The Official WWIII Thread and Poll

Where will WWIII start?

  • Middle East

    Votes: 14 50.0%
  • Ukraine

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Mexico

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • Climate Change

    Votes: 4 14.3%

  • Total voters
There's not going to be a WW3. Just not gonna happen.

Just one Brush War after another until one Country ascends to the top and takes over.

It would be us if it weren't for scum of the Earth dimocrap filth fighting us the whole way. I guess they'd like to live under Sharia Law.

We have that in common, at least. I'd like to see dimocrap scum live under Sharia Law myself.
Old Joe is in trouble politically and criminally. What have presidents done in the past when faced with such troubles? They start a big war.

So maybe all those Jewish Neocons in Joe‘s administration will conger up a nice big false flag in the eastern Mediterranean.

And they did once with blowing up the pipeline. Trying to pin it on Russia was laughable. Why would they blow up their own pipeline? If they want to to stop the flow of gas, all they had to do was push the 'STOP' button.

Doesn't matter. dimocrap scum lie and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM swears to it.

Then it's like, 'Who you gonna believe, you're lying eyes or us?"

dimocrap scum believe the media no matter what they say. It's the main, #1, major reason why they're so stupid. That, and the fact they were born with so little grey matter

One of my favorite channels updated one of their vids a few hours ago. . .

How the US & China Are Preparing to Fight Total War​

While we seem to be focused on the Middle East and Eastern Europe, once we have depleted our artillery, anti-tank and anti-air supplies, IMO? THAT, is when Chine will act. . . None of the politicians pay much attention to their Sun Tzu or Clausewitz. . . though the military commanders do. . . It probably won't come as much of a surprise to them. .


They will seriously need to throw a bunch of folks in prison. This shit just won't fly. These kids today? They know how corrupt the folks running the whole ball game are today. They just won't go. We all will be fucked, the military industrial complex, and the Anglo-American ruling elites will find all their plans are FUBAR'ed. . .


No legitimacy to the ruling classes at this point. NONE, none at all.

US Declares ‘War’

October 20, 2023

The Armed Forces Farewell and Hail for 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley and 21st Chairman General Charles Q. Brown, Sept. 29 at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Arlington, Virginia. (White House, Carlos Vazquez)

". . . .They were endorsed by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley in his post-retirement interview where he proposed adding up to $1 trillion to the current defense budget in order to create the requisite capabilities.

President Joe Biden, in his weekend interview on 60 Minutes, reiterated the dominating outlook with buoyant optimism:


This is the same country whose war-fighting record since 1975 is one win, two draws and four losses —
include Ukraine. (That tabulation excludes Granada which was a sort of scrimmage). Moreover, the U.S. stock of 155mm artillery ammunition is totally exhausted – as is that of its allies.

No Discussion
This historic strategic judgment is heavily freighted with the gravest implications for the security and well-being of the United States — and will shape global affairs in the 21st century.

Yet, it has been made in the total absence of serious debate in the country-at-large, in Congress, within the foreign policy community, in the media and — most astonishing — at the highest levels of the government as well.

The last lapse is evinced by the superficiality of the statements issued by Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Milley and their associates.

We have heard nothing in the way of a sober, rigorous explication of why and how China or Russian poses so manifest a threat as to dictate committing ourselves to an all-out confrontation.

Nor do we hear mention of alternative strategies, their pluses and minuses, nor are there candid expositions of the costs that will be incurred in their implementation. Most certainly, silence reigns as to what happens if this audacious, all-or-nothing strategy fails — in whole or in part.

The stunning rise of China along with the reemergence of Russia as a formidable power are developments apparent to attentive observers for quite some time. . . . "



July 30, 2023, BRICS Map key: Blue = Members; Light Blue = Joining on Jan. 2, 2024; Orange = Applicants; Yellow = Expressed interest in joining; Gray = No relationship with BRICS. (MathSquare, Wikimedia Commons, Dmitry Averin is author of original source image; CC BY-SA 4.0)

Shaping the World Structure

". . . The approach outlined above is worth the effort – and low costs that it entails. For it is the understandings among the three leaders (and their senior colleagues) that are of the utmost importance.

That is to say, agreed understandings as to how they view the shape and structure of world affairs, where their interests clash or converge, and how to meet the dual challenge of 1) handling those points of friction that may arise, and 2) working together to perform ‘system maintenance’ functions in both the economic and security realms.

At the moment, there is no chance that American leaders can muster the gumption, or have the vision, to set out on this course. Neither Biden and his team, nor their Republican rivals are up to it.

In truth, American leaders are psychologically and intellectually not capable of thinking seriously about the terms for sharing power with China, with Russia or with anybody else – and developing mechanisms for doing so over different timeframes.

Washington is too preoccupied with parsing the naval balance in East Asia to reflect on broad strategies. Its leaders are too complacent about the deep faults in our economic structures, and too wasteful in dissipating trillions on chimerical ventures aimed at exorcising a mythical enemy to position ourselves for a diplomatic undertaking of the sort that a self-centered America never before has faced.

A drive to revalidate its presumed virtue and singularity now impels what the U.S. does in the world. Hence, the calculated stress placed on slogans like “democracy versus autocracy.” That is a neat metaphor for the uneasy position in which Uncle Sam finds himself these days, proudly pronouncing enduring greatness from every lectern and altar in the land, pledging to uphold a standing as global No. 1 forever and ever.

But the U.S. is also constantly bumping its head against an unaccommodating reality. Instead of downsizing the monumental juggernaut or applying itself to a delicate raising of the arch, it makes repeated attempts to fit through in a vain effort to bend the world to fit its mythology. Invocation of the Concussion Protocol is in order — but nobody wants to admit that sobering truth.. . . "
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So many flashpoints, so little time!

Where will WWIII erupt in earnest?

Thankfully, one of the Biden Body Doubles has his fingers on the nuclear football’
I’m shocked, dismayed, appalled and saddened by your failure to include “pineapple.”

Not ^ to duck the question.

History will never show the location for the start of WWIII since there will be nobody left alive to write the history.

So, if I’m denied the right to vote for “pineapple” I guess I’m stuck with “other.”

Imagine being stupid enough to use this unironically.
I NEVER capitalize that word. It is meant as a most unkind insult, reserved for the scummiest scumbags on the Planet surface.

Even when I start a sentence with that word, I refuse to capitalize it.

moron. Now go ask your teacher for another silly word you can use in here in order to impress your boyfriends.
I've heard many WEF/democrats say WW3 would be a good thing because it would kill lots of white people.

The WEF that owns the democrats wants to depopulate earth and ww3 is their path to their population goal.
I NEVER capitalize that word. It is meant as a most unkind insult, reserved for the scummiest scumbags on the Planet surface.

Even when I start a sentence with that word, I refuse to capitalize it.

moron. Now go ask your teacher for another silly word you can use in here in order to impress your boyfriends.
Are you wearing your helmet?
There's not going to be a WW3. Just not gonna happen.

Just one Brush War after another until one Country ascends to the top and takes over.

It would be us if it weren't for scum of the Earth dimocrap filth fighting us the whole way. I guess they'd like to live under Sharia Law.

We have that in common, at least. I'd like to see dimocrap scum live under Sharia Law myself.
Hope you're right... But we are trading on thin ice and it's cracking all around us.
The distrust and discord within our own politics is our Achilles heel.
Those who seek power over the people rather than improve the welfare of the People by and for the People must be removed.
Those who would destroy our most cherished document the Constitution and it's Bill of Rights have no business to conduct in the hallowed halls of government.
Hope you're right... But we are trading on thin ice and it's cracking all around us.
The distrust and discord within our own politics is our Achilles heel.
Those who seek power over the people rather than improve the welfare of the People by and for the People must be removed.
Those who would destroy our most cherished document the Constitution and it's Bill of Rights have no business to conduct in the hallowed halls of government.
I agree with all of that.

And, as to WW3, if there is one it will begin right here, in this Country. Guaranteed. And it will by the fault of dims.

Like everything else bad that's ever happened to this Country, from slavery to the Civil War, to Jim Crow, to the ruination of our Cities, States Institutions, election fraud, Joe Biden, etc, etc etc; dims are behind it.
There's not going to be a WW3.
That depends on how you define it. Mutually assured destruction by major powers is very unlikely, but today's regional strives have already spread into multi-national conflicts. The question is: How much blood and treasure are these countries willing to sacrifice?
Old Joe is in trouble politically and criminally. What have presidents done in the past when faced with such troubles? They start a big war.

So maybe all those Jewish Neocons in Joe‘s administration will conger up a nice big false flag in the eastern Mediterranean.
That’s been the playbook

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