The Obama's official portraits were just unveiled and they look ridiculous.


Obama is floating in flowers and Michelle doesn't even look like Michelle.

They CLEARLY picked artists based on anything but talent.
I agree

The Obama portrait is not bad.......but the background is horrendous

Michele's portrait looks good but looks like another black woman
Oh! Look! Something new for the low brows to tease the Obamas about!
If disliking this shit is low brow, count me in as very low brow.

image paintings - Google Search"Kehinde+Wiley"&lr=&as_qdr=all&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjj1-aL4KHZAhWNNd8KHe3EA8kQsAQIJw&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=_W4F0KyCZWowVM:

You libtard retreads of primitivism in art are just stroking your egos like your gonna get a nut or sumpin.
Oh! Look! Something new for the low brows to tease the Obamas about!
If disliking this shit is low brow, count me in as very low brow.

image paintings - Google Search"Kehinde+Wiley"&lr=&as_qdr=all&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjj1-aL4KHZAhWNNd8KHe3EA8kQsAQIJw&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=_W4F0KyCZWowVM:

You libtard retreads of primitivism in art are just stroking your egos like your gonna get a nut or sumpin.
Well said. Isn't the rodeo in town? What are you doing online, Clem?
The official portrait of Michelle looked nothing like her. The "artist" did an awful job. At least the former first lady had the graciousness to accept the portrait with dignity and appreciation.

News about michelle obama's official portrait on Twitter

I am not a fan of either Obama but Michelle handled the situation admirably
It was the one selected; or the the more photorealistic version... Michael decided that the artists interpretation was more flattering...

Obama is floating in flowers and Michelle doesn't even look like Michelle.

They CLEARLY picked artists based on anything but talent.

they don't look ridiculous. your insane hawkishness and Obama derangement is ridiculous. and everyone except trumpscum loves the pictures.

now go kiss the orange sociopath's butt some more.
It is an undignified portrait of a President. Totally out of place.
LOL. Mooch has to be livid, her portrait looks like it was done by a high schooler. Barry's would be better if snakes were hidden in the flowers. That would be metaphoric of his Presidency.

Mooches must also be pissed that the "artist" didn't do justice to her big gun man arms.

Obama is floating in flowers and Michelle doesn't even look like Michelle.

They CLEARLY picked artists based on anything but talent.

Because in real life, the Obamas do look ridiculous. Typhoid Barry looks like some rodent-like raccoon creature and Michelle looks like the salt vampire in the original Star Trek. Genetically crossed with a buffalo. The fact that either of them could get it up for the other proves what deviant perverts they are.....truly a match made in heaven.

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