counteracting these tendencies.
The origins are in the genetic makeup of the various alleles
The gay combination leads to more reproduction value In low genetic dosages
Guys would be better raising kids and better parents

At higher doses then it just makes you queer
These faulty genes persist because it leads to a far higher reproductive rate

This is only a theory
Some women are just more attracted to feminite weak males
Although there is no clarity about what exactly they take for masculine qualities. For example, a low, rude voice very often coincides with poor physical condition
In this case, masculinity and femininity converge in one person.
Although there is no clarity about what exactly they take for masculine qualities. For example, a low, rude voice very often coincides with poor physical condition
In this case, masculinity and femininity converge in one person.

A stocky muscular man provides better security and stronger offspring
I had a cat once that was exclusively homosexual. Buttons was a Persian, and when the female Persian down the hall went into heat we thought what a beautiful litter of kittens we'll have. But it was not to be. Buttons hid under the sofa, terrified of Scheherazade. When we took in a stray male a couple of months later Buttons was after Boris 24/7 in his lust for him.
The most important function of a species is reproduction. Without reproduction the species dies out. Therefore homosexuality is an abnormal condition.
As well as having sex for pleasure. And also a 'childfree' way of life
With animals, and humans as well, it is mostly likely a defective sense of smell in the case of exclusively homosexual activity; less than 10% of those claiming to be faggots are exclusively homosexual in their attractions. It's a choice for the vast majority of the deviants, a fetish and mental illness.

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