The Obama's SCotUS comment: Liberals give The Obama another pass

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
"Ultimately, I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said.
Obama: Court Striking Down Obamacare Would Be Judicial Activism | RealClearPolitics

First -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie about Obamacare being passed with a "strong majority of a democratically elected Congress"?

Second -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His inane assertion regarding the impropriety of the court striking a law that was so passed?

Third -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie that doing so would be unprecedented and extraordinary?
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I believe the Supreme court will rule along party lines and that is very scary. Who was it that compared the mandate with broccoli? If you eat broccolli or not will not affect me finacially. If you pay for your medical care or not will affect me financially.
It was passed if 50 years late. If it is repealed we will never have another change for healthcare reform and millions will continue to suffer and die. How can we put a price on human life? "Let them die"? is the radical right wing plan.
I believe the Supreme court will rule along party lines and that is very scary. Who was it that compared the mandate with broccoli? If you eat broccolli or not will not affect me finacially. If you pay for your medical care or not will affect me financially.
It was passed if 50 years late. If it is repealed we will never have another change for healthcare reform and millions will continue to suffer and die. How can we put a price on human life? "Let them die"? is the radical right wing plan.
Um... I don't see an answer to the questions I posed.
"Ultimately, I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said.
Obama: Court Striking Down Obamacare Would Be Judicial Activism | RealClearPolitics

First -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie about Obamacare being passed with a "strong majority of a democratically elected Congress"?

Second -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His inane assertion regarding the impropriety of the court striking a law that was so passed?

Third -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie that doing so would be unprecedented and extraordinary?

They're not "liberals" they're mentally deranged lunatics with no concept of time, work ethic or money...
I believe the Supreme court will rule along party lines and that is very scary. Who was it that compared the mandate with broccoli? If you eat broccolli or not will not affect me finacially. If you pay for your medical care or not will affect me financially.
It was passed if 50 years late. If it is repealed we will never have another change for healthcare reform and millions will continue to suffer and die. How can we put a price on human life? "Let them die"? is the radical right wing plan.

I don't know how old you are, but in years before the ObamaCare, did you see the streets riddled with bodies of the uninsured? I'm getting up there and I didn't. Matter of fact I know people who had no insurance at all and were cared for and they didn't let them die.
I believe the Supreme court will rule along party lines and that is very scary. Who was it that compared the mandate with broccoli? If you eat broccolli or not will not affect me finacially. If you pay for your medical care or not will affect me financially.
It was passed if 50 years late. If it is repealed we will never have another change for healthcare reform and millions will continue to suffer and die. How can we put a price on human life? "Let them die"? is the radical right wing plan.

Your a fucking idiot.
Attorney General Eric Holder, in response to a court order to explain whether the administration thinks judges can overturn federal laws following Obama's warning to the Supreme Court over the health law case, says: 'We respect the decisions made by the courts since Marbury v. Madison... Courts have final say.'

looks like the AG...OBAMA's AG, disagrees with him.
One can only imagine the screaming and yelling from the left if a Republican President had said such things.

But, their Secular Messiah?

They obviously don't care that He lied to everyone. Not in the slightest.
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I believe the Supreme court will rule along party lines and that is very scary. Who was it that compared the mandate with broccoli? If you eat broccolli or not will not affect me finacially. If you pay for your medical care or not will affect me financially.
It was passed if 50 years late. If it is repealed we will never have another change for healthcare reform and millions will continue to suffer and die. How can we put a price on human life? "Let them die"? is the radical right wing plan.

you know.....thousands of kids suffer cold winters without winter maybe there should be a law that all coat manufacturers must offer coats for free.

Many children go hungry...maybe there should be a mandate that all gorcers give out food for free to children.

Here in the US we have the consitution...and to follow it means thaty we cant always do the "noble thing" for if we always did the "noble" thing, we would become a socialistic society.....

But the tradeoff we have is freedom of choice, liberty and the right to do what we want with our lives.

So to use the argument that "millions will suffer"....whereas it has some holds true with everything in life....

I mean...what good is affordable healthcare for all if many of those people are starving to death? Freezing to death? So what would be next?

Already we are hearting about how SEX is an issue....lmfao.....that seems to be more important than winter coats for all....but I digress.
"Ultimately, I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said.
Obama: Court Striking Down Obamacare Would Be Judicial Activism | RealClearPolitics

First -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie about Obamacare being passed with a "strong majority of a democratically elected Congress"?

Second -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His inane assertion regarding the impropriety of the court striking a law that was so passed?

Third -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie that doing so would be unprecedented and extraordinary?

Did you hear Jay Carney respond to it today?

He actually said that what the Presient said was that he will repect the decision the court decides....and in no way was saying that it may be political activism....

The way he put it was something like...

'what he said yesterday and on Monday...."

As if they were the exact same thing.

And the media?

All shook their heads with approval and didnt say "but he said something completely different" are missing the most important part.

You are comparing conservative commentators to the Prersident of the United States.

Commentators will always offer their opinion...they are paid to do so.

The President of the United States is supposed to believe in the 3 branch system. He should never criticize it.

If he does not believe the system works properly, then how can we be confident that he can preside proiperly?

Woiuld you hire a man as COO if he made it clear that he did not believe in your product?
I believe the Supreme court will rule along party lines and that is very scary.

It will rule along constitutional lines, which will end Obama's Fascist Care.

There are 5 constitutionalists and 4 anti-constitutionalists on the court. Marxist Ginsburg will vote to keep it. Kagan will vote to keep it. Sotomayor will vote however Kagan tells her to vote. Breyer will vote to sustain fascist care.

The other 5 will follow the United States Constitution and strike it down.
looks like the AG...OBAMA's AG, disagrees with him.

It was a trial balloon by Obama, to see if the public would let him overrule the court, like he overruled congress.

Obama is testing whether he has absolute power. It's close, but not yet. No doubt Ginsburg and Kagan would rule that it's constitutional for Obama to declare himself dictator for life. (With Sotomayor ruling "duh, whatever she said.")

NO liberal/leftist/Democrat will rise to the occasion and take The Onama to task for his lies and inanity?


One then can only conclude that they are OK with such things, so long as they come from their Secular Messiah.

NO liberal/leftist/Democrat will rise to the occasion and take The Onama to task for his lies and inanity?


One then can only conclude that they are OK with such things, so long as they come from their Secular Messiah.

Leftists fully support Obama as absolute dictator, abolishing all courts and congress, relying only on his word as the law.

NO liberal/leftist/Democrat will rise to the occasion and take The Onama to task for his lies and inanity?


One then can only conclude that they are OK with such things, so long as they come from their Secular Messiah.

Leftists fully support Obama as absolute dictator, abolishing all courts and congress, relying only on his word as the law.

It is difficult to support any other conclusion.
"Ultimately, I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said.
Obama: Court Striking Down Obamacare Would Be Judicial Activism | RealClearPolitics

First -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie about Obamacare being passed with a "strong majority of a democratically elected Congress"?

Second -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His inane assertion regarding the impropriety of the court striking a law that was so passed?

Third -- why don't you liberals take The Obama to task for His lie that doing so would be unprecedented and extraordinary?

I agree with you, though I don't agree with your broad brush used to generalize, nor do I care for your possible inability to realize the right does the exact same kind of stuff when they're running's freakin politics.

I never liked this particular health-care law, it benefits insurance companies more than anyone else.

But again, the right is still offering more of the same. Corporate shills aplenty.

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