The new German freedom

Thanks to US stupidity or treachery ( or both ) the German BND intelligence service was set up after WW2 by SS officers ,with the infamous Reinhard Gehlen masterminding the Fourth Reich out of the Third .

And now the Sheeple have no inkling that Germany is a shadow government Nazi organisation . Just like the US .

But , of course , that is all conspiracy nonsense , isn't it ?
Although many Germans are now enjoying their favourite new sport--- obeying ze orders .

Listen to the video and DYOR
The West needs a major insurrection. All of these governments need to be replaced and non Europeans need to be deported.
There has been a lot of talk about the West dying over the past couple decades, but it seems to be happening now.
It is chilling to see how quickly & completely the EU, & Germany in particular, has trampled God given rights & turned the populace into non-thinking zombies.
The US is much further down this road than most want to admit & will catch up to the EU soon enough if the UNiparty gets their way.
Both the progbots & neo-cons all support this authoritarianism & it could be stopped if they ever started thinking for themselves.

Some things never change

Our Crazy Democrat Cultists would love to arrest people for thought crimes.
It is chilling to see how quickly & completely the EU, & Germany in particular, has trampled God given rights & turned the populace into non-thinking zombies.
The US is much further down this road than most want to admit & will catch up to the EU soon enough if the UNiparty gets their way.
Both the progbots & neo-cons all support this authoritarianism & it could be stopped if they ever started thinking for themselves.
They have the schools rigged so that doesn't happen in a lot of places.
It is chilling to see how quickly & completely the EU, & Germany in particular, has trampled God given rights & turned the populace into non-thinking zombies.
The US is much further down this road than most want to admit & will catch up to the EU soon enough if the UNiparty gets their way.
Both the progbots & neo-cons all support this authoritarianism & it could be stopped if they ever started thinking for themselves.
That’s the Trump Cult all right.

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