The OLDER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
This thread was created in order to attempt to fix the significant derailment of another thread without having to delete posts.

The topic of this thread is one that comes up with regularity in IP, and is also a frequent derailer of active threads so it will now have a thread of it's own which will be pinned as a "stickie".

I apologize ahead of time for the bumpy discontinuous beginnig of this, but I think it will smooth out as discussion goes on.

The topic is: The history involving the creation of Israel, the British Mandate, and the applicable actions of the UN in that history.
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The so called'67 borders were never borders.

This shit is solved with guns and jets, not panels and boards.

Not really. Duh bomb'em is old school. We live in a more civilized world now where we should abide by the rule of law.

And not try and force the rule of law retrospectively because we hate the Jews, like you do constantly. The rule of law says the arab muslims have no legal right to the west bank or Jerusalem, so why don't you shout for it to be acted on ?
The so called'67 borders were never borders.

This shit is solved with guns and jets, not panels and boards.

Not really. Duh bomb'em is old school. We live in a more civilized world now where we should abide by the rule of law.

The rule of law in this situation took account of the fact that the Arab world lost their fight every time they've fought it. In this way the rule of law can only be so charitable. The reality remains that you have to choose strong allies, fight and win, or become accustomed to living in an alien society.

So you are still stuck in the duh bomb'em mode.

While you are still stuck in the "one day we will outnumber the Jews 10 million to one and be victorious over them" until then you will lose every time because you cant agree on a common leadership so end up getting bombed year after year. One day you will realise that it is your own stupid fault that you are losing every battle, when that day comes you will find it is too late to make amends
Giving them countries to satisfy that barbarism isn't advancing anything or making a better world.

Another valid point. Thats what the West ultimately discovered when it allowed the Zionists to create their barbarous state; Zionist Israel, the cancer in the region, has grown since then and has become more and more malignant.

LINK showing that Israel is a cancer and is malignant, like the spread of islam since the end of WW1
The so called'67 borders were never borders.

This shit is solved with guns and jets, not panels and boards.

Not really. Duh bomb'em is old school. We live in a more civilized world now where we should abide by the rule of law.

And not try and force the rule of law retrospectively because we hate the Jews, like you do constantly. The rule of law says the arab muslims have no legal right to the west bank or Jerusalem, so why don't you shout for it to be acted on ?

The so called'67 borders were never borders.

This shit is solved with guns and jets, not panels and boards.

Not really. Duh bomb'em is old school. We live in a more civilized world now where we should abide by the rule of law.

The rule of law in this situation took account of the fact that the Arab world lost their fight every time they've fought it. In this way the rule of law can only be so charitable. The reality remains that you have to choose strong allies, fight and win, or become accustomed to living in an alien society.

So you are still stuck in the duh bomb'em mode.

While you are still stuck in the "one day we will outnumber the Jews 10 million to one and be victorious over them" until then you will lose every time because you cant agree on a common leadership so end up getting bombed year after year. One day you will realise that it is your own stupid fault that you are losing every battle, when that day comes you will find it is too late to make amends

That wasn't me, chief.
This shit is solved with guns and jets, not panels and boards.
Not really. Duh bomb'em is old school. We live in a more civilized world now where we should abide by the rule of law.
The rule of law in this situation took account of the fact that the Arab world lost their fight every time they've fought it. In this way the rule of law can only be so charitable. The reality remains that you have to choose strong allies, fight and win, or become accustomed to living in an alien society.
So you are still stuck in the duh bomb'em mode.

While you are still stuck in the "one day we will outnumber the Jews 10 million to one and be victorious over them" until then you will lose every time because you cant agree on a common leadership so end up getting bombed year after year. One day you will realise that it is your own stupid fault that you are losing every battle, when that day comes you will find it is too late to make amends
That wasn't me, chief.

It was, just that you wont admit it to yourself

I think at this point we can all agree that the people who decided creating Israel after WW2 was a good idea really fucked up and wouldn't do it again if they knew the shitstorm it would start.

This is one of those theoretical questions (calling for the hypothetical: "what if") where the answer is: "We'll never know now."

When I came back from Europe the first time, I had seen most of it through a 1970s version of a minds-eye; clearly not through the eyes of my father. The men and women who contributed to the WWII War effort were special, and had seen things and done things they would better left forgotten. The names and places like Monte Cassino, the Ardennes, Luzon, Normandy, Arnhem, Bastogne, provoked different memories for me then it did for them. The Battle of Bataan and Corregidor, Midway and Leyte Gulf --- all mean something more to them --- then it will ever will for me. They tackled and triumphed over two most powerful and ruthless military machines ever assembled.

It is very difficult for me to guess what, as Tom Brokaw called them, the "Greatest Generation" would have thought about the today's plight of the Jewish People and the arrogance of the Arab-Palestinian, in an attempt to defy the establishment of a Jewish National Home, and engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the decision of the UN and the Allied Powers. I'm not sure how the would react to the complaints of the Arab Palestinian People given that many of the key leaders that fought to overrun Israel support the NAZIs. The policy of the day, was deNAZIfication.

When COL William Quinn, ACofS G-2 was compiling the CIC reports one finding in Dachau, he wrote these words:

Given that the two leads of the Arab-Palestinian Resistance Militia Units (Holy War Army and Arab Liberation Army) were both NAZIs: (i) Hasan Salama, a special commando unit of the Waffen SS in Operation ATLAS, which was jointly operated by German Intelligence and Grand Mufti al-Husseini; (ii) Fawzi al-Qawuqi, was a Colonel in the Wehrmacht. Even the Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husayni, an Arab nationalist, opponent to the establishment of a Jewish National Home, and future First President of the All Palestine Government, had direct ties to NAZI Germany, and the Führer.

Yes, it would be hard to say if they would choose the Jewish side --- or --- Arab-Palestinian side that was a former enemy element (Germany was still Occupied by Allied Forces).

Most Respectfully,
"today's plight of the Jewish People and the arrogance of the Arab-Palestinian, in an attempt to defy the establishment of a Jewish National Home"

That's the most biased nonsense I've ever seen.

It is true though, and anyone who is not brainwashed can see it as reality
Back to my original point, this "plight" of the Jewish people and anger at the "arrogant" Palestinians wouldn't exist if the creators of Israel had opted out instead of creating the country. If they had know the insane religious clusterfuck it would create, they never would have done it.
Israelis love this bullshit, themselves being religious clusterfuckers.

I think at this point we can all agree that the people who decided creating Israel after WW2 was a good idea really fucked up and wouldn't do it again if they knew the shitstorm it would start.

This is one of those theoretical questions (calling for the hypothetical: "what if") where the answer is: "We'll never know now."

When I came back from Europe the first time, I had seen most of it through a 1970s version of a minds-eye; clearly not through the eyes of my father. The men and women who contributed to the WWII War effort were special, and had seen things and done things they would better left forgotten. The names and places like Monte Cassino, the Ardennes, Luzon, Normandy, Arnhem, Bastogne, provoked different memories for me then it did for them. The Battle of Bataan and Corregidor, Midway and Leyte Gulf --- all mean something more to them --- then it will ever will for me. They tackled and triumphed over two most powerful and ruthless military machines ever assembled.

It is very difficult for me to guess what, as Tom Brokaw called them, the "Greatest Generation" would have thought about the today's plight of the Jewish People and the arrogance of the Arab-Palestinian, in an attempt to defy the establishment of a Jewish National Home, and engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the decision of the UN and the Allied Powers. I'm not sure how the would react to the complaints of the Arab Palestinian People given that many of the key leaders that fought to overrun Israel support the NAZIs. The policy of the day, was deNAZIfication.

When COL William Quinn, ACofS G-2 was compiling the CIC reports one finding in Dachau, he wrote these words:

Given that the two leads of the Arab-Palestinian Resistance Militia Units (Holy War Army and Arab Liberation Army) were both NAZIs: (i) Hasan Salama, a special commando unit of the Waffen SS in Operation ATLAS, which was jointly operated by German Intelligence and Grand Mufti al-Husseini; (ii) Fawzi al-Qawuqi, was a Colonel in the Wehrmacht. Even the Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husayni, an Arab nationalist, opponent to the establishment of a Jewish National Home, and future First President of the All Palestine Government, had direct ties to NAZI Germany, and the Führer.

Yes, it would be hard to say if they would choose the Jewish side --- or --- Arab-Palestinian side that was a former enemy element (Germany was still Occupied by Allied Forces).

Most Respectfully,


Once again RoccoR descends into spouting drivel, whilest simultaneously trying to create sympathy by invoking the Holocaust and "NAZI" Arabs. Are you taking lessons from Phoney? It's embarassing.

Had you bothered to do even a modicum of research, you would have discovered that ATLAS was an Abwehr operation, nothing at all to do with the SS, the unit was composed of ex-Brandenburg Regiment German soldiers who were born in Palestine amongst the Templar community of slighly whacko Protestant Christian "millenials", the two Muslims involved Hasan Salama and Abdul Latif were never Nazis.

Fawzi al-Qawuqi was given a colonel's rank for propaganda purposes, but never swore any German military oath, nor did he declare any allegience to Hitler. Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husayni's "ties" to Hitler consisted of one 90 minute meeting during which a photo was taken.
teddyearp, et al,

Yes, many people have ask that question.

In moves like this, there is a developed scenario to be told as cover for the action (in fact we actually say "cover for action"), and then there is the actual disguised intent (cover for status).

Actually, the question I have is how did Egypt and Jordan Occupy Palestinian land? Neither of them were at war with Palestine.

True, they were not, so why did they do it? Or are you denying that they did?

First, TransJordan sent a communiqué to the Secretary General to set the conditions for the Public Face:

On 29 April 48, TransJordan stated in part: "Any warlike decision or action on the part of Transjordan will undoubtedly be the cause of the gravest censure by the Security Council and the entire United Nations as a possible threat to peace."
The content here was to plant the idea that TransJordan doesn't want to take interfering military action. And that TransJordan know that the General Assembly and the Security Council will take a dim view of such an action. That only some exceptional circumstances would make this necessary.

On the morning of 16 May 48, TransJordan (a day after forces cross the departure line), and states in part: "we were compelled to enter Palestine to protect unarmed Arabs against massacres."
This changes the issue from military intervention to a humanitarian mission; designed to save lives and restore order

Similarly, the Egyptians sent a communiqué to the Secretary General and the Security explaining why Egyptian forces intervened into the territory formerly under the Mandate. The response to Security Council inquiries were carefully crafted and embedded with two messages:

The Egyptian Government have declared that their regular forces have entered Palestine with the object of putting an end to the massacres perpetrated by the terrorist Zionist bands against Arabs and against humanity and of safeguarding the lives and property of the inhabitants.

Had the Arab states not intervened with their armed forces when Britain relinquished the mandate, these well trained Zionist bands spread all over Palestine would have annihilated hundreds of thousands of Palestine Arabs who form the vast majority of the inhabitants.

The first part of the message says that Egypt is only interested in engaging the Terrorist Zionist Bands (TZB). The second part of the message communicates the idea that military intervention was an absolute necessity; and that this force was responsible for saving the lives of may thousands of Arab Palestinians.

While everyone understand that the Egyptian Military Administration was the quasi-governorate, the political cover was that the Arab Palestinians were in charge of governing (in the form of the All Palestinian Government), the Gaza Strip (Annexation via a domestic puppet government).

Jordan opted to use Annexation as the means to incorporate the territory of the West Bank into the domain of a TransJordan. Jordan established a Parliament comprised of Palestinian Arabs of the West Bank and Jordanians; they were equally represented. This combined Parliament unanimously approved the annexation of the West Bank. The stated purpose of which was to halt further progress of Zionist expansion.

In both case, albeit by different methods, the Arab Palestinian exercised their "right to self-determination." This elevates the appearance of coercion, expansionism or unilateralism.

Most Respectfully,
Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, in an odd sort of way, our from P F Tinmore is correct.

No instrumentality created the Jewish State of Israel.

The Mandate did not create a Jewish state. The UN did not create a Jewish state. The only thing created was a never ending war.

ANSWER: The right of self-determination via the declarative method to establish political existence of the state and its independence. This was similar to the method use to create America (Declaration of Independence).

And many shake their head and say, well "how can this be." Each of the major political instrument used by the Council of the League, the Allied Powers, and the UN, set conditions which allowed the creation of the modern State of Israel. The instruments tell us the procedure, until finally, the UN adopts the Preparatory Steps to Independence, which the Jewish Agency accepted and followed (barring outside Arab interference); but which the Arab Palestinians rejected and declined to follow.

This allowed the Jewish People, under Article I of the UN Charter, to declare Independence on the moment the UK Mandate ended and the UN Palestine Commission (UNPC) became the successor government. But the UNPC had been working all along with the Jewish Representative to achieve that moment.

Most Respectfully,
First, TransJordan sent a communiqué to the Secretary General to set the conditions for the Public Face:

On 29 April 48, TransJordan stated in part: "Any warlike decision or action on the part of Transjordan will undoubtedly be the cause of the gravest censure by the Security Council and the entire United Nations as a possible threat to peace."

...and now RoccoR resorts to gross misrepresentation, if not outright untruth. From his own link:

The following telegram was sent today by the Consular Commission in Jerusalem to the President of the Security Council:

"President of the Security Council:

"Commission on 28 April sent to H.M. King Abdullah Ibn Hussein of Transjordan telegram signed by Chairman as follows: The Security Council Truce Commission for Palestine has been informed that the Government of Transjordan has decided upon a general mobilization and the Transjordan forces will shortly march across the Palestine frontiers. As Your Majesty is aware, the United Nations General Assembly at this time is discussing the question of Palestine, moreover, the Security Council, acting in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, is at present considering the problem of the maintenance of peace in the country and has created this Truce Commission for the purpose of bringing about a truce from hostilities in the Holy Land. Any warlike decision or action on the part of Transjordan will undoubtedly be the cause of the gravest censure by the Security Council and the entire United Nations as a possible threat to peace. Accordingly the Security Council Truce Commission for Palestine urges your Majesty in the strongest terms to abstain from any military decisions or acts which may be under contemplation by your Majesty's Government."

The Consular Commission was established by the Security Council on 23 April, composed of the consular representatives of Belgium, France, and the US in Jerusalem, to report to the Security Council on the truce situation in Palestine."
Press Release PAL/162 of 29 April 1948

This is a communique FROM the UN TO Transjordan threatening Abdullah in order to make him abstain from any military decisions and has nothing whatsoever to do with the subsequent declaration by Abdullah, the last part of which is enlightening in itself.

"Secretary-General we were compelled to enter Palestine to protect unarmed Arabs against massacres similar to those of Deir Yasin. We are aware of our national duty towards Palestine in general and Jerusalem in particular and also Nazareth and Bethlehem. Be sure that we shall be very considerate in connection with Jews in Palestine and while maintaining at the same time the full rights of the Arabs in Palestine. Zionism did not react to our offers made before the entry of armed forces."
Transjordan army entry into Palestine - Cable from King Abdullah, Press release (16 May 1948)
Challenger, et al,

Two points I would like to make.

I supplied the link to the document Communique twice, so that it was easily referenced. And the quote was exact. In every Special Theater operations, especially in the Middle East, there is a bit of truth.

I did not misrepresent anything. HM made a very good plan and craftily wired cable. I take great exception, given that I gave all references and explained the plan in detail.

I'm surprised that you would make such an accusation. Is that all you can do.

Preparatory Steps to Independence,

What exactly are these specifically and where can I find them within U.N. documents?


The "Steps Preparatory to Independence" are to be found in easily Resolution 181 (II). Future government of Palestine, Part I - Section B; 29 November 1948.

In the official media release by the UN and UNPC, Press Release PAL/169 17 May 1948, said in part:

During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."
Most Respectfully,
First, TransJordan sent a communiqué to the Secretary General to set the conditions for the Public Face:

On 29 April 48, TransJordan stated in part: "Any warlike decision or action on the part of Transjordan will undoubtedly be the cause of the gravest censure by the Security Council and the entire United Nations as a possible threat to peace."

...and now RoccoR resorts to gross misrepresentation, if not outright untruth. From his own link:

The following telegram was sent today by the Consular Commission in Jerusalem to the President of the Security Council:

"President of the Security Council:

"Commission on 28 April sent to H.M. King Abdullah Ibn Hussein of Transjordan telegram signed by Chairman as follows: The Security Council Truce Commission for Palestine has been informed that the Government of Transjordan has decided upon a general mobilization and the Transjordan forces will shortly march across the Palestine frontiers. As Your Majesty is aware, the United Nations General Assembly at this time is discussing the question of Palestine, moreover, the Security Council, acting in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, is at present considering the problem of the maintenance of peace in the country and has created this Truce Commission for the purpose of bringing about a truce from hostilities in the Holy Land. Any warlike decision or action on the part of Transjordan will undoubtedly be the cause of the gravest censure by the Security Council and the entire United Nations as a possible threat to peace. Accordingly the Security Council Truce Commission for Palestine urges your Majesty in the strongest terms to abstain from any military decisions or acts which may be under contemplation by your Majesty's Government."

The Consular Commission was established by the Security Council on 23 April, composed of the consular representatives of Belgium, France, and the US in Jerusalem, to report to the Security Council on the truce situation in Palestine."
Press Release PAL/162 of 29 April 1948

This is a communique FROM the UN TO Transjordan threatening Abdullah in order to make him abstain from any military decisions and has nothing whatsoever to do with the subsequent declaration by Abdullah, the last part of which is enlightening in itself.

"Secretary-General we were compelled to enter Palestine to protect unarmed Arabs against massacres similar to those of Deir Yasin. We are aware of our national duty towards Palestine in general and Jerusalem in particular and also Nazareth and Bethlehem. Be sure that we shall be very considerate in connection with Jews in Palestine and while maintaining at the same time the full rights of the Arabs in Palestine. Zionism did not react to our offers made before the entry of armed forces."
Transjordan army entry into Palestine - Cable from King Abdullah, Press release (16 May 1948)

You have just reinforced what RoccoR has posted in your lame attempt at attacking Israel, the Jews and anyone that supports them. Your handlers will be letting you go if you keep on doing this.
Challenger, et al,

Two points I would like to make.

I supplied the link to the document Communique twice, so that it was easily referenced. And the quote was exact. In every Special Theater operations, especially in the Middle East, there is a bit of truth.

I did not misrepresent anything. HM made a very good plan and craftily wired cable. I take great exception, given that I gave all references and explained the plan in detail.

I'm surprised that you would make such an accusation. Is that all you can do.

Preparatory Steps to Independence,

What exactly are these specifically and where can I find them within U.N. documents?


The "Steps Preparatory to Independence" are to be found in easily Resolution 181 (II). Future government of Palestine, Part I - Section B; 29 November 1948.

In the official media release by the UN and UNPC, Press Release PAL/169 17 May 1948, said in part:

During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."
Most Respectfully,
Rocco, neither of your links mention Israel.

to the United Kingdom, as the mandatory Power for Palestine, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union set out below;

Requests that

(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;

A/RES/181(II) of 29 November 1947

Where did the UN get the authority to divide a country and set up governments against the wishes of the people?


What measures did the Security Council take to implement the plan?

Challenger, et al,

Two points I would like to make.

I supplied the link to the document Communique twice, so that it was easily referenced. And the quote was exact. In every Special Theater operations, especially in the Middle East, there is a bit of truth.

I did not misrepresent anything. HM made a very good plan and craftily wired cable. I take great exception, given that I gave all references and explained the plan in detail.

I'm surprised that you would make such an accusation. Is that all you can do.

Preparatory Steps to Independence,

What exactly are these specifically and where can I find them within U.N. documents?


The "Steps Preparatory to Independence" are to be found in easily Resolution 181 (II). Future government of Palestine, Part I - Section B; 29 November 1948.

In the official media release by the UN and UNPC, Press Release PAL/169 17 May 1948, said in part:

During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."
Most Respectfully,
Rocco, neither of your links mention Israel.

to the United Kingdom, as the mandatory Power for Palestine, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union set out below;

Requests that

(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;

A/RES/181(II) of 29 November 1947

Where did the UN get the authority to divide a country and set up governments against the wishes of the people?


What measures did the Security Council take to implement the plan?


It didn't as that was just a recommendation of what the UN wanted to see.

None as they could not implement the plan not being authorised to do so.

Because Israel did not exist until may 15 1948 so could not be mentioned by that name. But it could be referred to by Jewish National Home or Jewish Palestine.
Challenger, et al,

Two points I would like to make.

I supplied the link to the document Communique twice, so that it was easily referenced. And the quote was exact. In every Special Theater operations, especially in the Middle East, there is a bit of truth.

I did not misrepresent anything. HM made a very good plan and craftily wired cable. I take great exception, given that I gave all references and explained the plan in detail.

I'm surprised that you would make such an accusation. Is that all you can do.

Preparatory Steps to Independence,

What exactly are these specifically and where can I find them within U.N. documents?


The "Steps Preparatory to Independence" are to be found in easily Resolution 181 (II). Future government of Palestine, Part I - Section B; 29 November 1948.

In the official media release by the UN and UNPC, Press Release PAL/169 17 May 1948, said in part:

During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."
Most Respectfully,
Rocco, neither of your links mention Israel.

to the United Kingdom, as the mandatory Power for Palestine, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union set out below;

Requests that

(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;

A/RES/181(II) of 29 November 1947

Where did the UN get the authority to divide a country and set up governments against the wishes of the people?


What measures did the Security Council take to implement the plan?

When was Palestine ever a country?

I supplied the link to the document Communique twice, so that it was easily referenced. And the quote was exact. In every Special Theater operations, especially in the Middle East, there is a bit of truth.

I did not misrepresent anything. HM made a very good plan and craftily wired cable. I take great exception, given that I gave all references and explained the plan in detail.

I'm surprised that you would make such an accusation. Is that all you can do.

Having read your links it became abundantly clear you were making things up to support your pet theory.

Your quote:

First, TransJordan sent a communiqué to the Secretary General to set the conditions for the Public Face:

On 29 April 48, TransJordan stated in part: "Any warlike decision or action on the part..."

is obviously false, since it is evident the communique came FROM the U.N. and was sent TO Abdullah not the other way round. If deliberate, this is a gross misrepresentation of the facts. In fact the Arab League declaration preceeds Abdullah's response by a day, making Abdullah's response irrellevant. trying to convert this into some 'crafty plan to cover his invasion' is pure nonsense. ODS HOME PAGE

Oh, thanks for the link on "Steps Preparatory to Independence"; the way you keep writing it with capitalisation, I thought there was some standard procedure within international law for any countries attempting to gain independance, as opposed to something specific to the plan proposed in Res 181


This is one of those theoretical questions (calling for the hypothetical: "what if") where the answer is: "We'll never know now."

When I came back from Europe the first time, I had seen most of it through a 1970s version of a minds-eye; clearly not through the eyes of my father. The men and women who contributed to the WWII War effort were special, and had seen things and done things they would better left forgotten. The names and places like Monte Cassino, the Ardennes, Luzon, Normandy, Arnhem, Bastogne, provoked different memories for me then it did for them. The Battle of Bataan and Corregidor, Midway and Leyte Gulf --- all mean something more to them --- then it will ever will for me. They tackled and triumphed over two most powerful and ruthless military machines ever assembled.

It is very difficult for me to guess what, as Tom Brokaw called them, the "Greatest Generation" would have thought about the today's plight of the Jewish People and the arrogance of the Arab-Palestinian, in an attempt to defy the establishment of a Jewish National Home, and engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the decision of the UN and the Allied Powers. I'm not sure how the would react to the complaints of the Arab Palestinian People given that many of the key leaders that fought to overrun Israel support the NAZIs. The policy of the day, was deNAZIfication.

When COL William Quinn, ACofS G-2 was compiling the CIC reports one finding in Dachau, he wrote these words:

Given that the two leads of the Arab-Palestinian Resistance Militia Units (Holy War Army and Arab Liberation Army) were both NAZIs: (i) Hasan Salama, a special commando unit of the Waffen SS in Operation ATLAS, which was jointly operated by German Intelligence and Grand Mufti al-Husseini; (ii) Fawzi al-Qawuqi, was a Colonel in the Wehrmacht. Even the Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husayni, an Arab nationalist, opponent to the establishment of a Jewish National Home, and future First President of the All Palestine Government, had direct ties to NAZI Germany, and the Führer.

Yes, it would be hard to say if they would choose the Jewish side --- or --- Arab-Palestinian side that was a former enemy element (Germany was still Occupied by Allied Forces).

Most Respectfully,
"today's plight of the Jewish People and the arrogance of the Arab-Palestinian, in an attempt to defy the establishment of a Jewish National Home"

That's the most biased nonsense I've ever seen.

It is true though, and anyone who is not brainwashed can see it as reality
Back to my original point, this "plight" of the Jewish people and anger at the "arrogant" Palestinians wouldn't exist if the creators of Israel had opted out instead of creating the country. If they had know the insane religious clusterfuck it would create, they never would have done it.
Israelis love this bullshit, themselves being religious clusterfuckers.

Go Fuck Yourself
What, you think that "If [the creators of Israel] had know[n] the insane religious clusterfuck it would create, they never would have [created the country]?

This doesn't sound like Israeli history.
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