The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

Some of you don't see the irony our pro gun culture is having now on our culture NOW as apposed to say 100 years ago. European wizened and wise generals didn't know their arse from a hole in the ground in just the same way. Machine guns? It led to a stalemate for almost 4 years. We don't NEED machine guns in a free country. And murdering children? We need to defend THAT? Penn & Teller, they are clueless. I beg them to please reply to my post.

Our culture now is a bunch of brainwashed lemmings, terrified of guns and expecting the government to protect them, but they won't, because: Ineptitude.

This is the culture leftists (In America) have fostered. They must need more useless government to protect them, but all they really need to do is protect themselves. The government fails all the time.
People aren`t terrified of guns but they`re terrified that they may be shot at a concert, school, church, mall, workplace, etc. Why is that so hard to understand? It certainly is the governments job when it`s a public health issue and it is. What type of weapon do you think second graders should carry to protect themselves?

You're right, it's actually the one job they are supposed to do.
Guns, the NRA ( and gun companies) and cancer and the tobacco companies and massive gun violence. Now, there's a comparison, all the people that died from smoking related cancer and comparably, gun related deaths. Unnecessary and needless.

Why do you think the people of Idaho are more resistant to the "cancer" of guns than the people of Louisiana?
I am touched that you care more about the well being of Americans MORE than most Americans do.

Tammy despises America and it’s freedoms. He has likened the US many times to a third world s**thole, and to Russia. He also has nothing to say at all when children are blown to bits in Islamic terrorist attacks, so it’s not about the kids either.
Get it Tommy?

"The FORWARD" ???? As in "forward march" to Socialist glory and fame??? What do we sing as we "march forward" for "social justice" and Karl Marx???

It's not just me. Its a fucking fact.. They ARE socialists. Nay and a few Communists. They got wounded and they lashed out. Go march with them...

Citelighter is the fast, fun, and easy way to do research

The term "forward" became part of the jargon of the myriad communist movements of the Third World and their fellow travelers. Even after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and even in democratic states, Soviet-aligned liberation parties--such as South Africa's African National Congress--echoed the "forward" cry.
Your best bet would be to quietly walk away from this thread.
Actually it’s YOU that should do that, but then again you are accustomed to producing one thread fail after another.
Guns, the NRA ( and gun companies) and cancer and the tobacco companies and massive gun violence. Now, there's a comparison, all the people that died from smoking related cancer and comparably, gun related deaths. Unnecessary and needless.

Why do you think the people of Idaho are more resistant to the "cancer" of guns than the people of Louisiana?

Not as many heathens, and the cold slows them down, too.
I live in Swansea. Not in Wales. Denver. And the gun thing, it's not a shtick. Unlike Tommy whom, likes to bait yanks, I sincerely despise Guns, I have seen what they do. They aren't some kind of blessing to mankind. They are a curse. And the second amendment is an anachronism. Our forefathers never meant for this to enable schools shooters. But it is.

Our forefathers never meant for black people to have the right to vote either so I really don't think a simpering wuss like you can claim to know what was in their hearts.

that's why there was a constitutional amendment dum dum. you seem confused again.
Thank you, sweetpea. I like condescension with a side of patronizing. Goes rather well. The second amendment. The right to own a bloody machine gun, mow people down. HOW is your single gun ownership going to stop what happened in Las Vegas, or Florida? Get real here, it took minutes and many lives before anybody did anything. THAT is too long.

that was a response to "impuretrash", not you.

now what were you saying about condescension, snooks?

we're on the same side. would you like to try again, this time responding to the person I think you meant to?
I live in Swansea. Not in Wales. Denver. And the gun thing, it's not a shtick. Unlike Tommy whom, likes to bait yanks, I sincerely despise Guns, I have seen what they do. They aren't some kind of blessing to mankind. They are a curse. And the second amendment is an anachronism. Our forefathers never meant for this to enable schools shooters. But it is.

Our forefathers never meant for black people to have the right to vote either so I really don't think a simpering wuss like you can claim to know what was in their hearts.

that's why there was a constitutional amendment dum dum. you seem confused again.
Thank you, sweetpea. I like condescension with a side of patronizing. Goes rather well. The second amendment. The right to own a bloody machine gun, mow people down. HOW is your single gun ownership going to stop what happened in Las Vegas, or Florida? Get real here, it took minutes and many lives before anybody did anything. THAT is too long.

that was a response to "impuretrash", not you.

now what were you saying about condescension, snooks?

we're on the same side. would you like to try again, this time responding to the person I think you meant to?

Relax Jillian, I think you're misinterpreting her intent. She was thanking you for putting me in my place. What I said was pretty dumb, but in my defense I was really exhausted and cranky at the time.
Get it Tommy?

"The FORWARD" ???? As in "forward march" to Socialist glory and fame??? What do we sing as we "march forward" for "social justice" and Karl Marx???

It's not just me. Its a fucking fact.. They ARE socialists. Nay and a few Communists. They got wounded and they lashed out. Go march with them...

Citelighter is the fast, fun, and easy way to do research

The term "forward" became part of the jargon of the myriad communist movements of the Third World and their fellow travelers. Even after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and even in democratic states, Soviet-aligned liberation parties--such as South Africa's African National Congress--echoed the "forward" cry.
Your best bet would be to quietly walk away from this thread.

And if he doesn't??

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