The "New" Democrat Party (Communists-Marxists) have tried to USURP every GOP President since Reagan

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
It's kind of sad what has happened to The Party of JFK. I think this happened when Lyndon Johnson took the party over after JFK's assassination. I'd make the claim that The Democrat Party was always morally bankrupt, but if you think they had any virtue when their roots are in oppression, then let's just say that It was a slow creep of corruption, that fouled the waters at DNC headquarters after a man like Johnson became it's figurehead. Once FDR embraced Socialism and forced his brand of it on America, every Democrat there after has been nothing but a facsimile of FDR. And once the well was poisoned, and everyone became a cookie cutter socialist, I don't think there is a way back for them. They advance the war front by degrees, regardless if it is Carter or Clinton or the next "rock star."

But is was The Dirty Politics of Personal Destruction that began to be ramped up 10 fold with the appearance of The Clintons and other like minded individuals after them that came on the scene who saw politics, not as a way to serve We The People, but as a path towards power and self enrichment, and with that power and control they sought, the only way people of that mind set, can perennially hold power is to move away from a Representative Republic, move away from Democracy and towards full blown socialism..which as we know leads to Communism and Totalitarianism and then followed by oppression as people rebel against the tyrants lording over them and hoarding resources for themselves.

The Natural State of man is freedom, and we all have a desire to be free, unless our minds are bent to servitude, pacification, and dependence.

The Democrat Party has nothing to offer We The People, as we already have many elements of Socialist Programs here in THE US. For the price of $23 Trillion Dollars, that placed America $22 Trillion in debt, The War On Poverty only accomplished one thing: It made Bureaucrats and Politicians more wealthy and more powerful than ever, and made America beholden to money lenders, and it never really helped the people it was supposed to. It was a scam like most Socialist scams are.


More and Higher Taxes?
More Welfare for more people?
More Food Stamps?
Open Borders?
Free College Education?
Free Health Care?
More Free Stuff that working people pay for and provide for increasing numbers of Non Producers?

So where does this lead us, and what does it say about The Democrat Party?

If they cannot continue to push MORE MORE MORE Socialism-Communism, their only path to power is to Demonize Freedom, Demonize Success, Demonize Capitalism, Demonize Patriotism, and to Demonize any politician who runs for a political office who sees America as a Liberator and a Vessel of Opportunity.

They have to create class envy, they have to sell Americans not on Opportunity, but on Inequality.

Why.....they need the reigns of "MAKE EVERYTHING FAIR"....not for them...they like their political perks....but for you...who should be happy to live in an equivalent misery.....because it's FAIR!

In order to force resources from the hands of those who work to produce in to the hands of those that do not, they have to claim "Privilege" of some sort, and declare that the "System Is Rigged".

To take quote from the move "The Matrix", they have found a way to turn a human being in to a "Battery".

You have then become for them, "Human Capital" a mere resource that is expendable towards an end.

They have to claim that America needs "Structural Changes" or in Obama's words, we need to "Fundamentally Change America".

Changing America in to something else means it is No Longer America. Yet this is what they propose.

Changing American in to an expendable resource means they are No Longer Americans, and No Longer Free.

This is why, rather than offer ideas, they have become scandal seekers, mud slingers, leakers, "whistle blowers" and PC Puritans pointing the finger at every PC Offender WITH Fanatical Condemnation!

Perhaps they should rend their garments in two, throw ashes on their heads and self immolate if they are that convicted in their beliefs and that disturbed by your violations of their PC Puritanism.

Everyone who they seek support from, then, under this Paradigm becomes a victim of every person and thing they oppose.

There is a monster under every bed, and a existential threat over Every New Horizon. They have gone so far as to tell you that they can read your mind, and that the very thing you think (not actions but thoughts) are now a crime. Sound Familiar?

It's called "Thought Crime" and offense against their sensibilities being made "CRIMINAL, simply because they just don't like what you stand for, so they have to Demonize it and Criminalize Differences of Opinion.

When you have a mindset that everyone and everything that opposes you is an insidious evil plot to promote "inequality" and "privilege" then every unpatriotic, seditious, treasonous action you commit, makes you a Martyr, and not a seditious viper. You become a Jihadist, a Social Justice Warrior.

The Terrorist does not see himself as a terrorist. The Usurper who illegitimately works to upset a Democratic Election, does not see himself as a mole, or a sapper or a Traitor to his country. He is loyal to his radical ideology. He sees himself as a noble warrior trying to tear down everything in his path that is preventing him from promoting his agenda.

This is why silly things as "Free Speech" need to be opposed by them. This is why silly things such as "Due Process" are obstacles to their success. Things like the right to privacy, the right to bear arms, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion are old outdated, encumbrances to their idea of achieving Utopia.

Utopia and Dissent are in opposition to each other, ALWAYS. Utopia implies Consent, even if that Consent is a forced Consent. NO ONE DISSENTS or has an Opinion in a UTOPIA. And in the end, it always is, FORCED CONSENT. Orwell's novel, 1984 showed us that. You can oppress all, but you cannot extinguish their yearning to be free.

But For a Leftist, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and if you disagree, why, if they cannot at first bludgeon you with innuendo, accusations and slander, they will attack you in the courts, and if they cannot win there, we all know what comes next from such people.

Violence becomes Just in the eyes of the Ideological Ego.

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Well.... yeah. The opposing party has tried to smear the other party's candidates since Washington. What is really interesting is the current GOP is trying to smear all of the prior GOP presidents.
Dem's charged Obama $20k to cover security for his rally in they are attempting to charge Trump $530k to cover security for the same venue. The anti free speech election rigging Dem's in action.
Since Eisenhower, at least.

Remember, Adlai Stevenson condescendingly lamented in his loss that "The New Dealers have all left Washington to make way for the car dealers."
That is a great quote. Pretty much what I am seeing with the so called Subpoena Cannon, and Scandal Factory. There is no work being done to server The People. Just an endless effort to take back control at all costs, once they have lost it.
Those slimy, communist, socialist, morally bankrupt Democrats are smearing Republicans! How reprehensible of them to smear American politicians! They have shown themselves to be unworthy because they're smearing!
Those slimy, communist, socialist, morally bankrupt Democrats are smearing Republicans! How reprehensible of them to smear American politicians! They have shown themselves to be unworthy because they're smearing!
Call us when you call out Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Jerry Nadler for wiping their asses with The Constitution and for being engaged in Pathological Lying and Fake Scandal Peddling.

If you read what I wrote and came away with "this is about smearing GOP Politicians" you are hopelessly lost.

It's about stopping Lady Liberty from being toppled from her base, like The Left has toppled so many other monuments to anything they disagree with, and do not want to discuss, or even remember.

If they aren't busy revising history, they are busy revising facts, and busy always revising The Narrative and moving back The Goalposts.
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Here is just another example of how, The Left, The Democrat Party does not want a Level Playing Ground. They want the whole damn field rigged in their favor.

Two small snips... read the full article at the link.

Trump blasts ‘lightweight’ Minneapolis mayor as campaign threatens suit over massive rally security bill

“We are well aware of Mayor Frey’s vocal partisan opposition to President Trump and calls to disrupt the rally,” read a letter from Trump law firm Jones Day to AEG. “This last-minute squeeze seems to be nothing but a pretextual political effort with serious First Amendment ramifications.”

The $530,000 figure dwarfs the costs incurred by another Minnesota city for a 2018 rally. Last October’s event cost the city of Rochester $76,138, with the campaign paying $26,215 to hold the rally at the Mayo Civic Center.

A campaign statement also pointed out that when then-President Barack Obama held a rally at the Target Center in 2009, police estimated that costs amounted to approximately $20,000.
It's kind of sad what has happened to The Party of JFK. I think this happened when Lyndon Johnson took the party over after JFK's assassination. I'd make the claim that The Democrat Party was always morally bankrupt, but if you think they had any virtue when their roots are in oppression, then let's just say that It was a slow creep of corruption, that fouled the waters at DNC headquarters after a man like Johnson became it's figurehead. Once FDR embraced Socialism and forced his brand of it on America, every Democrat there after has been nothing but a facsimile of FDR. And once the well was poisoned, and everyone became a cookie cutter socialist, I don't think there is a way back for them. They advance the war front by degrees, regardless if it is Carter or Clinton or the next "rock star."

But is was The Dirty Politics of Personal Destruction that began to be ramped up 10 fold with the appearance of The Clintons and other like minded individuals after them that came on the scene who saw politics, not as a way to serve We The People, but as a path towards power and self enrichment, and with that power and control they sought, the only way people of that mind set, can perennially hold power is to move away from a Representative Republic, move away from Democracy and towards full blown socialism..which as we know leads to Communism and Totalitarianism and then followed by oppression as people rebel against the tyrants lording over them and hoarding resources for themselves.

The Natural State of man is freedom, and we all have a desire to be free, unless our minds are bent to servitude, pacification, and dependence.

The Democrat Party has nothing to offer We The People, as we already have many elements of Socialist Programs here in THE US. For the price of $23 Trillion Dollars, that placed America $22 Trillion in debt, The War On Poverty only accomplished one thing: It made Bureaucrats and Politicians more wealthy and more powerful than ever, and made America beholden to money lenders, and it never really helped the people it was supposed to. It was a scam like most Socialist scams are.


More and Higher Taxes?
More Welfare for more people?
More Food Stamps?
Open Borders?
Free College Education?
Free Health Care?
More Free Stuff that working people pay for and provide for increasing numbers of Non Producers?

So where does this lead us, and what does it say about The Democrat Party?

If they cannot continue to push MORE MORE MORE Socialism-Communism, their only path to power is to Demonize Freedom, Demonize Success, Demonize Capitalism, Demonize Patriotism, and to Demonize any politician who runs for a political office who sees America as a Liberator and a Vessel of Opportunity.

They have to create class envy, they have to sell Americans not on Opportunity, but on Inequality.

Why.....they need the reigns of "MAKE EVERYTHING FAIR"....not for them...they like their political perks....but for you...who should be happy to live in an equivalent misery.....because it's FAIR!

In order to force resources from the hands of those who work to produce in to the hands of those that do not, they have to claim "Privilege" of some sort, and declare that the "System Is Rigged".

To take quote from the move "The Matrix", they have found a way to turn a human being in to a "Battery".

You have then become for them, "Human Capital" a mere resource that is expendable towards an end.

They have to claim that America needs "Structural Changes" or in Obama's words, we need to "Fundamentally Change America".

Changing America in to something else means it is No Longer America. Yet this is what they propose.
Changing Americans in to an expendable resources means they are No Longer Americans, and No Longer Free.

This is why, rather than offer ideas, they have become scandal seekers, mud slingers, leakers, "whistle blowers" Everyone is a victim of every person and thing they oppose. There is a monster under every bed, and a existential threat over Every New Horizon. They have gone so far as to tell you that they can read your mind, and that the very thing you think (not actions but thoughts) are a crime.

Thought Crime, because they just don't like what you stand for, so they have to Demonize it and Criminalize Differences of Opinion.

When you have a mindset that everyone and everything that opposes you is an insidious evil plot to promote "inequality" and "privilege" then every unpatriotic, seditious, treasonous action you commit, makes you a Martyr, and not a seditious viper. You become a Jihadist, a Social Justice Warrior.

The Terrorist does not see himself as a terrorist. The Usurper who illegitimately works to upset a Democratic Election, does not see himself as a mole, or a sapper or a Traitor to his country. He is loyal to his radical ideology. He sees himself as a noble warrior trying to tear down everything in his path that is preventing him from promoting his agenda.

This is why silly things as "Free Speech" need to be opposed by them. This is why silly things such as "Due Process" are obstacles to their success. Things like the right to privacy, the right to bear arms, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion are old outdated, encumbrances to their idea of achieving Utopia.

Utopia and Dissent are in opposition to each other, ALWAYS. Utopia implies Consent, even if that Consent is a forced Consent. NO ONE DISSENTS or has an Opinion in a UTOPIA. And in the end, it always is, FORCED CONSENT. Orwell's novel, 1984 showed us that. You can oppress all, but you cannot extinguish their yearning to be free.

But For a Leftist, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and if you disagree, why, if they cannot at first bludgeon you with innuendo, accusations and slander, they will attack you in the courts, and if they cannot win there, we all know what comes next from such people.

Violence becomes Just in the eyes of the Ideological Ego.


It's not just the democrats, the Republican Establishment has been walking hand in hand with their Progressive brothers toward the Orwellian nightmare we're presently living.
It's kind of sad what has happened to The Party of JFK. I think this happened when Lyndon Johnson took the party over after JFK's assassination. I'd make the claim that The Democrat Party was always morally bankrupt, but if you think they had any virtue when their roots are in oppression, then let's just say that It was a slow creep of corruption, that fouled the waters at DNC headquarters after a man like Johnson became it's figurehead. Once FDR embraced Socialism and forced his brand of it on America, every Democrat there after has been nothing but a facsimile of FDR. And once the well was poisoned, and everyone became a cookie cutter socialist, I don't think there is a way back for them. They advance the war front by degrees, regardless if it is Carter or Clinton or the next "rock star."

But is was The Dirty Politics of Personal Destruction that began to be ramped up 10 fold with the appearance of The Clintons and other like minded individuals after them that came on the scene who saw politics, not as a way to serve We The People, but as a path towards power and self enrichment, and with that power and control they sought, the only way people of that mind set, can perennially hold power is to move away from a Representative Republic, move away from Democracy and towards full blown socialism..which as we know leads to Communism and Totalitarianism and then followed by oppression as people rebel against the tyrants lording over them and hoarding resources for themselves.

The Natural State of man is freedom, and we all have a desire to be free, unless our minds are bent to servitude, pacification, and dependence.

The Democrat Party has nothing to offer We The People, as we already have many elements of Socialist Programs here in THE US. For the price of $23 Trillion Dollars, that placed America $22 Trillion in debt, The War On Poverty only accomplished one thing: It made Bureaucrats and Politicians more wealthy and more powerful than ever, and made America beholden to money lenders, and it never really helped the people it was supposed to. It was a scam like most Socialist scams are.


More and Higher Taxes?
More Welfare for more people?
More Food Stamps?
Open Borders?
Free College Education?
Free Health Care?
More Free Stuff that working people pay for and provide for increasing numbers of Non Producers?

So where does this lead us, and what does it say about The Democrat Party?

If they cannot continue to push MORE MORE MORE Socialism-Communism, their only path to power is to Demonize Freedom, Demonize Success, Demonize Capitalism, Demonize Patriotism, and to Demonize any politician who runs for a political office who sees America as a Liberator and a Vessel of Opportunity.

They have to create class envy, they have to sell Americans not on Opportunity, but on Inequality.

Why.....they need the reigns of "MAKE EVERYTHING FAIR"....not for them...they like their political perks....but for you...who should be happy to live in an equivalent misery.....because it's FAIR!

In order to force resources from the hands of those who work to produce in to the hands of those that do not, they have to claim "Privilege" of some sort, and declare that the "System Is Rigged".

To take quote from the move "The Matrix", they have found a way to turn a human being in to a "Battery".

You have then become for them, "Human Capital" a mere resource that is expendable towards an end.

They have to claim that America needs "Structural Changes" or in Obama's words, we need to "Fundamentally Change America".

Changing America in to something else means it is No Longer America. Yet this is what they propose.
Changing Americans in to an expendable resources means they are No Longer Americans, and No Longer Free.

This is why, rather than offer ideas, they have become scandal seekers, mud slingers, leakers, "whistle blowers" Everyone is a victim of every person and thing they oppose. There is a monster under every bed, and a existential threat over Every New Horizon. They have gone so far as to tell you that they can read your mind, and that the very thing you think (not actions but thoughts) are a crime.

Thought Crime, because they just don't like what you stand for, so they have to Demonize it and Criminalize Differences of Opinion.

When you have a mindset that everyone and everything that opposes you is an insidious evil plot to promote "inequality" and "privilege" then every unpatriotic, seditious, treasonous action you commit, makes you a Martyr, and not a seditious viper. You become a Jihadist, a Social Justice Warrior.

The Terrorist does not see himself as a terrorist. The Usurper who illegitimately works to upset a Democratic Election, does not see himself as a mole, or a sapper or a Traitor to his country. He is loyal to his radical ideology. He sees himself as a noble warrior trying to tear down everything in his path that is preventing him from promoting his agenda.

This is why silly things as "Free Speech" need to be opposed by them. This is why silly things such as "Due Process" are obstacles to their success. Things like the right to privacy, the right to bear arms, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion are old outdated, encumbrances to their idea of achieving Utopia.

Utopia and Dissent are in opposition to each other, ALWAYS. Utopia implies Consent, even if that Consent is a forced Consent. NO ONE DISSENTS or has an Opinion in a UTOPIA. And in the end, it always is, FORCED CONSENT. Orwell's novel, 1984 showed us that. You can oppress all, but you cannot extinguish their yearning to be free.

But For a Leftist, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and if you disagree, why, if they cannot at first bludgeon you with innuendo, accusations and slander, they will attack you in the courts, and if they cannot win there, we all know what comes next from such people.

Violence becomes Just in the eyes of the Ideological Ego.


It's not just the democrats, the Republican Establishment has been walking hand in hand with their Progressive brothers toward the Orwellian nightmare we're presently living.
They need exposed too. And they need to have challengers face them in an election and replace them in The Legislature.
Trump is right....Both Jacob Frey and Melvin Carter are total lightweights.

“This is an outrageous abuse of power by a liberal mayor (Frey) trying to deny the rights of his own city’s residents just because he hates the President. People want to hear from their President, and no mayor looking to beef up his resume for a run for higher office should stand in the way.” -- Brad Parscale, Trump reelection campaign’s manager
Those slimy, communist, socialist, morally bankrupt Democrats are smearing Republicans! How reprehensible of them to smear American politicians! They have shown themselves to be unworthy because they're smearing!
Call us when you call out Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Jerry Nadler for wiping their asses with The Constitution and for being engaged in Pathological Lying and Fake Scandal Peddling.

If you read what I wrote and came away with "this is about smearing GOP Politicians" you are hopelessly lost.

It's about stopping Lady Liberty from being toppled from her base, like The Left has toppled so many other monuments to anything they disagree with, and do not want to discuss, or even remember.

If they aren't busy revising history, they are busy revising facts, and busy always revising The Narrative and moving back The Goalposts.
Is'nt impeachment explained in the constitution? Are presidents above any and all investigations? Or just the presidents you agree with?

Can a president committ any crime just because he is president?

Why can you read the second amendment but not the rest of the document?
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Those slimy, communist, socialist, morally bankrupt Democrats are smearing Republicans! How reprehensible of them to smear American politicians! They have shown themselves to be unworthy because they're smearing!
Call us when you call out Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Jerry Nadler for wiping their asses with The Constitution and for being engaged in Pathological Lying and Fake Scandal Peddling.

If you read what I wrote and came away with "this is about smearing GOP Politicians" you are hopelessly lost.

It's about stopping Lady Liberty from being toppled from her base, like The Left has toppled so many other monuments to anything they disagree with, and do not want to discuss, or even remember.

If they aren't busy revising history, they are busy revising facts, and busy always revising The Narrative and moving back The Goalposts.
Is'nt impeachment explained in the constitution? Are presidents above any and all investigations? Or just the presidents you agree with?

Can a president committ any crime just because he is president?

Why can you read the second amendment but not the rest of the document?
What Crime was Committed?

You and your party of America hating zealots do not even need a crime as a reason to attack our democracy and elections.

The Democrat Party has been wasting taxpayer's money and our time doing nothing while they have been investigating The President 24-7 since he won the Election in 2016 and threatening impeachment, despite the fact that he has yet to have been found committing a single crime after 3 years in office.

You are proof of bias, and your party's endless stream of so called "investigations" are really attempts at bureaucratic COUPS and Obstruction, and your so called "Subpoena Cannon" is further proof that you are an Impeachment in search of a Crime for which you cannot find.

We used to hang people like that for Treason. We should do it again.

Stick your "Insurance Policy" up your ass.

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