The only way to end gun violence is to ban guns completely

The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
So why are drugs illegal then?

Legalizing something makes it more wide spread and socially acceptable.

Now illicit drugs are NEVER good as where gun use can save your life.

Don't believe me? What is the number 1 drug that kills the most people?

It's alcohol, something the state sells to us.
Gun use rarely saves lives.
------------------------------------------------- all gun use has to do is save the life of the ONE gun owner that owns the Gun Crep .
If no one had guns, the violent crime rate and the homicide rate would plummet, making the necessity of owning a gun almost moot.
----------------------- ITS not a necessity , its both a choice and a RIGHT G5000 .
where does the number 10 thousand come from eh . Up until your post the number being bandied about is about 33 hundred per year G5000 ,
Seriously? How do you not know this? And since you don't know it, what are you doing in a topic about it?


Firearm homicides
  • Number of deaths: 12,979
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 4.0
So why are drugs illegal then?

Legalizing something makes it more wide spread and socially acceptable.

Now illicit drugs are NEVER good as where gun use can save your life.

Don't believe me? What is the number 1 drug that kills the most people?

It's alcohol, something the state sells to us.
Gun use rarely saves lives.
------------------------------------------------- all gun use has to do is save the life of the ONE gun owner that owns the Gun Crep .
If no one had guns, the violent crime rate and the homicide rate would plummet, making the necessity of owning a gun almost moot.
----------------------- ITS not a necessity , its both a choice and a RIGHT G5000 .
I agree. I am a big supporter of the Second Amendment.

However, I am an even bigger supporter of facts and reality.

It's a simple fact our homicide rate would plummet to a tiny fraction of what is is now if we enacted the same strict gun control of our European and Canadian friends.
where does the number 10 thousand come from eh . Up until your post the number being bandied about is about 33 hundred per year G5000 ,
Seriously? How do you not know this? And since you don't know it, what are you doing in a topic about it?


Firearm homicides
  • Number of deaths: 12,979
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 4.0
-------------------------------------- thankyou , still not a big deal in a country of about 310 million of all sorts of mongrel type people . How many people die in car accidents G5000 ??
where does the number 10 thousand come from eh . Up until your post the number being bandied about is about 33 hundred per year G5000 ,
Seriously? How do you not know this? And since you don't know it, what are you doing in a topic about it?


Firearm homicides
  • Number of deaths: 12,979
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 4.0
-------------------------------------- thankyou , still not a big deal in a country of about 310 million of all sorts of mongrel type people . How many people die in car accidents G5000 ??
"mongrel type people"?

Not a big deal? 4 out of 100,000 when our European and Canadian friends suffer a tiny fraction of that amount of homicides?

I am going to predict not one single pseuedocon smacks you for your blatantly racist post.
Legalizing something makes it more wide spread and socially acceptable.

Now illicit drugs are NEVER good as where gun use can save your life.

Don't believe me? What is the number 1 drug that kills the most people?

It's alcohol, something the state sells to us.
Gun use rarely saves lives.
------------------------------------------------- all gun use has to do is save the life of the ONE gun owner that owns the Gun Crep .
If no one had guns, the violent crime rate and the homicide rate would plummet, making the necessity of owning a gun almost moot.
----------------------- ITS not a necessity , its both a choice and a RIGHT G5000 .
I agree. I am a big supporter of the Second Amendment.

However, I am an even bigger supporter of facts and reality.

It's a simple fact our homicide rate would plummet to a tiny fraction of what is is now if we enacted the same strict gun control of our European and Canadian friends.
---------------------------- WELL yeah , i suppose but then we'd be 'subjects' and pwicks and wusses like the 'eurotypes' and the 'canooks' G5000 ,
[How many people die in car accidents G5000 ??
There's that TardLogic™ I have mocked so many times.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
So why are drugs illegal then?
Because Liberals back in the day didnt want all their dumbass voters dead on the streets.

WHO STARTED THE FAILED WAR ON DRUGS? | Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth
Here is LBJ’s message of February 7, 1968

Message of the President

To the Congress of the United States:

In my first Reorganization Plan of 1968, I call for the creation of a new and powerful Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

With this action, America will serve notice to the pusher and the peddler that their criminal acts must stop.
Today I dont give a rats ass if you liberals do all the drugs you want. When you are all dead and all the liberal babies are aborted, soon their wont be a Democrat party left, no more global warming, no more poverty, no more miserable bitches. The world will be a better place.

Do drugs please....
View attachment 228804
Totally beside the point as well as being rwnj propaganda.

Wanna answer the question this time?

What question? I didn't see any question. I saw a declarative sentence "
"The only way to end gun violence is to ban guns completely"
No question there.
Now is that the correct answer. NO.
Because millions of people will resist any organized effort to remove our guns and the effort to remove will cause even greater gun violence.
At least 15,549 people were killed by guns in 2017 Gun Deaths Increased in 2017, Gun Violence Archive Data Show

15,549 or MORE people will die in one month if there is an organized effort to remove guns.

The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.
Shocker many countries the bad guys cant guns...hence no gun crimes :).

Perhaps you can provide a list of the nations where "bad guys can't guns"?

And, while the former Soviet Union had fewer gun crimes, their homicide rate passed everyone else's during its existance. Do countries with stricter gun laws really have less crime or fewer homicides?
where does the number 10 thousand come from eh . Up until your post the number being bandied about is about 33 hundred per year G5000 ,
Seriously? How do you not know this? And since you don't know it, what are you doing in a topic about it?


Firearm homicides
  • Number of deaths: 12,979
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 4.0
-------------------------------------- thankyou , still not a big deal in a country of about 310 million of all sorts of mongrel type people . How many people die in car accidents G5000 ??
"mongrel type people"?

Not a big deal? 4 out of 100,000 when our European and Canadian friends suffer a tiny fraction of that amount of homicides?

I am going to predict not one single pseuedocon smacks you for your blatantly racist post.
----------------------------------------------- oh man --- YOU PEOPLE --- and now its racism for telling the truth . And then , maybe the 'pseudocons' recognize the truth of my statement concerning MONGREL TYPE USA population G5000 . . Anyway USA is full of mongrel types numbering about 310 million and shooting deaths are very small G5000 .
Gun nuts are myopic. They seem to think the goals of gun control are:

1) to ban all guns

2) to confiscate guns


3) to end all gun violence. Full stop

What I believe Americans want most is to make gun violence rare.

Drilling that simple idea into the fearful minds of the gun nuts is the order of the day.
----------------------------------- nothing FEARFUL at all , we don't trust you anti gun people . 'feinstein' did the assault weapon BAN and would done more if she could have gotten the votes Nosmo King
There is nothing wrong about banning assault weapons. They belong in the hands of well regulated militias, not the streets.

You are truly an idiot and apparently offer nothing but ignorance to the conversation. rest easy on ignore,
Gun nuts are myopic. They seem to think the goals of gun control are:

1) to ban all guns

2) to confiscate guns


3) to end all gun violence. Full stop

What I believe Americans want most is to make gun violence rare.

Drilling that simple idea into the fearful minds of the gun nuts is the order of the day.
----------------------------------- nothing FEARFUL at all , we don't trust you anti gun people . 'feinstein' did the assault weapon BAN and would done more if she could have gotten the votes Nosmo King
There is nothing wrong about banning assault weapons. They belong in the hands of well regulated militias, not the streets.

You are truly an idiot and apparently offer nothing but ignorance to the conversation. rest easy on ignore,
Not an argument. Only invective. A poor stance in a democracy.
Legalizing something makes it more wide spread and socially acceptable.

Now illicit drugs are NEVER good as where gun use can save your life.

Don't believe me? What is the number 1 drug that kills the most people?

It's alcohol, something the state sells to us.
Gun use rarely saves lives.
------------------------------------------------- all gun use has to do is save the life of the ONE gun owner that owns the Gun Crep .
If no one had guns, the violent crime rate and the homicide rate would plummet, making the necessity of owning a gun almost moot.
----------------------- ITS not a necessity , its both a choice and a RIGHT G5000 .
I agree. I am a big supporter of the Second Amendment.

However, I am an even bigger supporter of facts and reality.

It's a simple fact our homicide rate would plummet to a tiny fraction of what is is now if we enacted the same strict gun control of our European and Canadian friends.

wrong again

It would do nothing to stop the inflow of illegal arms and it would do nothing to stop the violence in urban areas that actually skew the murder rate of the entire country

The vast majority of the country has murder rates that are not much higher than those European socialist countries you love so much but what we do have that they don't are relatively small ultra-violent urban areas where 70% of all murders occur
There is no comparison between Morocco and the USA, Morocco is a completely different type of country. The people in Morocco are murdered by the government. There are not even close to the freedoms or population. There is no liberal activist group that promotes multiculturalism instead of their cultural heritage. If their was they wouldn’t be around too long. The real way to end gun violence is to prevent liberals from teaching and perpetuating lies and harassing and belittling people constantly.
The Only Way To End Gun Violence Is To Ban Guns Completely

Great article. Although I will point out that they missed one point. Banning guns will only mean law abiding gun owners no longer have guns,criminals will still have them because *SHOCKER* criminals don't follow laws.

The only way to ban them would be for the state to send people with guns to take them. Criminals will still have them. You cannot ban them completely. Apparently, the left wants a radical leftist government and criminals to rule over a defenseless population.

Are you also going to stop rapists or murderers from entering people's homes? If people have no guns, how are they supposed to defend themselves?

Are you going to stop terrorists and other crazy people from making bombs or setting buildings on fire to kill people?

Guns are not responsible for most murders or injuries in this country. Knives remain the number one weapon.

Only difference is that an armed populace threatens a government that wants to oppress the people by turning us into a socialist or communist country.

The government doesn't give a shit how many people get killed. The leftist radicals want a drastic population reduction. What they don't want is a country full of people willing to fight for their freedom.

Get it through your thick skull that this isn't about saving lives.

The only reason throughout history that a government wanted to disarm people is when they wanted to control them. Not a damn thing has changed.
America is the least safe country compared to many other western and undeveloped countries.
------------------------------------ SAFETY isn't the way the USA was designed . USA was designed for FREEDOM 'birber' .
Freedom my ass. You pay high taxes, you have 2 parties they fuck you over taking turns, expensive education, no health care, drug epidemic, crime epedemic, mass shootings , a whore in the white house....freedom he said.

If it is so bad, why would you stay? You tell us you lived in a wonderful peaceful place and move here to a hellhole. Why not just go home, why are you staying here?
Is not hellhoe where I live :)....its a shot show in the US overall snowflake. There are too many dead bodies from guns and that's a fact.
the vast majority of the country has quite low murder rates

Murders are concentrated in very small very definable areas and it is these small pockets of the country that have extremely high murder rates that skew the murder rate of the entire country
Thousands of deaths from guns a year is too much...everytime I watch thr news someone shot someone...unlike other countries is a lot more frequent here....even kids get their hands on guns.
------------------------------------ SAFETY isn't the way the USA was designed . USA was designed for FREEDOM 'birber' .
Freedom my ass. You pay high taxes, you have 2 parties they fuck you over taking turns, expensive education, no health care, drug epidemic, crime epedemic, mass shootings , a whore in the white house....freedom he said.

If it is so bad, why would you stay? You tell us you lived in a wonderful peaceful place and move here to a hellhole. Why not just go home, why are you staying here?
Is not hellhoe where I live :)....its a shot show in the US overall snowflake. There are too many dead bodies from guns and that's a fact.
the vast majority of the country has quite low murder rates

Murders are concentrated in very small very definable areas and it is these small pockets of the country that have extremely high murder rates that skew the murder rate of the entire country
Thousands of deaths from guns a year is too much...everytime I watch thr news someone shot someone...unlike other countries is a lot more frequent here....even kids get their hands on guns.

So we should wall off the cities..or deport all the minorities who are shooting each other.

And advise people with depression that if they shoot themselves, we will hang their families as punishment.
America is the least safe country compared to many other western and undeveloped countries.
------------------------------------ SAFETY isn't the way the USA was designed . USA was designed for FREEDOM 'birber' .
Freedom my ass. You pay high taxes, you have 2 parties they fuck you over taking turns, expensive education, no health care, drug epidemic, crime epedemic, mass shootings , a whore in the white house....freedom he said.

If it is so bad, why would you stay? You tell us you lived in a wonderful peaceful place and move here to a hellhole. Why not just go home, why are you staying here?
Is not hellhoe where I live :)....its a shot show in the US overall snowflake. There are too many dead bodies from guns and that's a fact.

One gun death is too many. I don’t know about where you have traveled in the US but 99% of the US are not hell holes however you bitch about this country all the time. Not sure why you bitch about it and then live here. Bizzare, if I dislike a place I won’t live there.
I didnt say I dislike this country, I'm just stating facts....I love it indeed because I live better than the average American...millions amongst millions live in miserable conditions( crimes, drugs, no health inssurance, obesity. No education) I'm just being honest like the way you guys love the oranges honesty.

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