The Operative Term in "Gun Control Legislation"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I can easily come up with a dozen questions for which Biden voters will be unable to provide a cogent or even literate response.
The answer to to the thread title is clear and evident when they are stumped by this query:

What gun control laws do criminals obey?

Soooo....against whom are gun control laws directed??

2. OK, OK.....the answer to the title of the thread is the second word in the quoted phrase.
And anyone with more than a two digit IQ should have pieced that together by now.
"Wear a mask! Wear two masks!! Be less white!! No longer use any language that not authorized by the government!!!"
Obey!!!! Obey!!!!! Obey!!!!!

3.....against whom are gun control laws directed??
The most law-abiding individuals in the world. By totalitarians....Fascists, Communists, Nazis....Democrats.

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen
  1. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
  3. ( .00086%)

No group you can name is more law-abiding .00086% criminality.....especially not Biden voters, responsible for hundreds of riots during the last year alone.

4. "The Flawed Thinking Behind Biden's Gun Control Bill
During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden promised a long list of gun control regulations.

The agenda includes: classifying many semi-automatic rifles and magazines holding more than 10 bullets as Class 3 weapons (which can require nine months or more for approval and a $200 fee), national gun licensing, “red flag” laws that let judges take away people’s guns without a hearing, background checks on the private transfer of guns, and bans on some semi-automatic firearms that happen to look like military weapons.

The first gun control bill that Biden will push in his first 100 days would make gun makers and sellers civilly liable for misuse of guns they sell. That means people could sue manufacturers whenever a crime, accident, or suicide occurs with a gun.

5. Far less than 1% of guns are ever used in crimes, suicides or accidents, and when they are, it’s virtually always the result of the user’s actions. Many other products, such as motorcycles, have much higher probabilities of causing harm. The death rate per motorcycle is 0.05%; the date rate for guns is 0.008%. The latter includes murder, accidental deaths and suicides. Guns are also used defensively about 2 million times in the average year, according to the FBI. "

Democrat voters have been trained to ignore history, logic, and truth.

And it began in government school.
1. I can easily come up with a dozen questions for which Biden voters will be unable to provide a cogent or even literate response.
The answer to to the thread title is clear and evident when they are stumped by this query:

What gun control laws do criminals obey?

Soooo....against whom are gun control laws directed??

2. OK, OK.....the answer to the title of the thread is the second word in the quoted phrase.
And anyone with more than a two digit IQ should have pieced that together by now.
"Wear a mask! Wear two masks!! Be less white!! No longer use any language that not authorized by the government!!!"
Obey!!!! Obey!!!!! Obey!!!!!

3.....against whom are gun control laws directed??
The most law-abiding individuals in the world. By totalitarians....Fascists, Communists, Nazis....Democrats.

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen
  1. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
  3. ( .00086%)

No group you can name is more law-abiding .00086% criminality.....especially not Biden voters, responsible for hundreds of riots during the last year alone.

4. "The Flawed Thinking Behind Biden's Gun Control Bill
During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden promised a long list of gun control regulations.

The agenda includes: classifying many semi-automatic rifles and magazines holding more than 10 bullets as Class 3 weapons (which can require nine months or more for approval and a $200 fee), national gun licensing, “red flag” laws that let judges take away people’s guns without a hearing, background checks on the private transfer of guns, and bans on some semi-automatic firearms that happen to look like military weapons.

The first gun control bill that Biden will push in his first 100 days would make gun makers and sellers civilly liable for misuse of guns they sell. That means people could sue manufacturers whenever a crime, accident, or suicide occurs with a gun.

5. Far less than 1% of guns are ever used in crimes, suicides or accidents, and when they are, it’s virtually always the result of the user’s actions. Many other products, such as motorcycles, have much higher probabilities of causing harm. The death rate per motorcycle is 0.05%; the date rate for guns is 0.008%. The latter includes murder, accidental deaths and suicides. Guns are also used defensively about 2 million times in the average year, according to the FBI. "

Democrat voters have been trained to ignore history, logic, and truth.

And it began in government school.
Democrats are afraid of Americans.....because of their own actions.
This is why they want gun control.
They prop up and celebrate criminals while oppressing law-abiding citizens.
Of course they want to disarm us......because they fear insurrection more than any other threat.

You seem to be short a link to the actual bill itself, where is the Biden gun control bill?

You seem to be two cans short. Biden and his familiars have sworn to increase federal control where none constitutionally exists, so you can guarantee legislation will follow.
She made the claim there is a Biden gun control bill, now where is it?
1. I can easily come up with a dozen questions for which Biden voters will be unable to provide a cogent or even literate response.
The answer to to the thread title is clear and evident when they are stumped by this query:

What gun control laws do criminals obey?

Soooo....against whom are gun control laws directed??

2. OK, OK.....the answer to the title of the thread is the second word in the quoted phrase.
And anyone with more than a two digit IQ should have pieced that together by now.
"Wear a mask! Wear two masks!! Be less white!! No longer use any language that not authorized by the government!!!"
Obey!!!! Obey!!!!! Obey!!!!!

3.....against whom are gun control laws directed??
The most law-abiding individuals in the world. By totalitarians....Fascists, Communists, Nazis....Democrats.

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen
  1. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
  3. ( .00086%)

No group you can name is more law-abiding .00086% criminality.....especially not Biden voters, responsible for hundreds of riots during the last year alone.

4. "The Flawed Thinking Behind Biden's Gun Control Bill
During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden promised a long list of gun control regulations.

The agenda includes: classifying many semi-automatic rifles and magazines holding more than 10 bullets as Class 3 weapons (which can require nine months or more for approval and a $200 fee), national gun licensing, “red flag” laws that let judges take away people’s guns without a hearing, background checks on the private transfer of guns, and bans on some semi-automatic firearms that happen to look like military weapons.

The first gun control bill that Biden will push in his first 100 days would make gun makers and sellers civilly liable for misuse of guns they sell. That means people could sue manufacturers whenever a crime, accident, or suicide occurs with a gun.

5. Far less than 1% of guns are ever used in crimes, suicides or accidents, and when they are, it’s virtually always the result of the user’s actions. Many other products, such as motorcycles, have much higher probabilities of causing harm. The death rate per motorcycle is 0.05%; the date rate for guns is 0.008%. The latter includes murder, accidental deaths and suicides. Guns are also used defensively about 2 million times in the average year, according to the FBI. "

Democrat voters have been trained to ignore history, logic, and truth.

And it began in government school.
What does wearing a mask do to make a human more or less white in demographic categories?
I have yet to see any bills written or sponsored or filed by Biden for gun control. This thought crime mentality is not unusual for rabid Republicans it is just very tiring and 1984ish...She also has gotten her marching papers from her masters in the rightist media outlets because she stops nothing short of using the same bells and dog whistles they use. My only question is how much do they pay a fake Christian like you to post Asian propaganda on the Sabbath?
What gun control laws do criminals obey?

A common retort by gun nuts
Outlaw guns and only criminals will have guns.

You have to realize criminals are not too bright. That is why they repeatedly end up in prison. Having gun laws provides a means to arrest people and send felons back to prison for gun violations.
You seem to be short a link to the actual bill itself, where is the Biden gun control bill?

You seem to be two cans short. Biden and his familiars have sworn to increase federal control where none constitutionally exists, so you can guarantee legislation will follow.
She made the claim there is a Biden gun control bill, now where is it?

In the works. Don't be slow.
I see you have the 411 on the low-down brow?
What gun control laws do criminals obey?

A common retort by gun nuts
Outlaw guns and only criminals will have guns.

You have to realize criminals are not too bright. That is why they repeatedly end up in prison. Having gun laws provides a means to arrest people and send felons back to prison for gun violations.
Those laws already exist. No need for more.
6. The most succinct description of the Left, the Democrats, is this:

They lie about everything.

If you view every statement, every promise, every doctrine of theirs through that prism, you begin to understand who they are.

They want gun control legislation....after all, their voters, their constituents, are the ones using guns in criminal endeavors.

The Founders wanted citizens armed.
Guess who else agrees with that:
"... increased gun ownership is associated with less crime, not more. Poor people in the highest crime areas benefit the most from owning guns, and gun maker liability would be sure to make guns unaffordable for these individuals.

Police are important to fighting crime, but people can’t rely on them for protection. Officers virtually always arrive at the scene of a crime after the perpetrator has fled. Police know this.

When a 2016 survey by the National Association of Chiefs of Police asked 15,000 chiefs and sheriffs if law-abiding citizens should be able to buy guns for self-defense, 88% answered yes. PoliceOne surveyed its 450,000 members, and 77% answered that legally armed citizens are extremely or very important to reducing crime rates."

Democrats lie about everything.
1. I can easily come up with a dozen questions for which Biden voters will be unable to provide a cogent or even literate response.
The answer to to the thread title is clear and evident when they are stumped by this query:

What gun control laws do criminals obey?

Soooo....against whom are gun control laws directed??

2. OK, OK.....the answer to the title of the thread is the second word in the quoted phrase.
And anyone with more than a two digit IQ should have pieced that together by now.
"Wear a mask! Wear two masks!! Be less white!! No longer use any language that not authorized by the government!!!"
Obey!!!! Obey!!!!! Obey!!!!!

3.....against whom are gun control laws directed??
The most law-abiding individuals in the world. By totalitarians....Fascists, Communists, Nazis....Democrats.

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen
  1. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
  3. ( .00086%)

No group you can name is more law-abiding .00086% criminality.....especially not Biden voters, responsible for hundreds of riots during the last year alone.

4. "The Flawed Thinking Behind Biden's Gun Control Bill
During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden promised a long list of gun control regulations.

The agenda includes: classifying many semi-automatic rifles and magazines holding more than 10 bullets as Class 3 weapons (which can require nine months or more for approval and a $200 fee), national gun licensing, “red flag” laws that let judges take away people’s guns without a hearing, background checks on the private transfer of guns, and bans on some semi-automatic firearms that happen to look like military weapons.

The first gun control bill that Biden will push in his first 100 days would make gun makers and sellers civilly liable for misuse of guns they sell. That means people could sue manufacturers whenever a crime, accident, or suicide occurs with a gun.

5. Far less than 1% of guns are ever used in crimes, suicides or accidents, and when they are, it’s virtually always the result of the user’s actions. Many other products, such as motorcycles, have much higher probabilities of causing harm. The death rate per motorcycle is 0.05%; the date rate for guns is 0.008%. The latter includes murder, accidental deaths and suicides. Guns are also used defensively about 2 million times in the average year, according to the FBI. "

Democrat voters have been trained to ignore history, logic, and truth.

And it began in government school.
So private schools are cool?
There is no Biden Gun Control Bill the OP is a lie and is fabricating on the Sabbath, what a sin indeed.....If guns are to be registered when buying them then that doesn't keep you from buying all the guns you want...And thus is not a control measure it is a logistics record.
You seem to be short a link to the actual bill itself, where is the Biden gun control bill?

You seem to be two cans short. Biden and his familiars have sworn to increase federal control where none constitutionally exists, so you can guarantee legislation will follow.
She made the claim there is a Biden gun control bill, now where is it?

In the works. Don't be slow.
Right after the Durham report, eh?
You seem to be short a link to the actual bill itself, where is the Biden gun control bill?

You seem to be two cans short. Biden and his familiars have sworn to increase federal control where none constitutionally exists, so you can guarantee legislation will follow.
She made the claim there is a Biden gun control bill, now where is it?

In the works. Don't be slow.
Right after the Durham report, eh?
He will be releasing that as memoirs in 2030.
You seem to be short a link to the actual bill itself, where is the Biden gun control bill?

You seem to be two cans short. Biden and his familiars have sworn to increase federal control where none constitutionally exists, so you can guarantee legislation will follow.
She made the claim there is a Biden gun control bill, now where is it?

In the works. Don't be slow.
Right after the Durham report, eh?

Time and again we find this sort of poster, this sort of voter, celebrating the victory of evil, of corruption, of criminality.

Such self-identification is a valuable aspect of such posts.
Having gun laws provides a means to arrest people and send felons back to prison for gun violations.
Gun violations? How about Bill of Rights violations? shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in that declaration.

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