The next Russian disinformation campaign

Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

you morons will believe anything,,
There's so much irony in that post we could mine it for ore.

He'a right, you deluded little lemmings are completely terrified of a bug that kills less than 2% of those infected. You're SO terrified you are willing to to shut down the entire economy.

less than 1% for the majority of those infected,,
The next Russian disinformation campaign
A farce brought to you by the DC/Langley/Foggy Bottom disinformation campaign.
It’s almost like the left WANTS nuclear war with Russia.
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
Fake news.
Nope it happened....

HARRIS: "Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump... I will not take his word for it.

Was she merely spreading fear and pushing distrust in the vaccine? Or, as you pointed out in your OP, was she doing Putin's bidding? I don't know, but you highlighted there might be a's worth an investigation
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
Harris undermined the vaccine during the Oct. 7 debate. She said she would not get the Trump vaccine.

Then jumped to the first in the line when it was front of first responders, doctors etc....
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
Harris undermined the vaccine during the Oct. 7 debate. She said she would not get the Trump vaccine.

Then jumped to the first in the line when it was front of first responders, doctors etc....

She gets caught in lies every time she opens her mouth. Biden too. That is why there have been no press conferences--45 days in and Biden still has not addressed the nation. Their handlers are keeping them under wraps behind the fences and concertina. He set the record for time without addressing his constituents. ILLEGITIMATE ADMINISTRATION!
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
Harris undermined the vaccine during the Oct. 7 debate. She said she would not get the Trump vaccine.

Then jumped to the first in the line when it was front of first responders, doctors etc....

She gets caught in lies every time she opens her mouth. Biden too. That is why there have been no press conferences--45 days in and Biden still has not addressed the nation. Their handlers are keeping them under wraps behind the fences and concertina. He set the record for time without addressing his constituents. ILLEGITIMATE ADMINISTRATION!

Xi, Putin and the Mullahs in Iran haven't been able to agree on the content of the speech just yet.....
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
That's not what she said--she said she wouldn't take it on T****'s sayso. She then said if the CDC says it was safe, she would gladly take it.
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

The Globalist WSJ hates Trump and MAGA.
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.



Russia Russia Russia!

Is Q mentioned in the article?
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
That's not what she said--she said she wouldn't take it on T****'s sayso. She then said if the CDC says it was safe, she would gladly take it.
Its amazing how you twist yourself in a pretzel trying to defend this useless, lying waste of air. She undermined the vaccine no matter how you want to justify it.
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
That's not what she said--she said she wouldn't take it on T****'s sayso. She then said if the CDC says it was safe, she would gladly take it.
Nope it happened....

HARRIS: "Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump... I will not take his word for it.

Trump was merely telling people what the experts were saying, the vaccine had to be approved by them....she was spreading fear and mistrust....apparently doing Putin's bidding according to the OP
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
That's not what she said--she said she wouldn't take it on T****'s sayso. She then said if the CDC says it was safe, she would gladly take it.
Its amazing how you twist yourself in a pretzel trying to defend this useless, lying waste of air. She undermined the vaccine no matter how you want to justify it.

I don't feel at all pretzel-like. I not only heard her say it, it's here in her remarks. Are you getting a dishonestly edited clip?

"I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about," she continued in the clip from an exclusive interview airing Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" at 9 a.m. ET. "I will not take his word for it."
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Here's how you know the article is a joke "US intelligence officials now believe this effort to undermine the Pfizer vaccine coming out of the Kremlin is another way to bolster the status of Sputnik V, the Journal reported...."

Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
Fake news.
Nope it happened....

HARRIS: "Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump... I will not take his word for it.

Was she merely spreading fear and pushing distrust in the vaccine? Or, as you pointed out in your OP, was she doing Putin's bidding? I don't know, but you highlighted there might be a's worth an investigation
Ya that statement is of distrust of Donald Trump not the vaccine
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
Fake news.
Nope it happened....

HARRIS: "Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump... I will not take his word for it.

Was she merely spreading fear and pushing distrust in the vaccine? Or, as you pointed out in your OP, was she doing Putin's bidding? I don't know, but you highlighted there might be a's worth an investigation
Ya that statement is of distrust of Donald Trump not the vaccine
The question was if the vaccine was developed during his Admin, obviously, Trump isn't in a lab making the vaccine....but she had to spread misinformation, mislead, and spread distrust.....clearly, doing as the OP has highlighted, Putin's bidding.
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Russia? Harris already did this, when she spread her anti-vaccine message last fall....claiming the vaccine wasn't's possible she was getting her ques from Putin....wouldn't surprise me
That's not what she said--she said she wouldn't take it on T****'s sayso. She then said if the CDC says it was safe, she would gladly take it.
Its amazing how you twist yourself in a pretzel trying to defend this useless, lying waste of air. She undermined the vaccine no matter how you want to justify it.

I don't feel at all pretzel-like. I not only heard her say it, it's here in her remarks. Are you getting a dishonestly edited clip?

"I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about," she continued in the clip from an exclusive interview airing Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" at 9 a.m. ET. "I will not take his word for it."

The video is from one of your MSM sources--are you saying they are lying? The words come out of her mouth and I saw her say them live during the debate. She has lied all during the campaign--do you not remember her disparaging CCP Joe during the campaign. She is a liar and you are being disingenuous in your defense of her.
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

I got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine a week and a half ago. I will get the second does on the 16th.

The only reaction I have had thus far is my arm was sore the next day. The day after that my arm wasn't sore.

That's it.
“Four publications acting as fronts for Russian intelligence are disseminating information that questions the efficacy and safety of the Pfizer vaccine, State Department officials told the Journal.

Russia is pedaling misleading information designed to make Americans question whether the US rushed the approval process for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.” ibid

Conservatives continue to refuse to acknowledge the fact of Russian disinformation efforts against the US.

Disinformation only works on people who aren't willing to look up the actual facts. I guess that's why lazy liberals keep falling for it.
“Four publications acting as fronts for Russian intelligence are disseminating information that questions the efficacy and safety of the Pfizer vaccine, State Department officials told the Journal.

Russia is pedaling misleading information designed to make Americans question whether the US rushed the approval process for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.” ibid

Conservatives continue to refuse to acknowledge the fact of Russian disinformation efforts against the US.

Disinformation only works on people who aren't willing to look up the actual facts. I guess that's why lazy liberals keep falling for it.
The DNC leadership, and their propagandist at CNN et al certainly know their base.
Th next Russian disinformation campaign...
...that all the tRumplings are gonna fall for is about vaccines.

Don't criticize the source, the original is WSJ and has a paywall, which you kids would have whined about even worse.

Now for the truth...

The idea that China or Russia pose a threat to you is so self-evidently ridiculous, so transparently absurd, that the only way to make you believe it would be to propagandize you, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

Stop being propagandized. Don’t be a dupe for the establishment.

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