The One Thing That Drives Leftists The Most Crazy About Orange Man Rad

I’m not a ring kisser.
Nope, but apparently you are.

I've bagged a few in my day.

You may lose your virginity at some point.

It's not all about looks.

But definitely work on your personality.

You're really hurting in that department, if I dare say so.

Just lookin out for ya. ;)
I've bagged a few in my day.

You may lose your virginity at some point.

It's not all about looks.

But definitely work on your personality.

You're really hurting in that department, if I dare say so.

Just lookin out for ya. ;)
Naw, you’re just looking for an orange asshole to kiss.

And I wouldn’t call kissing the same asshole bagging a few.

Maybe you got teabagged a couple of times.

Now more than before.

Harry Enten, CNN's election aficionado isn't saying for no reason that Trump is now in a better position than ever.

He means it.

And with each passing day, the corrupt/imbecilic Left transforms him into more and more of a folk hero.

Could Biden, or almost any other Dem for that matter, summon up support of this magnititude?

So they can tell us monotonously that there is no hope for Trump.

He can't possibly win.

Don't you know about all the indictments????

Don't you know he's a criminal, and China Joe is a good and decent man?

It's all for naught.

We know the truth.

We know they stole it in 2020.

And we know no other Republican candidate is the perfect match to meet the present moment.

And claim an epic victory for the people of this country who are tired of the propaganda, the lies, and the endless deception.

And we will persevere.


Liberals, not leftists.

People like you are a big part of why Trump will lose in 2024.

Keep up the good work, Hillbot.

Naw, you’re just looking for an orange asshole to kiss.

See, that's definitely the problem.

Your personality.

Or lack thereof.

Now - would you like to comment on the throng of screaming fans that Trump attracts almost wherever he goes?

You don't seem to want to.

For some unfathomable reason.

Beats me.
See, that's definitely the problem.

Your personality.

Or lack thereof.

Now - would you like to comment on the throng of screaming fans that Trump attracts almost wherever he goes?

You don't seem to want to.

For some unfathomable reason.

Beats me.
Cult fuckups like to scream about who kisses the ring.

BTW if I wanted to see real screaming fans I could catch a Taylor Swift concert. She has more fans.

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