The Only Freedom the Left Has Anymore


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
They seem to fear a lot of things...
Hating the Right is the Only Freedom the Left Has Anymore
The left is living under a socio-political tyranny it created, that it loves, hates and fears.
December 23, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


It's a given that the Washington Post would not have run a cartoon depicting Obama's daughters as monkeys. Or any less potentially offensive animal. Or any cartoons of them at all. For that matter doing any cartoons of Obama is potentially offensive.

Just ask super-lefty cartoonist Ted Rall who was banned from Daily Kos because someone decided his cartoons of Obama were too offensive. This is the cartoon Rall ran back then.


Or consider the calculated way Saturday Night Live has labored to avoid doing any real jokes about Obama. Depicting Hillary as a cold, stiff ruthless powermonger or George W. Bush as an illiterate moronic frat boy were one thing... but Obama couldn't really be turned into a cartoon character.

There's a larger issue here, which isn't just about race, it's about political correctness. It's about how quick the left is to purge its own for slight and trivial offenses. The left has consolidated an identity built around mutual agreement. Disagreement can be dangerous. Identity politics has hardened into a stiff brittle core which treats dissent as a threat to its own collective ego.

Political identity on the left has become narcissism. Identity politics makes the personal, political. Disagree with the group and you're attacking every individual. The hive is easily offended.

Let's take a brief peek at the comedy scene.


Many career leftists are angry and afraid. They're not afraid of Ted Cruz. They're afraid that they will say the wrong thing and lose their friends, their jobs and their whole way of life. The people around them, the entire constraining ideology, is not a safe target for their anger and fear. Ted Cruz is. So is any other Republican. Or even a politically incorrect progressive.

The left is living under a socio-political tyranny it created, that it loves, hates and fears. The worse that tyranny becomes, the more extreme their displays of hatred to us will grow.

Hating the Right is the Only Freedom the Left Has Anymore
They seem to fear a lot of things...
Hating the Right is the Only Freedom the Left Has Anymore
The left is living under a socio-political tyranny it created, that it loves, hates and fears.
December 23, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


It's a given that the Washington Post would not have run a cartoon depicting Obama's daughters as monkeys. Or any less potentially offensive animal. Or any cartoons of them at all. For that matter doing any cartoons of Obama is potentially offensive.

Just ask super-lefty cartoonist Ted Rall who was banned from Daily Kos because someone decided his cartoons of Obama were too offensive. This is the cartoon Rall ran back then.


Or consider the calculated way Saturday Night Live has labored to avoid doing any real jokes about Obama. Depicting Hillary as a cold, stiff ruthless powermonger or George W. Bush as an illiterate moronic frat boy were one thing... but Obama couldn't really be turned into a cartoon character.

There's a larger issue here, which isn't just about race, it's about political correctness. It's about how quick the left is to purge its own for slight and trivial offenses. The left has consolidated an identity built around mutual agreement. Disagreement can be dangerous. Identity politics has hardened into a stiff brittle core which treats dissent as a threat to its own collective ego.

Political identity on the left has become narcissism. Identity politics makes the personal, political. Disagree with the group and you're attacking every individual. The hive is easily offended.

Let's take a brief peek at the comedy scene.


Many career leftists are angry and afraid. They're not afraid of Ted Cruz. They're afraid that they will say the wrong thing and lose their friends, their jobs and their whole way of life. The people around them, the entire constraining ideology, is not a safe target for their anger and fear. Ted Cruz is. So is any other Republican. Or even a politically incorrect progressive.

The left is living under a socio-political tyranny it created, that it loves, hates and fears. The worse that tyranny becomes, the more extreme their displays of hatred to us will grow.

Hating the Right is the Only Freedom the Left Has Anymore

What's the last freedom you've lost?
We've got the freedom to laugh at your pathetic candidates as they crash and burn coming upon next years elections. Oh, we've also got the right to gay marriage and affordable healthcare too, in case you forgot about our most recent gains.
We've got the freedom to laugh at your pathetic candidates as they crash and burn coming upon next years elections. Oh, we've also got the right to gay marriage and affordable healthcare too, in case you forgot about our most recent gains.

Just we had the right to have GW Bush and give you Obama, you thought it would never end. Now you are going to give us all 3 branches of government for 2 years, and unlike you people, we are going to put Washington DC in a box for 100 years. You are going to have to win in the states to get power, and looking at the map, you are SOL-)
We've got the freedom to laugh at your pathetic candidates as they crash and burn coming upon next years elections. Oh, we've also got the right to gay marriage and affordable healthcare too, in case you forgot about our most recent gains.

Just we had the right to have GW Bush and give you Obama, you thought it would never end. Now you are going to give us all 3 branches of government for 2 years, and unlike you people, we are going to put Washington DC in a box for 100 years. You are going to have to win in the states to get power, and looking at the map, you are SOL-)

If you say so. Hang on to that hope as long as you can.
What really lies behind the Left's love of vulgarity?
June 19, 2017

Mark Tapson

“The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing,” declared George Washington, “is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it.” Theodore Roosevelt concurred: “Profanity is the parlance of the fool. Why curse when there is such a magnificent language with which to discourse?” The answer is that profanity is a useful substitute for discourse when one is losing a debate and needs to trump reason with passionate intensity in order to win. That is what is happening in the current degraded state of our national political conversation.

I’m not talking about the cursing that the average American citizen may do in private, which is common enough on both sides of the political fence. I’m not talking about a careless slip of the tongue during a radio interview, or being caught on an open mic letting loose with a profanity. I’m talking about an entire political party which gleefully embraces swearing in speeches and protests, on social media and clothing slogans, in news media and entertainment. I’m talking about public figures from entertainers to talk show hosts to politicians intentionally and unapologetically hurling obscenities.

It should come as no surprise that that political party is the Democratic Party, which is in the grip of the far left, and that those public figures are invariably so-called Progressives.


After the recent attempted assassination of Republican congressmen, the cry has gone up among decent people across the country for greater civility and mutual respect in our political discourse. Unfortunately that’s not going to happen because, as their obsession with obscenity demonstrates, leftists don’t value decency, civility or respectful dialogue; their aim is to derail the conversation altogether. And that’s a damned shame.

The Left's Obsession With Obscenity

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