The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.

Sorry Tommy, but crying wolf and accusing everyone you disagree with of being literally Hitler just doesn't work any more. We're numb to it and some of us are beginning to relish the label.
The Forward - News that Matters to American Jews – The Forward
The Forward - incisive coverage of the issues, ideas and institutions that matter to American Jews. Reporting on politics, arts and culture.

The opinion ends with a disclaimer. :laughing0301:
The funniest part of Forward is their name. No more Socialist name than that!

View attachment 178919

That's very true. There is a deep seated paranoia in the Jewish community. However...when your community has been subjected to get a bit paranoid.

You should probably buy a gun...

"The funniest part of Forward is their name. No more Socialist name than that!"

Full on Communist, then again Lenin said that the goal of spreading International Socialism was International Communism.


Not to forget the below from Lenin which is what the Leftists like to do Brainwash the school children and now they are turning out Teenage SJWs, right from the Communist Blueprint:

The Forward - News that Matters to American Jews – The Forward
The Forward - incisive coverage of the issues, ideas and institutions that matter to American Jews. Reporting on politics, arts and culture.

The opinion ends with a disclaimer. :laughing0301:
The funniest part of Forward is their name. No more Socialist name than that!

View attachment 178919

That's very true. There is a deep seated paranoia in the Jewish community. However...when your community has been subjected to get a bit paranoid.

You should probably buy a gun...

"The funniest part of Forward is their name. No more Socialist name than that!"

Full on Communist, then again Lenin said that the goal of spreading International Socialism was International Communism.


Not to forget the below from Lenin which is what the Leftists like to do Brainwash the school children and now they are turning out Teenage SJWs, right from the Communist Blueprint:


6But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Those who corrupt little one will suffer.

Today is Sunday, God's day.
From the opinion,

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.”

Read more: The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

Clearly he meant liberal Democrats. Since we are on the topic, why did this nut single out Jews?
To many, Socialist, is synonymous with Jew. Given the history of Socialism, this is not a great leap.
Most Socialists aren’t Jews so that really doesn’t wash, imho.
Notice my use of the word 'history'. Historically speaking...despite representing less than 4% of the Russian population...a highly disproportionate number of Bolshevik leaders were Jewish.

"With the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews. Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) headed the Red Army and, for a time, was chief of Soviet foreign affairs. Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon) was both the Bolshevik party's executive secretary and -- as chairman of the Central Executive Committee -- head of the Soviet government. Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) headed the Communist International (Comintern), the central agency for spreading revolution in foreign countries. Other prominent Jews included press commissar Karl Radek (Sobelsohn), foreign affairs commissar Maxim Litvinov (Wallach), Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Moisei Uritsky."

To direct the takeover, a seven-man "Political Bureau" was chosen. It consisted of two Russians (Lenin and Bubnov), one Georgian (Stalin), and four Jews (Trotsky, Sokolnikov, Zinoviev, and Kamenev).10 Meanwhile, the Petersburg (Petrograd) Soviet -- whose chairman was Trotsky -- established an 18-member "Military Revolutionary Committee" to actually carry out the seizure of power. It included eight (or nine) Russians, one Ukrainian, one Pole, one Caucasian, and six Jews.11 Finally, to supervise the organization of the uprising, the Bolshevik Central Committee established a five-man "Revolutionary Military Center" as the Party's operations command. It consisted of one Russian (Bubnov), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), and two Jews (Sverdlov and Uritsky).

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

These are with them how you wish.
The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.

And of course, there is NOTHING in the quoted portion of the speech to support the vile accusations that the piece of shit lefty is making.

Which doesn't bother timmy at all of course. He knows that the goal is just to make slanderous accusations, constantly to create the appearance of credibility though repetition.

He is completely dishonest.
Wow the Left Wingers are calling people racist?
Have they ever done that before?

The entire thing of calling people racist is now getting to approach Mega Fail, they have over used this term of racist to the point it is now almost meaningless.

They have nothing else, they are devoid of the ability to have a debate, they are devoid of any rational argument, all they have is to scream RACIST at ANYONE who has a different opinion than they do.


The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.

And of course, there is NOTHING in the quoted portion of the speech to support the vile accusations that the piece of shit lefty is making.

Which doesn't bother timmy at all of course. He knows that the goal is just to make slanderous accusations, constantly to create the appearance of credibility though repetition.

He is completely dishonest.

Eh, I agree there, I have more to add, but not until tomorrow.
The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.

Tell me Tommy, do you have any actual, real experience with the NRA as a member or Wayne LaPierre outside of reading some hate-filled, far-left, NRA-trash talking moronic article, or do you just post any crap you can find at all to support your hateful fascist views?
The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.

Tell me Tommy, do you have any actual, real experience with the NRA as a member or Wayne LaPierre outside of reading some hate-filled, far-left, NRA-trash talking moronic article, or do you just post any crap you can find at all to support your hateful fascist views?

Tommy can't have a gun and he's jealous. He's a subject, not a citizen.
The Nazis were able to slaughter millions because their victims were unarmed.
If you were Jewish in Warsaw in 1943, you would want to be armed with the very best weapons available.
The Right to Bear Arms is actually the basic human right to self-defense.
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From the opinion,

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.”

Read more: The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

Clearly he meant liberal Democrats. Since we are on the topic, why did this nut single out Jews?
To many, Socialist, is synonymous with Jew. Given the history of Socialism, this is not a great leap.
Most Socialists aren’t Jews so that really doesn’t wash, imho.
Notice my use of the word 'history'. Historically speaking...despite representing less than 4% of the Russian population...a highly disproportionate number of Bolshevik leaders were Jewish.

"With the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews. Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) headed the Red Army and, for a time, was chief of Soviet foreign affairs. Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon) was both the Bolshevik party's executive secretary and -- as chairman of the Central Executive Committee -- head of the Soviet government. Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) headed the Communist International (Comintern), the central agency for spreading revolution in foreign countries. Other prominent Jews included press commissar Karl Radek (Sobelsohn), foreign affairs commissar Maxim Litvinov (Wallach), Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Moisei Uritsky."

To direct the takeover, a seven-man "Political Bureau" was chosen. It consisted of two Russians (Lenin and Bubnov), one Georgian (Stalin), and four Jews (Trotsky, Sokolnikov, Zinoviev, and Kamenev).10 Meanwhile, the Petersburg (Petrograd) Soviet -- whose chairman was Trotsky -- established an 18-member "Military Revolutionary Committee" to actually carry out the seizure of power. It included eight (or nine) Russians, one Ukrainian, one Pole, one Caucasian, and six Jews.11 Finally, to supervise the organization of the uprising, the Bolshevik Central Committee established a five-man "Revolutionary Military Center" as the Party's operations command. It consisted of one Russian (Bubnov), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), and two Jews (Sverdlov and Uritsky).

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

These are with them how you wish.
I am aware of the facts, thanks, TVI, I just think it’s a bit of a stretch to accuse someone of antisemitism when they use the word socialist, regardless of how many Jewish people are socialists. There’s enough actual real antisemitism about without becoming ridiculous about it, imho.
Pretty much everybody collected on this thread. Just need McGarrett and Shootspeeder to make up the full set of primitives..

Nobody has actually discussed the content of the article. You have attacked me,the journalist and the publication. None of you has the class to discuss the content.
From the opinion,

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.”

Read more: The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

Clearly he meant liberal Democrats. Since we are on the topic, why did this nut single out Jews?
To many, Socialist, is synonymous with Jew. Given the history of Socialism, this is not a great leap.
Most Socialists aren’t Jews so that really doesn’t wash, imho.
Notice my use of the word 'history'. Historically speaking...despite representing less than 4% of the Russian population...a highly disproportionate number of Bolshevik leaders were Jewish.

"With the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews. Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) headed the Red Army and, for a time, was chief of Soviet foreign affairs. Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon) was both the Bolshevik party's executive secretary and -- as chairman of the Central Executive Committee -- head of the Soviet government. Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) headed the Communist International (Comintern), the central agency for spreading revolution in foreign countries. Other prominent Jews included press commissar Karl Radek (Sobelsohn), foreign affairs commissar Maxim Litvinov (Wallach), Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Moisei Uritsky."

To direct the takeover, a seven-man "Political Bureau" was chosen. It consisted of two Russians (Lenin and Bubnov), one Georgian (Stalin), and four Jews (Trotsky, Sokolnikov, Zinoviev, and Kamenev).10 Meanwhile, the Petersburg (Petrograd) Soviet -- whose chairman was Trotsky -- established an 18-member "Military Revolutionary Committee" to actually carry out the seizure of power. It included eight (or nine) Russians, one Ukrainian, one Pole, one Caucasian, and six Jews.11 Finally, to supervise the organization of the uprising, the Bolshevik Central Committee established a five-man "Revolutionary Military Center" as the Party's operations command. It consisted of one Russian (Bubnov), one Georgian (Stalin), one Pole (Dzerzhinsky), and two Jews (Sverdlov and Uritsky).

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

These are with them how you wish.
I am aware of the facts, thanks, TVI, I just think it’s a bit of a stretch to accuse someone of antisemitism when they use the word socialist, regardless of how many Jewish people are socialists. There’s enough actual real antisemitism about without becoming ridiculous about it, imho.
Spot argument here.
Pretty much everybody collected on this thread. Just need McGarrett and Shootspeeder to make up the full set of primitives..

Nobody has actually discussed the content of the article. You have attacked me,the journalist and the publication. None of you has the class to discuss the content.

I pointed out correctly that nothing in your op supports the accusation that your op and thread title makes.

That's content.

You ignored that, because you know that you cannot offer any thing real to support your stupid and false slander.

YOu are knowingly and with ill intent making slanderous accusations without any ability or attempt to support your vile words.

You are a bad person.

I challenge you to support your op claim.

That was rhetorical. I know you can't and that you won't admit that.
The Nazis were able to slaughter millions because their victims were unarmed.
If you were Jewish in Warsaw in 1943, you would want to be armed with the very best weapons available.
The Right to Bear Arms, is actually the basic human right to self-defense.

Also Josef Stalin was able to put into motion the systematic murder of approx 25 MILLION of his own peoples during the 1920s and early 1930s because the Communists had disarmed the population, this was repeated in China with Mao Zedong only the murder toll was higher approx 65 MILLION, up to 30 MILLION Chinese were starved to death during The Great Leap Forward which historians correctly state lead directly to The Great Chinese Famine between 1959-1961.

All Chinese Governments have deliberately lowed the starvation total to 15 million which still is outrageous, but all historians and other scholars have put the total at approx the 30 million figure.

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia

Not to mention the other Genocides of Communism listed and one of the connections is that ALL the populations had been disarmed.

The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.

That's strange......turns out Broward Country Sheriff Department hired a CAIR leader to be one of their deputies. His name is Nezar Hamze....and yes he is a Muslim.



CAIR Leader Nezar Hamze Is Now Deputy Sheriff
Terror-tied CAIR Leader Nezar Hamze Is Now Deputy Sheriff - Geller Report
Broward Deputy Sheriff Nezar Hamze Involved with Second Terrorist Group
Muslim Sheriff's Deputy Protest: Florida Anti-Islam Activists Demand Removal In Broward County
BSO Sheriff Scott Israel Embraces 'Deputy Hamas' aka Nezar Hamze Of CAIR - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor

Below is a link to a video of Nezar teaching Mosque members about active-shooters. The irony is massive.

There is now a video on Twitter
of Nezar talking Arabic to a group of FL Muslims. This is a capture photo during this video.
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Pretty much everybody collected on this thread. Just need McGarrett and Shootspeeder to make up the full set of primitives..

Nobody has actually discussed the content of the article. You have attacked me,the journalist and the publication. None of you has the class to discuss the content.
‘Socialist’ isn’t code for Jew.

Of course it is not, Jeremy Corbyn is a Socialist he is not Jewish, a lot of Obama's policies were Socialist Obama is not Jewish.

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