The Numbers Just Don't Add Up...Not Enough Beds?


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.
Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.


Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.


You should create a thread with that as the OP.
Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.


You should create a thread with that as the OP.

I did one yesterday.........this guy should be banned from research.......the damage he has done is just amazing...
The cases are focused in some places, while almost no cases in others.

Looking at Italy, they did run out of hospital resources and told the old to go and die.
Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.

The flu did no go away, the same number of people are going to the hospital for it...which is why we cannot add another 85,000 with COVID.

this is not really all that complicated once you take the politics out of it
Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.


There is no indication that the government made any decisions based off of this one guy's work.

You are being lied to again by the fake news
They still have round 2 coming over and over i'm saying for a 1 week straight A SURPRISE is yet to come with many more.

Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.


You should create a thread with that as the OP.

I did one yesterday.........this guy should be banned from research.......the damage he has done is just amazing...


Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.


You should create a thread with that as the OP.

I did one yesterday.........this guy should be banned from research.......the damage he has done is just amazing...
He should have had very clear caveats in his models. It was totally irresponsible of him to produce such doomsday predictions when he knew he was operating on very thin data.
what doesnt add up is why stupid shits keep thinking coronavirus is the flu -

I keep tryng to convince myself rw's arent that f'n stupid - they keep convincing the world that they are.
Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.
Yes, think about it. All the Tards are yammering: "Don't question the Virus! Don't question the Virus!" When are they ever on the right side of anything? And this from a group of people who question EVERYTHING any other time. We had 80,000 die of Flu last year. That means a whole HECK of a lot more must have been in the hospital. AND THE BIGGER QUESTION:
This government has spent DECADES and BILLIONS of dollars supoposedly preparing for EVERYTHING: Nuclear attack. Germ warfare. Martial Law. FEMA Camps. Space invaders. Every threat imaginable. Underground concrete bunkers. Hardened fortifications. Redundancy to the nines. And yet now, here come an actual, supposed crisis, the kind they have taken billions of dollars studying to be prepared for, and WHAT DO WE FIND?

THEY ARE NO MORE PREPARED AND READY THAN WITH 9/11. Caught with their pants down again.

Trump was right again. He's not the problem, he saw these fatheads were doing nothing but a total waste of money. Now that it is time for them to perform, it is like they never gave any of this a thought and we caught them asleep in the middle of the night yanking one off.
The Dems will always angle for more money. Seriously, this whole COVID thing is overblown by the media and Democrat Party, and their scams do generate public pressure to conduct Fake Investigations in to Russian Collusion, Ukraine Confusion. What we have now is Virus Delusion.
NYC Medical Examiner NOT at Capacity but Confirms Construction of Supplemental Morgue Facility

Ground Zero NYC – Is the Coronavirus Pandemic Epicenter Overwhelmed with Victims? with Kevin Shipp

Y'all see. The serfs of the world will do absolutely anything they're told to do to remain "safe" They'll also rat anyone who doesn't. Get a zero interest/no payment for 6 months fence installed w/doggie door so you don't go outside to walk it. Soon the dogs will start having it. No problem. They'll come and pick them up to keep you safe.
Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.

The flu did no go away, the same number of people are going to the hospital for it...which is why we cannot add another 85,000 with COVID.

this is not really all that complicated once you take the politics out of it
Putting politics into it is exactly what the fake news and the TDS morons are doing.
what doesnt add up is why stupid shits keep thinking coronavirus is the flu -

I keep tryng to convince myself rw's arent that f'n stupid - they keep convincing the world that they are.
Your error is in assuming it makes a difference. All that matters is how serious it is and how infectious it is. It's pretty clear that it's not much different than the flu in that regard.
Didn't you wonder how we got through the last flu season without creating 500,000 new hospital beds?

THE NUMBERS JUST DON'T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?
The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.
Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.
Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.
And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus.
The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions. The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.
Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.

The flu did no go away, the same number of people are going to the hospital for it...which is why we cannot add another 85,000 with COVID.

this is not really all that complicated once you take the politics out of it
Putting politics into it is exactly what the fake news and the TDS morons are doing.

wtf do you expect

trump opened his damn yap slobbering shit for 2 months before he started crawfishing attempting to get his fat ass out of a crack -

damn right politics entered the picture

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