The official 'Black Deaths Matter' Thread.

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You and IM2 are a joke. You have stated time and again that it is White Supremacists that are doing the KILLING in the inner cities and now you try this lame flip flop? You are busted try being honest for once.

No. There are around 18 thousand murders each year in the USA. So of course some with be black.

But you ignore the violence in your own community. If you are worried about murder then why aren't posting about the many white people who are murdered by whites ?
Oh so now you are at least admitting that SOME of the murders are by black shooters. We're making some progress that's good! :113:
Oh so now you are at least admitting that SOME of the murders are by black shooters. We're making some progress that's good! :113:
I have NEVER denied that some murders are black. My point is why do you care ? And why don’t you care about white girls who killed and molested by white men ?
People have lost their jobs over that highly toxic phrase!! :eek: You have to make a big donation to BLM to atone for such racism!!
Oh shit. Don’t you just hate it when that happens?

Edited out profanity. Gentle reminder this forum went Zone1 on Sunday. BackAgain
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The highest suicide rates (per 100,000) in the US are among white males (25.4), followed by Native American/Alaska Natives (14.6), and Black males (12.6).

In 2020, 45,979 people died from suicide. 5,824 were not white.

40,155 whites killed themselves.

In 2020, approximately 8,600 blacks were killed. 7,700 were killed by another black person.

5 times more whites killed themselves than blacks who killed another black person.

110 whites per day are killing themselves but you want to talk about black deaths and dare to fake self-righteousness with your lies about blacks here not caring because we refuse to let you use the death of that child to spew your racist filth. How about you go do something about the massive white death problem?
The highest suicide rates (per 100,000) in the US are among white males (25.4), followed by Native American/Alaska Natives (14.6), and Black males (12.6).

In 2020, 45,979 people died from suicide. 5,824 were not white.

40,155 whites killed themselves.

In 2020, approximately 8,600 blacks were killed. 7,700 were killed by another black person.

5 times more whites killed themselves than blacks who killed another black person.

110 whites per day are killing themselves but you want to talk about black deaths and dare to fake self-righteousness with your lies about blacks here not caring because we refuse to let you use the death of that child to spew your racist filth. How about you go do something about the massive white death problem?

I've got a question. Why do you want to talk about ANYTHING other than Serenity Broughton's death? Or black on black violence in general.
The highest suicide rates (per 100,000) in the US are among white males (25.4), followed by Native American/Alaska Natives (14.6), and Black males (12.6).

In 2020, 45,979 people died from suicide. 5,824 were not white.

40,155 whites killed themselves.

In 2020, approximately 8,600 blacks were killed. 7,700 were killed by another black person.

5 times more whites killed themselves than blacks who killed another black person.

110 whites per day are killing themselves but you want to talk about black deaths and dare to fake self-righteousness with your lies about blacks here not caring because we refuse to let you use the death of that child to spew your racist filth. How about you go do something about the massive white death problem?
If this concerns you, then start a White Lives Matter thread. Very simple. Have a nice day IM2!
Do something about white deaths son.
If this concerns you, then start a White Lives Matter thread. Very simple. Have a nice day IM2!
Nope. I'm posting the white deaths here to show how fake and full of crap you are.
The facts are that black lives don't matter to people like Paul or IM2 ... unless they're killed by someone white, a cop or both. That's why I don't say black lives matter but black killers matter. If they was killed by Tyrone Washington instead of a police officer, would Paul or IM2 even know the names George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner or Freddie Gray? Very likely not, but they'll use their names to justify their positions about systemic racism and all kinds of societal issues in this country.
I don't know how you can say "the facts are" - You do not know these people on a person level and have no idea of the feelings and emotions they experience when someone black is killed. Black people in my church and community grieve and mourn together, pray together and have a deep shared sense of loss each time they hear of another death.

In this country, black folks were lynched and nobody knew their name, black folks were burned to death in their homes and nobody knew their name, escaping slaves were hunted down by the police force that was created to return them to their masters or kill them and nobody knew their name. I tire, as do my black neighbors and friends, of seeing videos of blacks being killed, but at least now we and everyone else CAN see, CAN know their names, and hopefully CAN honor them by saying those names out loud.

Just my perspective.
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